Sugars and Polysaccharides Importance of Carbohydrates • Key intermediates of metabolism of food and energy production (sugars) • Structural components of plants, animals and bacteria: (cellulose, peptidoglycan, cartilage) • Central to materials of industrial products: (paper, lumber) • Key component of food sources: (sugars, flour, fiber) Outline of Carbohydrates • Part 1: General structure, names, and stereochemical properties of simple sugars (chpt 11 sec 1) • Names of simple sugars • Fischer Projections of sugars • Cyclic reactions: Hemiacetal formation • Part 2: Disaccharides: structure, nomenclature and biology (chpt 11 sec 2) • Acetal formation • Disaccharide nomenclature • Part 3: Polysaccharides and Glycoproteins: structures and biology • • • • Starch, Glycogen structures Cellulose, Chitin structures Bacterial cell walls: peptidoglycan Extracellular matrix: Hyaluronic acid Classification of Carbohydrates • Carbohydrates- are molecules, consisting only of carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O), with the empirical formula Cm(H2O)n (where m could be different from n). – Monosaccharide's (simple sugars) can't be converted into smaller sugars by hydrolysis. – Disaccharides- comes from two monosaccharides (glucose linked to fructose; sucrose) linked together by an acetal bond. – Polysaccharides- made of three or more simple sugars connected as acetals (aldehyde and alcohol). Biological Monosaccharides are classified into two categories Simple Sugars Aldoses Most oxidized carbon is an aldehyde Ketoses Most oxidized carbon is a ketone Three and four carbon Aldoses: Aldotriose, Aldotetriose 3-Carbon Most Oxidized carbon 4-Carbon Chiral center D-Glyceraldehyde D-Erythrose D-Threose Five Carbon Aldoses: Aldopentoses D-Ribose D-Arabinose D-Xylose D-Lyxose Six Carbon Aldoses: Aldohexoses D-Allose D-Gulose D-Altrose D-Idose D-Glucose D-Galactose D-Mannose D-Talose Three and four carbon Ketoses: Ketotriose, Ketotetriose 4-Carbon 3-Carbon Dihydroxyacetone D-Erythrulose Five and six Carbon Ketoses Ketohexoses Ketopentoses D-Ribulose D-Xylulose D-Psicose D-Sorbose D-Fructose D-Tagatose Abbreviations for some sugars that are common components of polysaccharides Memorize the shaded abbreviations!!! Structures you have to memorize!!! • Glyceraldehyde • Dihydroxacetone phosphate • Ribose & Deoxyribose • Glucose • Fructose Write on board Stereochemisry review Chiral Centers How do we deal with multiple chiral centers • Enantiomers- molecules that are not identical to their mirror images. (This definition includes multiple chiral centers). • A general rule, a molecule with “N” chiral centers can have 2N stereoisomers. • N = 6; 26 = 64 possible stereoisomers!!! • Diastereomers- stereoisomers that are not mirror images. Absolute configuration is assigned using the R,S system - The R,S system was developed long after many biochemicals were discovered. - Biochemists have been slow to adopt the R,S system. Carbohydrate Stereochemistry: Fischer Projections • A chirality center C is projected into the plane of the paper • Groups forward from paper are always in horizontal line. • Vertical bonds represents groups projecting into the plane of paper Hermann Emil Fischer From 1852-1919; Nobel Prize in 1902 Fischer convention for carbohydrates (D, L) • The hydroxyl group at the chiral center farthest from the oxidized end of the sugar determines the stereochemical reference (D, or L). Bold wedges H O C H OH CH2OH D-Glyceraldehyde Hash wedges Stereochemical Reference • A compound is “D” if the hydroxyl group at the chirality center farthest from the oxidized end of the sugar is on the right or “L” if it is on the left. “D” is when the hydroxyl group is on the right and “L” is when it is on the left “D” is when the hydroxyl group is on the right and “L” is when it is on the left Allowed Movements with Fisher Projections - Rotation of 90º is not allowed with a fisher projection since this will change the chirality. - Rotation of 180º is allowed with a fisher projection since this will not change the chirality. We can change the position of three groups and leave one group the same without changing the chirality Specify the sugars as “D” or “L” Most oxidized carbon at or closest to the top Linear chain L Least oxidized carbon at or closest to the top Assign “D” or “L” to each Monosaccharide HO H HO HO OH H H H L D O L Specify the sugar as “D” or “L” CH O HO H CH2 OH Hold Steady L Epimers are two diastereomers that differ in their configuration around a single carbon Mechanism of hemiacetal, hemiketal formation Sugars of five or more carbons readily adopt the cyclic conformations in solution <1% α-anomer 38% β-anomer 62% Haworth Projections α- D-Glucose β- D-Glucose α- D-Fructose β- D-Fructose Haworth Projections α- D-Glucose β- D-Glucose α- D-Fructose β- D-Fructose Sugars can undergo oxidationreduction reactions at the anomeric carbon • The exposed C1 (anomeric carbon) is referred to as the reduced end (carbonyl can be reduced to a carboxyl). Reduced end Reducing sugar test is the basis of blood sugar meters. Carbohydrate Analytical Tests Oxidizing Agent Benedict’s solution Fehling’s Solution Tollen’s Reagent Active ingredient CuSO4 CuSO4 Ag in NH3 Deep Blue Deep Blue Mirror Oxidant Cu+2 ----- Cu+ Cu+2 ----- Cu+ Ag+ ----- Ag(s) Sugar Product Oxidized to Carboxylate Oxidized to Carboxylate Oxidized to Carboxylate Test Result Positive for Aldoses Positive for Aldoses and Ketoses Positive for Aldoses Color Carbohydrate Analytical Tests Positive for Fehling’s Positive for all three tests Negative for Tollen’s Negative for all three tests Negative for Benedict’s Fehling’s Tests- Positive for Aldoses and Ketoses Benedict’s Test- Positive for Aldoses only Tollen’s Test- Positive for Aldoses only All tests are negative if the anomeric carbon is linked to another sugar!! Mechanism of hemiacetal, acetal formation Disaccharide nomenclature • Glycosidic bond- forms when the hydroxyl group of one sugar reacts with the anomeric carbon of the other. Anomeric carbon Galactose (β1 - 4) Glucose Example disaccharide: Maltose Non Reducing End Reducing End Naming Rules: nonreducing residue and configuration to reducing residue Glucose (α1 – β2) Fructose Glucose (α1 – α1) Glucose Types of Homopolysaccharides Starch- polysaccharides found in plants that contains glucose in two forms: - Amylose (linear α1-4 linked glucose) (10-30%) - Amylopectin (Linear + branched glucose) Linear α1-4 linked glucose Branched α1-6 linked glucose - Branching occurs every 24-30 residues Glycogen- polysaccharides found in animals. Linear α1-4 linked glucose Branched α1-6 linked glucose - Branching occurs every 8-12 residues Structure of Starch: Amylose & Amylopectin 3-D Structure of Glycogen and Starch Structure of Cellulose Cellulose- is found in cell walls of plants. - Cellulose uses the β configuration of glucose - Mammals lack the enzyme required to hydrolyze the β configuration of glucose Structural Polysaccharides Composition similar to storage polysaccharides, but small structural differences greatly influence properties • Cellulose is the most abundant natural polymer on earth • Cellulose is the principal strength and support of trees and plants • Cellulose can also be soft and fuzzy - in cotton Amino Acids By Doba Jackson, Ph.D. Outline of Amino Acids, Peptides & Proteins • Amino Acid Structure (Chpt 4-text) • Backbone • Side Chains • Acid-Base Properties of A.A’s (Chpt 4-text) • pKa’s of -COOH, -NH3, side chains • Levels of Protein Structure (Chpt 7-text; Introduction, p163-164) – We will skip Chpt 4- section 2 (Optical Activity) and Chpt 4section 3 (non-standard amino acids) Amino Acids Building Blocks of Proteins Alpha Hydrogen Alpha Carbon Amino Group Side Chain Chiral Center Carboxyl Group Classification of Amino Acids based on the R-group • Non-polar, Aliphatic (6) • Non-polar, Aromatic (3) • Polar, Uncharged (7) • Polar, Acidic (2) • Polar, Basic (3) You should know names, structures, pKa values, 3-letter and 1-letter codes!!!!! Non-polar, Aliphatic (R-group) Amino Acids Non-polar, Aromatic (R-group) Amino Acids * Tyrosine can also be considered polar, uncharged because of its polar hydroxyl group Polar, Uncharged (R-group) Amino Acids Polar, Acidic (R-group) Amino Acids Polar, Basic (R-group) Amino Acids Histidine could be considered aromatic but its absorption is very weak compared to other aromatic amino acids, it is also not aromatic under high pH conditions At the isoelectric point, the neutral form of the amino acid is the predominant species. Acid-Base Properties of Amino Acids -Main species at Low pH (<2) -Main species at Neutral pH (7.0) -Both functional groups contain the maximum # of protons -Amino group has a proton carboxyl group loses a proton -Amino group loses proton -Net charge is +1 -Net charge is zero -Net charge is -1 Main species at High pH (>12) What Is the Fundamental Structural Pattern in Proteins? “Peptides” • Short polymers of amino acids • 2, 3 residues – dipeptide, tripeptide • 12-20 residues - oligopeptide What is this peptide sequence? SGYAL Levels of Protein Structure • Primary structure- A description of the covalent bonds linking amino acids in a peptide chain • Secondary Structure- An arrangement of amino acids giving rise to structural patterns • Tertiary Structure- Describes all aspects of three dimensional folding of a polypeptide • Quarternary Structure- The arrangement in space of polypeptide units Lipids and Biological Membranes Definition of a Lipid • A lipids are defined as compounds that have low solubility in water and high solubility in non-polar solvents. –Hydrophobic (nonpolar only) –Amphipathic (both polar and nonpolar groups) Relevant Biology • Biological membranes • Energy storage • Biological recognition on cell membrane • Cellular signalling: ie. Steroids • Free radicle scavengers: Vitamin E • Insulation • Many unknown functions Classes of Lipids • 1- Fatty acids • 2- Triacylglycerols • 3- Glycerophospholipids • 4- Sphingolipids • 5- Waxes • 6- Isoprene-based lipids (including steroids) Fatty acids Know the common names and structures for fatty acids up to 20 carbons long • Saturated – – – – – Lauric acid (12 C) Myristic acid (14 C) Palmitic acid (16 C) Stearic acid (18 C) Arachidic acid (20 C) • Nomenclature: fatty acids are denoted with the chain length and number of double bonds separated by a colon. Note that most natural fatty acids contain an even number of carbon atoms. Fatty acids • Know the common names and structures for unsaturated fatty acids up to 20 carbons long • Unsaturated fatty acids – Palmitoleic acid (16:1 (Δ9)) – Oleic acid (18:1 (Δ9)) – Linoleic acid (18:2 (Δ9,12)) – -Linolenic acid (18:3 (Δ9,12,15)) – Arachidonic acid (20:4 (Δ5,8.11,14)) • Nomenclature: position of double bonds are denoted by the Δ symbol next to the first carbon of the double bond. Structure of unsaturated fatty acids • Double bonds are never conjugated and always separated by one methylene group. • Double bonds are always cis in naturally occuring fatty acids. • Double bonds increase solubility in water because of the decreased ability to pack together. • Double bonds lower the melting point of the fatty acid. • The most favorable conformation of a fatty acid is the fully extended form. • There is not rotation allowed across a double bond. • Cis double bonds adds a bend to the fatty acid. • It takes less energy to disorder poorly ordered arrays of unsaturated fatty acids. Triacylglycerols Also called triglycerides • A major energy source for many organisms • Why? – Most reduced form of carbon in nature – No solvation needed – Efficient packing Triacylglycerols • When glycerol has two different fatty acids at C1 and C3 then C2 becomes a chiral center. • Simple triacylglycerols with the same fatty acid are names tripalmitin, tristearin, etc. Speciallized cells (adipocytes) store large amounts of triacylglycerols that nearly fill the cell. Adipocytes contain lipases, enzymes that cleave the ester bond and release fatty acids for use as fuel. Other advantages accrue to users of triacylglycerols Insulation Metabolic water Structure of Lipids in membranes • Membrane lipids are amphipathic molecules that form bilayers in solution. – Five types of membrane lipids • • • • • Glycerolphospholipids Glycolipids: Galactolipids & Sulfolipids Etherlipids (archeabateria) Spingolipids Sterols Glycerolphospholipids *Glycerolphospholipids have a glycerol backbone esterified to 2 fatty acids a phosphate and a head group. * * * * * *Charges contribute to the surface charges of the membrane Sphingolipids are derivatives of Sphingosine Features of sphingosines A hydrocarbon backbone An amide linkage of the fatty acid A free alcohol at C3 Sphingolipids • Sphingomyelins: contain phosphocreatine or phosphocholine. Resembles phosphatidylcholine. Present in significant quantities in the myelin sheath that surrounds axons. • Cerebrosides: have a sugar linked to ceramide. Commonly found in plasma membranes. • Globosides: Neutral lipids with a few linear sugars attached. • Gangliosides: have sugars attached as heads which terminates with N-acetyl-Neuraminic acid. Commonly found in plasma membranes and are points of biological recognition. Some important Gangliosides Diphytanyl tetraether lipids are found in archeabacteria under extreme conditions Glycerol dialky glycerol tetraethers Able to withstand low pH, high ionic strengths and high temperature Ether Lipids: found in many tissues (heart) and unicellular organisms The ether group is resistant to cleavage by most lipases Phospholipases breakdown lipids in the lysosome When one fatty acid has been removed from the lipid, the second fatty acid is removed by lysophospholipase Sterols: cholesterols, steroids The steroid nucleus is a planar rigid ring with no C-C bond rotation among the nucleus. Analysis of lipids in membranes Relative proportion of components in plasma membranes differ for each species and tissue Typical erythrocyte plasma membrane Low temperature: Thermal motion is constrained Tc= when 50% of each phase is present in solution High temperature: Thermal motion is rapid. Theory: Cells seek to balance these two phases providing enough disorder for lateral movement but less freedom for acyl chains