
Sam Parish
Year 8
Artworks tell us the time and place in which they were created. Discuss how
using TWO Pop Art images of your choice.
Sam has done this introduction
very well.
place in which they were created. Roy
 Remember, this is the Point
part of the essay. He has
Lichtenstein’s “Blamm” and Andy Warhol’s
accurately given his
“Campbell’s Soup Cans” are great examples of
opinion and stance on the
how pop art shows us the time and place in
 He has successfully
which it was created. Lichtenstein’s and Warhol’s
introduced the artists and
artworks show us about America in the 1950’s
 He has provided
and 60’s. The artworks show us how the end of
background information on
the era he is discussing.
the war meant big change. It lead to people
 He has given evidence of
having too much money for what they could
what materials are typical
to pop art.
handle and started the baby boom, which is why
Pop artworks obviously tell us about the time and
there was a rise in population. Pop art shows us
an image from the popular culture of the time
and it did this by bright bold colours and Benday
The 1950’s and 60’s in America was a time of
great change. The change emerged as the bad
times like WWI and WWII as well as the Great
Depression had passed and people had fully
changed, pay slips came from the wars and that
lead to the economy rising. People began
wanting their lives to be as fast and as simple as
they could be. This is why supermarkets came in
and fast foods as it was very convenient. With
 This is the Explain part of the
essay. He begun, again, by
addressing the question as
he introduces the
 He describes the era and
provides examples of this
Sam Parish
Year 8
 To sum this paragraph up,
Sam could have added the
more money and time people left their old lives
artists and artworks he
and went into singing, dancing and the rest. As
chose to analyse, however,
his introduction included
the money amount grew, so did the amount and
this information, making this
size of houses. As people became more
paragraph sound.
dependent on convenience the inventions
became smarter and smarter. This also created
an imbalance as people had bigger families and
as they had more money they just wanted to
spend it which lead to a lot of waste.
“Campbell’s Soup Cans” shows us 32 soup cans
This is the first Description
and they are 8 across and 4 down. But there is a
 Sam has done really well in
key difference as all the soup cans look the same
describing exactly what he
could see.
but they all have different flavours. From far
away the soup cans just look half red and half
white soup cans; nothing more, nothing less. The
repetition of the cans makes people think the
cans are all the same, but really they are very
different. It looks like the cans are stacked like on
a supermarket shelf.
“Campbell’s Soup Cans” shows many pop art
 This is the first Evidence
techniques such as repetition, which symbolizes
 Sam has started by
how mass production had become a massive
identifying symbols, and
drawing his own
thing as well as supermarkets, which is shown as it
interpretation of what it
looks like stacked shelves. This shows that there
might be saying about the
1950’s and 60’s in America.
was an increase in wealth which lead to a
 He introduces concepts
craving for convenience. Convenience was a
effectively and provides
solid interpretations.
massive thing in the 1950’s and 60’s which is
shown in this picture as soup in a can is a massive
Sam Parish
convenience. “Campbell’s Soup Cans” also
shows a slice of suburban life as a trend had
started and people followed. The new trend
which was to have a big house with a new car,
Year 8
 Sam has done a really
great job in analysing this
artwork. However, he could
have added a
which meant as you drove through the streets of
America, all the houses were very similar just like
all the soup cans being very similar. Also, as a
technique, is how if you look at the soup cans
closely they get lighter from left to right, which
shows how America was coming out of the dark
times, which is WWI, WWII and the Great
Depression. So the cans are showing that they
are out of the dark times and into the better
times like the economic boom. During the war,
factories produced goods for troops. After the
war, the same technology was used for a civilian,
everyday life.
In the image “Blamm” by Roy Lichtenstein we
 Again, he writes a
Description for his second
see a bomber upside down with the pilot flying
out of the seat. The image has an explosion
 Sam has done this
description with more detail
based colour scheme. The colours mostly used
than his first. He has
are reds and yellows and also black. The bomber
described the exact
colours, style, and actions
is number 3 and is under intense fire. The word
within the artwork.
“BLAM” is used in the top right hand corner. The
plane is blue and white with a blue star on the
left wing and a red star on the right wing. Benday
dots are also used to have an effect as well as
the comic book style.
Sam Parish
Year 8
 This is Sam’s Evidence
paragraph for the second
pop art, as he has used Benday dots to show
artwork he chose.
 Much the same, he pools
how the 1950’s and 60’s was a time of mass
together background
production. By using the dots, it shows how
information about the
artist’s typical practice,
important the media became with celebrities
finds evidence within the
hitting a boom. Another typical technique of
artwork, and links to the
essay question.
Lichtenstein is the comic book style which he has
 He has given information
used to show how a new group had formed
about the time, and
identified aspects of the
which was called “The Teenagers”. This was a big
artwork that address these
thing as aged in this teenage group before were
“Blamm” shows us the typical Roy Lichtenstein
either at war fighting for their country or working
to stop their families from going broke. But now,
they had more spare time as everyone was rich.
So, the comic book style represents the new
teenage group as they loved comics. Also,
Lichtenstein tells us about how after the war, it
was made into entertainment for everyone. He
uses bright colours to make it more interesting
and makes it more understandable for younger
In conclusion, it is obvious that culture is shown in
pop art through many techniques.
 Due to time constraints,
Sam didn’t finish his
conclusion paragraph.
 He could of readdressed his
main points and written a
couple of sentences about
the artist/artworks he
Sam Parish
Year 8
The Assessment Question:
Artworks can tell us about the time
and place in which they were
Discuss how, using TWO Pop Art
images of your choice.