Computer Technician
Computer Software:
Types, Setup, and Ethical Boundaries
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Course Objectives
Define software and the various types
Demonstrate proper installation and
removal of software from a computer
Define and demonstrate understanding of
the ethical boundaries associated with
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Computer Software
Software: one or more programs and a
collection of data that are stored on the
computer for a purpose
There are many different types
of software programs
Each piece of software serves a
particular purpose in making
the computer function
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Operating System (OS)
Operating System: set of programs
designed to manage and instruct computer
hardware and provide services to installed
computer applications
The computer must have an operating system in
order to function and run other software programs
It is the software’s foundation and is the first thing
to be installed on a computer
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Computer Applications
Computer Application: software that is
designed to perform a specific task(s)
Often times referred to as an “App” for short
Examples include word processing or
presentation software, anti-virus or editing
software, and computer video games
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Computer Malware
Malware: Software that is malicious in intent
that is designed to access, capture, or exploit
a computer without knowledge or consent of
the computer’s owner
Malware is often installed along with another
program downloaded from the internet, by clicking
a pop-up on screen, or opening an attachment in
an E-mail
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Computer Spyware
Spyware: is a type of Malware who’s purpose is to
collect sensitive data from a user’s computer without
their knowledge or consent
Various functions
Keylogging: recover passwords and access secure
systems the user is otherwise password protected to
Monitor user habits
Data mining
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Anti-Virus Software
Anti-Virus: is a type of software designed to detect,
prevent, and remove viruses, malware, trojans,
worms, spyware
Software scans the entire contents of a computer’s hard
drive initially
Scans internet downloads, emails, and other types of
imported data
Updated Virus definitions are downloaded daily to the App
Not all Anti-Virus software is equal in its effectiveness
Generally require a yearly subscription (some are available
online for free download)
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Installing Computer
Installing software using Physical media
(Compact Disc or USB drive)
Insert disc or thumb-drive into the computer
Double-click the software’s icon on the desktop
Follow the onscreen prompts
Select the Hard drive you wish to install the software on; (This
is usually a small picture of a hard drive)
Continue to follow onscreen prompts until installation is finalized
Eject and remove installation media from the computer
Double-click installed application icon to ensure installation was
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Installing Computer
Installing software using downloaded media
(Downloaded from a website or an App-store)
Click or Double-click the software’s icon on the desktop to begin
Follow the onscreen prompts
Select the Hard drive you wish to install the software on; (This
is usually a small picture of a hard drive)
Continue to follow onscreen prompts until installation is finalized
Right click desktop install icon if still present and select eject
Double-click installed application icon to ensure installation was
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Installing Computer
App Store: Future distribution method of
applications where software is purchased and
installed with a single click
Currently available on portable
devices (Tablets/Smartphones). Same technology is
coming to PC operating systems.
Allows for simplified purchasing
and updating of Apps
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Uninstalling Computer
Uninstalling Software on a PC
1. Click the Start button in the bottom left of the window
2. Select the Control Panel
3. Select Programs (May also be Add/Remove
4. Select Programs and Features
5. Select the program and click Uninstall
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Computer Software
Ethics: the discipline dealing with what is
good and bad and with moral duty and
Ethics in software pertains to the End Users
License Agreement and whether the end user
follows that agreement
EULA: Contract between the buyer and licensor
of the software granting permission and defining
how the software may be use.
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Ethics in the distribution
and use of Software
Most software contains a page of terms the user
must agree to before software can be installed;
this is the License Agreement
The EULA defines how software may be
installed, used, and disseminated
Ethics in personal use and business use is an
area where the End User should exercise good
Failure to do so can result in stiff fines and legal
action if caught
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Ethics in the distribution
and use of Software
Examples of ethical uses in the installation and use of
Uninstalling software from one computer before installing it on a new
Purchasing an additional copy or KEY for an Operating System or
software package
Contacting the licensor of the software to verify the terms of use on
software prior to additional installations
Examples of unethical use of software
Purchasing a copy of an Operating system meant for one computer and
installing it on multiple computers
Loaning software to friends to install on their computers
“Burning” or making illegal copies of software for distribution
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Ethics in the distribution
and use of Software
Steps to take if unsure about the End
Users License Agreement
Contact the manufacturer
Perform a web search
Contact the reseller
Reread the EULA
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Independent / Group
Get into your groups
Practice installing and uninstalling a software program
Practice installing a piece of software downloaded from the internet
Have the teacher confirm the downloaded software install
Finish by uninstalling the downloaded software
Describe the procedure you followed in installing/uninstalling the software in
your group
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Exam Preparation
An exam will be given over the material
presented in the presentation
Make sure to review your class notes and
these slides
Questions will be multiple choice, true/false,
and matching
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