Money Matters! By Jake S. • For the money matters project, my three cities were Lakewood, Colorado, Lansing, Michigan, and New York City, New York. the salary for Lakewood was $60,000 dollars a year. the salary for New York was $99,000. but Michigan’s salary was only $52,000. My grandma lives in NY, and we live in Michigan. • I created this graph on Microsoft Excel. • Concluding… • I’ve researched and researched and my final project choice is... •NEW YORK CITY!!!!! Why? Because… • 1. my grandma lives in New York • 2. my mom’s good friend lives in New York city • 3. My salary is A whopping $99,000 a year! • 4. it has broadway! • 5. I could get some good exercise walking. Why not Lansing or Lakewood? • Well, I live in Michigan, so I COULD live in Michigan then, but as I said, it only is $52,00 a year. A little over HALF of my New York salary! And Colorado is my last choice, where the salary is only $60 k a year. If you add my Colorado and Michigan salary per year, it only equals up to be $112,000- only $13k more than 1 New York job! Although in Colorado there are GREAT skiing mountains. Always remember folks, even though you should work a lot, there should always be time to fit in a little fun. Here are the resources I used. • ab&q=what+county+is+lakewood+colorado+in&oq= what+county+is+lake&gs_l=hp.1.2.0l2j0i20j0.107683 7.1087611.1.1089722. on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.1355534169,d. aWM&fp=93a0003da4073894&bpcl=40096503&biw =1280&bih=642 • •