Andy Warhol Lesson Plan

Mary Bohman
Andy Warhol Lesson Plan
Andy Warhol was known for making several prints of the same images and changing
the colors. An example is his work with the images of Marylyn Monroe.
The image it’s self would remain the same but the color choice would change. Each
color change gave the image a completely different look and gave the viewer a
completely different experience. Displaying all the images next to one another also
gave the over all piece an interesting and unique look.
Objectives: In this lesson we will experiment with printmaking and color choices.
The objective is to make a successful linoleum stamp that can be used to make
several prints of the same image. The goal is to give each print a completely different
color palette and there for give each image a completely different impact. All the
prints will be displayed in a Warhol like fashion so the prints all-together form their
own piece of artwork.
You will need
*A linoleum block with a rubber front
*Metal tools used for scraping out the rubber
*Exacta Knives
*Different colored ink
*Different colored printing paper
*Large black board to display prints
*Balk permanent marker
Mary Bohman
*Students will independently study Warhol and his works by taking notes to add to
their sketch books.
*Use the paper and pen to draw out several ideas. Use Andy Warhol’s images as
references. Design should be of a single object. Refer to the examples.
*Once you have perfected your design cover the block with the piece of paper and
lightly cut through the paper on to the block tracing the design
*Use the black marker to trace over the lines
*Use the knife to cut out big areas of the rubber you want to remove
*Use the metal scraping tool to dig out ridges, thick lines, or create texture.
*Note* Areas that are raise will carry the color of the ink. Areas that are dug out will
be the color of the background
*Use different colored ink and colored paper to make several prints of the image
*Cover different areas of the print with different colors of ink
*Make a total of nine prints and cut into identical square
*Display on the black board leaving one inch margins between each picture
Have each student stand back and examine their work and answer several
*Why did I choose that image?
*Why did I choose to arrange the colors in the pattern?
*If I were to make more prints what color combination would I choose next that
would still go with my design?
Possible Assessment For Pop Art Unit Test:
1) Students will learn general knowledge about the category of Pop art and
some of the elements of the artwork
2) They will gain knowledge about some of the more famous artists specifically
Andy Warhol and Claes Oldenburg and some of their art work
3) They will learn about the technique of silk screen printing and how it was
used in Pop art
True False
1.) Pop art only refers to the artwork created, no other aspects. (false. Also
refers to the attitudes that shaped it)
2.) Andy Warhol used the process of silk screening to create some of his Pop art
pieces. (true. He used this process for some of his most famous works and
challenged the process of art creating)
Multiple Choice
Mary Bohman
1.) Claes Oldenburg’s monumental sculpture that in found in the Minneaplolis
Sculpture Garden is titled: (a)
a. Spoonbridge and Cherry
b. Soft Bathtub
c. Bottle of Notes
d. Dropped Cone
2.) Silkscreen printing is used by some Pop artist as a mechanical technique of
reproduction to:(b)
a.) make very small images
b.) make a large amounts of the same image
c.) make round images
d.) make dark image
Will match the term with the correct description
1.Andy Warhol_______ (e)
2.Claes Oldenburg______(b)
3.Pop art______(f)
4.Silkscreen printing________(c)
5.Cample Soup Cans______(d)
6.Soft Bathtub_______(a)
a.A piece of artwork made by Claes Oldenburg
b. A pop artist who made primary Pop sculptures
c. A mechanical art making process
d. A piece of artwork made by Andy Warhol
e. A pop artist who is famous for using silkscreen printing and celebrity
f. A movement that consists of artwork and ideas about what is art.
Fill in the blank
1.) Pop art is an example of representational art, the artist returns to
the world of tangible objects in a reaction against abstraction.
Materials are drawn from the everyday world
Mary Bohman
Research Information:
Example of Note
1.)Campbell’s Soup Cans. Produced in 1962 consisting of 32 canvases of
silkscreened images of soup cans. The canvases are 20inchs by 16inches. Each
canvas shows a soup can showing each flavor at the time.
Mary Bohman
1.) Warhol was born August 6th 1928 in Pittsburg Pennsylvania. He studied
commercial art in college and later moved to New York and became a
successful in magazine illustration. He later became a famous printmaker,
filmmaker, and painter. He is famous for his Pop artwork.
2.) He is famous for his Pop art. He is known for painting brand names and
famous people and distorting the colors. He also makes many repetitions of
the same image.
3.) Is this case it is the brand of Campbell’s soup cans. In his other works
however he also does famous people such as Marylyn Monroe. His work most
commonly is of one object or face some times repeated.
4.) He uses a process of silk-screening with his paintings. This allowed him to
create many paintings of the same image using a stencil.
5.) His images sometimes used strange unordinary colors or a repetition of the
same image and many different color combinations. The subject he chose to
paint were also unique and eye catching. They were usually of recognizable
people or objects.
6.) Canvases and paint. He also was a filmmaker and made films. He also dabbled
in other areas such as sculpture, drawing, music, audio, time capsules,
theater, and photography.
7.) His style consisted of Pop art. Bold colors, and bold images. The use of brand
names and all done in a non- painterly style.
8.) His work was used to entertain and sometime used as shock value. His work
pushed the envelope at the time of what was considered art by the use of
Mary Bohman
brand names and his silk screening process. He pushed the lines of what was
art and what was just manufactured by naming his studio the Factory.
9.) His paintings of brand names and celebrities capture the time period. For
example the soup cans are of the design for that time and all the soups
offered at that time. It shows what was popular in the public eye and a
glimpse into American culture at that time.
11.) Andy Warhol was a prevalent person not only in the art world. He was
seen as a celebrity and had many high profile friends. His studio the Factory
became some what of a hangout and was in the public eye for not only his
artwork but his comments about art at the time, America, and our culture as
a whole.
When I look at his artwork I can see it pushes the envelope and gets
people thinking about what is art. I think his silk screening process was
unique at the time and the subject matter he painted captures the time area.
I personally really like his work and find it visually stimulating.