Today's Agenda

Today’s Agenda:
May 26, 2011
Journal Questions:
a. What is a Phylum?
b. What is Taxonomy and why is it important?
1. *Lecture I: Characteristics of Animals
(Slide 45)
2. Bring headphones to next class for virtual frog
dissection in library on Tuesday.
-Field Trip next week….Sorry, too late to sign up.
3. Film on Invertebrates
4. Group Projects on phylum categories: Pick a phylum
that you are interested in.
By Dr. Rick Woodward
Damn You Sharktopus!!!
Recall that taxonomy is a classification system:
Characteristics of Animals
A. You should be familiar with the nine
common phyla and representative animals
of each.
B. On your next exam, you match the phyla to
the representative animal.
C. We shall go from the least evolutionary
complex animal to the most evolutionary
complex animal.
Nine Common Animal Phyla
Invertebrates versus Vertebrates
A. Invertebrates are primitive and lack the
bones that make up the spinal
column/vertebral column
(You were just tested on the vertebrae levels
in your skeleton)
B. Vertebrates have a spinal column made up
of bone. (Evolutionarily more complex)
1. Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacral, Coccyx
Different Types of Symmetry
in Nature
A. Symmetry is…
Phyla that are Underwater
Top 5 Worst Beaches in L.A.
The Ten Worst Beaches in California as of 5/26/2011
(Source: Heal the Bay 2011)
1. Cowell Beach (Santa Cruz) – I went to school there.
2. Avalon Harbor Beach (Catalina)
3. Cabrillo Beach
4. Topanga State Beach
5. Poche Beach
*These are the most polluted beaches in the state.
Based on fecal bacteria pollution concentrations.
The Amazing World of Sponges
A. Phylum: Porifera – Sponges
B. Characteristics:
(1) No nerve or muscle
(2) Sessile (They do not move)
(3) Filter nutrients from water drawn in
through a central cavity called the
(4) Can spontaneously regenerate!
Phylum Porifera –Sponges-
Phylum –Porifera- Sponges
A. Radial Symmetry
Phylum: Cnidarians –Hydra & Jellyfish
A. Phylum: Cnidarians –Hydra & Jellyfish
B. Characteristics:
(1) Body Plan: polyp (vase shaped), sessile
(attached) or medusa (upside down bowl
(2) All have stinging cells (cnidocytes)
containing stingers which are call
A. Polyp
B. Medusa
A. Stinging Cells (cnidocytes)
(Greek word “knide” = nettle)
B. Stingers (nematocysts)
Immobilize Prey
Portuguese Man of War
Lion’s Mane Jelly
Jellyfish Stings
Treatment for Jellyfish Stings
Rinse with seawater. Avoid fresh water because it will increase
pain. Do not rub the wound or apply ice to it.
For classic box jellyfish stings, apply topical acetic acid
(vinegar) or isopropyl alcohol.
Remove tentacles with tweezers.
Apply shaving cream or a paste of baking soda or mud to the
wound. Shave the area with a razor or knife and then reapply
vinegar or alcohol. The shaving cream or paste prevents
nematocysts that have not been activated from discharging
toxin during removal with the razor.
Immobilize the extremity because movement may cause the
venom to spread.
Hydrocortisone cream may be applied 2-3 times daily to
relieve itching. Discontinue immediately if any signs of
infection appear.
Platyhelminthes – Tapeworms
A. Phylum: Platyhelminthes (Flatworms
including Tapeworms
B. Characteristics:
(1) Solid body with no room for true
digestive or respiratory systems.
(2) Can exchange nutrients and waste
through diffusion with the
(3) Adult tapeworms (parasitic) can be
as long as 5 -10 meters in length. They
attach to the walls of your intestines.
How to lose weight in the 1800’s
Phylum: Nematodes - Roundworms
A. Phylum: Nematodes –Roundworms
B. Characteristics:
(1) Unsegmented worms with bilateral
(2) Many are parasitic –Trichinella causes
trichinosis, which is contracted by eating
uncooked pork.
Your Friend The Guinea Worm
The Guinea Worm
A. The Guinea worm is now leaving your body.
Bilateral Symmetry
A. Bilateral Symmetry – Mirror images if cut in
half – directly down the center of the
A. This disease is caused by eating
undercooked pork products.
Phylum: Annelids – Segmented Worms
A. Phylum: Annelids – Segmented Worms- like
Earthworms and Leeches.
B. Characteristics:
(1) Bilateral symmetry
(2) Crop & Gizzard for Digestive System.
(3) Nephridia for excretion of nitrogen wastes and
urea (Recall: The Nephron)
(4) Closed Circulatory System (five pairs of aortic
(5) Blood contains hemoglobin and carries oxygen.
(6) Diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide through
moist skin.
Phylum – Annelids – Segmented Worms
A. Crop & Gizzard for Digestion
Phylum: Annelids – Segmented Worms
Leeches: Suck Blood
(1) Leeches in medicine used in the treatment
of thromboses, phlebitis, furuncles, and
The Practice of Medicine
A. 16th-century woodcut, depicting medical
treatment of a skin disease and blood
letting, by barber surgeons in a barber
Phylum: Mollusks
A. Phylum Mollusks include: Squids,
Octopuses, Slugs, Clams, and Snails
B. Second Largest animal phylum
C. Mollusk Characteristics:
(1) Soft body often protected by a hard
calcium carbonate shell.
(2) Open circulatory system
(3) Bilateral Symmetry
Phylum Mollusks
(4) Three distinct body zones:
I. Head-foot
II. Visceral Mass
III. Mantle
Phylum Mollusks
(5) Most have a radula, which is a movable,
tooth-bearing structure. Acts like a tongue.
Phylum Arthropods: Insecta
(Grasshopper), Crustacea
(Shrimp, Crab) Arachnida
A. Characteristics: Jointed Appendages.
(1) Segmented into head, thorax,
Crustacea: Crab & Shrimp
Arachnidia (Spiders)
Enchinoderms (Spiny Skin) –
Sea Stars (Starfish) & Sea
A. Most are sessile (attached) and slow
B. Bilateral Symmetry as an embryo, radial
symmetry as an adult.
C. Tube feet for locomotion.
Tube Feet on Sea Stars
Phylum: Chordates – Fish,
Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds,
A. Chordates have a notochord (an internal
skeletal rod that provides support).
Characteristics of Mammals
A. Mothers nourish their babies with milk
from mammary glands.
B. They have fur.
C. Endotherms (warm-blooded )
Phylum Project Posters
Next Class Agenda: June 2011
1. Film “Ocean Animals”
2. Diversity of Animals “Posters & Presentations”
A. Find someone to work with (2-3 people per group)
B. Select an animal category (first come basis)
C. Grab a textbook from the back of the room and
materials to create your poster.
D. Follow Instructions on handout and create your poster
E. Phylum presentations