Evaluation - forms for interview and outcomes wheels

TREE Interviews – Impact and Benefits – Recording Sheet
Date of Interview:
Interviewer Name:
Woodcraft member name (interviewee):
Don’t forget to introduce yourself and explain how you are involved with TREE. Also, explain why you are
doing the interview and thank the interviewee for agreeing to take part.
If you want to ask a “warm up” question you could just ask something like “Just to begin, could you tell
me what it is that you most like about Woodcraft” (but don’t take too long on this question and no need
to record response!).
1. What aspects of TREE have you been involved with and/or what TREE resources have you used?
This is just so that we know how much of TREE the interviewee has been involved with. It may be a lot of
things or just one! Just list what they done that is connected with TREE in the box below.
2. How much has your involvement with Woodcraft made a positive difference to you?
No difference
Slight difference
A big difference
3. To find out moreabout the difference Woodcraft and TREE has made to you we are going to use
something called an Outcomes Wheel.
Show the interviewee one of the Wheel documents. Explain that they will fill in two wheels – one is how
good they were at things before contact with TREE, the other how good they feel they are now.
Ask them to think back to before their involvement with TREE and for each of the 12 segments decide on
the scale of 1-10 (one is low, ten is high) how good they thought they were, then colour in the segment up
to and including the number they choose. You can also give them the “prompt” sheet to help if you want.
Then ask them to do the same with the “After Involvement” Wheel.
Hopefully this will show that they have got better at doing some of the things on the wheel! Make sure you
keep hold of both copies of the wheel as you will need these later to fill in the Outcomes Wheel sheet.
4. I am interested in talking a bit more about some of the aspects where you think you have got better
the most or where any change is most important to you.
Look at both Wheels side by side and agree where the biggest changes have occurred. Choose the 3 where
the interviewee thinks the changes are biggest or most important to them.For each of theseelements ask:
Can you give us a few actual examples of how you have got better? e.g. Before I was really nervous about
doing X but now I can do it confidently. What can you do now that you couldn’t before?
Try to draw out one or two specific,practical examples that illustrate the change.
Wheel Examples, evidence, notes etc.
5. It sounds like being involved with Woodcraftand TREE has made a difference to you ... can we look a
bit more at HOWWoodcraft andTREEhas helped to achieve this? Show the table below and ask the
interviewee to choose 3 factors from the list.
Please choose the three factors from where you think you gained most from TREE/Woodcraft
Time with the Woodcraft/TREE national staff team
Time with your local Woodcraft leaders
Time with other young people involved with TREE and Woodcraft
Workshops at Woodcraft events, camps and activities
Local Action Projects
TREE/Woodcraft Training Courses
The TREE/Woodcraft resources and materials
Choose the first factor chosen and ask:
Can you give us a few actual examples of things you did via TREE that helped you develop and how you
gained from them?
Push for details here – try to draw out one or two specific examples of what made an impact and how.
Repeat this process for the other two factors chosen
Examples, evidence, notes etc.
Examples, evidence, notes etc.
6. If there’s just one thing you could tell others that you’ve gained from your involvement with
Woodcraft and TREE – what would it be? Why is this particularly important to you?
Finally – thank the interviewee for their time and help – explain that this will help
Woodcraft improve and in particular may help to get more funding so that more projects
like TREE can get going.
Now (or later) fill in the scores from the Outcomes Wheel on the recording Sheet
Outcomes Wheel Recording Sheet
Name of Interviewer:
Name of Interviewee:
Wheel Segment
1. Knowing what I’m good at
2. Looking after myself
3. Understanding my feelings
4. Sensitive to feelings of others
5. Dealing with setbacks
6. Developing interests
7. Having a say
8. Learning from mistakes
9. Value people different from me
10. Compromise and negotiation
11. Feel part of my local community
12. Finding information
Woodcraft TREE Project – Outcomes Wheel
Name of Interviewer:
Name of Interviewee:
Woodcraft Group:
Before involvement/contact with TREE
Woodcraft TREE Project – Outcomes Wheel
Name of Interviewer:
Name of Interviewee:
Woodcraft Group:
After involvement/contact with TREE