REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. P14016 SIGNAGE ~ DESIGN, SUPPLY and INSTALLATION OFFICIAL CLOSING TIME: 11:30 AM LOCAL TIME, on Tuesday, October 28, 2014 PROPOSAL SUBMISSION TO: TOWN OF AJAX – FINANCE DEPARTMENT Attn: Paul E. Hewitt, CPPO, Manager of Purchasing 65 Harwood Avenue South Ajax, ON L1S 2H9 INQUIRIES: Paul E. Hewitt, CPPO Manager of Purchasing tel: 905-619-2529 ext. 3356 fax: 905-683-0157 INQUIRY DEADLINE: Inquires are to be e-mailed to the above no later than 11:30 AM: Thursday, October 16, 2014 RFP No. P14016 SIGNAGE ~ DESIGN, SUPPLY and INSTALLATION RETURN LABEL Please firmly affix this address label to the envelope containing your submission. Name of Company: __________________________________________________________ RFP NO.: PROJECT NAME: OFFICIAL CLOSING: P14016 SIGNAGE ~ DESIGN, SUPPLY and INSTALLATION Tuesday, October 28, 2014, at 11:30 AM Local Time TO: TOWN OF AJAX – FINANCE DEPARTMENT Paul E. Hewitt, CPPO Manager of Purchasing 65 Harwood Avenue South Ajax, ON L1S 2H9 ANY OR ALL BID SUBMISSIONS NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED NOTE: Should you decide to use your own return envelope in lieu of the label provided above, the front of your envelope must indicate ALL of the information shown on the above label. The Town of Ajax cannot be held responsible for documents submitted in envelopes that are not appropriately labeled in accordance with the above instructions. Page 2 of 24 RFP No. P14016 SIGNAGE ~ DESIGN, SUPPLY and INSTALLATION PROPOSAL SUBMISSION FORM I/WE ________________________________________________________hereby submit this Proposal (Company Name) for the provision of the Goods and/or Services as described within the Request for Proposal document for RFP No. P14016 – SIGNAGE ~ DESIGN, SUPPLY and INSTALLATION I/WE DECLARE that no person, firm, or corporation, other than the one whose proper officer has submitted this Proposal, has any interest in this Proposal or in the Contract. I/WE DECLARE that this Proposal is made without any connection, knowledge, comparison of figures or arrangement with any other Proponent, firm, or person making a similar Proposal and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. I/WE DECLARE that no Town employee, or member of Council (or their families) is, or will become interested directly or indirectly as a contracting party or otherwise in the performance of the Contract or in the supplies, work or business to which it relates or in any portion of the profits thereof, or of any such supplies to be used therein or any of the monies to be derived therefrom. I/WE DECLARE that the statements contained in the Proposal are in all respect true. I/WE DECLARE that I/WE examined the locality and site(s) of the proposed Works, as well as all the Specifications/Terms of Reference relating to them, prepared, submitted and rendered available on behalf of the Town and hereby acknowledged to be an integral part of the Contract. I/WE have carefully examined the documents and have a clear and comprehensive knowledge of the requirements and have submitted all relevant data. I/WE agree, if selected, to provide those Goods/Services to the Town in accordance with the Terms, Conditions, Instructions to Proponents, Specifications and Terms of Reference contained in the Request for Proposal Document and in our Proposal submission. I/WE hereby propose and offer to enter into the Contract on the terms and conditions and under the provisions set forth in the Request for Proposal and to accept in full payment therefore, the sums calculated in accordance with the actual measured quantities and unit prices attached to this Proposal. I/WE agree that this Proposal is an offer which is open for acceptance by the Town until the formal Contract is executed, or a Purchase Order issued, or for 90 calendar days following the Official Closing Time, whichever occurs first, and that the Town may at any time within that period and without notice, accept this Proposal whether any other Proposals have been previously accepted or not. I/WE confirm, upon Award, we will be able to provide insurance certificates to the Town of Ajax, in the amounts as specified. I/WE confirm all of our employees are covered by the insurance plan under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997, as amended and provide our current Certificate of Clearance Account Number as follows: _______________________________. OR I/WE are not required by law to provide WSIB coverage and I/WE have further elected not to acquire the Optional Insurance provided by WSIB as specified in this Bid Document. Therefore, if awarded this Contract, I/WE will sign the attached Appendix ‘B’ Waiver prior to commencing any Works. Page 3 of 24 RFP No. P14016 SIGNAGE ~ DESIGN, SUPPLY and INSTALLATION PROPOSAL SUBMISSION FORM I/WE agree that we are in receipt of Addendum No. ________ to ________ inclusive and the Proposal price includes all provisions set out in such Addenda. I/WE propose to complete the works as described in the Request for Proposal for the following Total Proposal Price including all applicable taxes in Canadian funds. Signage ~ Design, Supply and Installation $ Other (Specify) $ HST (13%) $ TOTAL PROPOSAL PRICE $ Provide with your submission, a detailed cost breakdown of the Total Proposal Price, itemizing; professional fees, disbursements, per diem rates, etc. I/WE agree that the undersigned is/are authorized and empowered to sign and submit this Proposal on behalf of our Company. Company Name Street Address City/Town Phone No. Fax No. Postal Code e-mail address Print Name & Title of Person Signing for the Company Signature (I have the authority to bind the Company) Signed at __________________________ this ______ day of ___________________________, 2014 Completing this form as supplied is Mandatory - do not retype. This form shall bear an original handwritten signature in ink, by an officer with authority to bind the Company and must be submitted with the Proposal in a sealed package by the Official Closing Time to be considered a valid offer. The highest scoring Proponent, the lowest cost Proposal, or any Proposal not necessarily accepted. Page 4 of 24 RFP No. P14016 SIGNAGE ~ DESIGN, SUPPLY and INSTALLATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Page .............................................................................................................................................1 Return Label ..........................................................................................................................................2 Proposal Submission Form............................................................................................................... 3-4 Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................................5 General Terms & Conditions .................................................................................................................6 Instructions to Proponents ............................................................................................................. 7-18 Terms of Reference ........................................................................................................................19-22 Proposal Evaluation Criteria Form ....................................................................................................23 APPENDICES: No of Pages Notice of No Bid ....................................................................................................................................1 Appendix “A” – Bid Irregularities By-Law No. 116-2013 …….…………….……………..……………….3 Appendix “B” – Waiver ………………………….…………………..…………………………………………..1 Page 5 of 24 RFP No. P14016 SIGNAGE ~ DESIGN, SUPPLY and INSTALLATION GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. 1.8. 1.9. 1.10. 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. DEFINITIONS 2.9. The unit price prevails in cases of discrepancies between unit price and extensions. Town: The Corporation of the Town of Ajax 2.10. A Bid Document may be withdrawn or qualified by Department: Any department, section or division the Bidder up to the Official Closing Time, by of the Town. submitting a letter bearing the same signature Bidder: An individual, firm or corporation and/or seal as found in the Bid Document. submitting a Bid to the Town. Withdrawal after the Official Closing Time will not Company: The person, contractor, consultant, be permitted. firm or corporation to whom the Town has 2.11. Every communication about the Bid Document awarded the Contract, its successors and must be in writing bearing the same signature assigns. and/or seal as found in the Bid Document. Oral Bid Document: A Request for Tender, Quotation, communications about the Bid Document will not Proposal, or other document that states the be binding on the Town. Town’s desire to buy and Bidder’s offer to sell to 2.12. The Bidder declares it is the owner of the Goods the Town, the Goods defined in the and has the legal power to sell the Goods and is Specifications. able to give the Town clear title to the Goods. Specifications: Detailed and exact non-restrictive written descriptions, instructions and drawings 3. AWARD defining the Goods requested in the Bid Document. 3.1. The Town may award the purchase of a single Bid: The Bidder’s offer to sell the Goods to the item of Goods, a group of items or all the items to Town. one Bidder or several Bidders. The decision of the Official Closing Time: The date and time Town is final and not subject to review. specified in the Bid Document for the submission 3.2. A Bidder may be required to supply evidence of of Bids to the Town. experience, ability, service facilities, and financial Goods: Set out in the Bid Document, including standing necessary to meet the requirements of Services, where applicable, and defined in the the Bid. Specifications. 3.3. The Town may award the purchase to a Bidder Work: All labour, materials, products, resources, other than the lowest, without liability to itself. articles, services, supplies and acts required to 3.4. The Town may cancel the Bid Document prior to be done, furnished or performed by the the award of purchase, without liability to itself. Company, which are the subject of the Contract. 4. CONTRACT SUBMISSION OF BIDS 4.1. The acceptance in writing by the Town of the All Bids must be submitted on the Bid Documents successful Bidders Bid, by purchase order or provided by the Town. formal Contract, shall constitute a binding Contract One copy of the Bid Document must be between the successful Bidder and the Town. completed, have an original handwritten signature, 4.2. The Contract shall not be assigned, subcontracted signed in ink, of an authorized signing officer of the or amended in whole or in part, without written Bidder, be clearly marked with the project title, consent of the Town. placed in a sealed package and deposited at the 4.3. The successful Bidder shall perform the Contract locations stated in the Bid Document, by the in accordance with the terms of the Bid Document Official Closing Time. and the Specifications. Non-performance may Bid Documents arriving after the Official Closing result in cancellation of the Contract without Time will not be considered. charges to the Town and/or the removal of the Bid Documents will be time stamped by the time Bidder’s eligibility to submit future Bids. stamp located in the office of the Finance 4.4. The Town may purchase Goods on the open Department and shall be the only recognized time market to maintain supply if the Company fails to piece for the purpose of Bid submissions. deliver Goods as specified or replace rejected To be a valid Bid, all information required in the Goods. The Company must reimburse the Town Bid Document must be submitted. All information for any excess costs. These purchases will be must be correct. The Town shall be the sole judge deducted from the Contract quantities. whether the information submitted is complete and 4.5. The Town may choose to use commodities which correct. Bid Documents that are conditional, it considers substandard, and discount the price. obscure, contain erasures or alterations will be 4.6. The Contract is governed by Ontario law. rejected. Bids may be submitted for all or any part of the 5. DELIVERY total quantities of the Goods unless the Bid Document specifically states otherwise. 5.1. Goods delivered by the Company to the Town The manufacturer, make or brand name of the must be new and of the latest model possessing Goods must be stated by the Bidder to indicate all the accessories standard to the manufacturer’s quality and performance. Bids for equivalent stock model. The Goods must also meet the Goods may be accepted provided they are at Specifications and be free of defects and fit for the least equal in quality and performance. The purpose intended by the Town. The Goods must Town shall be the sole judge of what is be covered by written guarantees and warranties considered equal in quality and performance. acceptable to the Town. Note: The designation “NO SUBSTITUTE” for 5.2. Goods shall be securely and properly packed for Goods indicates no alternatives will be shipment. considered by the Town. 5.3. W.H.I.M.I.S. regulations applicable to the Goods All prices for the Goods shall be in Canadian must be followed by the Company. Proper labels funds, F.O.B. Destination. must be affixed to the Goods and material safety data sheets must be provided, prior to the acceptance of the shipment by the Town. 5.4. The Company shall indemnify and save harmless the Town from all claims, arising from the sale and delivery of the Goods to the Town or from any copyright, trade-mark, trade secret or patent used or infringed by the Company in the manufacture or supply of the Goods. 5.5. The Company shall carry at its expense, liability insurance required by the Town for the performance of the Contract. 6. INSPECTION AND TESTING 6.1. The Town shall prescribe the criteria to be used to confirm that the Goods meet the Specifications. The Company must, upon request, provide proof satisfactory to the Town, that the Goods meet the Specifications. The Town has the right to inspect the Goods prior to delivery. 6.2. If samples are requested, they shall be delivered within three working days of the request, free of charge. 6.3. Any item of the Goods which fails to meet the Specifications may be rejected by the Town. The decision of the Town is final and not subject to review. 7. CONFLICT OF INTEREST 7.1. The Bidder asserts that no officer or employee of the Town has or will have an interest in the Company as a contracting party of the Contract. 7.2. The Bidder certifies that: 7.2.1. The prices in the Bid have been arrived at independently of those of any other Bidder; 7.2.2. The prices in the Bid have not been knowingly disclosed by the Bidder, and will not knowingly be disclosed by the Bidder, prior to the award of the purchase, directly or indirectly, to any other Bidder or competitor; and 7.2.3. No attempt has been made, or will be made, to induce any other person to submit or not to submit, a Bid, for the purpose of restricting competition. 8. MUNICIPAL FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PROTECTION OF PRIVACY ACT 8.1. The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the Act) applies to all Tenders Quotations and Proposals submitted to the Town. Tenders, Quotations and Proposals will be received in confidence subject to the disclosure requirements of the Act. Bidders/Proponents should identify any portions of their submission which contains a trade secret, scientific, technical, financial, commercial or labour relations information supplied in confidence and which will cause harm if disclosed. Questions about the Act should be directed to the Town’s Records Manager & FOI, Legislative and Information Services Department. 8.2. Be aware, the Bidder’s/Proponents names are always made public, and where applicable, the total Bid amount. Page 6 of 24 RFP No. P14016 SIGNAGE ~ DESIGN, SUPPLY and INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPONENTS 1. GENERAL The Town of Ajax is soliciting Proposals from qualified Companies for the Goods/Services specified herein. Submission of a Proposal in response to this Request for Proposal (RFP) shall confirm the Proponents agreement and ability to comply with all of the Terms and Conditions, Instructions to Proponents, Terms of Reference and Drawings, where applicable, outlined herein. Each Proponent, by submitting a signed Proposal in response to this RFP, acknowledges that the Proponent has read, completely understands and accepts the terms and conditions of this RFP in full. 2. DELIVERY OF PROPOSALS Submit one copy of the Proposal with original signatures, along with the appropriate number of duplicate copies as specified in the Terms of Reference, in a sealed package displaying the return address as supplied with this RFP. Deliver the complete package prior to the Official Closing Time to: TOWN OF AJAX – FINANCE DEPARTMENT Attn: Paul E. Hewitt, CPPO, Manager of Purchasing 65 Harwood Avenue South Ajax, ON L1S 2H9 Proposals will not be considered unless: Received by the date and time specified; and Received at the address specified above; and Contains the Proposal Submission Form, with an original signature, signed by an officer with the authority to bind the Company. Although the Request for Proposal may have been issued electronically, all Proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope/package, therefore, submissions by facsimile or electronic delivery, secure site, or otherwise, are not acceptable. Proposals will be time stamped by the time stamp located in the office of the Finance Department and shall be the only recognized time piece for the purpose of Proposal submissions. The use of mail or courier services for delivery of a Proposal will be at the Proponent’s risk. A Proposal will only be considered as being delivered if it is in the possession of the above mentioned representative or designated agent before the Official Closing Time. Proposals received after the Official Closing Time will be returned to the Proponent, unopened. Proposals will be opened shortly after the Official Closing Time specified in the RFP. Only the names of the Proponents, submitting Proposals will be read out. The Proposals will be referred to an Evaluation Team for consideration and the award will be based on the Proposal that best meets the needs of the Town of Ajax. 3. PREPARATION OF PROPOSALS All Bids must be submitted on the Bid Documents as provided by the Town. All information requested in the Bid Document must be submitted and be correct. Unless otherwise stated, all items shall be priced based on unit or lump sum prices as specified. Page 7 of 24 RFP No. P14016 SIGNAGE ~ DESIGN, SUPPLY and INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPONENTS All prices submitted must be considered to be a reasonable price for each particular item. Bids submitted with unbalanced prices will be subject to rejection. Bids that; are incomplete, include additional, uncalled for information, are conditional, obscure, contain erasures, alterations or other irregularities, will be subject to rejection. The Bid must be signed by a designated signing officer with the authority to bind the Company. Completion of the Proposal Submission Form as supplied is required. The Town shall be the sole judge in determining whether a Bid is compliant. Where a Proposal is submitted on behalf of two or more companies, the name and roles of each company must be clearly identified in the Proposal with the authorization and commitment to participate submitted in writing by an officer of each company. The Town will enter into an agreement with only one company, who will take full responsibility for the level and quality of service provided, co-ordinate services with Town staff, and act as principal in the agreement with the Town with respect to this project. 4. BID IRREGULARITIES The response/action to be taken with respect to any Bid irregularities found in a Bid shall be governed in accordance with Appendix ‘A’ – Bid Irregularities of the Purchasing By-Law attached herein. The complete By-law can be found on the Town’s website at 5. RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT PROPOSALS RFP’s will be issued and Proposals received, evaluated, rejected or accepted and processed, in accordance with the Town’s Purchasing By-law, Corporate Operating Procedures and Policies. By submitting a Proposal, the Proponent agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Purchasing By-law and any amendments thereto, as fully as if it was incorporated herein. The Town of Ajax, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals, including, the right to reject any Proposal from a Proponent if: The Proponent has not performed works for previous Contracts in compliance with the Contract Documents; The Proponent has previously provided Goods/Services in an unsatisfactory manner; The Proponent failed to satisfy an outstanding debt/obligation to the Town; There have been past bad dealings between the Town and the Proponent; The Town determines that the Proponent does not have sufficient experience in the supply of the Goods/Services; or The Town has concerns with the financial ability of the Proponent to perform the Contract. The Town reserves the right to waive irregularities and/or omissions in order to serve the best interests of the Town. Doing so, may result in acceptance of a Proposal other than the lowest. No liability shall accrue to the Town for its decision in this regard. 6. CLARIFICATION/ADDENDA It will be the Proponent’s responsibility to clarify any details in question before submitting a Proposal. All official correspondence should be directed to the Purchasing section of the Finance Department. The deadline for submitting inquiries is as noted on the cover page. Page 8 of 24 RFP No. P14016 SIGNAGE ~ DESIGN, SUPPLY and INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPONENTS Clarification responses may not be possible for any requests for clarification received after this date. The Town will assume no responsibility for oral instructions or suggestions. Any and all such supplemental instructions if issued, will be in the form of written Addenda, and will be forwarded to all Proponents that have been issued the Proposal Documents. Failure of any Proponent to receive any such Addenda shall not relieve such Proponent from any obligation under their Proposal as submitted. Addenda issued to Proponents, shall become part of the Proposal Documents, and all Proposals shall include the Work described in the Addenda. 7. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Town’s policy is not to divulge or reveal the budget of any of our Projects in our Bid Solicitation documents. By submitting a signed Proposal, the Proponent acknowledges that they have read, completely understand and accepts the terms and conditions and instructions of this RFP in full. 8. WAIVER OF RIGHTS Each Proponent acknowledges and agrees that the Town is likely to receive, and be required to deal with, several Proposals, all of which may contain or disclose information considered by their Proponents to be of special, unique, secret or proprietary nature, and that such information and the manner in which the Town may use it may be entitled or subject to protection under any of Canada’s intellectual property laws, the Competition Act or the common law relating to unfair competition. The Town cannot accept any Proposal that is subject to a reservation by the Proponent of any such rights and each Proponent, by virtue of filing a Proposal pursuant to the RFP expressly waives any and all protection to which the Proponent might otherwise be entitled in respect of that Proposal under all of the foregoing laws and expressly releases the Town and its staff and Consultants, if any, as well as the successful Proponent(s) from any claims, actions, suits and proceedings whatsoever for the infringement of any intellectual property right or for the use of any secret or proprietary information disclosed to the Town in that Proposal. Each Proponent shall indemnify and save harmless the Town, its staff and Consultants, if any, against all claims, actions, suits and proceedings, including all costs incurred by the Town brought by any person in respect of the infringement or alleged infringement of any patent, copyright, trademark, or industrial design or the use or misuse in connection with their Proposal. 9. CONFIDENTIALITY Confidentiality of records and information relating to this work must be maintained at all times. All correspondence, documentation and information provided by Town staff to any Proponent in connection with, or arising out of this Request for Proposal (RFP) or the acceptance of any Proposal: remains the property of the Town; must be treated as confidential; must not be used for any purpose other than for replying to this RFP, and for fulfillment of any related subsequent contract. Page 9 of 24 RFP No. P14016 SIGNAGE ~ DESIGN, SUPPLY and INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPONENTS All correspondence, documentation and information provided to staff of the Town by any Proponent in connection with, or arising out of this RFP, and the submission of any Proposal will become the property of the Town, and as such, subject to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), and may be released, pursuant to the Act. The Proponent’s name at a minimum shall be made public on request. No Proposal, in its’ entirety, can be identified as confidential, however, Proponents can identify in their Proposal material, any portions that are; scientific, technical, commercial, proprietary or such similar confidential information, that the disclosure of which could cause them injury. Any information in the Proposal material which is not specifically identified as confidential will be treated as public information. All correspondence, documentation and information provided to the Evaluation Team may be reproduced for the purposes of evaluating the Proponent’s submission to this RFP. 10. CONTRACTING FOR CONSTRUCTION Where the consulting works require the Proponent to develop the Town’s construction bid document specifications, drawings, etc., the Proponent or any person, firm or corporation associated or affiliated with, or subsidiary to, the Proponent, will not be permitted to submit a bid for such construction works or have an interest either directly or indirectly in any required construction of the project. Such interest is deemed to be a conflict of interest. 11. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The Proponent shall confirm that no Town employee, or member of Council (or their families) is, or will become interested directly or indirectly as a contracting party or otherwise, in the performance of the Contract or in the supplies, work or business to which it relates or in any portion of the profits thereof, or of any such supplies to be used therein or any of the monies to be derived therefrom. Should the Proponent or anyone associated with the Proponent, have or acquire any pecuniary interest, direct or indirect to any contract or proposed contract that is likely to be affected by a decision from any recommendation made as a result of this Contract that person shall forthwith disclose their interest to the Town. The Town shall have the right to decide whether such interest constitutes a conflict and/or if adequate safeguards are in place to allow acceptance of the Proponent’s Proposal or continuation of the Contract. Should a conflict of interest exist, the Town reserves the right to reject the Proponent’s Proposal or terminate the Contract. No claim shall be made for damages on grounds of loss of anticipated profit or for any other reason. The Town’s decision in this regard shall be final. 12. NON COLLUSION A Proponent shall not discuss or communicate, directly or indirectly, with any other Proponent or their agent or representative of the Proposals. Each Proponent shall attest that its participation in the RFP process is conducted without any collusion or fraud. If the Town discovers there has been a breach of this requirement at any time, the Town reserves the right to disqualify the Proposal or terminate any ensuing Agreement. 13. WITHDRAWAL OF PROPOSALS No unilateral adjustments by Proponents to submitted Proposals will be permitted. Proponents may withdraw their Proposal prior to the Official Closing Time by notifying the Town in writing. Page 10 of 24 RFP No. P14016 SIGNAGE ~ DESIGN, SUPPLY and INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPONENTS Proponents who have withdrawn a Proposal may submit a new Proposal which must be received by the Town under the same terms as outlined in this document. After the Official Closing Time the Proposal is binding on the Proponent. If the Town requires clarification of a Proponent’s Proposal, that Proponent will provide a written response to a request for clarification, which shall then form part of the Proponent’s Proposal. 14. PERIOD OF VALIDITY Proposals submitted shall be open for acceptance by the Town for not less than 90 calendar days from the Official Closing Time of this RFP. During this time, Proposals are irrevocable and binding on Proponents. 15. PROPOSAL EVALUATION CRITERIA The criteria, as stated in the Proposal Evaluation Criteria Form, are the sole criteria, which will be used to evaluate all Proposals submitted. Proposals will be evaluated by an Evaluation Team comprised of appropriate staff members of the Town of Ajax and others, when applicable, and the Evaluation Team will contact those Proponents for interviews if they deem necessary. However, the Town reserves the right to shortlist Proponents to a number of the top scoring Proponents. These short-listed Proponents must be prepared to: answer questions on their Proposal submission; clarify their Proposal, including a written response to a request for clarification, which shall then form part of the Proponent’s Proposal; co-operate with the Town with respect to interview scheduling, if required; and any other requirements as requested by the Town. The lowest cost Proposal will not necessarily be accepted. 16. NEGOTIATIONS The Town may award a contract on the basis of initial Proposals received, without further discussions. Therefore, each Proposal should contain the Proponents best terms and information, including all required documentation, as listed in the RFP. The Town reserves the right to enter into discussion/negotiations with the selected Proponent. If the Town and the selected Proponent cannot negotiate a satisfactory Contract, the Town may, at its sole discretion, terminate negotiations and begin negotiations with the next selected Proponent and continue with the process until a satisfactory Contract is negotiated. No Proponent shall have any rights against the Town arising from such negotiations. 17. CONTRACT AGREEMENT The date of the Contract Award shall be the date on which the Town forwards notification of acceptance of the Proposal to the Proponent. No Contract shall be Awarded to any person or corporation or any affiliate, subsidiary or related person thereto, who or which, has a claim or has instituted a legal proceeding against the Town or against whom the Town has a claim or has instituted a legal proceeding with respect to any previous Contract. Page 11 of 24 RFP No. P14016 SIGNAGE ~ DESIGN, SUPPLY and INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPONENTS The agreement between the successful Proponent and the Town will include the RFP documents as issued, the complete Proposal submission, along with all negotiated changes, if any, and all supporting documents, certificates, etc. The agreement shall be in writing, executed by the successful Proponent and the Town or the Town will issue a purchase order. Unless noted otherwise herein, the Contract term will be in effect commencing from Award until completion of all the Works described herein and as accepted by the Town in the Proposal. 18. FAILURE TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT If the Proponent, for any reason, fails or defaults in respect of any matter or thing which is an obligation of the Proponent under the terms of the RFP, the Town may disqualify the Proponent from the RFP and/or from competing for future bid opportunities as issued by the Town. In addition, the Town may: 19. Consider that the Proponent has withdrawn any offer made, or abandoned the Agreement if the offer has been accepted, whereupon the acceptance, if any, of the Town shall be null and void; or Require the Proponent to pay the Town the difference between its Proposal and any other Proposal which the Town accepts, if the latter is for a greater amount and, in addition, pay the Town any cost which the Town may incur by reason of the Proponent’s failure or default, and further, the Proponent will indemnify and save harmless the Town its officers, employees and agents from all loss, damage, liability, cost, charge and expense whatever, which it, they or any of them may suffer, incur or be put to by reason of such default or failure of the Proponent. PROPOSAL ASSIGNMENT The successful Proponent will not be permitted to assign or transfer any portion of the Proposal as submitted or the subsequent agreement without prior written approval from the Town. 20. NON EXCLUSIVE The Town reserves the right, at its sole discretion, and without compensation to the selected Proponent, to purchase the same or similar services from other sources during the term of the Contract. 21. ADDITIONS & DELETIONS TO CONTRACT The Town reserves the right to add or delete services throughout the term of this Contract if it deems necessary, without invalidating the Contract. When a change causes an increase in services, the Contract price shall be negotiated with the successful Proponent if they are interested in increasing their services for the Town. When a decrease in requirement occurs, the Town shall supply written notification of cancellation of the portion of Contract affected and the fees shall be reduced accordingly at a rate agreed upon by the Proponent and the Town. 22. RESOURCE COMMITMENTS The successful Proponent shall perform the Work with that degree of care, skill and diligence normally provided in the performance of such Work as described herein. Page 12 of 24 RFP No. P14016 SIGNAGE ~ DESIGN, SUPPLY and INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPONENTS The Company must make available the appropriately skilled workers, consultants or subcontractors, as appropriate, who will be under the supervision of a senior member of the Company’s staff. The Company must be able to provide the necessary materials, tools, machinery, supplies, etc., to carry out the Work. These resources must be available on a dedicated basis, as required, to carry out the Work with due care, skill and efficiency. The Company will ensure that, staff assigned to work on this Project, have the necessary education, licenses and certifications where necessary. The Company will also ensure that the items addressed in these Terms of Reference are completed or addressed to the satisfaction of the Town. If at any time the Company, for reasons beyond its control, is unable to provide the services of any specific person named in this RFP submission, the Company shall notify the Town within ten business days of such change and provide a replacement person who possesses equal qualifications, experience and ability. For the purpose of this agreement, the persons named in the Company’s Proposal submission shall devote such time and attention to the assigned Work as in the opinion of the Town is necessary to fulfill and discharge the Company’s obligations under each individual assignment. The persons named shall not be substituted without the written consent of the Town. 23. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Proponents must identify any/all additional resources/areas where they intend to use subcontractors/sub-consultants. Proof of qualifications and experience for these proposed additional resource companies, shall be submitted with the Proposal. All proposed sub-contractors/sub-consultants will be under the direct control of the Company and must be qualified and competent in the performance of the sub-contracted Work. The Town, at its sole and unfettered discretion shall determine if a proposed sub-consultant is qualified and appropriate for the Work. If the Town rejects a proposed sub-consultant, the Company may propose an alternative sub-consultant which is agreeable to the Town and provided the total bid price remains unchanged. If the Town and the Company cannot agree to a subconsultant for that portion of the sub-contracted Works, the Company’s bid will be rejected. Once a sub-contractor/sub-consultant has been accepted by the Town, the Company will not be permitted to change without the Towns’ approval. The total price Bid must include all costs for these additional resources. All payments for these services will be made to the Company. The Town will not make payment for services provided by any sub-contractor/sub-consultant directly to them. 24. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY All concepts, products or processes produced by or resulting from the Works rendered by the Company in connection with this Project, or which are otherwise developed or first introduced to practice by the Company and which are patentable, capable of trademark or otherwise, shall be considered as Intellectual Property and remain the property of the Company. The Town shall have permanent non-exclusive royalty-fee license to use any concept, product or processes, which are patentable, capable of trademark or otherwise produced by or resulting from the Work rendered by the Company in connection with this Work and for no other purpose or project. Page 13 of 24 RFP No. P14016 SIGNAGE ~ DESIGN, SUPPLY and INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPONENTS 25. RECORDS AND AUDITS In order to provide data for the calculation of fees on a time basis, the Company shall keep a detailed record of the hours worked by staff employed for the Project. The Town, its’ agents and representatives, may inspect timesheets and record of expenses and disbursements of the Company with respect to any item which the Company claims payment as a result of this Work. The Company, when requested by the Town, shall provide copies of all invoices, receipts, etc., with respect to any disbursements or sub-consultant fees, for which the Company claims payment as a result of this Work. 26. PROVISIONAL ITEMS Items listed as provisional may or may not be included in the Contract Award. The Town reserves the right to diminish all or any portion of the items, listed as provisional at any time before, during or after the Contract Award and no claim shall be made for damages on grounds of loss of anticipated profit or for any other reason. 27. PRICES Prices quoted are to be in Canadian funds and are to remain firm and irrevocable and open for acceptance by the Town for a period of 90 calendar days after the Official Closing Time indicated in this RFP. If the Proponent intends to manufacture or fabricate any part of the Goods outside of Canada, the Proponent shall arrange its shipping procedures so that its agent or representative in Canada is the importer of record for customs purposes. 28. APPLICABLE TAXES Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) is extra. 29. LAWS & REGULATIONS The Company shall comply with all relevant Federal, Provincial and Municipal Statutes, Regulations, Acts and By-laws, and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), pertaining to the Work. In addition, pursuant to Ontario Regulation 429/07, Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, as provided for under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), every person who deals with members of the public on behalf of the Town and/or who participates in the development of policies, practices or procedures, must receive training with respect to the provision of service to persons with disabilities. Information regarding Accessibility requirements in the Town of Ajax can be found on the Town’s website at: The Town of Ajax embraces and celebrates diversity, fosters an inclusive society based on dignity and respect for all, and the elimination of discrimination. Bidders are encouraged to review the Town’s Diversity and Community Engagement Policy available on our website. Page 14 of 24 RFP No. P14016 SIGNAGE ~ DESIGN, SUPPLY and INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPONENTS The Company shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with all relevant Regulations, Acts and By-laws pertaining to the Work by its employees, agents or affiliates engaged in this Contract. 30. HEALTH & SAFETY The Company shall obey all Federal, Provincial and Municipal Laws, Acts, Ordinances, Regulations, Orders-in-Council and By-Laws, which could in any way pertain to the Work outlined in the Contract or to the employees of the Company. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Company shall satisfy all statutory requirements imposed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations made thereunder, on a Contractor, a Constructor and/or Employer, with respect to, or arising out of, the performance of the Company’s obligations under this Contract. The Company shall be aware of and conform to all governing regulations including those established by the Town relating to employee health and safety. 31. WORKPLACE SAFETY & INSURANCE BOARD Prior to commencement of the Work, a Certificate of Clearance from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), shall be provided indicating that all payments by the Company to the Board have been made. All of the Company’s personnel must be covered by WSIB, at the Company’s expense. Clearance certificates shall be automatically supplied to the Town, every 60 days throughout the term of the Contract. Prior to final payment, a Certificate of Clearance must be issued indicating all payments by the Company to the Board in conjunction with the subject Contract have been made and that the Town will not be liable to the Board for future payments in connection with the Company's fulfillment of the Contract. For Independent Operators who have elected not to have WSIB coverage, the following shall be provided prior to commencement of the Work: a letter from the WSIB confirming Independent Operator status; and a copy of WSIB optional Insurance providing for long-term disability coverage. The Town has the right to reject any Bid it deems to have not provided sufficient WSIB coverage. If the Company is not required by law to provide WSIB Coverage and they elect not to acquire the WSIB Optional Insurance, then the Company shall sign the attached Appendix ‘B’ Waiver, prior to the commencement of the Works. The Town may, at its sole discretion, determine if WSIB coverage is a mandatory requirement based on the Works to be performed for the Contract. The Company will ensure that any and all Subcontractors also have valid WSIB coverage. 32. INSURANCE Without restricting the generality of Indemnification, the Company is required to maintain the following insurance coverage for the entire term of the Contract and any subsequent maintenance period. The Company shall provide the Town of Ajax with proof of insurance in the form of a certificate of insurance, or, if required by the Town a copy of the policy. Proof of the insurance coverage shall be in a form satisfactory to the Town, prior to commencement of any Work being performed. Page 15 of 24 RFP No. P14016 SIGNAGE ~ DESIGN, SUPPLY and INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPONENTS It is understood and agreed that the coverage provided by these policies will not be changed or amended in any way, nor cancelled by the Company until 60 days after written notice by registered mail of such change or cancellations has been delivered to the Town of Ajax. There are to be no lapses in insurance at any time during the Contract. Failure for the Company to keep/maintain its insurance current will result in the Contract being terminated. The minimum insurance requirements of the Town of Ajax, in Canadian dollars, shall be as follows: I. GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE COVERAGE A limit of not less than $5,000,000.00 for bodily injury, including death, personal injury and property damage arising from any, one accident or occurrence. The Town of Ajax shall be shown as an additional insured. The policy shall include, but not be limited to the following: a cross-liability/severability of interest clause completed operations coverage of not less than 24 months (if applicable) blanket contractual coverage non-owned automobile coverage contingent employers liability coverage The Company is responsible for any loss or losses within the deductible limit. This policy shall be primary coverage pursuant to which the insurer is acting as first loss insurer against the risk covered and not excess to any other insurance available to the additional insured. II. AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE Automobile Liability insurance with respect to all licensed vehicles, owned or leased by the Company, shall have limits of not less than $2,000,000.00 inclusive for bodily injury, including death, personal injury and property damage arising from any one accident or occurrence. III. PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE Provide professional liability insurance with a limit of not less than $2,000,000.00 per claim subject to an annual aggregate of $4,000,000.00. 33. DEFAULT BY COMPANY If the Company: commits any act of bankruptcy; or if a receiver is appointed on account of its insolvency or in respect of any of its property; or if the Company makes a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors; then, in any such case, the Town may, without notice, terminate the Contract. Page 16 of 24 RFP No. P14016 SIGNAGE ~ DESIGN, SUPPLY and INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPONENTS If the Company: fails to comply with any request, instruction or order of the Town; or fails to pay its accounts; or fails to comply with or persistently disregards Statutes, Regulations, By-laws or directives of relevant authorities relating to the Work; or fails to prosecute the Work with skill and diligence; or assigns or sublets the Contract, or any portion thereof without the Town’s prior written consent; or refuses to correct defective Work; or is otherwise in default in carrying out its part of any of the terms, conditions and obligations of the Contract, then, in any such case, the Town may, upon expiration of ten days from the date of written notice to the Company, terminate the Contract. Any termination of the Contract by the Town, as aforesaid, shall be without prejudice to any other rights or remedies the Town may have and without incurring any liability whatsoever in respect thereto. If the Town terminates the Contract, it is entitled to: 34. i. withhold any further payments to the Company until the completion of the Work and the expiry of all warranty obligations; ii. recover from the Company loss, damage and expenses incurred by the Town by reason of the Company’s default which may be deducted from any monies due or becoming due to the Company, any balance to be paid by the Company to the Town; iii. reject any Bid from the Company for future Contracts. NON-PERFORMANCE The Town reserves the right to determine in its sole and unfettered discretion; non-performance of the Contract, including the level of quality of the Goods/Services provided and further reserves the right to cancel any of, or the entire Contract. In the event the Company has failed or neglected to comply with any condition set out in the Contract, the Contract may be unconditionally cancelled by the Town without notice. The Town’s evaluation and determination in this regard shall be final. 35. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Consultant Performance Evaluation An evaluation of the Company/Consultants’ performance will be completed as part of this Contract. This evaluation is intended to provide an ongoing comprehensive record of Company/Consultant Performance and may have an effect on recommendations for future Contract Awards. Company/Consultant Evaluation Criteria Consultant will be evaluated based on, but not limited to the follow: Design – Quality of design. Quality of Results – Final deliverables as well as deliverables throughout the various stages of the project. Management – How the project was managed and overall consultants’ services. Time – Time planning and schedule control. Cost – Quality of the cost planning and control during the life of the project. Page 17 of 24 RFP No. P14016 SIGNAGE ~ DESIGN, SUPPLY and INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPONENTS 36. PAYMENT TERMS Payment will be made 30 days after delivery, pursuant to the Company submitting an invoice, Contract requirements being completed and Work being deemed satisfactory by the Town. Payments made, including final payment shall not relieve the Company from its obligations or liabilities under the Contract. Where multiple delivery locations for the Town are required, a separate invoice must be created for each location indicating; address, detailed line items, unit prices, etc. All invoices to be addressed to: Town of Ajax Attn: Accounts Payable 65 Harwood Avenue South Ajax, ON L1S 2H9 Invoices can be sent electronically to Currently, all payments of approved invoices are made to Companies via "Electronic Funds Transfer" (EFT), instead of by cheque. At the time of Award the successful Proponent(s) for this Contract Award, must complete an Accounts Payable Direct Deposit Form as supplied by the Town and provide banking information for EFT deposits. Bank accounts must be held at a financial institution in Canada and all payments will be made in Canadian funds. Page 18 of 24 RFP No. P14016 SIGNAGE ~ DESIGN, SUPPLY and INSTALLATION TERMS OF REFERENCE INTRODUCTION/SCOPE OF SERVICE The Town of Ajax is seeking Proposals for the Design, Supply and Installation of Signage at Ajax Town Hall. This signage will assist in providing directional assistance to residents/visitors to the various department/services/facilities in Ajax Town Hall. The signage will contain the name of each department along with the various services provided at the counter. Signage will also indicate location/direction to washroom facilities. The goal for the project is to design and install an organized system of visually attractive and easy to understand signs. More specifically, the signs will: Replace existing signs; Increase the overall awareness of the location of each Department; Indicate washroom signage; Assist visitors with locating the appropriate service counter; and Increase the attractiveness of Town Hall for our residents/visitors BACKGROUND The Town of Ajax receives visitors to Town Hall for a variety of reasons. Residents visit to pay parking ticket fines, property taxes, animal licenses and to obtain information on a variety of information from several departments. Town Hall (photo included) has one main and two secondary entrances. We currently have existing signage over each service counter (photo included). The existing signage is flat facing, which can be difficult to see from the main doors. Town Hall departments encompass two floors. Human Resource Services and Information Technology are on the second floor. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS Photo of main entrance of Town Hall Photo of existing signage over service counter Listing of services/departments REQUIREMENTS A site visit, although not mandatory, is highly recommended in order to determine improvements to existing signage and view environment (lighting, visibility, etc.). Proponents will provide consultation and make recommendations on the design, fabrication and installation of the signs. Proponents shall recommend a suitable material for the signage. Pricing shall include consultation, design and installation and be priced by individual sign, in your detailed pricing breakdown, which is to be included in your Proposal. All signage shall be in keeping with the Ontario Building Code 2006 (OBC), Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), and follow the recommendations and are compliant with: Town of Ajax Facility Accessibility Design Guidelines Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and related standards including: o Ontario Regulation 429/07 Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Page 19 of 24 RFP No. P14016 SIGNAGE ~ DESIGN, SUPPLY and INSTALLATION TERMS OF REFERENCE o Ontario Regulation 191/11 Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulations As they pertain to Customer Service, Information & Communications, (including WCAG 2.0 Level A-AA Guidelines), Employment, Transportation and the Built Environment. Signage design, fabrication and installation shall comply with the highest standards Letter forms and symbols shall be digitally rendered in precise, crisp, clean forms. All letter forms shall be free of ticks, discontinuous curves, line waves, cut or ragged edges, edge buildup, bleeding, surface pinholes, and other imperfections. Unless otherwise indicated, letter forms shall be aligned to maintain a baseline parallel to the sign format. Signage Materials a. b. c. d. New material only; Shall be inert, non off-gassing and shall be non-porous and non-absorbent; Shall meet or exceed all industry standards for chemical and fire resistance; and Shall be extremely durable for all interior applications. PROPOSAL FORMAT Limit the submission to no more than a total of 16 pages of text [eight sheets of 8.5” x 11” paper, printed double sided, in an 11pt font] (except for resumes, title page, table of contents, detailed pricing, and Proposal forms). Do not submit corporate brochures. Proposals shall be brief and contain, at a minimum, the following information: Designation of the key staff who would be assigned to work on this project together with their curricula vitae, which would include descriptions of various types of projects they typically handle and the relevance to this assignment; The commitment, qualification and experience of the Project Manager; Relevant qualifications and experience with a minimum of three examples of recent work, within the past five years; The contact name; e-mail address; fax number and telephone number of clients for referenced projects; Description of available staff resources and confirmation of their availability during the first year of the assignment; Details of current projects where the Proponent is providing services in Durham Region; The fee for the assignment; and Identification of resources/areas where the Proponent intends to use subcontractors/subconsultants. NUMBER OF COPIES Page 20 of 24 RFP No. P14016 SIGNAGE ~ DESIGN, SUPPLY and INSTALLATION TERMS OF REFERENCE Six copies of the Proposal, each with copies of any supporting documentation, shall be submitted. At least one must be with original signatures and marked “Original”. Additional copies may be marked “Duplicate.” This RFP document is not intended to limit Proponents’ submissions, but rather to provide a framework for the Town of Ajax to evaluate each, and determine which submission most closely addresses our needs. Proponents are encouraged to provide any additional information or innovative approaches not specifically outlined in this Proposal. Proponents will provide any reasonable, additional information upon request by the Town. COMMUNICATION The Proponent is requested to identify one senior individual by name, address, and telephone number who will act as the Proponent’s primary contact with the Town with regard to this project. It is the Proponent’s responsibility to understand all aspects of the RFP and to obtain clarification if necessary before submitting their Proposal. PROPONENT RESPONSIBILITIES PROOFS Proofs must be submitted to the Town and will continue to be supplied until the Town is satisfied and final sign-off has occurred. Prior to the commencement of fabrication, all proofs shall have been approved by the appropriate Town staff. The cost of providing these proofs shall be borne by the Successful Proponent and is to be included in the Proposal price. Errors, omissions or deletions in printed material after final sign off of proofs, shall be corrected by the Successful Proponent and all costs associated to make corrections will be the Successful Proponent’s responsibility. PRICES Prices quoted shall include all costs associated with the consultation, design, fabrication and installation of signage and must include all incidental costs, including, but not limited to; labour, equipment, travel time, customs duty, excise tax, freight, insurances, fuels, energy costs, etc., and the Proponent shall be deemed to be satisfied as to the full requirements of the Request for Proposal. No claim for extra work will be entertained and any additional work must be authorized by the Town in writing prior to commencement. FEE STRUCTURE AND PAYMENT or PRICING FORMAT EXPECTATIONS Proponents will fully describe their proposed fee structure or price format. Proponents must clearly quote any additional charges that may be applicable that have not already been addressed in their Proposal. The fee/pricing shall include HST as a separate line item. Also, if applicable, include a list of chargeable disbursements, with unit costs and an estimate of their total cost. As an alternative, Proponents may suggest that disbursements be paid as a percentage of the total fee (excluding HST), in which case the percentage must be identified, as well as the extent of disbursements covered by such percentage. Hourly and Per Diem Rates for all staff must be provided. These rates will form the basis for agreed variations in services. Clearly note what costs are not included or allowed for. Allow for all meetings and notifications required under the process. Page 21 of 24 RFP No. P14016 SIGNAGE ~ DESIGN, SUPPLY and INSTALLATION TERMS OF REFERENCE SCHEDULE OF EVENTS The deadline to respond is as specified in the RFP. The project will begin immediately upon the Contract award, unless otherwise specified. Although every attempt will be made to meet all of the dates indicated below, the Town reserves the right to modify/change and or all of the dates at its sole discretion. Evaluation Period: Week ending November 7, 2014 Interview Period: Week of November 10, 2014 Final Selection: Week of November 17, 2014 Award: Monday, November 24, 2014 DELIVERABLES/MEETING SCHEDULE Within two weeks of the assignment award, the Proponent will submit to the Town of Ajax, a work plan for all portions of the Contract. The plan must contain detailed descriptions of all tasks to be performed, staff responsible for each task, and activities and timetables for completing the work. The Proponent will meet representatives of the Town of Ajax, as necessary, to carry out the program requirements and the final work plan. No additional fees shall be charged for these meetings. Proponent will prepare monthly reports. It is expected that the general work will be completed within three weeks from date of award. The Proponent shall provide the following with respect to documentation: A work plan; Minutes of all meetings and progress reports; Project File; Reproducible copies of all plans. MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS Proponents must demonstrate the ability to meet the following mandatory requirements. Failure to comply with these requirements may deem the Proposal to be non responsive. I. Proponents must have a minimum of three examples of work within the past five years relating to interior informational/identification signage. II. Reference information must be provided on the three examples of work within the past five years; III. Evidence of ability to provide minimum insurance coverage as specified (either, actual copies or a letter from insurance provider, advising insurance can be obtained); IV. Evidence of ability to provide WSIB Clearance Certificate coverage as specified (either, actual copies or a letter from WSIB); V. A statement that clearly identifies there are no conflicts of interest with respect to other active or dormant clients in area; VI. Provide the supplied Proposal Submission Form signed with an original handwritten signature in ink; signed by an Officer with the authority to bind the Company. Page 22 of 24 RFP No. P14016 SIGNAGE ~ DESIGN, SUPPLY and INSTALLATION TERMS OF REFERENCE VII. Six copies of the submission (one with original signatures and five duplicates). Page 23 of 24 RFP No. P14016 SIGNAGE ~ DESIGN, SUPPLY and INSTALLATION PROPOSAL EVALUATION CRITERIA Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of all information provided by the Proponents. Each Proposal will be reviewed to determine if the Proposal is responsive to the submission requirements outlined in the RFP. Failure to comply with the requirements outlined in the RFP may deem the Proposal to be non responsive. Proposals submitted, shall be evaluated using the criteria listed in the table below. Criteria are weighted in accordance with their importance and relevance to the Town’s operations and objectives. PROPOSAL EVALUATION CRITERIA FORM EVALUATION CRITERIA Qualifications & Experience Demonstrated Experience of the Company [10 points] Demonstrated Experience of Key Personnel [10 points] Information Obtained through References [10 points] Submission/Quality of Proposal Responsiveness/Completeness of Submission [15 points] Demonstrated Willingness to Comply with Terms of the RFP [10 points] Project Deliverables/Technical Response Demonstrated Understanding of the Requirements [10 points] Quality/Completeness of Approach/Work Plan/Methodology [10 points] Ability to Meet Time Estimates/Deadlines [5 points] AVAILABLE POINTS 30 25 25 Pricing Cost effectiveness of the Proposal 20 TOTAL POINTS 100 Interview (if applicable) 50 Grand Total Points 150 The Town of Ajax reserves the right to discuss any and all Proposals, to request additional information from Proponents and to accept or reject any or all Proposals. The lowest cost Proposal will not necessarily be accepted. Proposals will be evaluated and the contract awarded based on an evaluation to determine which Proposal best meets the needs of the Town of Ajax based on a cost/value analysis. Page 24 of 24