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CHD 2243 – Language and Cognitive Development – Spring 2013
Tulsa Community College, West Campus
Spring 2013
Course Syllabus
Language and Cognitive Development: Early Childhood
CHD 2243 – CRN: 24475
Online Course
Jan. 14, 2013- May 12, 2013
Office Hours: Tuesday: 10:00-6:00 or by appointment – At times I may be out of the office during
these hours due to college mandated meetings or other obligations.
Instructor: Ms. Daniels, M. Ed
Office: S242
Phone: (918) 595-8107
Division Name: Liberal Arts
Division Associate Dean: Karen Harmon
Division Office Number: L-144 West Campus
Division Phone Number: (918) 595-8079
CHD 2223 with a grade of “C” or better.
Study of language development with consideration of appropriate experiences in literacy,
numeracy, and science for children birth to eight years. Lecture 3 hours. No Laboratory. Assigned
field experiences.
See Tulsa Community College Catalog for degree plans. Next course depends on the student’s
degree plan.
Check with the TCC West Campus Counseling Center or at the college or university to which you
plan to transfer to determine the transferability of this course.
The General Education Goals are designed to ensure that graduates of Tulsa Community College
have the skills, knowledge, and attitudes to carry them successfully through their work and their
personal lives. TCC’s General Education Goals are: Critical Thinking; Effective Communication;
-1 of 1The course syllabus is subject to change based on class needs. Changes to the syllabus or schedule will be announced in class or on our
course website. It is the student’s responsibility to keep updated on changes.
CHD 2243 – Language and Cognitive Development – Spring 2013
Engaged Learning; Technological Proficiency.
1) To develop a working knowledge of several theories of cognitive development in early
childhood with emphasis on Piaget and Vygotsky.
2) To develop a working knowledge of how theory influences practice in early childhood care and
3) To develop a working knowledge of how young children develop language.
4) To develop a working knowledge of how young children develop emergent literacy skills.
5) To develop a working knowledge of how to establish a literacy rich environment incorporating
all content areas.
6) To develop a working knowledge of how to implement developmentally appropriate practices
and create a positive classroom environment for young children.
Mooney, C.G. (2006). Theories of Childhood: An Introduction to Dewey, Montessori, Erikson,
Piaget, and Vygotsky. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Vukelich, C., Christie, J. & Enz, B. (2012). Helping Young Children Learn Language and
Literacy. Third Edition, Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Required supplemental readings will be provided in class.
Flash drive or Disk
Camera - (uploading pictures)
This online course will help students to master course objectives through reading assignments,
discussion board, field experiences, and web-based learning.
Communication between student and instructor and among peers is another important teaching
A TCC Blackboard page for this course has been established for the convenience of the students
and will be used by the Instructor to provide information about the course and your grades. It is
your responsibility to check the course website for current announcements.
Email is always a good way to reach me if you have questions. Students are required to use their
TCC email address for communication with instructors or each other. All email communication
from me will go to your TCC email address. It is very important that you check it
regularly. You can access your TCC student email address through the following web site:
-2 of 2The course syllabus is subject to change based on class needs. Changes to the syllabus or schedule will be announced in class or on our
course website. It is the student’s responsibility to keep updated on changes.
CHD 2243 – Language and Cognitive Development – Spring 2013
Things that may assist you using MyTCC:
* Your Username is your Student ID, the same one currently used by the Student Web and
* Your password is your PIN used in the Student Web and Blackboard
* If you need assistance with your username and/or password. Please contact Registration.
* For AOL Users:
- Connect to the Internet as you usually do
- Launch Internet Explorer, Netscape or another supported browser
- Access MyTCC
* You must allow popups to use MyTCC.
In an internet-based course, it is essential that you expend the necessary effort to communicate
clearly with your instructor. There are some important rules about e-mailing the instructor that you
must abide by. Following these rules will ensure that you get what you need from the instructor.
All instructors (yours included) get hundreds of e-mails a week. Many of us are on professional
listserv groups so that we can keep up with what's current in the field. Just like you, we also get
unsolicited e-mail advertisements, jokes, and chain letters that annoy us, etc. This means that it's
not unusual for us to get e-mail messages from people that we don't know. Sometimes we want to
read these messages, sometimes we don't. We must also be cautious to avoid e-mail transmitted
computer viruses. Thus, instructors have to rely on the subject line to tip us off that we are
receiving an important e-mail.
RULE #1: You must give the e-mails that you send the instructor a subject line.
RULE #2: For each email that you send the instructor, you must identify yourself as a member of
this course (CHD 1202)
The condensed class format demands that the student be self-motivated, well organized, and
highly disciplined in completing course requirements. The instructor of this course does not
provide “reminder” emails or phone calls regarding assignment deadlines. The following is a
general suggestion for time management for this course, assuming that students spend
somewhere from 8 to 16 hours per week on the requirements of this course:
Independent Internet Research
Weekly Quiz over Assigned Readings
Weekly Discussion Board postings
Weekly homework/other assignments
1-2 hours
-3 of 3The course syllabus is subject to change based on class needs. Changes to the syllabus or schedule will be announced in class or on our
course website. It is the student’s responsibility to keep updated on changes.
CHD 2243 – Language and Cognitive Development – Spring 2013
Thus, an “average” student should expect to spend at least 8 hours in any given week devoted to
the completion of this course. Students who wish to earn above average grades will likely need to
spend more time devoted to the requirements of this course. Remember that an on-campus
student would be required to spend four clock hours in the classroom each week to fulfill the
requirements of this course.
Office hours are listed on the first page of the syllabus. The Instructor will usually be available during
these times unless other professional obligations are necessary. The Instructor can also be reached through
email and voicemail which will be responded to within 24 hours on most occasions.
Each student earns her/his grade in this course by the total number of points accumulated on the
assignments and exams listed below. Bonus points are not given in this course.
 Personal Introduction= 20 points
 Field experiences 5@20 points = 100 points
 Discussion Boards 12@5 points = 60 points
 Lesson Plan Project 1@100 points = 100 points
 Course Reflection 1@20 points=20 points
 Mid- term Exam= 100 points
 Final Exam= 100 points
Grading Scale: Total Possible Points = 500
500 – 450 = 90 – 100 % = A
400 – 449 = 80 – 89 % = B
350 – 399 = 79 – 70 % = C
300 – 349 = 69 – 60% = D
000 –299 = 59 – 0 % = F
Note: Skipping or waiving assignments in this course is never an option. If students neglect to
complete any assignments, the Instructor has the right to lower the final grade.
-4 of 4The course syllabus is subject to change based on class needs. Changes to the syllabus or schedule will be announced in class or on our
course website. It is the student’s responsibility to keep updated on changes.
CHD 2243 – Language and Cognitive Development – Spring 2013
Separate guidelines and instructions for each assignment will be provided online. Online
discussion assignments including both the response and peer discussion cannot be made after
the scheduled due dates. I will not accept late assignments. As noted in the tentative schedule, a
two week timeframe is given for assigned field assignments. It is each student's responsibility to
schedule an on campus meeting time with the instructor to review exams, assignments, or
quizzes and to pick up graded assignments. Graded assignments will be kept until the beginning
of the next semester at which time they will be shredded. Students may be required to schedule
appointments with the reading and writing specialist which is in addition to the class assignments.
Students may be required to schedule appointments with the reading and writing specialist in
addition to the class assignments.
NOTE: Bonus points are not an option in this course. Each student has the same opportunity as
every other student in the course to earn points and her/his grade through the assignments
described in this syllabus. Students are expected to put forth a high degree of effort to learn the
information and, to thoroughly and competently, complete the assignments.
Students in Child Development courses are required to write research papers and other papers in
American Psychological Association (APA) style. An APA Manual can be found in the Reference
Section of the TCC West Library. Citations must be included in the body of written papers to
document the source from which the information was obtained. A complete reference for each
citation must be included on a separate reference page. At the instructor's discretion, papers that
do not include citations and a reference list will receive a grade of "F". See the TCC Plagiarism
Policy below.
The cornerstone for intellectual achievement is academic integrity. Tulsa Community College
recognizes that academic honesty is the vital key to a student’s true intellectual growth and
ultimate personal satisfaction and success.
Deliberate plagiarism is claiming, indicating, or implying that the ideas, sentences, or words of
another writer are your own; it includes having another writer do work claimed to be your own,
copying the work of another and presenting it as your own, or following the work of another as a
guide to ideas and expression that are then presented as your own. At the instructor's discretion,
a student guilty of deliberate plagiarism may receive a zero for the assignment and an "F" for the
Accidental plagiarism is the handling of quotations and paraphrases without a deliberate attempt
to deceive; it includes failing to mark the beginning of paraphrases, failing to get away from the
language of the original text when paraphrasing, failing to mark quotations properly with quotation
marks, and failing to properly identify the source of the quoted or paraphrased material. At the
instructor's discretion, a student whose paper contains accidental plagiarism may have the
opportunity to rewrite the paper with a reduction in grade.
-5 of 5The course syllabus is subject to change based on class needs. Changes to the syllabus or schedule will be announced in class or on our
course website. It is the student’s responsibility to keep updated on changes.
CHD 2243 – Language and Cognitive Development – Spring 2013
Academic dishonesty or misconduct is not condoned nor tolerated at campuses within the Tulsa
Community College system. Academic dishonesty is behavior in which a deliberately fraudulent
misrepresentation is employed in an attempt to gain underserved intellectual credit, either for
oneself or for another. Academic misconduct is behavior that results in intellectual advantage
obtained by violating specific standards, but without deliberate intent or use of fraudulent means.
The Campus Student Rights and Responsibilities Code that can be found in the TCC Student
Code of Conduct Policy Handbook govern academic dishonesty or misconduct cases.
It is the policy and practice of Tulsa Community College to create inclusive learning environments.
Accommodations for qualifying students in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act are available. To request accommodations,
contact the Education Access Center (EAC) at or call (918) 595-7115 (Voice).
Deaf and hard of hearing students may text (918) 809-1864.
Sections of this course may not be accessible for students with disabilities. Click on the link below
or click on External Links on the left for TCC academic accommodations services if you need help
accessing parts of this course. Some of the provided services are listed below.
Adaptive Computer Learning Center: The Learning Center provides tutorial and training in
the use of adaptive technology, software and computers, technical resources for computers and
aid with outside lab work is available by appointment only. Students may use the Center for
studying, tutoring sessions, and social interaction.
Assistive Technology & Training: Assistive Listening Devices (ALD) and other specialized
equipment, software and computers supporting access are available to students. Individual
assistance and training on assistive technology is available by appointment only.
Equipment: Disability Resources is equipped with a Brailler, computers with speech synthesis
and speech recognition, scanners, assistive listening devices, digital recorders, hand-held
portable magnifiers, tape players for recorded textbooks, talking calculators, and CCTVs. In
addition, upon request, special desks and chairs can be placed in the classrooms for those
students who cannot use the existing classroom seating.
Online classes are not generally affected by weather conditions. Please do not call Tulsa
Community College if the weather is bad to inquire if on-campus classes will be held. Instead, listen
to television and radio stations for announcements of school closings. If TCC is not included in the
list of closings, TCC classes will be held. TCC does not automatically close if Tulsa Public Schools
close. In the event that TCC remains open and concerns remain about hazardous conditions,
please call the instructor’s voice mail (918-595-8039) for course-specific instructions and
-6 of 6The course syllabus is subject to change based on class needs. Changes to the syllabus or schedule will be announced in class or on our
course website. It is the student’s responsibility to keep updated on changes.
CHD 2243 – Language and Cognitive Development – Spring 2013
To withdraw from this class, the student should initiate an official withdrawal through the
counseling office; non-attendance DOES NOT constitute official withdrawal. Failure to withdraw
may result in the student receiving a regular grade of "F" at the end of the semester.
To request a change to AUDIT (A) or Incomplete (I), the student must be maintaining a passing
grade. The student must initiate the change with the instructor and sign the audit or incomplete
agreement. If the incomplete is due to a circumstance that prevents the student from being able to
sign the form him/herself, the instructor may make other arrangements.
The last date to withdraw and/or change from credit to audit from this course is April 12,2013.
 The course syllabus and schedule are subject to change based on class needs. Changes to the
syllabus or schedule will be announced via Blackboard. It is the student’s responsibility to keep
updated on changes.
 Grading comments and general feedback are provided online via Blackboard in this course. In
most cases, it is possible to click on the score in the Blackboard grade book to access instructor
comments and suggestions. If you are unable to access comments by clicking on the score in the
grade book, please email the instructor with a feedback request.
 Students are responsible for providing the instructor with current contact information. Students
are also expected to update their contact information in the college student information system,
which can be accessed at:
 It is the responsibility of the student to retain a copy of all assignments for his or her records in
the event that the submission is unsuccessful.
 When e-mailing assignments to the instructor, you must keep a copy of your message in your
e-mail “sent” folder. You may be required to provide documentation of the date and time of your
attempt to submit an assignment via e-mail if your first message is not successfully received.
 Students are advised to closely monitor their recorded grades through the Blackboard system
and to notify the instructor if a grade has been recorded incorrectly.
 This syllabus and the course schedule are carefully prepared documents intended to help you
navigate this course successfully. The instructor expects that you will make every attempt to
manage your own participation and success in this course.
 Before contacting the instructor, revisit your syllabus and/or course schedule to check to see if
the information you need is already available to you in written format. The instructor places a lower
priority on returning messages about questions to which the student already has the answer in the
form of the syllabus. If you request information that has been made available to you, it is likely that
the instructor will refer you back to your syllabus instead of regenerating the information.
 In most cases, the instructor will be able to return phone calls and emails within 48 hours. Refer
to the earlier segment of the syllabus for more information on this topic. It is important to keep
your expectations reasonable about return calls or messages.
 The instructor will attempt to grade and return assignments within two weeks from the due
date, but this may not always be possible. If a student wishes to have feedback on an unreturned
-7 of 7The course syllabus is subject to change based on class needs. Changes to the syllabus or schedule will be announced in class or on our
course website. It is the student’s responsibility to keep updated on changes.
CHD 2243 – Language and Cognitive Development – Spring 2013
assignment in order to complete another assignment, he or she should contact the instructor
during office hours to make this request and/or get verbal feedback.
 In an online course, it can be easy to get offended by comments from the instructor or fellow
classmates that seem to be overly curt or brisk. Such comments are not intended to be upsetting;
they are intended to answer your question as quickly and concisely as possible given limited time.
Therefore, some messages that you may receive may not contain the social pleasantries that you
desire such as “Hi, How are you, Hope you are having a nice day.” This does not mean that the
instructor does not want to answer your question or otherwise communicate with you. It simply
means that time was limited. Please read all messages received as “friendly” even if they are brief
in content.
 Students are expected to display tolerance for others’ views on the Discussion Board forum and
through e-mails. Comments and language should be respectful and appropriate for a college
 Do not e-mail the instructor or your classmates any of the following unsolicited items: chain
letters, jokes or other “cute” or “funny” postings, announcements that do not relate to this course,
material of a religious or commercial nature, etc.
 Students who have concerns or complaints about classmates, the instructor, or the course are
expected to adhere to the NAEYC Code of Ethics for dealing with the situation.
 A new document created by TCC West Campus faculty is now available. It is titled “Student
Responsibilities and Faculty Expectations” and is a required reading in this course. This
document is found in Course Information. Access and read this document, which informs you
about faculty expectations at TCC West Campus.
Successful online students exhibit the following behaviors:
log into the course at least three times a week and participate fully in all assignments; students
who log in early in each session typically perform better than students who wait until later
in the session
Pay close attention to assignment deadlines. Add course due dates to your calendar or date
book. If you “get overwhelmed” and forget when your assignments are due and therefore
fail to turn them in you will not find that your instructor is in any way sympathetic to your
lack of organizational skills. The act of writing due dates down in your own date book helps
you to process the flow of the course requirements.
Everyone has a personal life; yours does not dictate or influence the requirements of this class.
Your instructor has provided you with complete disclosure about the requirements of this
course. If you read the syllabus and course schedule, you know about each and every
assignment and due date. You must decide for yourself if you can meet these expectations
and maintain the personal life that you desire.
check your MyTCC e-mail regularly (at least each Monday and Thursday) for notes from the
contact instructor by phone or e-mail as soon as questions arise about assignments or course
participation. Be sure to leave a return phone number and tell your full name. Vague
messages “from Jennifer in your child development class” are very difficult to return. Be
-8 of 8The course syllabus is subject to change based on class needs. Changes to the syllabus or schedule will be announced in class or on our
course website. It is the student’s responsibility to keep updated on changes.
CHD 2243 – Language and Cognitive Development – Spring 2013
Read syllabus and assignment directions carefully. There is absolutely no substitute for
thoroughly reading the instructions provided to you; your instructor’s written instructions
are the primary method of communication in this course.
Thoughtfully read assigned text and any designated supplemental readings.
Proofread the assignments you plan to submit for errors by reading assignments aloud from the
last sentence to the first
The Technology Learning Center's Reading & Writing Services help students to build analytic
reading, solid research and effective writing skills. Additionally, Reading & Writing Services can
supplement classroom instruction with information on American Psychological Association
(APA), Internet research strategies, source evaluation and documentation methods, and essay
writing techniques.
Access to computing resources is a privilege granted to all TCC faculty, staff, and students. Use of
TCC computing resources is limited to purposes related to the College's mission of education,
research, and community service. Student use of technology is governed by the Computer
Services Acceptable Use Statements/Standards found in the TCC Student Code of Conduct
Policy Handbook. These handbooks may be obtained by contacting any Student Activities or
Dean of Student Services office.
Each student is responsible for being aware of the information contained in the TCC Catalog, TCC
Student Handbook, TCC Student Code of Conduct Policy Handbook, and semester information
listed in the Class Schedule.
The following services are available at the designated locations on the TCC college campuses to
assist the student in this course:
Metro Campus
Southeast Campus
Distance Learning, MP 200E (595-7282)
Microcomputer Lab, SE 4231 (595-7643)
Microcomputer Lab, MP 200 (595-7146)
Communications Center, SE 1102 (595-7749
Communications/Reading Lab, MC 536 (595-7214)
Learning Resources Center, SE 7200 (595-7701)
Writing Lab, MC 306 (595-7240)
Math Lab, SE 8150 (595-7751)
Math Lab, MC 302 (595-6011)
Learning Resources Center, MC 200 (595-7172)
Northeast Campus
Microcomputer Lab, NE A1 (595-7592)
Learning Resources Center, NE 1135 (595-7501)
West Campus
Microcomputer Lab, WC I166 (595-8122)
Reading & Writing Center, WC I116 (595-8063)
Learning Resources Center, WC I266 (595-8010)
Science/Math Lab, WC I120 (595-8196)
This student organization (which was officially named “PACE” by its founding members in Fall
-9 of 9The course syllabus is subject to change based on class needs. Changes to the syllabus or schedule will be announced in class or on our
course website. It is the student’s responsibility to keep updated on changes.
CHD 2243 – Language and Cognitive Development – Spring 2013
2003) is for any and all students (CHD majors or non-majors) with an interest in child development
and/or early childhood education. Group activities include free DHS-accredited training in childcare
topics, field trips, social and networking events, community service projects, and greeting and
orientation services for first-semester CHD students at West Campus. For more information,
contact Dawn Parton at (918) 595-8039.
Rebecca Connelly
Child Development Admin Asst
Starr LaBrott
Liberal Arts Admin Asst
Liberal Arts Office Support
Carol Engman
Evening Programs
Melinda Suttle
Scholars for Excellence in Child
Jill Davis
Kaiser Early Childhood
Scholarship Coordinator
Terri Alonso
Child Development Academic
Laura Holtquist
DisAbled Student Services
Belinda McGee
Sherry Averrill
TCC Child Development Center
TCC Computer Lab –
TCC Library – WC
TCC WC Bookstore
WC Writing Tutors
-10 of 10The course syllabus is subject to change based on class needs. Changes to the syllabus or schedule will be announced in class or on our
course website. It is the student’s responsibility to keep updated on changes.
CHD 2243 – Language and Cognitive Development – Spring 2013
-11 of 11The course syllabus is subject to change based on class needs. Changes to the syllabus or schedule will be announced in class or on our
course website. It is the student’s responsibility to keep updated on changes.