File - Coach Fikac's English 1

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“The Ox-Bow Incident” Ch.3-5
Multiple Choice - Chapter 3
1. How many riders do Davies and Art count ahead of them when they finally get started?
a) Twenty-eight.
b) Twenty-four.
c) Thirty-two.
d) Twenty-six.
2. How does Sparks pass the time as he rides along with them?
a) He talks to anyone who will listen.
b) He tells jokes.
c) He sings mournful gospel songs.
d) He preaches the gospel.
3. How many head of cattle does Amigo claim to have seen?
a) Forty five.
b) Thirty.
c) Twenty.
d) Forty.
4. What does Gerald Tetley tell Art is the reason that man is now hunting man?
a) The rest no longer excites men.
b) To help their fellow man.
c) To exact revenge.
d) To feel a sense of superiority.
5. How does Gerald feel about being part of the group?
a) Proud to ride with his father.
b) Disgusted with himself and others.
c) Hopeful he can play an important role.
d) Eager to prove himself.
6. What does Gerald claim is the motivating factor of all men?
a) Lust.
b) Power.
c) Greed.
d) Vanity.
7. Why does Gerald claim to have joined the group?
a) Because he is ready to show his father who he is.
b) Because he has never seen a lynching before.
c) Because he is weak and his father is not.
d) Because he believes the guilty should hang.
8. What does Gerald claim he will do if they accomplish their goal?
a) He will hang himself.
b) He will leave town for good.
c) He will get blind drunk.
d) He will sever ties with his father.
Course 211-___
9. What is Gil most concerned about?
a) The coming snowfall.
b) Not having had a say in who his bosses were.
c) The head start the rustlers got.
d) The amount of noise they are making as a group.
10. Who is the focus of the story Gil narrates to Art during their conversation?
a) Sparks.
b) Farnley.
c) Gerald.
d) Elder Tetley.
11. What does Sparks claim is in all men?
a) God.
b) Patience.
c) Justice.
d) Fear.
12. What did Sparks see happen when he was just a child?
a) His mother shot and killed.
b) His own brother lynched.
c) His father shot and killed.
d) His best friend hung.
13. What is the first contact the group makes on the trail?
a) The stage coach.
b) A traveling medicine man.
c) A preacher.
d) A milner with samples.
14. What does Gil learn that upsets him?
a) Rose just got married.
b) Rose has brought her whole family back.
c) Rose was married to someone last year.
d) Rose is pregnant.
Essay Topic:
Which of the passengers in the stage surprises the men in the posse? What is more surprising than this passenger's presence?
How is Gil affected? What is Art urged to do and why? How does he respond? What is the reason for his decision? How does he
hold up after the stage leaves? Who approaches Gil with a barely disguised warning? How does Gil respond?
Multiple Choice - Chapter 4
1. Which group is Art assigned to when the posse divides to approach the suspected rustlers?
a) Tetley's.
b) Mapes'.
c) Ma's
d) Winders.
2. Which group waits for the others to get into position before approaching?
a) Winders'.
b) Tetley's.
c) Mapes'.
d) Ma's.
3. What surprises the posse as they approach the fire of the suspected rustlers?
a) There is no guard posted.
b) There is no one there.
c) There are no cattle.
d) It is an ambush.
4. Why does Donald Martin claim to have Drew's cows?
a) He claims they were a gift.
b) He claims to have found them.
c) He claims to have won them in a poker game.
d) He claims to have purchased them.
5. Why can Donald Martin not produce a bill of sale?
a) He claims Drew told him he didn't need one.
b) He claims Drew was in the pasture and couldn't give him one.
c) He claims to have had one but lost it.
d) He claims to have used it to start the fire so they could keep warm.
6. Who refutes Donald's claim regarding bill of sale?
a) Drew's sister in law.
b) Drew's brother.
c) Drew's wife.
d) Drew's foreman.
7. Who's ranch does Donald Martin claim to have purchased?
a) Pete Black's.
b) Joseph Pedersen's.
c) Jerry Johnson's.
d) Phil Baker's.
8. How long had the ranch been empty?
a) Three years.
b) Two years.
c) Five years.
d) Four years.
9. Where does Martin claim to have met him?
a) In Los Angeles.
b) In San Diego.
c) In San Francisco.
d) In Santa Cruz.
10. How much did Martin pay for the ranch?
a) Three thousand dollars.
b) Five thousand dollars.
c) Two thousand dollars.
d) Four thousand dollars.
11. Who does Mark claim bought the ranch from Baker?
a) Paul Tamer.
b) Jim Jackman.
c) Joe Johnson.
d) Peter Wilde.
12. Who does Martin claim is waiting for him on his ranch?
a) His mother and two daughters.
b) His wife and her sister.
c) His wife and two kids.
d) His sister and her husband.
13. How many head of cattle does Martin claim to have with him?
a) Forty head.
b) Fifty head.
c) Twenty five head.
d) Seventy head.
14. Where does Martin claim to have gotten the cattle?
a) From Harley Drew.
b) From Drew Harley.
c) From Drew Charlie.
d) From Charlie Drew.
15. Where does Martin claim to have sold off his own cattle?
a) San Diego.
b) Salinas.
c) Sonoma.
d) Salt Spring.
16. What suggestion is made that almost has Tetley and Gil coming to blows?
a) That Tetley is eager to kill someone.
b) That Tetley just wants his son to experience death.
c) The suggestion that Gil has lost his stomach for the hanging.
d) That Gil is the one responsible for Kinkaid's death.
17. What does Martin suggest to Tetley after Tetley inspects the brand on the cattle they were driving?
a) That he take the cattle back to Drew's to confirm or contest his version.
b) That Tetley take them all back for a trial.
c) That he send someone to bring Drew to them.
d) That Tetley take the cattle and let them go.
18. What does Martin request when Tetley has a tree prepared to hang them?
a) He asks for a cigarette.
b) He asks for a last meal.
c) He asks to see his wife and children again.
d) He asks to be allowed to write a letter.
19. What fear does Hardwick reveal?
a) Fear of death.
b) Fear of the dark.
c) Fear of disloyalty.
d) Fear of poverty.
20. How many people stand with Davies when a vote is taken the next morning?
a) Four.
b) Three.
c) Five.
d) Six.
21. What does Davies do that upsets Donald?
a) He tries to show Tetley Donald's letter to his wife.
b) He wants to read Donald's letter out loud.
c) He preaches the gospel ceaselessly.
d) He refuses to see Donald's wife personally.
22. When Juan tries to escape, where does Farnley shoot him?
a) In the arm.
b) In the hip.
c) In the chest.
d) In the leg.
23. Who's gun does Juan have?
a) Gil's.
b) Art's
c) Davies'.
d) Kinkaid's.
24. How was Donald Martin killed?
a) He was stabbed.
b) He was shot.
c) He was hung.
d) He fell off a ledge to his death.
Essay Topic:
Which of the three men attempts to escape? What distraction does he take advantage of? How far does he get before his escape
attempt is discovered? How does he respond when he knows he has been discovered? What do the men of the posse find on him
when they finally catch him and bring him back? How does that cause the situation to deteriorate further? What logical explanation
is there? How do the men of the posse see it?
Multiple Choice - Chapter 5
1. What do the men in the posse learn when the make their way back down the mountain?
a) The Sheriff has been killed.
b) Canby's was robbed.
c) Kinkaid is alive and well.
d) Martin's wife is on her way.
2. What information does Drew confirm?
a) Martin's men stole the cows.
b) Martin stole the cows.
c) The cows were found dead.
d) The cows were purchased by Martin.
3. Who does most of the group blame?
a) Smith.
b) Farnley.
c) Tetley Sr.
d) Martin.
4. After chastising them to a degree, what does Sheriff Risley tell them he requires?
a) Vows of silence from all involved.
b) Signed confessions from everyone involved.
c) A posse of ten men.
d) Details of exactly what happened and how.
5. How many volunteered to join the Sheriff?
a) Twenty of twenty-eight.
b) All of them.
c) Ten of twenty-eight.
d) Fifteen of twenty-eight.
6. Why does Drew say "it doesn't do to change your regular ways"?
a) It begins an irregular chain reaction.
b) It never bodes well in the end.
c) Men get to banking on them.
d) It changes your karma.
7. What does Art want most by the time they get back to town?
a) Food, clean bandages, and a bed.
b) To get supplies and get back to the herd.
c) Whiskey, food and a soft woman.
d) A good meal, a game of poker, and a sympathetic ear.
8. What does Gil tell Smith when they get to Canby's?
a) Not to talk so much.
b) To have a drink on him.
c) That Gerald owes him his life.
d) That too much whiskey is not a good idea.
9. What do most of the men see, according to Davies?
a) The sins of omission, not commission.
b) The guilt of leadership.
c) Only what is in front of them.
d) The sins of commission, not omission.
10. According to Davies, what two things are the only things that matter to Tetley?
a) Control and money.
b) Power and money.
c) Power and cruelty.
d) Family and control.
11. What does Gerald discover when he gets home?
a) He doesn't want to be there.
b) His belongings are outside.
c) His father has locked him out.
d) His father is angry and abusive.
12. What does Gerald do?
a) Shoots himself.
b) Hangs himself in the barn.
c) Grabs his things and leaves town.
d) Shoots his father.
13. When did Davies know for certain that Martin did not commit the crimes he was being punished for?
a) When Martin asked them to go get Drew.
b) When Martin cried.
c) When Martin begged for time to sort out his family.
d) When he read Martin's letter to his wife.
14. What does Davies believe could have stopped the hanging?
a) Confronting Tetley.
b) Shooting Tetley.
c) A second vote.
d) A new leader.
15. What was Davies missing that might have made a difference?
a) A conscience.
b) Heart.
c) A gun.
d) Courage.
16. What distracts Art and makes it hard for him to concentrate on Davies?
a) The smell of food.
b) Gil and Rose talking.
c) Gil's voice downstairs.
d) The sound of Rose talking downstairs.
17. What does Tetley do after being told about Gerald?
a) He hangs himself.
b) He shoots himself.
c) He locks himself in his library and falls on his sword.
d) He packs and leaves town.
Essay Topic:
Who comes to Art with a version of a confession? Why? What is so disturbing to him about the whole incident? How does he arrive
at the conclusions that he does? What does he tell Art that he knew well in advance? Why did he not do anything about it? How
does Art respond to the entire confession? What does he recommend? What conclusion do Art and Gil both reach? Why is that a