Classical India Ch 3

Chapter 3 -Classical India
I. Introduction – India vs. China
A. China focused on politics & philosophies
B. India focused on religion & social
C. less cohesive political structure / regional
& fragmented
D. Both agricultural & patriarchal
II. Geography & Formative Period
A. Closer to other civilizations
1. Influenced by Middle East/
2. Persian Empire- Alexander The Great
327 BCE
3. Adapted to many influences & cultures
B. River Civilizations- Indus & Ganges
C. Mountainous north- herders
D. Separate regions cause diversity
1. economic diversity
2. racial differences
3. diversity of languages
E. Formative Period- Vedic & Epic Ages
1. Aryan Invaders 1750- 1500 BCE
2. Epics written in Sanskrit
a. Upanishads 900-500 BCE
b. Mahabharata 200 BCE- 200 CE
c. Bhagavad-Gita
3. Aryans created social castes
a. Brahmins – priest
b. Kshatriyas- Warrior/ governing
c. Sudras – common laborers
d. Untouchables
III. Patterns in Classical India
A. 16 major states existed- monarchies &
republics dominated by warrior & priest
B. Mauryan Dynasty 324-184 BCE
C. Chandragupta 322BCE
1. Unified subcontinent
2. Maintained large armies
3. Developed bureaucracy
4. Autocratic ruler
D. Ashoka – grandson of Chandragupta
1. Expansion / harsh tactics
2. Converted to Buddhism
3. Encouraged trade & built roads
4. Promoted harmony between Hindus &
Buddhist / religious tolerance
5. Kushan invaders end dynasty
World’s First Pillow fight
E. Gupta Empire 320- 550 CE
E. Expanded influence peacefully
1. Allowed local autonomy/ rule
2. Golden Age of India
a. Spread laws
b. supported university & arts
3. Politics
a. No political theory
b. Caste systems regulates life & behavior
(most rigid social structure of classic civ)
IV. Culture
A. Literature
B. Science
1. University support astronomy
2. Religion prevents dissection
3. Chemistry-strongest steel
C. Mathematics
1. Concept of zero 3. Square roots
2. negative number 4. pi
D. Arts
1. Stupas –shrines
to Buddha
2. Not realistic like Greeks
3. Appreciation of nature
C. Economy
1. Textiles- cotton, calico, & cashmere
2. Emphasis on trade / greater than China
3. Majority Indians lived subsistence lives
4. Indian Ocean – trade & interaction
V. Economy & Society
A. Caste System
1. Different punishment for crime based on caste
2. Social interaction between caste rare
B. Family life based patriarchal hierarchy
1. Wife worshiped husband as a god
2. Complexity = loss women’s rights
3. Arranged marriages
4. Emphasis on loving relationships
5. Strong willed women often viewed as goddess
VI. Global Connections
A. Open to other cultures & exchange
B. Trade
1. Diffusion of India culture
2. Religion, epics, & art led to new
civilizations- Angkor Wat
3. Indian Ocean Trading Network