July 28, 2009

TASFAA Board Meeting
July 28-29, 2009
Wyndham – Love Field
Dallas, TX
Members and Committee Chairs Present: Rick Renshaw, Carolyn Jones, Lisa Blazer, David
Ximenez, Tia Clary, Ed Turney, Amy Hardesty, Lyn Wheeler, Mari Chapa, Jackie Stevens, Kay
Mooney, Enrique Garcia, Dana Mingo, Raul Lerma
Guests: Kim Alexander, Gary Rodgers, Mike Novak
Not Present: Richard Silva, Jimmy Parker, Tomas Campos, Alan Ahmad, Lea Davidson, Marci
Beasley, Kathy Bassham, Melissa Elliott, Laura Elizondo, Wes Vanderburg, Linda GonzalezHensgen, Terri Thompson, Rick Moreno
Rick called the meeting to order at 12:45 p.m.
President’s Report
Rick Renshaw
Rick talked about getting through the legislative session and stated that we faired pretty well in
the state legislative session since we received additional funding. There were not many changes
with the statutes. A few things did come out of the legislature and one is the process for the
Education Aide Exemption Program. Rick asked if we had the chance to set in on the webinars.
There are some changes with the process and coordinating with the teacher’s association. An
extension has been issued for August 28th. This will be a topic at the CB training on August 12th.
The other thing that came up was the JET Program – Jobs and Education for Texas. The
Controller’s Office will be in charge of the funding. This program is for junior/community colleges
and technical colleges. The Controller wants to have this program in place by October. Student
eligibility the statue states that they must show need and they must be enrolled in an approved
tech program. The controller added all the other requirements that they must be permanent/legal
resident in the US and defined five different ways to determine financial need. They also added
that the scholarship can only be used to pay tuition and fees and it must be on a reimbursement
basis. We also must know if they received any other JET money from outside agencies. Rick will
work on submitting some changes to the proposal based upon the feedback he received. The CB
did not have any information about this program. There is about $17 million for this program –
some will go to non-profit organizations for developing programs and $2.5 million will go into
scholarships for students at community colleges. Rick will continue to monitor the progress in this
program and be sure we have some input in this program. This fund will have to be reported on
the CB Database Report since it is a grant.
Rick then discussed the federal issues and the President’s proposal to eliminate the FFELP
program. There were several sessions at NASFAA that were well attended regarding this topic.
If there is a hybrid program or direct lending is the only option, there may be a call for help for
those of us that are not direct lending schools. Be sure to submit comments on the NPRM during
the comment period. The comment periods are very short. Rick will send out reminders about
submitting comments on the list serve. Rick continues to contact representatives/congressional
delegation but is not sure how this will affect the decisions. Phil Day is no longer president for
NASFAA but Joni is working hard to fill this position. Rick will let us know if she asks for our help.
NASFAA’s proposal for changing the de-centralized training was discussed at a breakfast
meeting on Tuesday morning during the conference. Rick was vocal on the pricing and how it
was being presented in multiple sections. Rick talked to Joni about these issues and she told him
if we had a better suggestion for the pricing, she would be willing to listen and present it to the
Department of Education. Rick shared the proposal and discussed that if an individual can
access the training he was not sure why the state associations would be involved. He would like
us to review the proposal to see if there was a way to have the state associations as an important
part of the training.
The deadline for the nominations and elections had been pushed back since Desiree had to
resign the position due to son’s illness. Laura Elizondo took over as the chair but ended up
having her baby early. Carolyn and Karen helped get the information out to the list serve and we
are extending the due date to July 31st for the submission of the applications. The scholarship
application information was sent out today to the list serve by Veronica and the due date will be
extended as well due to getting the information out a little late.
President’s Report
July 2009
State Issues
The regular legislative session and the special session ended with no surprises for financial aid bills. In general, the state
financial aid programs fared pretty well this time around with significant funding increases in major state programs and very
little tinkering with the statutes of those programs. Two of the most challenging financial aid bills that came out of this session
dealt with a change in the processing of Educational Aide Exemptions and the creation of the Jobs and Education for Texas
(JET) Program. The Coordinating Board will address the changes to the Ed Aide Exemption Program in their report later in this
meeting. The JET program is a funded grant project being administered through the state comptroller’s office for technical
training at community colleges and non-profit organizations. I have been asked to review the draft proposal for the JET
Scholarship part of the program. The Comptroller plans to roll this out by the first of October. I will be in a conference call this
Thursday with staff from her office to work on difficulties with their proposal.
Federal Issues
Most of us are familiar with the proposals that are on the table for eliminating FFELP and moving to 100% FDLP in Fall 2010.
If you read the TG Legislative updates from George Torres each month, you can keep up with the latest information about that
process. The House Committee released its endorsement of the president’s proposal the same time that NASFAA gathered for
its annual meeting -- interesting timing. While it is not absolutely clear how this will eventually unfold, ED is moving forward
as quickly as possible to get schools into the FDLP now. I continue to contact our state Congressional delegation to advocate for
a better solution that 100% FDLP. Please note that the Feds are issuing NPRMs right now related to the last round of Neg Reg
sessions. If you have comments that you want to provide to ED, please pay careful attention to the deadlines for comments and
please share your insight with ED.
I attended the State and Regional Presidents Breakfast at NASFAA on Tuesday of the annual conference. We only had one
agenda item to discuss and that was the NASFAA proposal to move from a de-centralized to a centralized training model. I
asked the NASFAA officers and Regional training committee leaders to review the proposal and provide feedback prior to the
NASFAA meeting. The plan that NASFAA is moving forward will essentially cut the state and regional associations out of the
loop. We discussed briefly at the May meeting. It is much clearer now that their proposal, as it currently exists, will not work
with our associational structure. We will discuss further with the Regional Training report.
Committee Updates
At the last meeting we voted to extend the deadline for nominations and elections from May 31 to June 30 since our committee
chair Desiree Kornrum-Byrne had to resign due to a family illness. The vice-chair, Laura Elizondo, was appointed to replace
Desiree. At the time I was not aware that Laura was in late term pregnancy. Laura did an admirable job in trying to get the
nomination form ready for the cycle but this did not happen in time to meet the June 30 deadline. Therefore, I authorized an
extension of the deadline to July 31 after consulting with the other officers. Laura notified me while I was at NASFAA that she
was probably going to have her baby early and needed help with the nominations. Carolyn Jones stepped in and worked with
Caren Stewart, her vice chair, who has a report for us later in this meeting to update us on the progress. We will need to have a
called meeting by e-mail to approve a candidate slate in order to set a timeline prior to the conference.
Vice President’s Report
David Ximenez
David reviewed his report for the meeting agenda for today and tomorrow. The partner reports
will be this afternoon. CB and ATLE will not be here today. David did not hear from ICUT as to
whether they would attend the meeting.
Agenda and Scheduling
Meeting starts with a Deli Buffet
Cookies, brownies and soft drinks will be provided at 3:00 today
Dinner tonight at Uncle Julio’s – 4125 Lemmon – (214)520-6620. Meet in the Lobby at 6:30.
Breakfast buffet served tomorrow at 8:00
The following have rooms on our Master Bill: Carolyn Jones & Mari Chapa, Tia Clary & Amy Hardesty, Kay Mooney, Ed
Turney, Henry Garcia, Rick Moreno,
The following are self-pay: Lyn Wheeler
Committee Reports
A lot of reports were not submitted.
Carolyn Jones
Carolyn discussed the retreat for the new committee chairs that will be held tomorrow after the
board meeting ends. She invited anyone who would like to attend to stay around. Early
Awareness and Training Committees will need to start working on next year pretty quickly. She
has also been working with the nomination and elections committee to get the information out on
the website. Carolyn also worked with Alan to get the Volunteer Form up and running on the
website as well. She hopes to have it up on the website by August 1 st. Rick asked if the
Committee Chairs were set for next year and Carolyn confirmed that they were in order.
President Elect
July 21, 2009
Planning has been done and the new committee chairs will attend a retreat Wednesday July 29, 2009. The retreat will be held directly
after the board meeting at the Wyndham. Anyone who will be on the board next year is welcome to attend if their schedule permits.
I have been working with Caren Stewart – the vice chair for the Nominations and elections Committee. The nominations page is up
and running on the TASFAA Website and I ask all board members to try to find at least one person to nominate for a leadership
position. Because of the late posting it is imperative we get a good slate of candidates the first go round.
Past President and Planning & Evaluation Committee Reports
Lisa Blazer
Lisa visited about the Attorney General Code of Conduct update. There was no new information
to report. Joe Pettibon is going to meet with his general counsel since they are the two schools
who signed it. She has not heard back from their general counselor. She is hoping this will give
them some new ammunition to use now that the legislative session is over there will be some
progress made on this issue.
Lisa also surveyed the organization about training opportunities. There were 60 respondents to
the survey. The survey was to help determine what the needs were for schools. The survey
showed that new regulations, nuts & bolts, professional development were all important. The
survey then asked about specific areas of the new regulations, nuts & bolts (verification and
professional judgment were the top two), and professional development. The Coordinating Board
would be glad to help with the regional trainings. Lisa asked should we offer break-out sessions
to offer something for directors, advisors, etc. and have something for everyone. Now we will
need to figure out what to do with all the data and see what direction we should go with the
February 2009
Attorney General Code of Conduct update:
No new information regarding UT System’s contact with the Attorney General. I spoke with Joe Pettibon from Texas A&M during
the NASFAA conference and is going to speak to their General Counsel to see if they would be willing to speak with the Attorney
General as well to have the code of conduct match the federal regulations.
TASFAA Training Survey Update:
We conducted a brief survey to find out what the community would like to see with regards to training offered by TASFAA. This
information will hopefully be helpful as we look to change our Regional Training (with the changes NASFAA has proposed for
Decentralized Training) and potentially look at our other training opportunities as well. There were 60 respondents to the survey.
Please see the attached report for more information.
The highest percentage of institution type that responded to the survey was 2-year publics, followed closely by 4-year publics. 49.2%
of the respondents were Directors, followed by 21.3% Financial Aid Counselors and 18% Associate/Assistant Directors. The
percentages were spread evenly between 11-15 years and 16-20 years of experience. The percentages were 33% for each of the
following types of training that should be offered during regional training: New Regulations, Nuts & Bolts and Professional
Development, which leads us to the assumption that we should offer it all. More specific information is included in the following
charts and graphs per question.
Please select the type of institution where you are currently employed.
Answer Options
2 Year Public
2 Year Private
4 Year Public
4 Year Private
For Profit
If Other (please specify)
answered question
skipped question
Response Count
Please select the position title that best describes your job.
Answer Options
Director of Financial Aid
Associate/Assistant Director of Financial Aid
Program Coordinator
Financial Aid Counselor/Officer
Lender Representative
Response Count
answered question
skipped question
Please select your appropriate years working in financial aid.
Answer Options
Less than 1 year
1-5 years
6-10 years
11-15 years
16-20 years
21-24 years
25+ years
Response Count
answered question
skipped question
What percentage of the regional training should be devoted to the following training
topics (total must equal 100%).
Answer Options
New Regulations
Nuts & Bolts/Processing
Professional Development
Other (please specify)
Response Count
answered question
skipped question
What new regulatory areas listed below would you like to see available at the
Regional Training Sessions? Please select 5:
Answer Options
New Veterans Benefits
New Independency Questions
HEOA Updates
HEA Updates
Texas Legislative
Student Loan Updates
New Consumer Disclosure Requirements
New State Programs/Changes
CCRAA Updates
New Cohort Default Rate Calculations
Response Count
answered question
skipped question
What nuts & bolts/Processing areas listed below would you like to see available at
the Regional Training Sessions? Please select 8:
Answer Options
Counseling Students
Staff Meetings
Return of Title IV (R2T4)
Professional Judgment
Outreach Programming
Awarding Students
Disbursing Financial Aid
Calculating the EFC
Student Eligibility
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Customer Service
Using Electronic Media
FAA Access
Policies & Procedures Manual
Coping with Audits
Campus-Based Programs
Financial Literacy
Response Count
answered question
skipped question
What professional development areas listed below would like to see available at
the Regional Training Sessions? Please select 8:
Answer Options
Team Building
Time Management
Customer Service
Presentation Skills
Networking with Colleagues
Dealing with Change
Conflict Management
Interpreting Data
Goal Setting/Personal & Professional
Hiring & Recruitment
Strategic Planning
Stress Management
Work/Life Balance
Skill Assessment
Response Count
answered question
skipped question
Treasurer’s Report
Tia Clary
Tia discussed the Budget v. Actual report and stated that there has not been much change since
the last board meeting. She discussed the NAOW payments and discussed that all payments
have been collected. One payment was received after the report was printed. She stated that
the expenses had not changed much. Tia also discussed the Mack Adams Scholarship and the
expenses for the NAOW. Lisa stated that we were already over budget for training and we have
not gotten to the ABC training yet. She stated that we were under in Regional Training. Rick
asked about charges for the training for NAOW and asked if the board charges were included in
the training line item. Tia stated that all of the charges were paid from the NAOW budget
because she did not receive a breakdown of the expenses. David stated that he had received an
invoice but he was not sure what one of the items was on the invoice. Rick stated that the checks
were not received when originally sent and Tia had to stop payment and reissue the checks. Rick
thought we had taken care of all invoices. David stated that he knew that there were some
expenses for the board. Rick thinks part of the reason we are over in that line item would be
because of the board charges for the room. Tia will check to see if the invoice showed a
breakdown of the expenses. David said the room and the breaks should have been invoiced
separately. David thinks everything was collapsed into the NAOW bill. Tia then went over the
Balance Sheet and stated that the ING investments were not included in the balance sheet. Tia
used funds from ING in the amount of $15,000 to help pay the bill for NAOW. ING sold some
positions to help cover this check. Gary will go over this when he makes his presentation. Rick
asked if Tia had gotten the signatures for the audit report. Tia passed out the audit report and
stated that it is a good report. It is a summary of the cash at the beginning of the year, cash
receipts, expenses and the ending balance for the year. Tia went over the information that was
included in the report. Tia asked if Harold will need the information for the annual report and Rick
stated that it does need to be sent to Harold. Tia will submit the report to Harold. She also has
the tax return if anyone would like to review it.
Budget vs. Actuals: Fiscal Year 2009 - FY09 P&L
November 2008 - October 2009
$ Over Budget
ABC Workshop Fees
Fall Conference Fees
Investment Revenue
New Aid Officers Workshop Fees
Regional Training Fee
Membership Dues
Total Income
Awareness & Partnership Development
Board of Directors
Annual Report Printing
Communications Network
Constitution and Bylaws
Database Services
Fall Conference Committee
Fall Conference-Current Year
Fall Conference-Prior Year
Nominations & Elections
President's Advisory Council
Finance Committee
High School Partnership Trng
Mack Adams Scholarship
President's Discretionary
Regional Training
Regional Training Committee
Scholarship Committee
Service Awards
Site Selection
Training Committee
President Elect
Rookie of the Year (Trailblazer Award)
Total Travel
Uncategorized Expenses
Total Expenses
Net Income
Monday, Jul 27, 2009 01:26:02 PM PDT GMT-7 - Cash Basis
Balance Sheet
As of July 27, 2009
Current Assets
Bank Accounts
Certificates of Deposit
Plains Capital Bank
Savings - Plains Capital Bank
Total Bank Accounts
Does not include ING
Monday, Jul 27, 2009 01:28:08 PM PDT GMT-7 - Cash Basis
Secretary/Historian Report
Amy Hardesty
Amy presented the minutes and discussed the inclusion of the email communication that took
place regarding the NAOW contract earlier in the year. Carolyn asked about the minutes from the
last TASFAA Conference and would like to see if we can post tentative or draft minutes until
approved. Rick would like to request that the P&P state that the procedure for posting draft
minutes be added. Carolyn also asked about the posting of the last board meeting minutes from
October, 2008. The minutes were received from Candice and will be posted to the website as
well. Rick stated that he asked me to submit a Historian report at the October meeting. Mari
asked that an update be made to the minutes regarding the purging of records. After this
correction has been made, the minutes will be posted to the website.
Partners Reports
Vickie Tanner
Vickie discussed the processing of loans during peak season. TG has also spent a lot of time
keeping up with HR3221.
Vickie reported that TG awarded more than $6.2 million in grants to 55 institutions and nonprofit
organizations. This does not include the $2 million that was awarded in the Charlie Wootan Grant
Vickie reported they TG received a 4.59 rating from the customer service survey that was
conducted this year in the spring. That was the highest rating that they have received and they
86% response rate.
Vickie went over TG’s upcoming meetings dates. TG asked for a list of additional members for
the Lender School Advisory Board. Rick submitted names to TG. ATLE was also asked to
submit candidates and an email was sent to the list serve to collect additional candidates. The
terms are for two years and candidates are asked to sign a form stating their institution allows
them to participate.
TG will be hosting webinars on IBR and Cash Management in the upcoming months. Vickie also
handed out information regarding the Financial Aid Leadership Symposium that will be held in
February. Last year’s symposium was canceled due to lack of participation. Vickie asked if the
board could help encourage participation in this program. Rick suggested making the attendance
to the symposium part of the award to the Trailblazer recipient. Vickie also reported that they
were still working on the dates for the phone bank and it is currently the same date as the
symposium – Tuesday and Wednesday of that week. Carolyn stated that she had talked to
someone that reported to her that it would be held each Tuesday and Wednesday for the entire
month of February. Vickie did ask that the board room be reserved for the TASFAA Board to use
on the 9th and 10th. David asked about the cost of the symposium and Vickie stated that the
$1000 fee covered – training, hotel and meals. Lyn and Lisa discussed the success of this
program for their employees. David asked if all of the trainers were from TG. Vickie stated that
many sessions will be conducted by TG employees and some outside speakers are also brought
in for the symposium.
Rick asked about lenders and servicers and the IBR. More information will be coming within the
next few weeks. Rick wondered about the amount of time needed to process the request.
Rick then asked about the CACI. It sounded like guarantors would not be a part of the default
process. He questioned the role of the guarantor and asked if the guarantor would have an
advisory role. Vickie stated that there are so many unknowns at this point.
Rick asked about the Community Colleges Advisory Council to see if they are still an active
group. The morning of October 6th the committee will be meeting prior to the conference.
TG Guarantor Update
July 28, 2009
Dallas, Texas
TG has experienced a relatively smooth peak season on loan guarantees at this stage. We had our largest guarantee
date on 7/21 with over 34 thousand loans totaling $168 million. The largest school volume for that day was DeVry
University with close to $49 million in loans guaranteed.
Our Executive Management Team and Legislative Relations have of course been spending a great deal of time on the
Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act (SAFRA) of 2009 also known as HR 3221. The Bill reflects many of the
same ideas presented by President Obama. Chairman Miller’s bill proposes to implement the Administration’s
recommendations to reform the federal student loan programs, simplify the FAFSA, establish a $600 million College
Access and Completion Innovation Fund (CACI) establish a $12 billion Community College Initiative Fund, and
increase the federal investment in the country’s historically black colleges and minority-serving institutions. The
introduction of HR 3221 is the first step in the legislative process and may take many turns and changes before its
conclusion this fall. While still evaluating the bill’s recommendations, it is important to note that the legislation
includes opportunities for a continuing role for guaranty agencies through the proposed CACI Fund. In that role,
guarantors, in alliance with other entities such as state agencies could bid in a competitive environment to do a
variety of things within their states. For example, they may provide families and students with information and
advice on financial literacy, financial aid, and student loans; offer quality student outreach; and help borrowers avoid
delinquency and defaults on student loans - many of the services TG already provides. It may be necessary over the
coming months for TG to solicit a recommendation from the TASFAA Board in support of our ability to perform
these tasks and if so, George Torres or Sue McMillin will contact you. We will continue to closely monitor the bill
and prepare for the bid competition as appropriate.
TG is very appreciative of schools who responded to our 2009 Spring Customer Satisfaction Survey (consolidated
into one sales and operational survey in 2009 instead of both spring and fall surveys). We were very pleased with an
86% response rate from both Texas & national school customers and the resulting 4.59/5.0 score. This is the highest
customer satisfaction score TG has ever received via surveys.
TG has awarded more than $6.2 million in competitive grants to 55 institutions and non-profit organizations to advance
access to college student retention, and educational research. This is the 5th consecutive year that TG awarded the
competitive grants through the Public Benefit Program which is the organizations philanthropic initiative. TG’s Public
Benefit Program is administered based solely on merit and need, and without regard to the business of TG or any form of
quid pro quo consideration. These figures do not include the $2 million awarded in the Charley Wootan Grant Program.
Key upcoming event and meeting dates include:
TG Lender School Advisory – Round Rock, August 4, 2009. The TG LSA Committees will meet at TG on August
4th. The draft agenda currently includes: Legislative Update, preparation for the annual TG Board Report from the
LSA, suggestions for new members (TG appreciates the TASFAA Board input), post NASFAA comments and
issues, TG product updates and plans, and breakout sessions for lenders and schools to discuss IBR and Award Year
10/11 school challenges.
TG Training Webinars
August 5 & August 20th 2009
September 17, 2009
Cash Management
TG Board of Directors Meeting – TG Round Rock Offices– September 10-11, 2009
TG Financial Aid Leadership Symposium – TG Round Rock – February 8-12, 2009; TG will appreciate the TASFAA
Board’s assistance to help make this event a success; Flyers were distributed to board members and several board
members acknowledged the value and success of the symposium.
TG FAFSA Telethon dates will not be finalized with television stations until January, 2010. However,
the event is planned for February, 2010. TG anticipates scheduling the event for three out of four weeks in February,
2010 and welcomes the TASFAA Board’s offer to participate by scheduling the TASFAA board meeting at TG on TW February 15-16 with Feb 9-10 as an alternative date.
ING Investments
Gary Rodgers
Gary reported that funds are beginning to gain earnings again. Gary went over the reports of the
portfolio. He will need some guidance on the withdrawal rate as he has some recommendations
that he would like to discuss.
Sell all of Brandywine Blue Fund (BLUEX) – Large Growth
Sell all of Cohen & Steers Dividend Value Fund A (DVFAX) – Large Blend
Buy $15,000 of Evergreen Omega A (EKOAX) – Large Growth
Buy $14,000 of Fairholme (FAIRX) – Large Blend
Buy $5,000 of United States Natural Gas (UNG) – Exchange – Traded Fund
He would not recommend putting more than 2% of the portfolio into the gas fund. He anticipates
that this fund may provide an increase of 40% by winter time. He feels Evergreen is a more
stable fund than Brandywine has been. Tia asked what was in the money market account. Gary
stated that $3808 was in the account and that with the purchase of these funds it would leave
approximately $1000 in the money market account. Rick stated that funds should start coming in
next week when registration is sent out on Monday. Tia stated that we are short $30,000 in our
budget plan. Rick stated if we put a contract out for the NAOW then that will be an additional
expense. He also asked about the training expenses and fees but Lisa stated that some of the
training will not take place until after the conference. She asked if we wanted to give her
authorization to close out a CD in the event that funds are needed and leave the investments as
they are. She asked about leaving funds in the CD’s since they are more secure or should we
leave the investments alone and hope that the earnings will come back up. Lyn asked what Gary
and Tia would recommend. Gary discussed that the organization has not lost any money in the
account since we still have more funds in the account than what was originally invested. Rick
thinks we should leave the investments alone since the economy is beginning to rebound.
Carolyn asked what the penalty would be for pulling money out of the CD’s. Tia stated that it
would not be very much depending on how many CD’s were liquidated. Lisa stated that funds
would not be needed until the conference rolls around. Lyn thought it would be good to let Tia
have the authority to use funds from the CD’s as needed. Gary discussed the selling of bonds
later on if Tia needed some cash and then we could reallocate the portfolio when needed. Gary
stated that the portfolio is a moderate one with a 50/50 stock/bond. Rick stated that we have to
keep a moderate portfolio. Rick stated that we may have to have some additional
recommendations for the portfolio in October.
Lyn moved that we accept Gary’s recommendation and to give Tia
authority to cash out some of the CD’s if monies are needed. David
seconded the motion. Motion passes.
Gary will make the trades and send confirmation to Tia when the transaction is complete.
Amanda Dickinson
A report was not available.
Mike Novak
Mike discussed the MPRM’s that are beginning to flow. The additional MPRN’s that came about
by NegReg will be out later this month. The community will have 30 days to respond, then the
Department will respond, and the final MPRM’s will be out November 1st followed by
implementation next July. The Department also announced another NegReg process – that will
cover SAP, Verification, HS Diploma, Incentive Compensation, Credit Hours, etc. Comments are
needed. This fall they will select negotiators and send them into action. They will negotiate this
fall, have the MPRM’s out in March and the final out in July. It won’t be affective for an additional
year. The Secretary may give authorization to implement at your discretion. Mike also discussed
Direct Loan webinars. Up until about seven months ago, the Department had no favorites
between – DL vs. FFELP. The Departments position has changed since they are a part of the
Administration. Before it was a neutral posture, but it has changed – pro DL. The webinars will
offer six sessions and they will be offered about six times between now and December when the
federal training is held in Nashville. They know that the FFELP lenders have offered very good
service and that one question that is on the minds of everyone is can the Department offer the
same type of service. Mike recommended that we check the IFAP website (What’s New) and
NASFAA website each day to keep up to date on the changes that are coming about. July 1,
2010 is the date that everyone will move to DL – it’s not if it will happen, they are saying prepare
for this date – it is the day the change will be made. Lyn asked if there had been any discussion
about schools that have summer as a trailer and how the summer loan will be processed. Mike
had not heard any of the discussion on that process yet. Mike discussed the Veterans Benefits to
see if everyone has removed them from aid packages. Mari asked about fees being covered and
waiting on a response from Raul. Mike mentioned a Dear Colleague letter that will cover the VA
changes. The intent of congress is that those benefits are invisible from their aid packages. VA
benefits for spouses and children are also excluded. ROTC, Army Continuing Education System,
Federal Tuition Assistance programs are not excluded. They are not considered VA benefits.
There is some discussion on the ROTC as to what will or won’t be excluded. The DC letter will
be coming soon. Active duty benefits count but Veterans benefits do not count. Mike then
discussed Year Round Pell Grant. In NegReg the thought was acceleration. There are two
different thoughts on what the purpose of year round Pell was intended - one thought was for
students who accelerate through their degree, the other thought was that this was to help
minorities who need help getting through school in four years. The Department will issue an
MPRN. Until regulations are final (July 1st next year at the earliest), schools must make a good
faith effort to comply with the law. Carolyn asked about summer Pell requiring at least half time
enrollment. Mike thought that the law states that the second year Pell required the half time
enrollment. Mike discussed ACG and SMART with the half time or more enrollment status,
grade-level and not having to check to be sure that the student is enrolled in at least one course
within their program of study. These are good changes. Mike then discussed program reviews
and stated that a program review guide is available on the IFAP website. Procedures – what you
say you do – does it equate to the law and do you do what you say you do – doing things right.
That is what a program review will do. The guide will give you information on the process. David
asked about an offsite program review and that TCC was selected due to having the highest rate
of change in the marital status. Offsite review means that there will just be an exchange of
information and to be sure there isn’t anything there that needs further review. There are some
things will trigger a program review and they are listed in the financial aid handbook. One of the
things that could trigger it would be professional judgment but with the current economy it will not
trigger a review. Program review is used to discover if there are problems and helping correct the
problem. The last item on Mike’s report was the emergency contact number for federallydeclared disaster. He asked that we be sure to keep that up to date and if we have not added
the information to be sure that we do that. Mike provided contact information for staff of the
Department of Education.
Mike also provided information about the Federal Student Aid Conference that will be held in
December in Nashville.
Rick asked about trainers and who can attend the fall conference. Washington was asking if the
Department would be doing the entire conference. Dana provided Mike with the top four sessions
– Year Round Pell, Moving from FFELP to DL, Direct Loan Servicing – working with schools, and
Simplifying the FAFSA. Mike stated that they were trying to use all sessions as a way to get all of
the trainers to come to the conference.
Lyn asked if someone would be hired to fill Dave’s spot. Mike stated that they hope to fill the
position but they can’t until after Dave retires.
FAFSA.gov is the new website for the FAFSA. ED was dropped from the address.
Henry asked about the ability to benefit test and if a student has to retake the entire test if they
don’t do well on one section. Rick answered and stated that they must retake the entire test.
Vickie asked about webinars and if they would provide that type of training for TG. She asked if
they were only able to travel to association conferences. Mike thought that was the expectation
at this time.
Dana asked about who would be attending and providing the update on the last day. Mike stated
that they have cut back on the face to face training but they all enjoy face to face. Mike also
stated if you need four trainers to be sure to ask for it. Mari asked about the two sessions on DL
and requested that the sessions be repeated so that all that want to attend can do so.
Carol McDonald
A report was not available.
Standing Committee Reports
Fall Conference
Dana Mingo
Dana gave an update on what the committee is working on. She discussed the boards that were
purchased that have the TASFAA logo and then you will insert the room information into the
board. The boards will need to be stored each year. The moderator will remove the session
information at the end of the session. The boards can be reused each year. They are also
getting a TASFAA Banner. They are working on the gifts to keep the gift price under $10 –
leather pad folios. She discussed the conference agenda and wants to have a fold out style
pocket agenda. She will work with David on getting the information regarding the board for the
handout. She discussed the evaluation and they will be using the paper forms since they are still
available. Next year, the evaluations could probably be online only. She provided a tentative
agenda. Participants wanted more presentations from the Department of Education. She will
send presentation info to Lisa for her to review to insure that they are accurate. Dana mentioned
that the registration process has not been placed on the web yet. Alan has been working with
ATAC to get the registration up by Monday. Dana stated that there are 149 rooms already
reserved at the Sheraton. The Hilton did not give her access to see how many rooms had been
reserved. Dana has 20 rooms reserved for board and staff. David will contact the board to find
out when we will arrive and what our room needs would be. Rick stated that board members will
be responsible for the room cost for Wednesday and Thursday night. Tuesday night cost will be
covered by TASFAA for the board. Dana discussed a few of the sessions that deal with VA
benefits, military friendly campus, a professional counselor will present on how to watch for signs
for veterans in distress. They are waiting to hear from the VA Office to give a presentation on the
new 911. She hopes to have all the sessions finalized by August 15 th so that they can work with
the printer. Dana discussed the meals along with the budget. There will be a DJ and she
discussed the opening speaker and those who will present at the closing session. They are going
to use Big Brother/Big Sisters and the Texas Rangers charity for our outreach. Exhibitors and
George Fern link will be in place for the vendors. Dana had a question about credit card
payments onsite. Tia stated that a computer was available for those to logon to pay with a credit
card. The Sheraton also needed a credit card form completed. Tia thought she had filled out part
of it and sent it on to Rick. Rick has it and will drop it off. Final payment for the ACC is due
August 6th. Rick stated that he thought we had already paid him. Tia knows that we sent two
checks. Rick stated one was for the current year and one for 2011. The total due is $9000 per
Rick. So we owe $4500 by August 6th. There is also $2000 payment for the drum café that is
needed. Dana also asked about a PO number for the gifts and Tia stated that we do not use a
PO system. If we use 850 total rooms, we would get $7000 back. Dana’s budget is $127,000
and currently running at $88,000. They are being very frugal especially when it comes to meals.
They were trying to keep the speaker and any other expenses below $10,000. Tia asked about
the board meeting on Wednesday evening. Carolyn stated that we could not have the meeting
on Thursday since the President’s reception is that night. Carolyn stated that we have a room
from 6:30-7:30 or we could have it before the President’s reception. Lyn thought that it would be
good to have it before the President’s reception. Carolyn asked if Dana could check to see if we
could get a room from 4:45-5:30 on Wednesday. The event on Thursday will be a sports theme
night – karaoke, DJ, favorite team jersey. Dana wants to get with the printer so that the program
will be ready by October 1st. Ed asked if help was needed with the registration. Dana will send
out a request for help. Dana is still working with Rangers and Cowboys to see if we can tour the
Carolyn Jones
Carolyn did not have a report but she has a finance calendar that she would like to have added to
the P&P. She received the CD maturity dates from Tia.
Rick asked if this could be added to the P&P as an addendum.
Mari made the motion to add the finance calendar as an addendum to the P&P.
Lyn seconded. The motion passes.
This calendar will be added to the P&P.
Tia asked what the cost will be for the board meeting today. David thought it would be about
$2400 plus the amount of the evening meal. Rick stated that if registration for the conference is
up on Monday funds will begin to roll in and it is possible that Tia will not have to liquidate a CD.
as of
TASFAA Finance Calendar
Commercial Liability Coverage
Non-Profit Director Officer/Employment
Practices & Crime Coverage
1099-M Reports for Contract Labor
Monthly Credit Card Usage Fees
Annual Audit
Board Approves Audit Firm
President Signs Annual Audit Engagement
Audit Fee
File 990 as part of the annual audit
State Periodic Report for Non-Profit For 802
In Policy and Procedures Manual
ATAC Services Contract
Every 4 years
$335.00 Monthly
Review all outstanding conference contracts
ADA riders for adequate event liability coverage
April and September
Add and delete approved credit card holders
Send President Copy of Bank Statement
CD Maturity Dated and Amounts
Bank/Maturity Date/Value
Chase 10/27/09 $15000
Chase 10/21/10 $7990.60
Chase 01/27/10 $10000
Chase 11/17/09 $15000
Wells 04/19/10 $15000
Membership, Mentoring, and Diversity
Melissa Elliott
A report was not available.
Nominations & Elections
Laura Elizondo
Carolyn reported that Caren Stewart took over on the N&E on July 17th. She jumped in with both
feet and worked with Alan to get the nominations out on the website. She has sent out two
emails already. So far she has received 6 nominations for board members at large and 3
nominations for president elect have been received. She is checking to be sure that the
nominees are eligible. Lyn asked if she new to be sure that two nominations were not from the
same school. Carolyn stated that she would check on this. Rick would like to see that we have
four more nominees for the board since there are five openings. If they all qualify, then we will
have a slate to go out for the vote. Otherwise we will need to ask for more nominations. Mari has
one person that she would like to nominate and Rick has several that he hopes will be submitted
by the end of the week. Carolyn asked if she needed to get Karen to begin working with Alan on
the setup for ATAC so that the changes are ready for the names to be dropped in. Lyn stated
that it is difficult to ask for a bio and then not be approved to be placed on the ballet. Carolyn
stated that if we wait on board approval to ask for the bio then we will have to wait on getting the
election process started.
Caren Stewart
Vice Chair, Nominations and Elections Committee
As Vice Chair for the Nominations and Elections Committee, I assumed the role as Chair on July 17th. Below is a summary of
activities completed and some activities that are still scheduled to be completed:
Completed activities
Worked with Alan Ahamad to activate nominations form on the website
Distributed email to TASFAA listserv members notifying them of availability of nomination form, listing of open offices
and instructions on how to complete nominations
Sent out 2nd (of three) reminder emails to encourage nomination
Contacted Nominations and Elections committee members for assistance in contacting members for participation in the
nominations process
Contacted six TASFAA members to personally request nominations
Contacted the five departing board members to solicit interest in being nominated for an additional two years
We have received six nominations for the Board Member at Large and three for President Elect positions
Scheduled activities
 Will contact committee members to solicit nominations
 Will send out final reminder email to listserv
 Work with board to compile and publish list of final eligible members for election
A conference call was held on August 18th to review and approve the slate of candidates:
2009 Listing of Candidates
For approval by TASFAA Board
Nominations for Board member at-large:
1) Enrique Garcia – Del Mar College
2) Mike Carranza – South Texas College
3) Peggy Rogers – ATI Enterprises
4) Dana Mingo – Eastfield College
5) Laurie Coulter – Austin College
6) Sharon Mullins – Lee College
7) Amanda Jurovic – Rice University
Nomination for President Elect
1) Joe Pettibon
TASFAA Board Meeting
August 18, 2009
Phone Conference
Members Present: Rick Renshaw, Carolyn Jones, Lisa Blazer, Enrique Garcia, David Ximenez,
Ed Turney, Amy Hardesty, Richard Silva, Lyn Wheeler, Raul Lerma, Kay Mooney
Committee Chair: Caren Stewart
Not Present: Tia Clary, Mari Chapa, Tomas Campos, Rick Moreno
Rick called the meeting to order at 11:05 a.m.
Lyn asked about the decision discussed in the executive session. Rick discussed the situation
The slate would be open for two weeks and the last day to vote would be the Friday before the
fall conference. Rick has been unsuccessful in getting another candidate to run against
Carolyn asked about current membership. Caren confirmed that all candidates are current
members. Lyn asked if there were two candidates from the same institution and wanted to be
sure that there is not a candidate from a current member institutions.
Lyn moved that we accept the list of candidates. Carolyn seconded the motion.
Rick asked if there was any discussion. Lyn had one concern with Joe having been on the board
and having to drop off of the board. Carolyn and Lisa stated that he served a year and a half
before having to resign due to changes with his job. Lisa and Rick stated that Joe is very
involved with TASFAA. Lisa asked how many positions needed to be filled with the board.
Carolyn stated that five positions were needed. Lisa and Lyn asked if we had a member who
would not be completing the second year if another position would be needed. Rick would then
replace the current board member with the person who is in the 6 th position.
The vote was taken and 8 ayes and one abstain was received. Rick stated that the motion
Carolyn asked Caren about the information that was sent out today and if the information would
need to be shortened and asked how quickly it would happen. Caren will get the information
updated and formatted and send the information out today to the list serve about the voting.
Carolyn stated that she new ATAC took some time to get everything on the website. Caren
stated that she needed to send the announcement today to meet the requirements.
Rick stated that he sent Jimmy a letter thanking him for his service. David asked if his position
was eliminated once the amendment passed. Rick stated that it was correct.
Phone conference ended at 11:17 a.m.
Wesley Vanderburg
Rick stated that there had been an issue with the bill with St. Mary’s but that has been resolved.
Rick visited with John Wells to see if we could get a contract and to see if we can use different
dorms due to the problem with the pipes. Wes had some difficulties working with St. Mary’s once
on campus for the training. Rick stated that we have looked for another location in the past but
we did not have much success when we accepted bids. Rick asked John to begin working with
St. Mary’s to see if they can work out some of the problems. Rick will ask Wes to have a report
for the October meeting.
Meeting adjourned for the evening at 5:09 p.m.
Meeting resumed on Wednesday morning at 8:54 a.m.
THECB Partner Report
Jane Caldwell
A report was not available.
Ad Hoc Reports
Jackie Stevens
Jackie handed out the committee report and also information regarding the Hall of Fame
nominees. When the committee met last week by conference call, they discussed the Star
Financial Aid Advisor Award Winner, Hall of Fame Award Nominees, Service Pins and the
reorder and distribution in October by attaching the pin to the name tag. Jackie mentioned
updating the Time Capsule and will work with June. June will send out information out to update
each members profile on the TASFAA website. Rick mentioned discussing the updating of the
Time Capsule with Amy and adding Trailblazer Award to the website. Carolyn will be working on
this project over the next year. Jackie and Amy will work together on getting the information
updated. Prior to the Trailblazer Award it was called the Rookie of the Year Award. Jackie also
mentioned the cost for the pins and doesn’t really know what she needed to do. The quote she
got was for $1800. Rick thought that was not too high. He asked that she send information about
how many pins were being ordered. Shelly worked with Jackie and suggested that we use a
generic pin and just change the number of years on the pin. Jackie likes the fact that the pins are
all different. Jackie provided a copy of what the pins look like along with an example of what was
being suggested. Jackie asked if Rick could send out an email to be sure to update the
membership information so that she can be sure to have accurate data for handing out the pins.
Jackie asked that the board review the two nominations for the Hall of Fame Award. She went
over the criteria for the award. Lisa thinks one of the nominees does not meet the criteria for the
award. Lisa asked if the criterion was listed on the call for nominees and Jackie stated that they
were included. Rick asked that Jackie include that in her notes for the committee to check that
the nominees do meet all of the criteria. Rick asked that discussion take place on the nominee.
Rick stated that we are not required to have a Hall of Fame recipient each year.
A motion was made by Carolyn to accept the nomination by the Awards
Committee. Mari seconded the motion.
The vote was taken for the Hall of Fame recipient.
Trailblazer Award is the second task that the board needs to consider. Jackie read the criteria for
the Trailblazer Award. The board is to nominate the recipient. Jackie has not sent the call to the
board yet. Rick asked that everyone think about a nominee and discuss it in the morning. Lyn
asked if they could share with the board members who have been involved the last few years.
Discussion was held on those who have been very active in the association recently. It was
decided that they would proceed with the nominations. Nominations were made and the vote
was taken. Rick stated that Jackie needed to notify SWASFAA of the Trailblazer Award. She will
be the Emerging Leadership recipient for SWASFAA. They will donate a scholarship that
matches our $250 scholarship.
Rick stated that if the quote for the pins was within her budget she could move forward on getting
the pins.
Awards Committee
Meeting Minutes
Awards Committee
Meeting held via conference call on 7-23 from 2:00-3:00.
Members present:
Jackie Stevens-Chair
June Perry
Carolyn Mallory (next chair)
Committee Agenda
Star Financial Aid Advisor Award Winner
Hall of Fame Award Nominees
Service Pins and reorder and distribution in October 09
Updating the Time Capsule InfoDiscussion
June- will contact the membership committee to ask for assistance in updating their profile on TASFAA
web. Once this is done we will run a report to determine who is up for service pins and award in October.
Carolyn will contact Alan Ahmad about updating the Time Capsule for the Hall of Fame winners. We
would like to add the Star Advisor winners and the Trailblazer Winners to this.
Jackie has contacted Moisant Promotional Products for a quote on TASFAA pins including a Past
Presidents Pin. Will discuss at next board meeting.
Discussion for next board meeting
Nominations for the Hall of Fame
President’s Pin
Order of more pins and distribution in October 2009
Trailblazer nomination
Time Capsule update
Membership database update.
Communications Network
Alan Ahmad
Alan provided a report regarding all of his activities that he has been working on. Rick now has
Jim Anderson’s cell phone number and will contact Jim on getting the TRAIN network moved so
that we can begin updating the information. Rick reported that Harold will be calling in tomorrow
morning to discuss TASFAA Times and possibly changing the timeline on the newsletter. Harold
will also discuss the Annual Report. They have been working together on these projects. Alan is
working really hard to get the website updated. He has worked with ATAC and has experienced
a longer timeframe (4-6 weeks) to get the changes made for us.
Texas Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators
Communication Network
Alan D Ahmad, Chair
TASFAA Board Report - July 2009
May – July 2009 Activity:
NAOW 2009 Registration, Agenda: Online access.
Status: Completed.
TASFAA Times Summer Issue: Formatting and online access.
Status: Completed.
Constitution/By-Laws Online Voting Process: Constitution Article IV, Section 3; By-Laws, 1. Dues and Membership,
Section 1.
Status: Completed.
Board of Directors Online Information Update: Update Board Member at Large (Anderson, Mooney).
Status: Completed.
Membership Committee Update: Eliminate protégé role.
Status: Completed.
Mentoring, Leadership & Diversity Issues Committee: Name change.
Status: Completed.
Non-membership registration - workshops: Request separate registration for those not interested in joining TASFAA.
Status: Deferred. Decided – online options to be reviewed by Board.
Board Minutes revision: Include online date specific information.
Status: Deferred. Decided – request new format to coincide with scheduled ATAC automatic program changes
(regular maintenance) – no cost incurred.
Nominations and Elections: Create online leadership nomination form and change to Chair/recipient status (Elizondo,
Status: Completed.
Committee Vice-Chair Access: Access of committee information for training.
Status: Completed.
Employment: Job announcements.
Status: Current.
2009 Fall Conference: Online preview, housing/reservation information and registration.
Status- Preview and housing/reservation: Completed.
Status-Registration: Anticipate online registration active by 08.03.09.
Pending/Future Activity:
TRAINetwork: Review for future home, training and revisions.
Communications: Create timeline/calendar for users (guide to submit requests).
TASFAA Times Fall Issue: Anticipate available by fall conference (H Whitis).
Yearly Report: Anticipate available by fall conference (H Whitis).
Constitution & By Laws
Kathy Bassham
A report was not provided.
Rick reported that we do have an action item from the Constitutional vote. The vote was taken
last month. There were 52 votes made. The first vote was to remove the associate member from
the board. It passed with 47 for and 5 against. The second vote was to give the authority to the
board to change the fee and fee structure. It also passed with a vote of 40 for and 12 against.
Rick stated that we need an action item to accept the results of the vote.
Carolyn motioned that we validate the voting results and that we update the
constitution and by-laws in accordance with the voting outcome. David
seconded the motion. The motion carries.
Early Awareness
Lea Davidson
Raul is getting responses back on training dates. Rick asked if he had started looking at the
budget so that they can see what service can be provided at the training. Rick stated if there
were to be any budget adjustments that we need those right away. CB next webinar is August
14th. Rick asked if Jane had updated all the materials yet. Raul stated that they were working on
adding the state program information. Rick asked if Lea had given him the information on how to
order the NT4CM program materials and Raul reported that he is getting the registration
information from the website. Raul is working on the site selections. Rick asked that Raul provide
the site information to Alan Amhad to get it on the web. Rick thought he might be able to update
the website himself. Lyn asked about the training if it was for training the trainers or was this for
the high school counselors. Rick stated that this was training for the high school counselors and
that state program information would be added to the federal information. Lyn stated that the only
thing different was that the materials were provided by the government and that we have to add
the state information. Carolyn confirmed that this is correct. Rick stated that there will be a
webinar for the trainers in the near future – August 14th 2-3:30 Eastern Time. Lyn asked if the
trainers could view from their own desk. Carolyn asked if we were a full participant and Rick
confirmed that we are set up for the full participant. Rick stated that Lea is the contact for the
state and he asked Raul to update this so that all the information can be sent to him or Linda.
Rick asked Raul to send him information on those that volunteer to host so that he can see if
there are areas of the state not covered. Henry asked how the high school counselors register
and if the registration was on the TASFAA website. Kay stated that in Amarillo they registered
through their Region Service Center. Rick stated that if the registration is on the TASFAA
website that he work with Alan because it will take 30-45 days to get the counselor registration
on the website. Rick stated that some sights used the TASFAA website and others registered
through their Regional website. Lyn asked if they had to be a member to register. Rick stated
that this form does not require that they be a member to register for the high school
counselor workshop. ATAC will send the registration information to Raul. Rick stated that it
might be good to encourage the Region to handle the registration. Rick does not have
information on how many regions used the TASFAA website for registration.
Rick asked that when he goes through the webinar to find out how the materials are shipped to
each site or directly to Raul. He will find out. Carolyn stated that if it is electronic that he email
the materials out so that they can print their own copy and TASFAA will not have the expense of
printing. Carolyn asked about the meal costs and she felt like last year about $10 of the meal
cost was covered by TASFAA. Henry and Raul stated that their schools covered the cost. Raul
would need to look at the budget to see if the meal cost could be covered. Rick thought there
were a few regions that needed the help with the meals. Henry asked how long the training
would last – half day or full day. Raul reported that normally it is kept to half a day but he would
need to go through the training to be sure about the time frame. Rick stated that they would have
some good materials to take home and study on their own as well.
Early Awareness Committee Report
July 28-29, 2009
Dallas, Tx
The Board approved at the last Board meeting to let the HS Counselors workshop use the wonderful
program sponsored by NASFAA called NT4CM.
After conferring with Raul Lerma and asking him to sit in on the last NT4CM conference call it was
decided that I would email and see who might be willing to be a Trainer so that we can set them up for
Training the Trainer webinars starting in August.
I have had several emails returned, will check those schools to see who to contact now, also sent emails to
some that have never hosted the workshop but have shown interest.
I have also included Jane Caldwell in these emails so she will know that we will still be needing her State
updates to incorporate into the training also. I will get with her on a one on one to see how she feels it best
that we handle this part.
Would like to ask the Board for any other suggestions on reaching out to trainers or if any of the Board
would LOVE to help us out. I truly feel that with the economic situation that the more places we can
schedule training for these counselors, the easier access they have, the less time and money it cost, the
better turn out we will have.
Thank you
Respectfully submitted
Lea Davidson
Leadership and Diversity
Terri Thompson
Rick discussed that Terri’s report indicated that there were 15 protégé requests that have been
matched up with a mentor and that there were six additional mentors available. Rick stated that
he would like Terri to collect some testimonials to include in the year end and annual report.
Terri Thompson, Weatherford College, Chair
Michael Williams, Richland College, Vice Chair
Mandy Rangel, Rice University
Michelle Fleek, TG
June 25, 2009
Carolyn Jones did the Mentor presentation at the NAOW in May. From that presentation, we received 15
new protégé requests. We put a call out via the List Serve to find mentors with experience in POISE,
BANNER and PEOPLESOFT. We had a tremendous response, and within one day were able to match all
15 protégé’s with mentors. We currently have 6 unmatched mentors.
We have not received much feedback from either protégé’s or mentors as to how the program is working
for them, but the committee has been assigned the task to check on a portion of the matched list to insure
that all are participating and will report hopefully by the time the actual Board meeting is taking place.
Updates will follow at that time.
Legislative Issues
Jimmy Parker
George sent some information to Rick recently regarding an update. His report dealt mainly with
the federal issues. Rick felt like the update from Vickie and Mike yesterday gave us a good
overview on what has been going on. There is a senate bill that is being watched and Rick will
contact us if we need to contact our senators regarding this bill. We will just have to wait to see
what happens with the Pell entitlement and the loan programs. With the health care issue, Rick is
not sure if anything will happen. Rick encouraged the board to keep an eye on the list serve for
messages from Jimmy and George so that we can respond as needed. Mari asked what she
should do if she cannot contact representatives. Rick stated that she can contact them on behalf
of the board and as a private citizen. Rick stated that he uses his private email account when
sending emails. Rick thought that might be a good session on how we can lobby without crossing
the line. Rick also discussed the information that Mike shared regarding topics that the
Department is looking at SAP and Verification and what may happen if they define or provide the
guidelines/formulas for processing SAP. Rick stated as the leaders for our association that we
need to be the voice of reason and caution. There are a lot of young leaders in our association
and they may need some guidance in the upcoming changes. Rick stated that the spring training
might need to cover some of these changes. Mari asked about getting help from the government
on ACG and SMART. Rick stated that these programs were only funded for five years and that
he thinks these programs may go away.
Newsletter and Public Relations
Harold Whitis
Rick stated that Harold plans to call in this morning as well. Harold is experiencing technical
difficulties getting the call in this morning. Harold emailed the information to Rick. Rick discussed
the problems that committees are having with job layoffs. This committee has lost several
members which have caused difficulties getting the tasks accomplished. He has gotten good
feedback on the pdf version of the newsletter. Lyn stated that is was really good. Harold will
request the information for the next letter out this next week so that the letter is available before
the fall conference. Rick will ask Dana to send information about the fall conference to Harold.
Harold will include pictures from NAOW. On the Public Relations side, he is working on an
estimate on the annual report. They discussed that they will need about 700 copies of the annual
report to send out to the legislature, President’s of colleges/universities and other partners.
Harold is working on getting a quote for the report. ATAC offers this service and he is checking
with them to see what it would cost to get a print ready piece so that we can print the report
ourselves. Rick gave him the go ahead to work in this direction. This may save us some money.
Paula with ATAC is already working on the project as an email was sent yesterday. Rick will
contact Lisa to get information from her committee chairs to get their reports in as we report last
year’s information in this annual report since the current year is not complete. Rick stated that
Harold will need to get the financial information from Tia. Tia has a note to scan those
documents to Harold. Harold is working to try to stay within the budget for this project.
President’s Advisory Council
Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen
Linda is serving as the interim vice president which has made it difficult for her to finalize the
information on the proposal for the dues structure.
Rick wants us to come up with a recommendation for the structure for dues in October. Rick
stated that this may make it hard to complete a budget. Tia said the application really needs to
be ready by October and that the process to get it going would need to be in the works by the
middle of September. Rick will talk to Linda to see if they can get a proposal together on the
dues structure. Rick does not want to rush this decision but will work to see what can be done to
get the information out.
Regional Training
Marci Beasley
Rick discussed the new training. There will four webinar sessions at $95 each. In the past the
cost was $52 for the materials and $25 for the food and that covered a full days training. We had
8-10 trainings throughout the state. Under this new model, the department has indicated that it
will not be like that in the future. The webinars will be in sequence. The first two available in
October – November and the second two will be in mid-December or January. The Department
will not provide printed materials. Institutions will be able to print them on their own. Since they
are not providing the materials the cost for each session is more to help cover the cost of the
development of the training. They are going to have train the trainer so that each area can have
some additional information if needed. If we have a North Texas training site, TASFAA would pay
the $95 fee and each institution would have to pay $95 in order to have the rights to materials
plus any travel expenses. Each school that sits in on the training must pay the $95. If you use
multiple computers at an institution, you will pay $95/computer – IP address. Rick can’t see it as
a value added to offer the training throughout the state. Rick asked about having all four
sessions in one day – 4 one and a half hours sessions. Lisa thinks having the webinar takes
away the face to face training. All four sessions would not be available until January and Rick
feels that January is too late to find out about the updates. Lisa thinks this is just a shift in
training. She mentioned that we used to have both decentralized and spring regional training.
She thinks that we should go back to having the regional training. Rick thinks we need to offer
the additional training and offer a service to the membership. Lisa thinks we can provide a low
cost program to cover food and if the trainer could be reimbursed for travel. She asked if we
should do something different – have a key speaker, state update, break-out sessions, etc. Ed
thinks we could step up our state level training. Lisa would not want to just go back to an update
but thinks we can include professional development along with nuts and bolts. Maybe look at
team building as well. Rick asked if we hit all 8 regions. Carolyn thinks we need to cover all of
the regions. Carolyn thinks it would be good to get committee members to help with training.
Lisa does not think it would be too difficult to come up with the training and theme. Lisa stated
that Jane Caldwell has already stated that they will be willing to help out with training. Lisa likes
the ideas of going to all the regions because more people can attend with the lower cost. Cost
would cover breakfast, lunch and two breaks and materials. Ed suggested sending the materials
out ahead of time and they can print them ahead of time or loaded on a flash drive. Lisa
suggested that they not be allowed to print the materials unless they paid for the registration.
Carolyn asked when the training would take place – time frame. Lisa suggested spring since
other trainings take place in the fall. Rick stated that each institution will be responsible for the
NASFAA Decentralized Training. Rick stated that the charge for the Regional Training
Committee would be to select a theme, select topics, develop the curriculum, select location and
dates, etc. Ed suggested that the committee stay away from the same training that the
Department of Education will be covering in the webinars. Lisa thinks it might be difficult to have
breakout sessions even though it would be great to have that as an option. With breakout
sessions you would need multiple rooms. Lisa stated that regional training was to be for the front
line staff so that they could have some training. Lisa will send more detailed data from the survey
to the board. Ed asked if there was a mission or purpose for the training – is the purpose to
educate the frontline staff. Rick talked about having information for all levels at the training. Lyn
stated that many schools can’t send staff to San Antonio to NAOW and that the regional training
was trying to get information out to those who can’t go to San Antonio. Rick asked what need we
are not meeting for schools. Rick thinks that the spring training does need to focus on
operational issues. Lisa said that professional development needs to be included so that this can
help develop leaders within TASFAA. Rick asked if we have something that we can take to Wes.
Ed thinks that the training should be targeted for frontline and support staff. Rick stated that it
needs to be offered around the state and the cost should be kept low. Lyn stated that the training
needed to be self supported. Lisa stated that we need to budget to include covering the trainers
travel. There may be some trainers that can’t accept reimbursement but we need to go ahead
and estimate that all trainers’ expenses will be covered. Rick thinks we have a charge in place
for Wes and his committee that we will be able to have a training next spring. Rick asked if Wes
asks for help that we respond to the call so that we can produce quality training. Rick will let Joni
know what our decision is regarding the NASFAA training.
Training Committee
July 28-29, 2009
As changes come down the pipe from NASFAA regarding training issues, it appears there are many
. This model cuts out the state and regional associations by making them optional middle men in the
distribution plan.
. Offering four 1.5 hours sessions over the course of the fall and winter is not practical for travel time at 4
times the normal.
. Offering one all day showing of the four sessions is not practical because the full package will not be
available until after the holidays and too late for effective timing. Most schools will not wait that long but
go ahead and pay for the sessions themselves.
. As long as NASFAA allows its member schools to access the presentations themselves on an individual
basis, there is no way that the associations can afford to offer the training in any format. Schools will
almost universally choose to conduct at home and avoid the travel expenses.
. The cost of training local facilitator/trainers would be a waste of association money because there would
be no need for sessions sponsored by the association.
Rick Renshaw had a conversation with Joannie Crissman at the recent NASFAA conference. He relayed to
her that unless NASFAA redesigned the access and pricing structure to include the associations as an
integral part of the delivery model, that TASFAA and most of the state and regional associations would
have to drop NASFAA training from their benefits packages to members.
Rick stressed that if something did not change, we were prepared to recommend to the TASFAA board that
the association announce its decision to participate in the NASFAA fall training under the current proposed
Joannie suggested to Rick that we come up with a better delivery and pricing model that would be
workable for the state association within the basic presentation model for this year.
It is this committee’s recommendation that we continue to offer training as a deliverable, even without the
NASFAA Decentralized training. We can make additions so that it incorporates more regulatory and
professional development. We can continue to offer NAOW and ABC Workshops as well as our
conference. Thus, offering something that everyone will benefit from and still provide service to our
community, justifying our membership fees.
Webinars Program Fees, 2009-2010
Draft 6-26-09
This document has been prepared as a follow up to the development and
circulation of the draft conceptual framework for NASFAA’s centralized training
effort which was shared with the Board of Directors, the State and Regional
presidents, and members of the Association. As promised, it provides a draft of
the proposed Webinars Program fees for 2009-10, including Fall Training. It
also addresses the potential opportunity for “revenue sharing.” It is important to
point out (once again) that this paper is a draft and that the objective is to use it
as a starting point for discussion and to get feedback on an important dimension
of the training concept (i.e. cost).
In December 2006, NASFAA began to offer Webinars as a formal program for
disseminating content information and also for training using a combination of
the Web and Teleconference technologies. While the initial year was a pilot
period, the Webinars Program was expanded in the second year, 2007-08, to
offer thirteen Webinars. Also, a systematic delivery process was developed and
tested (the On24 provider service was engaged, an office of Distance Learning
and Technology was staffed, and a collaborative team of PATRA and
Government Relations staff became involved in developing content and making
presentations. In the third year, 2008-09, fifteen Webinars have been offered (5
Webinar recordings from the annual conference were sold as DVDs, 8 other
Webinars were offered without fees, and 2 Webinars were fee-based).1 NASFAA
is planning a Webinars Program for 2009-10 in which 16-20 Webinars will be
offered. Among the Webinars, NASFAA is proposing to offer Fall Training in
four centralized Webinars, supplemented by six In-Depth Topical Webinars
throughout the year. A conceptual description of the program entitled NASFAA
Fall Training 2009, Concept Proposal for a Revised Plan was circulated May 31, 2009,
and is available from the office of the NASFAA President.
The Webinars from the annual conference were: Nuts and Bolts of Program Reviews and
Audits; Business Taxes; Making ACG/SMART Processing a Campus-wide Initiative; Conflict
of Interest: Identifying Areas of Risk to Your School; and Income-Based Repayment and New
Loan Forgiveness for Public Service. The special topic Webinars were: TEACH Grant The
Final Rules; Reauthorization 2008: First Alerts; Financial Literacy for Graduate Students;
Reauthorization 2008: Effective Dates and Implementation Issues; Negotiated Rulemaking:
Implementing Reauthorization; Summer Aid: Challenges and Considerations; FERPA: Final
Rules and Implementation Issues; and Professional Judgment – It’s Still Your Decision.
State and Regional Presidents
Dr. Phil Day, NASFAA President & CEO
Letter to State and Regional Presidents re: Centralized Training
DATE: June 10, 2009
I I am attaching a copy of a DRAFT Concept Proposal on Centralized Training
which was put together as a result of a meeting conducted in concert with the
May meeting of the Board of Directors. The draft proposal was developed in
response to a specific request by the Staff Training and Professional
Development Committee and the expressed need of most of the regions and
states, who as you know are facing incredible budgetary/fiscal challenges as they
try to address their ongoing training and professional development needs.
Everyone recognizes the continued importance and priority associated with staff
training—and Fall Training specifically—particularly given the realities
associated with implementing HEOA and new regulations which impact on our
operations. These budgetary challenges conflict with all of our best intentions,
and that is why the Staff Training and Professional Development Committee
recommended to NASFAA’s Finance and Audit Committee (FAC), and to the
full Board, that we give serious consideration to “taking back” the responsibility
of conducting the training effort, particularly that associated with Fall Training.
The FAC approved the proposal and the Board accepted their recommendation
and approved the proposal as well.
Since that time, we have been working on developing a framework that would
provide for a more centralized approach, while at the same time respecting and
valuing the benefits of more “localized” efforts that provide an opportunity for
discussion, follow-up, sharing of ideas/options/approaches, and general
interaction. During the most recent Board meeting I brought together a number
of the regional presidents, the national chairs (past, present and future), the chair
of the FAC, the Commission Director who oversees this area (Suzy Allen) and
selected state reps, to discuss some ideas and approaches for addressing this
need. The attached concept paper reflects the understandings and the consensus
of the group. Let me advise you up-front that the concept paper is simply that—a
blueprint/framework on how to best achieve the stated objective. It is
purposefully lacking in details—because before we actually tried to add some of
the details, we wanted to see if we were on the right track. Some of the state
presidents from the SASFAA region have had a chance to preview, and upon
their review and feedback, a number of issues/questions were posed. I provided
responses to those queries, so let me provide in advance a few comments about
the draft to ensure that you have a better understanding of its intent and its
inherent flexibility. Hopefully, this information will address some of the same
issues that were raised by the SASFAA folks:
1. This is a proposal to “centralize” training, not “decentralize.” We have
Veronica Cano
A report was not available.
Rick did talk to Veronica on Monday and Veronica did get the scholarship form out to the list
serve. The deadline for the scholarship is August 12th. She used the same form that was used
earlier this year since it was generic. Veronica asked what would be covered by the scholarship.
Rick told her for the conference, Wednesday and Thursday night would be covered and for ABC it
would cover Monday and Tuesday night if they were registered for the conference. Rick will
clarify with her what will be covered. Rick discussed an issue that came up with NAOW with a
participant that stayed in a hotel and submitted the paperwork for reimbursement. Tia stated that
the issue had been resolved and that half the room rate was covered since they were sharing the
room with several others. The issue was that prior approval was not received. Rick also thought
that there was an issue with a participant who did not cancel but wanted a refund. Tia explained
that one person ended up in the hospital and that a refund was processed. Rick stated that the
travel expense area of the P&P does not state that the cheaper of the two travel methods will be
covered – airfare or car expense. Rick suggested that part of the P&P be updated. Ed asked if
the scholarship information for NAOW would include that on campus housing would be covered.
Lyn stated that if they were a commuter that the travel would not be covered. Rick stated that
normally a commuter would be someone local and would not have these expenses. Rick stated
that Veronica handled these situations really well and was very professional.
Site Selection
John Wells
A report was not available.
Rick has visited with John about the NAOW and John will contact St. Mary’s to have some
information for the October meeting. Rick stated that Corpus Christi, Lubbock and El Paso have
been providing some information about the 2012 conference and he has been sending this on to
John. Tia told the board that Lubbock just opened a new conference center and Lyn stated that
we might get a good deal. John is working on a contract and possibly a multiple year contract.
Lyn Wheeler
Lyn stated that SWASFAA has not met since our last meeting and that they only meet twice.
Rick visited with David at NASFAA and stated that Kathy Bassham had been nominated for
TASFAA representative but she had to pull out due to her job change. Henry stated that he was
also nominated and Nora was nominated as Texas board member at large. Rick was not sure
who the nominees for president elect were. Without the training piece, SWASFAA does not offer
a lot of benefits. The SWASFAA conference will be in Albuquerque this year. They still offer a
few trainings (conference and mid-level) and represent us at NASFAA.
New business
Rick has been asked to discuss an issue regarding a board member. Rick asked that we go into
an executive session.
Henry moved that we go into executive session. Raul seconded. The motion
It was brought to Rick’s attention that there are several board members who have missed 3 or
more board meetings. Rick wanted to see if we need to take action. Rick stated that room
reservations were made but the members did not show up. Lyn asked if they had indicated that
they would attend and Rick confirmed that they had indicated that they would come. The board
member in question was Rick Moreno. He did attend the conference call and the meeting last
October. He did contact Carolyn about the last meeting and stated that he could not come due to
software problems and that he would be there the next day but he was not able to come. Tom
Campos has also missed several but he did not indicate that he would come. Carolyn stated that
Tom’s appointment was only for one year and that his term is over in October. Rick however was
to serve a two year term. Lyn asked what we needed to do. Rick discussed what the constitution
states regarding board participation. Raul asked if something could be sent to him on behalf of
the board to see what has been going on, that we are concerned and see what his plans are to
fulfill his commitment. Lyn asked what if he says yes and then he does not attend in the future.
Rick thinks he will be at the October meeting since the conference will be going on. Ed stated
that if he does not respond quickly then we might not be able to replace him as quickly. Rick
stated that we would appoint someone to fill his seat. Kay asked if they have to attend so many
meetings a year. Amy read the P&P that states that board members who miss two consecutive
meetings without just cause would vacate their seat. Rick will contact Rick Moreno to request
documentation as to why he missed the meeting and will be in contact with the board. Rick
declared the executive session closed.
Unfinished Business
Rick mentioned the NASFAA handbook provides information about how board members serve as
a contact for the committee chairs.
The committee is still working on a contract for the NAOW for 2010.
Henry asked how many participants Dana was hoping to have and Rick stated that we had about 400 last
year and she hoped to have about the same. Rick stated that if we have 850 room nights – not
participants – then we would get $7000 back from the hotel. Rick asked that we talk up the conference in
our region to encourage attendance. Rick stated that he plans to write a letter to all president’s of the
colleges/universities to state the importance of attending with the department of education attending and
discussing many important changes. Henry asked when the ABC workshop agenda would be available
and Rick will check on it.
Carolyn asked about the website that states upcoming conference and Rick stated that it was our
responsibility to get it on the website. Rick will work on getting this on the web.
There being no further business, Rick adjourned the meeting at 10:13 a.m.