Unit 4 Week 1 Bunny Day Unit Theme: Where will our adventures take us? ELL Planning Sheet High Frequency Words: are, that, do New Phonics Skills: Hh /h/ Grammar: Naming parts of Sentences Amazing Vocabulary: chores, tidy, bustle, race, story, hungry Story Vocabulary: arrive Activity Building Background Knowledge Vocabulary (Amazing Words And Story Vocabulary Tier II and III) Reading Comprehension Grammar Monday Activate Prior Knowledge: Poster 19 Poster Talk-Through Poster activities Day 1 Combine with High Frequency Word lesson Video: Household Chores ESL Lessonfrom youtube; Daily Routines Vocabulary— English Vocabulary Lessons Talk with me/Sing with me Chart 19 A/B: chores, tidy, bustle, race, story, hungry Tuesday Poster 19 Day two Develop Vocabulary Wednesday Talk with me Chart 19 chores, tidy, bustle, race, story, hungry Talk with me Chart 19 chores, tidy, bustle, race, story, hungry Read: Bunny Day Re-read: Bunny Day Sequence: Pg 15 Teacher model Sequence: Re-read: Bunny Day Students Retell of Sequence: Clock pg… previous day sequence to write sequence Re-read: Bunny Day Naming part of Naming part of 1 Thursday Friday Story Vocabulary: arrive Naming part of Bunny Day Sequence: previous day sequence strips, reorder/students correct Unit Connection Practice Book pg 10 Unit 4 Week 1 Bunny Day Unit Theme: Where will our adventures take us? Writing High Frequency Words Spelling (Phonics) Readers Are do that (combine with Build Background Knowledge lesson) Poster 17 day 1 Flash Cards Hh /h/ (DI 49) Phonemic Awareness pictures initial sound sort (hat, tub, cat, five, hammer, hen, man, house, nest, hippopotamus) Teacher segment/ students blend (ham, hat, him, hit, has) Sentences: Pg 19 Definition List of naming parts Teacher model a sentence from list. Are do that Spell Find HF words in Phonics Reader: I Have! Flash Cards Hh /h/ Phonics Discriminate initial sound hat, tub, cat, five, hammer, hen, man, house, nest, hippopotamus () Blend (hat, hop, hit) Sentences: Pg 32 Speak Teacher write Students ID naming part Are do that Speaking Practice – sentences Flash Cards Sentences: Pg 59 Speak Students complete sentence frame “______ likes gifts.” Are do that Flash Cards Find HF words in Decodable Reader: Hob Can Hit Hh /h/ Phonics Workbook pg. 85 blend (man, fan, pop) Hh /h/ Phonics spelling (hot, hat, had, hip) Hh /h/ Phonicsspelling (hop, dot, did, dad) Phonic Reader: I Have! (keep to re-read on Day 3) Re-read Phonics Reader: I Have! Decodable Reader: Hob Can Hit (keep to re-read on Day 5) Decodable Reader Hob Can Hit Unit 1 Proposed Assessment Plan Measure High frequency words Frequency weekly Assessor Classroom teacher Verbal retell weekly Classroom teacher 2 Are do that Flash Cards Unit 4 Week 1 Bunny Day Unit Theme: Where will our adventures take us? Writing CBM biweekly ELL tutor 3 Unit 4 Week 1 Bunny Day Unit Theme: Where will our adventures take us? Day 1 High Frequency Words: are, that, do New Phonics Skills: Hh /h/ Grammar: Naming parts of Sentences Amazing Vocabulary: chores, tidy, bustle, race, story, hungry Story Vocabulary: arrive Background Knowledge Vocabulary (Amazing Words and Story Vocabulary Tier II and III) Poster 19 Poster Talk-through – read aloud and point as you describe the poster. Have students repeat the underlined words in the script, after you say them and identify on the poster. Students need to respond to the following questions with one of the embedded answer choices or complete sentence as modeled. Error Corrections: If needed, model, test, and ask the same question at the end of this section to retest. o Is dad making pancakes or cereal? He is making pancakes? o Is mom waking up the children or pouring juice? Mom is pouring juice? o Do you think they are going to eat breakfast or lunch? They are going to eat breakfast. o What do you like to eat for breakfast? I like to eat_____. o Who is playing with the ball, mom or the children? The children are playing with the ball. o Is dad planting seeds or taking a nap? Dad is planting seeds. o (Point to the mother rabbit.) Is this a rabbit or a chameleon? This is a rabbit. o Who is with the mother rabbit? The babies are with the mother rabbit. o Baby rabbits are called bunnies. Say it with me….Baby rabbits are called bunnies. o Do the rabbit and bunnies want to eat the plants in the garden or play games? The rabbit and bunnies want to eat the plants in the garden. o What do you like to do in the middle of the day or afternoon? o Is the sister in her pajamas or clothes to wear outside? The sister is in her pajamas. o What game are mom and brother playing, hide and seek or checkers? Mom and brother are playing a checker game. o What do you like to do before you go to bed? Video: Household Chores ESL Lesson-from youtube; Daily Routines Vocabulary—English Vocabulary Lessons Display Talk with Me Chart 19 A “This week we will be talking about adventures we have throughout the day.” This child is doing a chore , or a job. o Chores are jobs we do to make our home clean. o What are chores? Jobs we do to make our home clean. o What is the word for hobs we do to make our home clean? Chores o What are some of the chores you do at your house? A chore I do is _________. Look at these two rooms. Who are they different? o This room is tidy . 4 Unit 4 Week 1 Bunny Day Unit Theme: Where will our adventures take us? o o o o o Tidy is another word for neat and clean. What is another word for tidy? Neat or clean What is a word of neat and clean? Tidy We fold our clothes to keep them tidy. What are some things we do to keep the classroom tidy? Put garbage in the garbage can, put cayons and pencils away when we are done, put books back neatly on the shelf….. Display pages 10-11 and 12-13. The bunnies bustle to finish their chores. o Bustle is another word for doing something quickly. o What does bustle mean? doing something quickly o What is the word for doing something quickly? Bustle These children are having a potato sack race. o Race means to run very fast. o What does race mean? to run very fast. o What is the word for to running very fast? Race These children are listening to a story. o A story tells us about things that happen to people, animals, or things. o What does a story tell us? A story tells us about things that happen to people, animals or things. o What do we call something that tells us about people, animals and things? A story These children are going to eat dinner because they are hungry. o Hungry is the feeling we have when we need to eat. o What does hungry mean? the feeling we have when we need to eat. Reading Display Bunny Day. Comprehension Look at the cover. Think Aloud: I see a father rabbit and a bunny. They are lying in the grass looking at the clouds. The title of this book is Bunny Day What do you think this story will be about? Read Bunny Day Grammar and Writing High Frequency Are, do, that Words Here are this week’s high frequency words. This word is are. What word? are This word is do. What word? do This word is that. What word? That Poster 19 day 1 develop Concepts and Vocabulary. Display word cards when you say the word. Point to a scene on the poster and ask the following questions: Does your family ever do that? Yes/no my family will do that. What are they doing here? They are______. Repeat with other scenes and let students have turns asking the questions. Second Time When I touch under the word, say the word in your head. When I tap under the word, everyone will say the word aloud. 5 Unit 4 Week 1 Bunny Day Unit Theme: Where will our adventures take us? Spelling (Phonemic Awareness/ Phonics) Practice the word list until they read the list without errors. Unpredictable individual turns (Not everyone will have an individual turn.) Hh /h/ Today we will learn a new sound. Listen and watch as I say the sound: /h/, /h/, /h/. o Please say the /h/ sound……/h/ /h/ /h/ o Say hat…hat. What sound do you hear at the beginning? /h/ o Say tub…tub. What sound do you hear at the beginning? /t/ o Which word starts with a /h/ sound? Show the hat page. o Have students say the words with you as you point to the pictures. o Show the other picture cards one at a time. Say the word and have students repeat. Have students identify the beginning sound of each word. Pass out pictures and have students put all the beginning /h/ words on the hat page (cat, five, hammer, hen, man, house, nest, hippopotamus) o Listen to this word…I am going to say it so you can hear all the sounds. Put the sounds together and tell me the word. Examples: (teacher ) /h/ - /a/ - /t/ say it with me… /h/ /a/ /t/ What is the word? Hat Repeat with the following words: him, hit, has Readers 6 Unit 4 Week 1 Bunny Day Unit Theme: Where will our adventures take us? 7 Unit 4 Week 1 Bunny Day Unit Theme: Where will our adventures take us? 5 8 Unit 4 Week 1 Bunny Day Unit Theme: Where will our adventures take us? Day 2 High Frequency Words: are, that, do New Phonics Skills: Hh /h/ Grammar: Naming parts of Sentences Amazing Vocabulary: chores, tidy, bustle, race, story, hungry Story Vocabulary: arrive Background Knowledge Vocabulary (Amazing Words and Story Vocabulary Tier II and III) Poster 19 Day 2 Follow directions on poster for activity: Listen and Point Display Talk with Me Chart 19 A “This week we will be talking about adventures we have throughout the day.” This child is doing a chore , or a job. o Chores are jobs we do to make our home clean. o What are chores? Jobs we do to make our home clean. o What is the word for hobs we do to make our home clean? Chores Look at these two rooms. Who are they different? o This room is tidy . o Tidy is another word for neat and clean. o What is another word for tidy? Neat or clean Display pages 10-11 and 12-13. The bunnies bustle to finish their chores. o Bustle is another word for doing something quickly. o What does bustle mean? doing something quickly o What is the word for doing something quickly? Bustle o Sometimes in the morning I bustle or hurry to get ready and walk out the door for school. o When do you hurry, or bustle? I bustle____________. These children are having a potato sack race. o When you race someone you try to finish first. o Race means to run very fast. o What does race mean? to run very fast. o What is the word for to running very fast? Race o When have you raced someone? Running to playground, writing name on paper, getting to the door/carpet/water fountain first. These children are listening to a story. o A story tells us about things that happen to people, animals, or things. o What does a story tell us? A story tells us about things that happen to people, animals or things. o What do we call something that tells us about people, animals and things? A story These children are going to eat dinner because they are hungry. o Hungry is the feeling we have when we need to eat. o What does hungry mean? the feeling we have when we need to eat. Reading Display Bunny Day Sequence graphic organizer. Comprehension In a story something happens first, next, then and last. The order these things happen in is called sequence. o What is the sequence of a story? What happens first, next, then, and last. 9 Unit 4 Week 1 Bunny Day Unit Theme: Where will our adventures take us? o What do we call the first, next, then, last order of a story? sequence Grammar and Writing High Frequency Words Do a picture walk of the book and stop to fill in the graphic organizer First: eat breakfast - What do the bunnies do first? First the bunnies eat breakfast. Next: do chores, eat lunch - What do the bunnies do next? Next, the bunnies do chores and eat lunch. Then: take a nap - What do the bunnies do then? Then the bunnies take a nap. Last: have story time, go to sleep - What do the bunnies do last? Last the bunnies have story time and go to sleep. Read Bunny Day Naming Part of a Sentences: When we put words together to tell an idea, we make a sentence. o What is a sentence? Putting words together to tell an idea. o What do we call words that are put together to tell an idea? A sentence o Every sentence has a naming part. That is the part that tells who or what the sentence is about. o What is the naming part of a sentence? Who or what the sentence is about. o For Example: The cat ran fast. o Who or what are we talking about? The cat o The cat – is the naming part. o Say it with me…….the cat - is the naming part. Display the kite picture. This is a kite. Say it with me …kite o The kite was blue. Say it with me…..The kite was blue. o What is the naming part? The kite o Repeat with the following pictures: man, sun Select one of the above sentences and model writing the sentence. o What kind of letter should begin my sentence? o What do I need to leave between words? o What do I need to put at the end of the sentence? Are, do, that This word is are. What word? are Everyone, spell are. A-r-e What word did you spell? are This word is do. What word? do Everyone, spell do. d-o What word did you spell? do This word is that. What word? that Everyone, spell that. T-h-a-t What word did you spell? that Second Time When I touch under the word, say the word in your head. When I tap under the word, everyone will say the word aloud. Practice the word list until they read the list without errors. 10 Unit 4 Week 1 Bunny Day Unit Theme: Where will our adventures take us? Unpredictable individual turns (Not everyone will have an individual turn.) Spelling (Phonics) Have students mark the words: are, do, that in the Phonics reader I Have! Hh /h/ Hold up a H letter card. This is the letter H. It makes the /h/ sound. o Give each student a H letter card. o Trace the letter H on your card and say /h/. o What sound does this letter make? /h/ o What is the name of this letter? H I am going to say some words. If the word starts with the /h/ sound, hold up the letter H card. o hat, tub, cat, five, hammer, hen, man, house, nest, hippopotamus Readers Use the page with arrows and blocks to practice blending words together. o With students slowly sound out each letter while pointing to the letter with finger. o With students repeat sounding out and pointing at a faster speed. o With students repeat reading and pointing at a normal speed. Phonics Reader : I Have! Keep reader to re-read on Day 3 11 Unit 4 Week 1 Bunny Day Unit Theme: Where will our adventures take us? FIRST NEXT THEN LAST 12 Unit 4 Week 1 Bunny Day Unit Theme: Where will our adventures take us? 13 Unit 4 Week 1 Bunny Day Unit Theme: Where will our adventures take us? H H H H 14 Unit 4 Week 1 Bunny Day Unit Theme: Where will our adventures take us? h a t h o p h i t 15 Unit 4 Week 1 Bunny Day Unit Theme: Where will our adventures take us? Day 3 High Frequency Words: are, that, do New Phonics Skills: Hh /h/ Grammar: Naming parts of Sentences Amazing Vocabulary: chores, tidy, bustle, race, story, hungry Story Vocabulary: arrive Vocabulary Display Talk with Me Chart 19 A (Amazing “This week we will be talking about adventures we have throughout the day.” Words This child is doing a chore , or a job. and o Chores are jobs we do to make our home clean. Story o What are chores? Jobs we do to make our home clean. Vocabulary o What is the word for hobs we do to make our home clean? Chores Tier II and III) Look at these two rooms. Who are they different? o This room is tidy . o Tidy is another word for neat and clean. o What is another word for tidy? Neat or clean Display pages 10-11 and 12-13. The bunnies bustle to finish their chores. o Bustle is another word for doing something quickly. o What does bustle mean? doing something quickly o What is the word for doing something quickly? Bustle These children are having a potato sack race. o Race means to run very fast. o What does race mean? to run very fast. o What is the word for to running very fast? Race These children are listening to a story. o A story tells us about things that happen to people, animals, or things. o What is the story we have been reading all week? The story we are reading is Bunny Day. o What is another story we have read? Another story we have read is___. o What stories do you read at home? A story I read at home was _____. o What is your favorite story? My favorite story is ________. These children are going to eat dinner because they are hungry. o Hungry is the feeling we have when we need to eat. o What does hungry mean? the feeling we have when we need to eat. o What is the word to tell about the feeling we have when we need to eat? Hungry o When I am hungry my stomach makes noises. Does your stomach make noises when you are hungry? Yes, my stomach makes noises when I am hungry. o What do you like to eat when you are hungry? I like to eat _____ when I am hungry. Reading Display Bunny Day and Sequence graphic organizer. Comprehension In a story something happens first, next, then and last. The order these things happen in is called sequence. o What is the sequence of a story? What happens first, next, then, and last. What do we call the first, next, then, last order of a story? Sequence Display the Sequence graphic organizer from Day 2. 16 Unit 4 Week 1 Bunny Day Unit Theme: Where will our adventures take us? o o Grammar and Writing High Frequency Words What do the bunnies do first? First the bunnies eat breakfast. What do the bunnies do next? Next, the bunnies do chores and eat lunch. o What do the bunnies do then? Then the bunnies take a nap. o What do the bunnies do last? Last the bunnies have story time and go to sleep. Re-read Bunny Day Naming Part of a Sentences: When we put words together to tell an idea, we make a sentence. o What is a sentence? Putting words together to tell an idea. o What do we call words that are put together to tell an idea? A sentence Every sentence has a naming part. That is the part that tells who or what the sentence is about. o What is the naming part of a sentence? Who or what the sentence is about. I will say some sentences. Tell me the naming part. o The hen eats corn. Say it with me….. The hen eats corn. o Who or what are we talking about? The hen o The hen – is the naming part of the sentence. Say it with me… The hen – is the naming part of the sentence. o Repeat above script for the following sentences: The bunnies cleaned their rooms. Mother Rabbit made lunch. Father Rabbit planted seeds. Are, do, that This word is are. What word? are A sentence with the word are is….” Are you going to tidy your room?” Ask students to use are in a sentence. This word is do. What word? do A sentence with the word do is….” Do you like to read a story at night?” Ask students to use do in a sentence. This word is that. What word? that A sentence with the word that is….” That bunny won the race.” Ask students to use that in a sentence. Spelling (Phonics) Second Time When I touch under the word, say the word in your head. When I tap under the word, everyone will say the word aloud. Practice the word list until they read the list without errors. Unpredictable individual turns (Not everyone will have an individual turn.) Hh /h/ Hold up an H letter card. This is the letter H. It makes the /h/ sound. o Give each student an H letter card. o Trace the letter H on your card and say /h/. o What sound does this letter make? /h/ o What is the name of this letter? H 17 Unit 4 Week 1 Bunny Day Unit Theme: Where will our adventures take us? Readers Use the page with arrows and blocks to practice blending words together. o With students slowly sound out each letter while pointing to the letter with finger. o With students repeat sounding out and pointing at a faster speed. o With students repeat reading and pointing at a normal speed. Phonics Work page 85 Re-read Phonics Reader : I Have! 18 Unit 4 Week 1 Bunny Day Unit Theme: Where will our adventures take us? m a n f a n p o p 19 Unit 4 Week 1 Bunny Day Unit Theme: Where will our adventures take us? Day 4 High Frequency Words: are, that, do New Phonics Skills: Hh /h/ Grammar: Naming parts of Sentences Amazing Vocabulary: chores, tidy, bustle, race, story, hungry Story Vocabulary: arrive Vocabulary (Amazing Words and Story Vocabulary Tier II and III) Story Vocabulary: arrive “This week we will be talking about adventures we have throughout the day.” Display and read pg. 24-25. The bunnies arrive in the dining room. o The bunnies came to the dining room. o Arrive means to get somewhere or come to a place. o What does arrive mean? to get somewhere, or come to a place? o What is the word for when get somewhere or come to a place? Arrive o I arrive to school in my car. o How do you arrive to school? I arrive to school______. Reading Display Bunny Day and Clock Sequence graphic organizer. Comprehension In a story something happens first, next, then and last. The order these things happen in is called sequence. o What is the sequence of a story? What happens first, next, then, and last. What do we call the first, next, then, last order of a story? Sequence As you reread Bunny Day stop at each new time and fill in the activity next to the appropriate clock on the graphic organizer. (You will use the completed clock graphic organizer on Day 5) o Example: 8:00 – get up o 9:00 – chores Grammar and Naming Part of a Sentences: Writing When we put words together to tell an idea, we make a sentence. o What is a sentence? Putting words together to tell an idea. o What do we call words that are put together to tell an idea? A sentence Every sentence has a naming part. That is the part that tells who or what the sentence is about. o What is the naming part of a sentence? Who or what the sentence is about. I will say some sentences. Tell me the naming part. o The box opens up. Say it with me….. The box opens up. o Who or what are we talking about? The box o The box – is the naming part of the sentence. Say it with me… The box – is the naming part of the sentence. o Repeat above script for the following sentences: The pig lives in a barn. An ant is little. My goat eats anything. (your name) likes treats. o Pass out the page with went sentence frame _______ likes treats Have students write their names in the blank. Remind students to start with a capital letter and put a period at 20 Unit 4 Week 1 Bunny Day Unit Theme: Where will our adventures take us? the end. High Frequency Words Are, do, that First Time When I touch under the word, say the word in your head. When I tap under the word, everyone will say the word aloud. Practice the word list until they read the list without errors. Unpredictable individual turns (Not everyone will have an individual turn.) Second Time Pass out Decodable Reader - Hop Can Hit Have students find and underline the sight words are, do, that in the story. Spelling (Phonics) Readers Hh /h/ Display an H letter card. This is the letter H. It makes the /h/ sound. What is the name of this letter? H What sound does this letter make? /h/ Have students air write the letter H while saying the /h/ sound. We are going to spell some words. Pass out writing materials. If a word is a proper noun, remind students to begin that word with a capital letter. Teacher say “hot” Students say “hot” Teacher and students segment word. Hold up one finger for each letter sound. H - o - t Students write the word. Repeat for the following words: hat, had, hip Decodable Reader: Hob Can Hit Keep reader to re-read on Day 5 21 Unit 4 Week 1 Bunny Day Unit Theme: Where will our adventures take us? 22 Unit 4 Week 1 Bunny Day Unit Theme: Where will our adventures take us? 23 Unit 4 Week 1 Bunny Day Unit Theme: Where will our adventures take us? 24 Unit 4 Week 1 Bunny Day Unit Theme: Where will our adventures take us? 25 Unit 4 Week 1 Bunny Day Unit Theme: Where will our adventures take us? ____________ likes treats 26 Unit 4 Week 1 Bunny Day Unit Theme: Where will our adventures take us? Day 5 High Frequency Words: are, that, do New Phonics Skills: Hh /h/ Grammar: Naming parts of Sentences Amazing Vocabulary: chores, tidy, bustle, race, story, hungry Story Vocabulary: arrive Vocabulary (Amazing Words and Story Vocabulary Tier II and III) Reading Display Bunny Day and Clock Sequence graphic organizer. Comprehension In a story something happens first, next, then and last. The order these things happen in is called sequence. o What is the sequence of a story? What happens first, next, then, and last. o What do we call the first, next, then, last order of a story? Sequence Display the Clock Sequence graphic Organizer from Day 4. o Cut the first page into strips (with a clock and activity on each strip) o Re-arrange the strips. o Work with students to put the strips in the correct order. o Repeat for pages two and three. What adventures did the bunnies have threw the day? Grammar and Naming Part of a Sentences Writing Practice Book pg 10 High Frequency Are, do, that Words When I touch under the word, say the word in your head. When I tap under the word, everyone will say the word aloud. Practice the word list until they read the list without errors. Unpredictable individual turns (Not everyone will have an individual turn.) Spelling (Phonics) Hh /h/ Display an H letter card. This is the letter H. It makes the /h/ sound. What is the name of this letter? H What sound does this letter make? /h/ Have students air write the letter H while saying the /h/ sound. We are going to spell some words. Pass out writing materials. If a word is a proper noun, remind students to begin that word with a capital letter. Teacher say “hop” Students say “hop” Teacher and students segment word. Hold up one finger for each letter sound. h - o - p Students write the word. Repeat for the following words: dot, did, dad 27 Unit 4 Week 1 Bunny Day Unit Theme: Where will our adventures take us? Readers Decodable Reader : Hob Can Hit 28