2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] ~0~ 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] 2012 -2015 Technology Plan Update ........................................................... 23 Student Learning TFA: Goal, Objective, Strategies .......................... 23 Action Plans and Implementation – TFA 1: Student Learning ......... 24 Teacher Preparation and Delivery of Instruction TFA: Goal, Objective, Strategies ........................................................................ 25 Action Plans and Implementation – TFA 2: Teacher Preparation and Delivery of Instruction .............................................................. 26 Administration, Data Management and Communication TFA: Goal, Objective, Strategies .............................................................. 27 Action Plans and Implementation – TFA 3: Administration, Data Management and Communication .................................................. 28 Resource Distribution and Use TFA: Goal, Objective, Strategies .... 29 Action Plans and Implementation – TFA 4: Resource Distribution and Use ............................................................................................ 30 Technical Support TFA: Goal, Objective, Strategies ........................ 31 Action Plans and Implementation – TFA 5: Technical Support........ 32 Communication, Dissemination, Monitoring, Evaluation and Corrective Strategies for Implementation Steps ........................................................... 33 Communication and Dissemination................................................. 33 Monitoring ....................................................................................... 33 Evaluation and Corrective Strategies for Implementation Steps .... 34 Table of Contents ........................................................................................... 1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 2 Overview of Reeds Spring R-IV School District .................................. 2 Overview of Technology Plan ............................................................ 3 Mission and Vision Statements ..................................................................... 4 Technology Planning and Committee ............................................................ 5 Table 1: Technology Committee ........................................................ 6 Needs Assessment.......................................................................................... 7 Table 2: Needs Assessment ............................................................... 8 Table 3: Review of 2009-2012 Technology Plan .............................. 12 Review of 2009 – 2012 Technology TFA’s .................................................... 18 TFA 1: Student Learning................................................................... 18 Table 4: Strengths and Weaknesses of Student Learning ............... 18 TFA 2: Teacher Preparation and Delivery of Instruction ................. 19 Table 5: Strengths and Weaknesses of Teacher Preparation and Delivery of Instruction ..................................................................... 19 TFA 3: Administration, Data Management and Communication .... 20 Table 6: Strengths and Weaknesses of Administration, Data Management and Communication .................................................. 20 TFA 4: Resource Distribution and Use ............................................. 21 Table 7: Strengths and Weaknesses of Resource Distribution ........ 21 TFA 5: Technical Support ................................................................ 22 Table 8: Strengths and Weaknesses of Technical Support .............. 22 ~1~ 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] District Belief Statement We believe . . . Overview of the Reeds Spring R- IV School District The Reeds Spring R-IV School District is located in southwest Missouri with the student population drawn from four cities: Reeds Spring, Branson West, Kimberling City, and Cape Fair. The District serves approximately 2120 students. In addition to the traditional K-12 classroom, the Reeds Spring School District provides Gibson Technical Center and New Horizons Alternative School as additional school settings. The District also houses such early childhood services as Parents As Teachers, the Early Childhood Center, the Bud Strohm Preschool, Head Start Preschool, and Infant care facilities. Our District has been awarded Distinction in Performance for High Achievement yearly since 2006. It is with great pride that the Reed Spring School District endeavors to be on the cutting edge of educational excellence. The Reeds Spring School District strives to be an outstanding resource for the community it serves. The District belief statement expresses our fundamental values and is the why behind every action. The following belief statements are not arranged in order of importance, but represent the District’s conviction to these core principles. ~2~ In maximizing the learning of each student. All children and adults have the ability and responsibility to learn. Decisions in schools should be made based on what is best for kids. A strong partnership among community, parents, students, and school staff is essential for student success. Research and best practices will guide curriculum and instructional decisions People are the most important resource of a school district. Our diversity makes us strong. Shared decision making helps us work for the common good. Communication is key to our success. All people should be treated with respect and understanding of individual differences. Time spent planning today is an investment for success in the future. A well-rounded education prepares students to be lifelong learners and productive citizens. High expectations lead to high achievements. Our community serves as a resource to assist the district in achieving success. 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] Overview of Technology Plan Reeds Spring R-IV is committed to the integration of technology in all aspects of our school district. We believe that embedding technology into student learning, teacher preparation, and data management systems, promotes our vision as to be ‘A District that strives to create a school for tomorrow’. Reeds Spring R-IV is engaged in teaching students digital literacy in diverse ways. We encourage each child to become productive and effective 21st Century citizens. Technology is embedded in all aspects of our curriculum to improve student achievement and assist students as they transition into society’s technology rich environment. Reeds Spring R-IV is dedicated to providing teachers with digital tools for instruction and data management. Teachers are supported and encouraged to use technology as a front-line strategy of instruction. The Reeds Spring R-IV School District provides a technology department to maintain appropriate instructional resources, support services and functional and safe facilities. The technology mission of the RSSD is to provide an environment which focuses on academic achievement and technology literacy to prepare students for college and career readiness. Reeds Spring School District affords teachers varied opportunities to increase their technology skills with the goal of technology being a natural element of classroom instruction. ~3~ Reeds Spring R-IV is assisting the education community by continuing to update and acquire technology resources which improve administration and data management districtwide. We provide adequate and equitable access to technology and resources for staff and students. We are committed to the use of this technology plan and thereby meet MSIP and CSIP as well as ePeGS and No Child Left Behind Standards for the state of Missouri. 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] District Vision The Reeds Spring School District strives to create a school for tomorrow where: The Reeds Spring R-IV School District is dedicated to providing for the needs of our students and community. Our mission gives us the framework for all educational decisions. It is why we come to work each day. We are dedicated to its implementation. Our District vision affords us the luxury of looking toward tomorrow. It allows us to plan for equitable resource distribution and technology support services that will maintain the highest quality of instruction. We envision a bright, prosperous future for our students and are committed to including technology into student learning, teacher preparation, and data management as the means of creating a ‘school for tomorrow.’ District Mission Statement The mission of the Reeds Spring R-IV School District is to provide comprehensive educational experiences that will enable all students to become life-long learners and productive, informed citizens. All members take active roles in a team effort dedicated to student success. Research based instructional practices result in the powerful learning experiences needed for success in an ever changing society. All students improve their academic performance and demonstrate their personal best daily to succeed as lifelong learners and problem solvers. All students develop an understanding of and a respect for people from varied cultural, ethnic, economic and racial backgrounds to become good citizens. A safe, caring and educationally stimulating environment will increase students’ life chances. The Five Technology Focus Areas (TFA’s) 1. Student learning as it relates to the ePeGS Goals, including technology skills 2. Teacher preparation and delivery of instruction 3. Administration, data management and communication 4. Resource distribution and use 5. Technical Support Technology Mission Statement The technology mission of the Reeds Spring R-IV School District is to provide an environment which focuses on academic achievement and technology literacy to prepare students for college and career readiness. ~4~ 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] Committee Members The Reeds Spring R-IV School District Technology Planning Committee is comprised of teachers, librarians, administrators, technical support and parents. All five Technology Focus Areas (TFAs) are addressed within these groups. Technology Planning The single goal of the technology review process has been for the technology committee to develop a fluid document for guiding technology usage throughout the district. The technology committee strongly believes this plan should not only guide district actions but adjust to ever-changing technological advances. This document will act as a map; providing the Reeds Spring R-IV School District needed direction as well as providing opportunities for reflection and revision. District technology strengths and weaknesses were reviewed in large and small discussion groups. This opportunity for dialogue and analysis was critical to the new plan’s development and became part of the TFA’s action plans. The committee discussed the existing needs of our school community. We sought to create a technology plan that would have a positive impact on the immediate education of our students while providing a direct link to their future success. This technology plan fulfills our district mission ‘to provide comprehensive educational experiences that will enable all students to become life-long learners and productive, informed citizens’. The Technology Planning Committee reviewed the 2009-2012 Technology Plan during the 2011-12 school year. We evaluated the current usage and brain-stormed future growth opportunities for technology use within the District as a means of meeting the CSIP, MSIP, ePeGS Goals and No Child Left Behind standards. ~5~ 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] Table 1: Technology Committee NAME AFFILIATION ROLE TFA Steve Verheyen Jane Renner Elizabeth Smith Vanessa Holmes Janna Elfrink Jock Thompson Eric Davis Sonya Hohnstein Robin Verheyen District District District District District Gibson Tech High School High School High, Middle, Intermediate, Elementary, Primary Schools Middle School Middle School Middle School Intermediate School Intermediate School Elementary School Primary School Primary School Primary, Intermediate Schools DO, Parent DI DSped Tech Coordinator Instructional Tech Specialist Teacher Teacher, Parent Teacher, Parent Teacher, Parent 3,4,5 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 3,4,5 1,2,3,4,5 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 Instructional Coach Teacher, Parent Library Media Specialist, Parent Teacher, Parent Library Media Specialist, Parent Teacher Teacher, Parent Teacher, Parent Teacher, Parent 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 Carolyn Walker Josh Hill Glenda Coyle Tricia Weydert Leann Chastain Dawn Teaster Sara Criger Christy Hubbard Karen Murray The Five Technology Focus Areas (TFA’s) 1. Student learning 2. Teacher preparation and delivery of instruction 3. Administration, data management and communication 4. Resource distribution 5. Technical Support DO – Director of Operations DI – Director of Instruction BT – Building Tech VTT – Vanguard Tech Team DSped – Director of Special Education ~6~ 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] The members of the technology planning committee met several times during the 2011 – 2012 school year. The committee was divided into groups and assigned a specific technology focus area (TFA). The members of these small TFA groups were asked to view discussion and analysis through the lens of their technology focus thus providing the committee with viewpoints which represented all five technology focus areas. The TFA small groups provided feedback critical to the needs assessment process. The technology planning committee worked as a full group during the process of reviewing district technology strengths and weaknesses. The group discussion and the resulting reflection were critical to determining the progress and accomplishments of the existing plan and in determining areas of weakness. The committee reviewed data related to student achievement and teacher professional development. We also referred to the yearly Technology Census for data relating to existing district technology. The committee reviewed Table 2 data as a means of assessing our district strengths and weaknesses as they relate to technology use in all areas of the education community. Table 3 is a detailed review of the 2009 -2012 Technology Plan. Each goals, objectives, strategies, and action steps was reviewed. The committee created Table 3 to determine not only what has been accomplished, but to focus our resources and energy toward the vision of providing an environment which focuses on academic achievement and technology literacy to prepare students for college and career readiness. Technology-Rich Instruction College and Career Readiness Digital Literacy Training ~7~ 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] Table 2: Needs Assessment The Reeds Spring School District used the following sources of data to identify strengths and weaknesses. The analysis of this data was used to guide the action plans for the 2012 – 2015 Technology Plan. Data Analyzed Reeds Spring R-IV School District Software Web Filtering Incident Reports Google Apps for Education Wolves Helpdesk MORENet / Shareware / Other Tools for Network Evaluation Internet Bandwidth Usage Report Internet Traffic by Protocol Etherreal Software Traffic Protocol (shareware) Reeds Spring R- IV School District Communication Tools MORENet Listserv Google Apps for Education NBX Voice Over IP Phone System District Web Page- http://www.wolves.k12.mo.us Parent Portal Link - http://www.wolves.k12.mo.us Homework Web Page - http://www.wolves.k12.mo.us Local Radio Station KRZK 106.3 Local Newspaper: Tri Lakes Press School Reach Wolf Pride News Reeds Spring R- IV School District Management Tools SIS Fin Tyler Technologies SIS K-12 Follette / Destiny Library Manager Pulse ~8~ Data Source Data Origination Administrative Software District Administrative Networking Tools State 3, 4, 5 Communication Tools District 3, 4, 5 Data Management Tools District / Building 3, 5 TFA 3, 4, 5 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] Reeds Spring R- IV School District Plans Comprehensive School Improvement Plan 2011 2009-2012 Technology Plan Technology Program Review PDC Technology Training District Census of Technology (COT) Reeds Spring R- IV School District Committee Minutes / Reports A+ Schools Report Long Range Planning Committee Test Scores / Summaries Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) Terra Nova ACT EOC Testing Acuity 8th Grade Technology Literacy Assessment Curriculum Based Measurements - CBM (Reading & Math) Read 180 Star Reading Program Aimsweb State Educational Technology Plan Faculty Technology Resources PD Evaluation Survey 2011 Technology PD Survey Needs Assessment 2011 Atomic Learning PD 360 Instructional Practices Inventory (IPI) High School Student Resources Computer and Technology Accessibility Survey 2011 ~9~ Local Assessment District 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Local Assessments District Standardized Assessment District, State, National 1 DESE State 1, 5 Surveys / Data Analysis District / Building 2 Survey Building 1 1, 2, 5 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] Reeds Spring R- IV School District Policies and Procedures Board of Education Policies Access to Technology Resources (AUP) - Student Acceptable Use Policy, Parent Acceptable Use Policy, Staff Acceptable Use Policy Computer License Agreements Copyright Policy Student Cell Phone Policy Cyber Bullying Policy SCS Senate Bill 1 Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA) Policy Employee Handbook Technology / Instructional Technology Department Procedures Filtering Policy Web Page Guidelines Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Technical Support Audit Capital Cost Work Order Reports Purchase Orders Inventory MOREnet Contract / Net Flow Reports Reeds Spring R- IV School District Curriculum Curriculum Guides Course Syllabi Technology Competence Standards for K – 12 students EAT on-line Content / Grade Level Curriculum Maps Content / Grade Level Power Standards Content / Grade Level Common Assessments Building Data Teams ~ 10 ~ Policies and Procedures, Students and Teachers District / Building 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 District / Building 1, 2 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP) (CSIP) ISTE Standards for Students ISTE Standards for Teachers ISTE Standards for Administrators 7th / 8th Grade Student Pre and Post Test ePeGS Goals ePeGS Goals Professional Development Program Evaluation Library Services Annual Report ~ 11 ~ Local Assessment State (DESE) 1, 2, 5 DESE Training Data / Evaluations Survey / Evaluation District 2 District 2 District 1, 2 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] Table 3: Review of 2009 -2012 Technology Plan Discussion results generated in Technology Committee (TC) Meeting (10/26/2011) GOAL #1 STUDENT LEARNING Develop and enhance quality educational / instructional programs to improve performance and enable students to meet their personal, academic, and career goals. Objective: All students will engage in instruction driven by technology-enriched curriculum 55% of instructional time, resulting in high levels of academic achievement and performance that fosters life-long learning. Strategy 1-A Staff will integrate technology in all curricular areas to improve student learning. Action Steps Develop effective curricula that include integrated technology designed to help students meet State academic standards. Provide the necessary resources needed to implement technology integration. Strategy 1-B Students will be provided with research-based instructional strategies that are powered by technology and engage diverse learners in the excitement of learning through student centered, collaborative, projectbased, and inquiry-based activities, and promote research, problemsolving, and communication. Action Steps Provide training using eMINTS model of instruction. Develop a pilot program for digital classrooms. ~ 12 ~ This is the 2011 CSIP Goal 1. STATUS Ongoing Results Status The 55% number seemed impossible to support. Thus we would re-word the Objective to read - All students will engage Ongoing in instruction driven by technology-enriched curriculum, resulting in high levels of academic achievement and performance. Results Status RSSD area of strength (Tech PD, Census Ongoing of Technology, EAT Online Curriculum, etc). Results Status Strengths: EAT Online Curriculum. Census of Technology guides decisions. Results Simplify statement for more clarity Students will be provided with researchbased and technology embedded strategies that engage diverse learners in project and inquiry-based activities. Results Expand to include Intel models. No longer needed. Ongoing Annual Review Status Ongoing Status Ongoing Complete 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] Strategy 1-C District curriculum and instruction will incorporate technology in developing students’ 21st century skills and address eighth grade technology literacy. Action Steps Develop a scope and sequence of technology skills based on NET*S. Staff will implement technology in classroom instruction. Administer technology assessment yearly for students in 6 th through 8th grades. District will assess the technology beyond the school environment (survey). GOAL #2 TEACHER PREPARATION Recruit, attract, develop, and retain highly qualified staff to carry out the LEA (local educational agency) / District mission, goal, and objectives. Objective Reeds Spring School District will provide professional development for teachers and administrators that result in technology proficiency: professional development is aligned to NET*T and NET*A. Strategy 1 All teachers will develop and utilize inquiry-based curricula and instruction, based on the eMINTS instructional model. Action Step Provide appropriate training for using technology to implement, deliver, monitor, and assess such curricula and instruction. ~ 13 ~ Results Status Important and should be continued. Ongoing Results No longer needed. Supported by Vanguard Tech Team. Status Complete Ongoing Change to students in 7th and 8th grades. Ongoing Technology Committee undecided about validity and accuracy of survey. Results Maximize District fiscal and human resources to enhance student success. CSIP 2011. Result The District will require all instructional staff to be technology proficient and provides varied technology PD opportunities. Results The District will provide professional development for teachers and administrators that result in technology proficiency. Six hours (annually) of technology professional development are required for an increase on the pay scale. Results A RSSD strength. Complete Status Ongoing Status Ongoing Status Ongoing Status Ongoing 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] Strategy 2 Provide appropriate training for using technology to implement, deliver, monitor, and assess such curricula. Action Step All certified staff will participate in six hours of technology integration professional development yearly. GOAL #3 FACILITIES, SUPPORT, AND INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES Provide and maintain appropriate instructional resources, support services, and functional, safe facilities. Objective Reeds Spring School District will provide all buildings with technological resources to enhance the teaching and learning process. Strategy 3A Reeds Spring School District will develop a plan to systematically provide staff with a variety of equitable technology resources. Action Step Provide wireless connectivity to all buildings in the district. Provide appropriate technology tools and resources that are varied and diverse and facilitate differentiated instruction, including electronic resources, assistive technologies, and technology-assisted alternative learning environments (e.g. SMART board, projectors, MIMIO, document cameras, etc.). Results Continue in 2012 Plan. Results Continue in 2012 Plan. Results Promote the unification of the Reeds Spring School District as a community ensuring the success of our youth. Results Continue in 2012 Plan. Results Status Ongoing Status Ongoing Status Ongoing Status Ongoing Status Needs to be re-addressed in the 2012 plan. Ongoing Results Continue in 2012 Plan Status In Progress Provide a variety of technology tools and resources that differentiate instruction. Ongoing Provide experienced personnel to support all technology use in each building. We have expanded to include Vanguard Tech Team, Building Tech, and Technology Dept. District-wide. This dept. will need to continue to expand as our District technology usage expands. Ongoing Rewire our network cabling at Primary, Intermediate, and Middle Schools utilizing e-Rate funding, as awarded. Continue in 2012 Plan. Ongoing ~ 14 ~ 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] Strategy 3B District will update technology policies and procedures related to technology hardware, software, connectivity, and technical support standards, including student and educator technology literacy standards (replacement cycle, acceptable use, and internet filtering, recovery and security systems). Action Steps Continue in 2012 Plan. Update policies and procedures as appropriate. Continue in 2012 Plan. GOAL #4 INCREASE PARENT COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Results Results Results Promote, facilitate, and enhance parent, student, and community involvement in LEA / District educational programs. Objective Reeds Spring School District will provide opportunities for parents and community to observe and use instructional technology; will involve a broad, diverse section of the community on the CSIP (and/or technology) planning committee; and will use technology to facilitate interactive communications among district staff, parents, and community members. Strategy 4A District will use technology tools and resources to disseminate school news and student progress and to facilitate input and feedback from parents and community members. Action Step Provide parents with access to their student’s pertinent information (e.g. grades, homework, attendance, etc.) via Parent Portal. Utilize a variety of media to facilitate interactive communication with parents and patrons of the community (e.g. website, SIS call, marquees, newspapers, radio, etc.). ~ 15 ~ RSSD uses a variety on means, but must continue to investigate more opportunities to communicate with school stakeholders. Results Continue in 2012 Plan. Results Add students to the stakeholder list. Status Ongoing Status Annual Review Status Ongoing Status Ongoing Status Ongoing Results Status Provide students and parents with access to Continue student pertinent information. Utilize a variety of media to facilitate communication with students, parents, and Continue patrons of the community. 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] Strategy 4B District will showcase student progress and work, utilizing technology. Action Steps Host a technology fair annually. GOAL#5 GOVERNANCE Govern the LEA / District in an efficient and effective manner providing leadership and representation to benefit the students, staff, and patrons of the district. Objective The district will implement effective and efficient administration, data management, and communication processes through the use of technology that further supports teaching and learning. Strategy 5A The district will develop a plan that defines the long range technology goals of the district and identifies processes for allocating funds for acquiring technology to meet improvement plan goals. Action Steps Create the long range technology plan. Results District will utilize technology to showcase student work. Results Use online resources to publish student work. Results Continue in 2012 Plan. Results Continue in 2012 Plan. Results The district will develop a plan that identifies the long range technology goals. Results Create the long range technology plan that is aligned to CSIP and BSIP. No longer needed. Create an online technology request form. Strategy 5B Results District will establish / update effective long-range strategies detailing how technology tools and resources support teaching, learning, and No longer needed. administrative activities and help meet the goals and objectives of the district’s comprehensive school improvement plan. Action Steps Results Align technology plan with CSIP & BSIPs. No longer needed. ~ 16 ~ Status Ongoing Status Ongoing Status Ongoing Status Ongoing Status Continue Status Ongoing Complete Status Complete Status Complete 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] Strategy 5C District will establish / maintain a sufficient budget to cover Total Cost of Ownership. Action Steps Outline a budget to address the total Cost of Ownership. Strategy 5 – D Technology resources, such as hardware and software, will be retained and maintained in an equally distributed manner. Action Steps Retain a rotation schedule on computers, replacing machines every 3 - 4 years as funding allows. ~ 17 ~ Results Status Continue in 2012 Plan. Ongoing Results Continue in 2012 Plan. Results Technology resources will be retained and maintained in an equally distributed manner. Results Status Ongoing Status RSSD strength. Continue in 2012 Plan. Continue Ongoing Status 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] TFA 1: Student Learning Goal #1: Develop and enhance quality educational/instructional programs to improve performance and enable students to meet their personal, academic, and career goals. Objective 1: All students will engage in instruction driven by technology-enriched curriculum 55% of instructional time, resulting in high levels of academic achievement and performance that fosters life-long learning. Objective 2: Students in Reeds Spring R-IV School District will acquire technology skills to adequately meet the state and NETS Standards to improve higher-level thinking. Table 4: Strengths and Weaknesses of Student Learning Strengths Weaknesses 1. District awarded “Distinction in Performance” yearly 2006 – 2010 2. Majority of MAP and EOC scores at or above state performance goals 3. GenYes/TechYes program 4. 8th grade technology literacy curriculum and assessment implemented 5. Acuity/AIMSWeb student progress monitoring and assessment systems 6. Read 180 program 7. System 44 program ~ 18 ~ 1. Students demonstrate inconsistent technology skills 2. District lacks a K-12 technology scope and sequence 3. More technology needed in the hands of students 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] TFA 2: Teacher Preparation and Delivery of Instruction Goal #2: Recruit, attract, develop, and retain highly qualified staff to carry out the LEA (local educational agency)/District mission, goal, and objectives. Objective 1: Reeds Spring School District will provide professional development for teachers and administrators that result in technology proficiency: professional development is aligned to NETS*T and NETS*A. Table 5: Strengths and Weaknesses of Teacher Preparation and Delivery of Instruction Strengths Weaknesses 1. Ongoing opportunities for technology training 2. 35% of staff have completed additional indepth training 3. Availability of programs that assist teachers with daily responsibilities including: EATOnline, SIS K-12, HR Portal, AIMSWeb, Acuity, Atomic Learning, PD360 4. Six (6) required hour technology training annually 5. Increasing number of teachers are implementing technology for student success 6. Technology PD needs assessment done annually 7. Vanguard Tech Team district-wide 8. Building Technology Support team 9. Highly trained technology department supporting teacher training 1. Not all teachers include technology-based skills, activities, and assessments into regular instruction 2. Staff knowledge, ability and buy-in is inconsistent leading to incomplete technology integration 3. Inconsistent availability of technology resources ~ 19 ~ 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] TFA 3: Administration, Data Management and Communication Goal #5: Govern the LEA/District in an efficient and effective manner providing leadership and representation to benefit the students, staff, and patrons of the district. Objective 1: The district will implement effective and efficient administration, data management, and communication processes through the use of technology that further supports teaching and learning. Goal #4: Promote, facilitate, and enhance parent, student, and community involvement in LEA/District educational programs. Objective 1: Reeds Spring School District will provide opportunities for parents and community to observe and use instructional technology; will involve a broad, diverse section of the community on the CSIP (and/or technology) planning committee; and will use technology to facilitate interactive communications among district staff, parents, and community members. Table 6: Strengths and Weaknesses of Administration, Data Management and Communication Strengths Weaknesses 1. Availability of technology tools to provide parents/community access to school information 2. Annual Technology Fair 3. On-line Art display 4. Strong district level support for technology integration: board, administration, buildings, classrooms 5. District uses a variety of needs assessments to identify technology needs 1. 2. 3. 4. Inconsistent use of parent contact resource Inconsistent use of posting homework District web page not updated regularly District technology budget is not outlined to address the Total Cost of Ownership ~ 20 ~ 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] TFA 4: Resource Distribution and Use Goal #3: Provide and maintain appropriate instructional resources, support services, and functional, safe facilities. Objectives 1: Reeds Spring School District will provide all buildings with technological resources to enhance the teaching and learning process. Table 7: Strengths and Weaknesses of Resource Distribution and Use Strengths 1. Operating system upgrade: all teachers desktops no older than 3 years 2. All student computers no older than 4 years 3. All computers on 5 year rotation 4. Wireless connectivity completed in High School 5. Wireless access points in all buildings 6. A variety of technology resources are available to all classroom teachers 7. Upgraded district-wide server Weaknesses 1. All buildings are not yet installed with wireless connectivity 2. Access to building computer labs is limited due to online assessment 3. Inconsistent availability of tech resources ~ 21 ~ 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] TFA 5: Technical Support Goal #3: Provide and maintain appropriate instructional resources, support services, and functional, safe facilities. Objectives 1: Reeds Spring School District will provide all buildings with technological resources to enhance the teaching and learning process. Table 8: Strengths and Weaknesses of Technical Support Strengths 1. 2. 3. 4. In-house technology department Highly qualified personnel Instructional Technology Specialist Technology Helpdesk Weaknesses 1. Perception of inequality of district-wide service 2. Occasional miscommunication between staff, building technology representatives, and district Technology Department ~ 22 ~ 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] Student Learning TFA: Goal, Objective, Strategies From the previously referenced data analysis and through discussion of the Technology Planning Committee, the following goal, objective and strategies have been formulated to enhance student learning in the 2012 - 2015 Technology Plan. Goal 1: Student academic achievement and performance, including technology literacy, will be improved through the use of education technologies. Objective: District academic achievement in math and communication arts, as measured through AYP, will increase by an average 1% yearly in Proficiency plus growth. Strategy 1: Embed technology education standards. Strategy 2: Implement research-based / inquiry-based instruction throughout curriculum. Strategy 3: Infuse technology as a tool to deliver instruction to monitor and assess learning. Strategy 4: Utilize technology in developing student’s 21st Century habits and fluency. Strategy 5: Utilize technology in assessing and developing technology implementation. ~ 23 ~ 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] Action Plans and Implementation – TFA 1: Student Learning Goal 1: Student academic achievement and performance, including technology literacy, will be improved through the use of education technologies. Objective: District academic achievement in math and communication arts, as measured through AYP, will increase by an average 1% yearly in growth plus Proficiency. Review dates and Corrections Strategies: Communication, Dissemination, Monitoring and Evaluation refer to pages 33 and 34. MSIP Standard 6.1 6.1 6.4 CSIP 1.3.1 1.5.1 1.6.1 1.6.1 1.7.1 1.12.1 1.12.2 Strategy Action Step Embed technology education standards. Align and revise current curriculum to include 21st century skills. Implement research-based / inquiry-based instruction throughout curriculum. Revise curriculum to reflect inquirybased instruction. Infuse technology as a tool to deliver instruction to monitor and assess learning. Students will use technology to extend and support their own learning. Students will monitor progress using technology tools including use of technology-based assessments. Administer 8th grade technology assessment. 6.4 6.2 1.6.1 1.13.1 Utilize technology in developing student’s 21st Century habits and fluency. Utilize technology in assessing and developing Through the 1:1 Learning Initiative, secondary students will access a variety of digital technology to prepare for college and career. A variety of digital technology will be available to all students. Teachers will use various instruments to monitor education technology literacy ~ 24 ~ Person Responsible Director of Curriculum (DC), Teachers Funding Source Completion Date Local Funds May 2015 Local Funds May 2015 Teachers, Building Administrators, Instructional Technology Specialist (ITS), Instructional Coaches, Library Media Specialist, Students Local Funds, Title 1A, Basic Formula May 2015 Teachers, Administration, ITS Local Funds, Title 1, Title 6B Teachers, Administration, Local Funds DC, Teachers May 2015 May 2015 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] technology implementation. and inform professional development. ITS Teacher Preparation and Delivery of Instruction TFA: Goal, Objective, Strategies From the previously referenced data analysis and through discussion of the Technology Planning Committee, the following goal, objective and strategies have been formulated to enhance teacher preparedness in the 2012 - 2015 Technology Plan. Goal 2: Teacher performance, including the delivery of instruction and technology literacy, will be improved through the use of education technologies. Objective: 100% of teachers will complete 6 hours of instruction-related technology professional development. Strategy 1: Implement and refine District technology standards. Strategy 2: Implement inquiry-based instruction models to curriculum. Strategy 3: Adopt the use of technology to deliver instruction to monitor and assess learning. Strategy 4: Integrate use of technology to deliver and assess professional learning. Strategy 5: Utilize technology in assessing and developing technology implementation. ~ 25 ~ 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] Action Plans and Implementation – TFA 2: Teacher Preparation and Delivery of Instruction Goal 2: Teacher performance, including the delivery of instruction and technology literacy, will be improved through the use of education technologies. Objective: 100% of teachers will receive professional development as dictated by the district and building instructional technology implementation vision and personal technology plan. Review dates and Corrections Strategies: Communication, Dissemination, Monitoring and Evaluation refer to pages 33 and 34. MSIP Standard CSIP Goal 6.1 1.10.1 1.12.1 1.12.2 Implement District technology vision. Teachers will design a building plan for implementation of District technology standards aligned to 21st century skills. 6.7 1.3.2 3.2.1 Implement inquirybased instructional models to curriculum. Provide staff development related to inquiry-based instructional models. 1.12.1 1.12.2 1:1 Learning Initiative will require all secondary teachers use Adopt the use of technology tools and resources to technology to deliver deliver instruction and assess instruction to student learning. monitor and assess Teachers will have access to a learning. variety of technology tools and resources to deliver instruction and assess student learning. 6.3 6.4 Strategy Action Step ~ 26 ~ Person Responsible Teachers, Vanguard Tech Team (VTT), Instructional Technology Specialist (ITS), 1:1 Lead Team and Teachers Funding Source Completion Date Local Funds May 2015 Building Leadership Teams, ITS, VTT Local Funds, Title 1 May 2015 Teachers, Administration, 1:1 Teachers Local Funds, Title 1 May 2015 2012-2015 6.7 1.3.2 2.2.1 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] Integrate use of technology to deliver and assess professional learning. Teachers will use a variety of technical tools and resources to access and assess professional learning of 21st century skills. VTT, Building Administration, Building Leadership Teams Local Funds, Title 1 May 2015 Administration, Data Management and Communication TFA: Goal, Objective, Strategies From the previously referenced data analysis and through discussion of the Technology Planning Committee, the following goal, objective and strategies have been formulated to enhance administration, data management and communication in the 2012 - 2015 Technology Plan. Goal 3: The teaching and learning process will be enhanced through the use of technology for administration, data management and communication. Objective: 75% of certified staff will expand use of District approved digital communication tools. Strategy 1: Maintain comprehensive long range plan addressing technology. Strategy 2: Implement administrative, data management, and communication policies and procedures. Strategy 3: Establish and maintain a secure, adequate technology budget. Strategy 4: Provide / support appropriate technology administrative systems, data management and communication tools. ~ 27 ~ 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] Action Plans and Implementation – TFA 3: Administration, Data Management and Communication Goal 3: The teaching and learning process will be enhanced through the use of technology for administration, data management and communication. Objective: 75% of certified staff will expand use of District approved digital communication tools. Review dates and Corrections Strategies: Communication, Dissemination, Monitoring and Evaluation refer to pages 33 and 34. MSIP Standard 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 CSIP Goal 3.2.1 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.2 3.2.1 3.3.1 Strategy Action Step Person Responsible Funding Source Completion Date Maintain comprehensive long range plan addressing technology. District will maintain a long range planning committee. Superintendent, Director of Operations (DO) Local Funds May 2015 Implement administrative, data management, and communication policies and procedures. School board will adopt policies and procedures and review yearly. Policies / Procedures will be provided to all stakeholders. Acceptable use policy will be signed by all students and parents. School Board, Superintendent, Administration, Students, Parents Local Funds May 2015 School Board, Director of Operations, Director of Federal Programs, Instructional Technology Specialist Local Funds May 2015 Establish and maintain secure, adequate technology budget. School board will approve yearly budget. District will explore grant opportunities and E-RATE funding. ~ 28 ~ 2012-2015 8.8 8.9 4.4.1 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] Provide / support appropriate technology administrative systems, data management and communication tools. District will provide tools such as all-reach calls, Acuity, AIMSweb, Gaggle, District Pulse. Maintain upgrades to SIS K-12. Upgrade District website to a content managed system. Tech Department, Director of Operations Local Funds, E-RATE, Title 1 May 2015 Resource Distribution and Use TFA: Goal, Objective, Strategies From the previously referenced data analysis and through discussion of the Technology Planning Committee, the following goal, objective and strategies have been formulated to enhance the equitable distribution of technology resources in the 2012 -2015 Technology Plan. Goal 4: School administrators, teachers, staff, and students will have equitable access to education technologies that promote student performance and academic achievement. Objective: The District’s equitable distribution, as determined by the Census of Technology, will meet or exceed the state average. Strategy 1: Provide equitable access to varied, numerous technology tools that promote differentiated instruction. Strategy 2: Use appropriate tools to determine District needs and monitor progress. Strategy 3: Establish and support hardware, software and connectivity standards in support of District vision. ~ 29 ~ 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] Action Plans and Implementation – TFA 4: Resource Distribution and Use Goal 4: School administrators, teachers, staff, and students will have equitable access to education technologies that promote student performance and academic achievement. Objective: The District’s equitable distribution, as determined by the Census of Technology, will meet or exceed the state average. Review dates and Corrections Strategies: Communication, Dissemination, Monitoring and Evaluation refer to pages 33 and 34. MSIP Standard CSIP Goal Strategy 7.2 7.1 6.8 1.12.1 1.12.2 4.4.1 Provide equitable access to varied, numerous technology tools that promote differentiated instruction. 6.2 4.4.1 5.2.4 Use appropriate tools to determine District needs and monitor progress. 5.2.4 Establish and support hardware, software and connectivity standards in 6.4 Action Step Resources identified and supported to meet needs of diverse learners. Acquire digital resources and assistive technology for anytime/anywhere learning. Reallocate resources based on identified needs. District provides and utilizes tools such as District Pulse, Acuity, AIMSweb, digital surveys. Continue to progress toward wireless access in all buildings. ~ 30 ~ Person Responsible Building Administration, Teachers, Director of Special Education, Instructional Technology Specialist, Vanguard Tech Team, Superintendent, Technology Department Funding Source Completion Date Local Funds, Title 1, Title 6B May 2015 Building Administration, Instructional Coaches Local Funds, Title 1 May 2015 Technology Department, Director of Operations, Superintendent Local Funds, E-RATE May 2015 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] support of District vision. Access E-RATE funding to expand digital connectivity District-wide. Technical Support TFA: Goal, Objective, Strategies From the previously referenced data analysis and through discussion of the Technology Planning Committee, the following goal, objective and strategies have been formulated to enhance the technical support needed for the success of the 2012 -2015 Technology Plan. Goal 5: School administrators, teachers, staff and students will have the technical support needed to use education technologies effectively and efficiently. Objective: The number of available technology support staff will exceed the state average as determined by the Census of Technology. Strategy 1: Provide effective technology leadership and instructional/technology support. ~ 31 ~ 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] Action Plans and Implementation – TFA 5: Technical Support Goal 5: School administrators, teachers, staff and students will have the technical support needed to use education technologies effectively and efficiently. Objective: The number of available technology support staff will exceed the state average as determined by the Census of Technology. Review dates and Corrections Strategies: Communication, Dissemination, Monitoring and Evaluation refer to pages, 33 and 34. MSIP Standard 6.4 6.7 6.8 CSIP Goal 3.2.1 3.3.1 Strategy Provide effective technology leadership and instructional / technology support. Action Step Review and assess district technology staffing needs for technology support and instruction. Maintain Vanguard Tech Team and one (1) Building Tech per building. Establish additional technology support staff for 1:1 Learning Initiative. Establish 1:1 Learning Initiative Leadership Team ~ 32 ~ Person Responsible Funding Source Director of Operations, Superintendent, Local Instructional Technology Funds Specialist, Technology Department, Administrators Completion Date May 2015 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] Communication and Dissemination The Technology Plan will be presented to the following internal groups: Reeds Spring School Board of Education School Principals A+ Coordinators District web site Annual Progress report summarized in newsletters The Technology Plan will be disseminated to outside parties through: District web site District parent/community publications ~ 33 ~ 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] Monitoring We will continue to utilize a wide variety of data sources in order to support goals and objectives. This analysis of data will help us make timely corrections to assure that as many components of the Technology Plan as possible are being addressed. The Technology Committee will meet at least annually to assess and monitor the attainment of goals and objectives. The Technology Department and Director of Instructional Improvement will utilize the plan for yearly goals and objective settings. Evaluation and Corrective Strategies for Implementation Steps Technology continues to evolve daily. Therefore our goals and actions to improve technology use in the district are ongoing. The collection and evaluation of data sources is a continuing project within the district. District and Building Technology Committees will convene as necessary to plan for evaluation and compile relevant data to this process. Additional surveys and follow-up material will be produced by the Technology Department and implemented, as the Technology Committee deems necessary. Internal and external data relating to technology and student data will be collected and analyzed. This information will serve as the basis for recommendations and correction strategies as required in the future. The final yearly report will be submitted to the Board of Education for further review and action in May of each year. The following steps will also be taken to evaluate the effectiveness of Technology Plan goals and action steps. An Evaluation Plan will be created to determine the status of attainment of goals of the Technology Plan. Building Technology Committees will meet annually and report progress of any goal that relates to their building. This will include staff needs assessment as it relates to technology and curriculum and resource distribution. MAP scores, district assessments, dropout rates and graduation and completion rates will be analyzed. ~ 34 ~ 2012-2015 [REEDS SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN] The above data will be analyzed and summarized to show progress according to a pre-determined timeline for completion. Central Office administrators will meet and formulate correction strategies to focus on any goals not on scheduled timelines. Pre- and post-surveys will be administered yearly and results will be distributed to all shareholders. ~ 35 ~