EDU 146 Test 1 Study Guide Summer 2015

EDU 146 Test 1 Study Guide Summer 2015
There will be a section of questions asking you to evaluate each of the situations,
and for each choose one best response:
A. O.K. (acceptable behavior)
B. Be Safe (unacceptable, unreasonable safety risk)
C. Be Kind (unacceptable, interferes with the rights of others)
D. Be Neat (unacceptable, misuse of the environment)
Know terms and concepts such as
short-term objectives for child guidance
principles of DAP
Carl Rogers’ ideas about discipline
What is Carl Rogers’ theory of personality based on?
What did Piaget say about how young children learn?
What does positive guidance prepare children for?
How do children respond to adult modeling?
What is the problem with reliance on external control?
Adler’s guidelines and principles
Vygotsky's theory of development
Vygotsky’s beliefs
What do the majority of working parents say that their main problem with child care is?
What does DAP include and not include?
Does funding for quality child care meet the needs of parents?
What do maturationists believe?
Family structures
Developmentally appropriate practice
Role model
Dual-earner couples
Religious/faith-based early childhood program
Human rights
Early environment
Proprietary early childhood program
Personal responsibility
Single parents
Publicly funded, government funded and not-for-profit early childhood programs
Maria Montessori
Friedrich Froebel
Urie Bronfenbrenner
Tabula rasa
Custodial care
Child guidance
These questions are not exactly like those on the test but may help you prepare.
EDU 146 Review Questions Chapters 1 & 2 for Test 1
Chapter 1
1. What changes have taken place in family life in the past few years?
2. Has full responsibility for child guidance shifted from parents to early childhood
3. List three criteria for monitoring the appropriateness of children’s day-to-day behaviors.
4. Restate those rules from Question 3 in words young children can understand and relate to.
5. Describe the long-term goal of child guidance for children.
6. Why should children be encouraged to talk, move about, and explore as part of their
7. Can young children learn abstract concepts through rote memorization?
8. Why should parents choose child care very carefully?
9. What kinds of things induce stress in parents of young children today?
10. ___________________ is defined as early education and care that is carefully planned to
match the diverse interests, abilities, and cultural needs of children at various ages and
that is carried out with respect for and in cooperation with their families.
Chapter 2
Select the best answer:
1. Alfred Adler’s guidelines include the following principle:
a. Acting instead of talking in heated conflict situations.
b. Doing things for children that they can do for themselves.
c. Providing rewards to motivate desired behaviors.
d. Withdrawing emotionally from an out-of-control child.
2. Carl Rogers proposed that:
a. One’s self-concept was independent of the perceptions of others.
b. Human beings have an underlying “actualizing tendency.”
c. Ethics was not a primary concern for therapists.
d. Clients should be required to comply with expectations.
3. Jean Piaget argued that:
a. Children were “empty vessels” just waiting to be filled with knowledge.
b. Adults should direct children’s play to achieve optimal learning.
c. Children construct their own learning through innate processes.
d. None of the above.
4. Lev Vygotsky believed that:
a. Children developed primarily as a result of their interaction with adults.
b. Child learning was closely tied to history and culture.
c. Language was the most important cognitive tool acquired by children.
d. Children develop best when exposed to skills, words, concepts, and tasks that are
just beyond their ability.
e. None of the above.
f. All of the above.
5. A society in which people freely follow their own individual desires and interests is called
a. Autocracy.
b. Anarchy.
c. Democracy.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.
1. By the early 1900s, momentum had begun to build promoting the ____________________
study of the development of children and the dissemination of pertinent information to parents.
2. During the past century, ideas about children were influenced by two world wars, periods of
economic depression and prosperity, and the changing role of women in the workforce, as well
as by growing scientific interest in child development ____________________.
3. Piaget thought that children must create their own knowledge through stages of
____________________ with the environment.
4. The____________________ practices carried out by adults can help children learn how to
participate in a democracy by developing the necessary skills.
5. Montessori and Dewey set out to reform education, but ________ tried only to understand and
explain how children think and learn.
6. Behaviorists believe that behavior and learning result from ____________________ forces such
as reinforcement.
7. Maturationists believe that behavior and learning hinge on ____________________ processes
such as maturation and motivation.
8. Constructivists believe that behavior and learning result from the interactions between internal
development and ____________________ environment.
9. Today, out guidance methods must teach children to think, not just to ____________________.
10. Urie Bronfenbrenner co-developed an important program called _____________.
11. One of the oldest debates related to children is disagreement over how children develop
personality and intelligence: the ____________________ versus nurture controversy.
12. Contemporary educators identify three philosophical perspectives: that of the
____________________, the maturationists, and the constructivists.
13. Ethologists study behaviors in terms of natural ____________________in natural settings.
14. Vygotsky said that children interact through ____________________ and through these social
and cultural interactions learn the values of their society.
15. Vygotsky is remembered primarily for identifying what he called the ____________________.