
InstaSecure Smartphone Security User Manual
For Activation - Refer to installation guide.
Menu Options
1) Arcane Scan: Quickly scans your mobile device while keeping power consumption low.
Scans installed apps, memory cards, USB OTG devices and pre-installation apps.
a) System Scan: Scans and cleans installed applications for all kinds of threats.
Stop Scan: Interrupts ongoing scanning after user confirmation.
b) Data Scan: Scans and cleans external memory for all kinds of threats.
Stop Scan: Interrupts ongoing scanning after user confirmation.
Note: Pressing “back” key on the device during “Arcane scan” will enable scanning in
background and you can work with any other app. Upon completion of the scan, result will be
2) Anti-Theft: Anti-theft is a complete anti-theft application, the best protection you can get to
recover your misplaced, lost or stolen Android device.
a) Hooter Alarm: Setting for remote alarm trigger.
Vibrate: Enable/Disable device vibrate when hooter is activated.
ii) Alarm Duration: Defines the duration of alarm in seconds.
b) Remote Screen Lock: Setting for remote screen locking.
Note: This feature requires granting of device administrator rights to InstaSecure
Smartphone Security. Press “Activate” to provide the same.
Default Password: Choose what password will be used to lock the device.
1. This feature requires granting of device administrator rights to InstaSecure Smartphone
Security. Press “Activate” to provide the same.
2. Default password can be known by calling the CareAndro support center.
c) Remote Data Flush: Setting for erase all data on the device remotely.
Wipe SD Card: Tap to confirm data deletion from sd card.
d) Cloud Backup: Setting for cloud backup.
Backup Call Logs
Backup SMS Logs: Tap to confirm whether to include SMS log in backup.
ii) Backup Call Log: Tap to confirm whether to include call log in backup.
e) Locate: Setting for locking, locating, tracking device remotely.
Stop Tracking SMS: Whether to lock device with default lock password.
ii) Lock Device: Tap to enable device lock with default lock password upon locate.
iii) Enable Geocoded Response: Tap to confirm formatting of location address.
iv) Location Update Interval: Choose how often to have location provider attempt to get
a more accurate location from the device being tracked.
Note: A lower time will drain more battery on device.
v) Location Minimum Distance: Choose the minimum distance of change the location
service will trigger an update for.
Security Settings: Manage InstaSecure smartphone security.
Hotspot Service: Tap to enable/disable hotspot service.
ii) Sneak-Peak: Tap to enable/disable sneak-Peak.
iii) Remove Device As Admin: Allows you to directly uninstall InstaSecure Smartphone
iv) Backup Phone Number: Backup number that will be utilized for new SIM card change
notification, receiving Anti-theft SMS based commands and InstaCare Hot Stop
Note: SMS based commands are as follows:
a. Hooter alarm SMS command: Insta alarm
b. Remote phone lock SMS command: Insta lock
c. Remote data wipe SMS command: Insta wipe
d. Remote phone backup SMS command: Insta data
e. Remote phone locate SMS command: Insta locate
v) Install Antivirus: Install InstaSecure Smartphone Security to system.
Note: This feature requires root.
g) Accepted SIMs: Define SIM white List.
3) App Locker: App locker protects selected apps from unauthorized access whenever
someone tried to access the protected apps. Only upon activation of the App locker, user
can gain access to the protected apps by tapping dialog box and entering a secret PIN.
Note: By default App locker service is disabled.
a) Preference
App locker Service: To activate/deactivate App locker Service tap on the menu item.
ii) Edit Password: Assign a new app unlocking password.
Note: By default App locker password is “1234”.
iii) Relock Policy: To enable relock timeout policy tap on the menu item.
iv) Relock Timeout: Sets time in minutes before the app is relocked.
b) Black List: Displays list of installed apps that can be locked.
Defaults: Automatically select important applications (package installer, settings) for
ii) Block All: Will block all the applications.
iii) Allow All: Will unblock all the applications.
Note: 1. Customize app locking can be done by tapping on the app icons.
2. If App locker service is enabled InstaSecure will be locked by default.
4) Call/SMS Block: Blocks the disturbing calls and sms’s based in black list.
Note: By default call blocking service is disabled.
a) Activate Call blocking Service: To activate sms/call blocking tap on “Activate Call
blocking Service”. To declare black list numbers tap on “View Black List”
b) Deactivate Call blocking Service: To deactivate sms/call blocking tap on “Deactivate
Call blocking Service”.
c) View Black List: To add numbers to black list from phone contact list tap on “Add
contacts to blacklist” and select. You can also add the unknown numbers by typing on
dialer pad.
Black List: You can individually set/reset call/sms blocking for selected number or you
can remove the number from the black list
Note: Viewing black list requires stopping the call blocking service.
d) Check Log: Displays list of blocked calls and sms’s, also allows you to call or delete the
blocked number.
Note: Viewing log requires stopping the call blocking service.
5) Device Tuner: Includes a host of features like Memory Booster, Task Manager, Application
Manager and Traffic Monitor.
a) Application Manager: Manages apps installed on the device.
Note: To toggle between user applications and all applications tap on the title bar.
All Applications: Displays list of system as well as user applications. Tapping on
applications icon displays the following menu.
(1) Uninstall: Will uninstall the application with user confirmation.
(2) Run: Will launch the application.
(3) Share: Will allow you to share the applications to other users.
ii) User Applications: Displays list of user applications. Tapping on applications icon
displays the following menu.
(1) Uninstall: Will uninstall the application with user confirmation.
(2) Run: Will launch the application.
(3) Share: Will allow you to share the applications to other users.
b) Memory Booster: Memory Booster speeds up the device as well as prevents battery
Cleanup Cache: Scans, identifies and displays apps and its cache size. Tap on the
delete icon to clear the cache.
Note: This feature requires root.
c) Task Manager: Speeds up the phone by killing apps running in the background.
Displays list of total running processes and free memory. By default only user processes
are displayed.
Cleanup: To clean up/ kill any process, tap on the running process and tap on the
cleanup button.
(1) Permission List: To view the permission list of the process long press the line
item. Further long pressing the permission list item gives the brief definition of
the granted permission.
ii) Cleanup Settings: Manage process display settings.
(1) Cleanup Settings: Hide or display System Processes.
d) Traffic Monitoring: Keeps track of mobile data usage.
e) Optimizer: Optimizes RAM and increases performance.
6) Virus Protection: Defends from all types of malware and threats by real-time scanning
without interrupting as the antivirus scan runs in the background.
a) Update: Applies latest updates from InstaSecure server.
Note: Requires active internet connection.
b) Scan Settings: Defines actions to be performed when virus is found. By default Scan
setting is set to Repair.
c) Virus Protection: Enables or disables active scanning.
d) Quarantine: Defines the period in number of days before deleting quarantined files.
7) InstaCare Hot Spot
a) Inner-circle Menu
Personal Safety Assistance:
(1) InstaCare Safety Assistance: In case of emergency, tap on the InstaCare hotspot
and then on Personal Safety Assistance icon. This will lock the smartphone and
Send SMS, MMS and location to your backup number.
Note: Requires active internet connection on SIM card, GPS ON and SMS balance.
(2) Facebook Integration: Auto post emergency message, picture, video and mic
recording to your facebook wall.
Note: Requires active internet connection, GPS ON and active Facebook account.
ii) Optimizer: Optimizes RAM and increases performance from the home screen.
b) Outer-circle Menu
Insta Scan: Quickly scans your mobile device from the home screen
ii) Update: Applies latest updates from InstaSecure server.
Note: Requires active internet connection.
iii) Call/SMS Block: Launches Call/SMS blocking feature.
iv) App Locker: Launches App locker feature.
8) Actionbar Menu
a) License Info: Displays license information, virus database details and expiry date. User
can also update virus database signatures from InstaSecure server by tapping “Update
Note: Requires active internet connection.
b) Reports: Displays scan and update Reports
Scan Report: Displays scan history. Tapping on line item will display detailed
ii) Update Report: Displays update history. Tapping on line item will display detailed
c) Register: For details please refer User Guide
Free Trial: Registers full functioning application for limited period.
Note: Insurance coverage is not provided for this activation type.
ii) Activate: Registers full functioning application for 1 year.
Note: Insurance coverage will be activated after completing the user profile from client
iii) Renew: Renews application license and insurance for next year.
iv) Reactivate: Allows you to reactivate/transfer existing license on another device.
1. Insurance coverage shall cease to exist upon reactivation.
2. Reactivation requires deactivation from previously installed device.
v) Deactivate: Allows you to deactivate existing license.
Note: Insurance coverage shall cease to exist upon deactivation.
d) Support: Provides CareAndro support information.
e) EULA: InstaSecure End user agreement.
General Notes:
a) Notifications displayed:
Status of Scanning New Application While Installation
ii) Registration Reminder.
b) Sneak Peek: Emails the selfie of the person attempting to unlock the device to the
registered Email ID
Installation Guide, User Manual and FAQ are provided for detailed information on how to
use InstaSecure Smartphone Security. We ensure that our Installation Guide and User
Manual are complete and latest enhancement of the product.
Lost Device Protection Portal
Remote Device Monitoring and Control (RDM & C) Service helps you to monitor your stolen /
lost device(s) and control your confidential contents.
Enter your registered email ID and password to login into Lost Device Protection Portal
Click on icons to control your lost device remotely as follows:
Hooter Alarm: Remotely trigger an alarm on your device.
Remote Lock: In case the device is lost or stolen lock the device remotely.
Remote Wipe: In case the device is lost or stolen erase all data on the device remotely.
Cloud Backup: Takes a cloud backup of your confidential data.
Location Tracker: Track the exact location of your stolen/lost device on Google map.
Click on Generate CIN (Claim Identification Number) button to lodge an insurance claim.
Only one CIN can be generated at a time. CIN types are as follows:
Protection against damage caused by Fire, Lightening.
Protection against damage caused by Theft and Burglary.
3. PHYSICAL DAMAGE (Includes damage due to liquid)
Protection against damage caused by Accident, Liquid etc.
Protection against damage caused by Riots, Strikes or Malicious Acts.
Fortuitous circumstances in knowledge of insured.
Protection against Flood, Hurricane, Storm, Tempest, Typhoon, Earthquakes etc.
To know the status of your CIN click on Track CIN button and enter your CIN.