Piaget and Vygotsky`s theories of Cognitive Development

Piaget and Vygotsky’s theories of Cognitive Development
CD=cognitive development
CD is the same for all cultures
Varies across cultures
What effect does cultural variation have on each theory of CD? (i.e. How does each person explain the influence of cultural
Piaget says that CD is a stage theory, universal, and we all go through the same stages in the same order, so culture has no impact
Vygotsky says that culture is the tool, or medium by which CD occurs. So, CD depends on the characteristics of ones cultures.
Internal Drive
Social interaction shapes learning
Piaget says that CD occurs as the result of an inner drive to maintain homeostasis (or equilibrium). Changes in our world or
environment force us to make changes (through adaptation) to adjust.
Vygotsky says that CD occurs as a result of social processes. Social learning is the necessary component that drives CD.
Agent of change
Adults (or more skilled partner)
Piaget says that CD occurs when children play with their peers. Joint problem solving and creative play encourages cognitive growth
(trial and error problem solving).
Vygotsky says that adults and more skilled partners are the most important agents of change. Children grow cognitively while playing
and participating in everyday activities next to these partners.
CD drives language
Language drives CD
(Egocentric to social)
(social to inner/private)
Piaget says that CD causes language to develop. We don’t talk about things until we understand them. We start with inner speech and
move to social speech.
Vygotsky says that language drives CD. Because CD is a social process, language is the primary means for this process to occur.