Home Mortgage information

Home Mortgage information
How to find out if your lender and Servicing Bank followed these laws: HUD/FHA, Real Estate Settlement
Procedures Act, Reg. X § 3500.21(f)2 of the United States Uniform Commercial Code as well as a request
under counterfeiting securities under Title 18 U.S.C. § 474; Truth In Lending Act [TILA] 15 U.S.C. § 16011667j (Full Disclosure at closing); Fair Debt Collections Act, FDCA; Fair Credit Reporting Act, FCRA; U.C.C.
– ARTICLE 3 -§3-501 (b) 2 (1); and State Real Estate Mortgage Laws, and what it will mean to you, your
family, and your mortgage loan.
This Mortgage Debt Education Notary Presentment process with a mortgage deduction,
cancellation of mortgage, and forgiven mortgage debt works, because the lender/bank does not
record this promissory note nor most assignments or transfers with your local county court
recorder office in your courthouse like they are supposed to by all State statutes or Laws.
The lender/bank cannot prove that you owe any money, because they don’t have the original blue
inked signed promissory note that they used to get 9 times the amount of your note from your
strawman U.S. Treasury account and was later securitized and sold to a Trust for a group of
investors that changed or unlawfully converted your promissory note check into a stock or bond
certificate when they recorded it with the Securities Exchange Commission, SEC, and now no
one knows where your mortgage note is nor the unrecorded assignment in 99% of all mortgages
issued since the 1990′s are.
Since the loan was illegally securitized by being sold, pooled into a trust, and turned into a stock
or bond certificate when recorded with the SEC, or not if it were privately securitized, the
alleged holder and owner can no longer claim that it is a real party of interest, as the original
lender has been paid in full as proven by your mortgage/deed of trust under the “RELEASE”
paragraph and on the front or back side of your last note page where your Lender/Bank endorsed
and cashed your FREE loan to them.
After your lender sold your note and mortgage into the Trust, they were digitized into electronic
format and only copies in PDF form exist as an intangible under UCC Article 9 and your note
has been stripped of money.
This is why there are no original blue inked signed notes available for foreclosure, just a
counterfeit copy of your note remains that these banks pawn off as the original to the judges and
courts to start an illegal foreclosure action against you just on the bank’s say so with no proof of
mortgage loan debt. The note or mortgage has not been authenticated under Federal Law!
If your mortgage or deed of trust has been sold or assigned and you’re paying another bank, or
even the same bank, then your mortgage may have been securitized illegally, under the Trust’s
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Pooling and Servicing Agreement, and no one has the real, original promissory note and
Without that note, no one can legally foreclose on your home if you confront the PRETENDER
Lender, servicer, Trustee, investor, or anyone who claims to be an interested party or who claims
they have the note and mortgage/deed of trust with our proven Mortgage Education process on
the Public side of the Uniformed Commercial Code of Federal laws.
Securitization is illegal, because the promissory note and mortgage or deed of trust was divided
and separated from the closing and with this illegal method that the banks came up with to
protect them and to screw you out of a free loan to pay the previous mortgage and seller that is
proven by many Court Cases.
There is a Pooling and Servicing Agreement, PSA, for every lender or bank that they must
follow under the SEC. They never follow their own PSA! This is what makes it fraud and also
breaks the Chain of Title to prove that they actually DO NOT own your loan.
It is always the best to include a Securitization Audit with this educational process that proves
the bank fraud by a 3rd party expert that will hold up in any United States of America court if
completed by a competent auditor that improves your chances of winning your case up to 97%.
Our auditors are very competent enough to be and Expert Witness in any State court which is a
proven fact.
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Have You Paid Off Your Mortgage?
Want Proof Of Your Mortgage Pay Off For The Court?
The Bill of Exchange is used as legal money as a check or draft to pay off your residential home
mortgage loan or commercial property mortgage loan under the Federal Uniform Commercial
Code, UCC, of Federal Law, and can get your mortgage discharged for a FREE and Clear Home
or Commercial Property.
This negotiable instrument for mortgage loan pay off falls under UCC, Article 2, definition
of Money; and under UCC, Article 3, §3-103(4), Certified Check and (5), Maker; §3104(a)(b)(c), Negotiable Instrument/Draft; §3-108, Payable on Demand; §3-303, Value and
Consideration; §3-602 Payment Discharged; and §603(a) Tender of Payment under simple
contract, (b) Mortgage Loan Debt Discharged if refused, and (c) Discharged Interest if
This is another POWERFUL and PROVEN foreclosure avenue that you can do and use to
convince the judge that you have paid off your Note and Mortgage in Full and have yet to be
relieved of your fraudulent payment obligation, under Federal Law, by the foreclosure banks,
Trustees, and lenders.
It has worked in many courts in many States.
It should work in your State too!
This Bill can be used as an offset to your residential home or commercial property
mortgage loan.
IN Carpenter v. Longan 16 Wall. 271,83 U.S. 271, 274, 21 L.Ed. 313 (1872),the U.S. Supreme Court
stated, “The note and mortgage are inseparable; the former as essential, the latter as an incident. An
assignment of the note carries the mortgage with it, while assignment of the latter alone is a nullity.
This is when the so-called Lender sold the note without the mortgage; thus, separating the note
and the deed of trust or mortgage forever as in the case with MERS.
By the Federal Banking Laws, the banks cannot lend you their money, nor lend their depositors’
account money, and they cannot lend you their credit per the Federal Banking Law, so where did
they get the money to lend you?
YOU gave it to them with your signature on the promissory note as a FREE LOAN, when they
changed your promissory note into a check or money and put it in your Private Reserve checking
account that only the lender knows about and waiting 3 years to claim your money as abandoned
or lost funds after the lender
or bank endorsed it, without your knowledge, authority, or consent!!!
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This fraud is under the Federal Disclosure Law.
The Allonge or Alteration against Federal Law changed your mortgage promissory note into a
security instrument, cash money, without your knowledge or consent; thus, your lender created
money out of thin air with bookkeeping entries, without full disclosure, and with your
unknowing promissory note debt signature since most of you are only a number and not a real
person made in God’s image anymore.
Your name in all capital letters shows that you are a fictious entity, a corporation, and not a flesh
and blood man or woman!
Because this alteration changed your promissory note into a FREE loan for the Lender or Bank.
This is how the bank’s assets increased along with getting the interest that you are paying while
your assets decreased.
Did you know that when your lender or bank stamped their allonge on your original note and
endorsed their new check, that your mortgage was prepaid, because the Lender was Paid-In-Full
the second time for your mortgageand note, and your mortgage was Paid-In-Full by you at your
The reason your lender or bank gave it back to you in the form of a loan, collecting both the
principal back plus interest is, because your Lender or Bank does not have to pay Federal income
taxes on your mortgage lien loan and can charge interest..
Why is this, you ask.
Because the banks, Federal Reserve Private Corporation, own the U.S. Government of the
UNITED STATES Corporation, the IRS, the Treasury Department, and the AIG Home
Insurance Corporation or CMHC for Canada.
This is just FREE SPEECH folks, given to us by the United States of America Constitution… a
gift from our fore-fathers and not the UNITED STATES corporation central government.
If you don’t believe me, look at the Federal UCC Article 3 and it will define the UNITED
STATES as a corporation, not as a free country in the Americas!
An endorsed, allonge on the front or back of your last page of your mortgage promissory note
would show that your Lender was Paid-In-Full and your home and mortgage should have been
pre-paid by law and released back to you according to your Mortgage or Deed of Trust
“RELEASE” paragraph, don’t you agree?
Read your Mortgage or Deed of Trust and you will find that under the RELEASE Paragraph that
it says upon full payment the note and mortgage will be re-conveyed or released back to you and
you would be responsible for the recording fees.
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Well, no bank nor lender will show you the back of or on the last page of your mortgage
promissory note where that new check was endorsed, then cashed, and deposited to them and the
lender was paid-in-full against Federal and State contract law, because there was no meeting of
the minds, between you and your lender or bank.
Mortgage Lien Release Education with a mortgage deduction elimination, cancellation of
mortgage debt, or forgiven mortgage debt Notary Presentment process may eliminate
foreclosures and stop the lender/bank cold and you could get your home free and clear of any
first mortgage lien and mortgage debt, because the Notary is an officer of the State and appointed
by the Governor of your State, on the private and public side of the UCC, and has the power to
wield positive results for mortgage debt relief combined with the other two legal processes.
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Most Notaries do not know how much power they have!
The Notary Presentment Administrative Judgment Process just works and has for Centuries.
You could Save Tens or Hundreds of Thousands of dollars in both mortgage debt Principal if
you take action and if done correctly you could not only get your payments refunded but also the
principal amount.
Further said, once the Note was converted into a stock or bond certificate, as it has been after a
time, when Securitized, it is no longer a Note or security as it had been before sold into the
BANK TRUST. If both the Note and the stock, bond equivalent, and the note exist at the same
time, that is known as double dipping. Double dipping is a form of Federal securities fraud that
the foreclosing banks commit every day, because you homeowners do not challenge nor fight for
your property.
Once a loan has been securitized, which most notes have been many times, it forever loses its
security component (i.e., the Deed of Trust), and the right to foreclose through the Mortgage or
Deed of Trust is forever lost according to the Federal UCC Law.
But this is how illegal foreclosures are carried out by your bank with the help of some judges
today. This is because the Judges have not taken the time to learn about Bank Securitization and
why it is illegal. Most judges don’t care, because they have ties with the very banks that may be
foreclosing on your property.
There is no evidence on Record in any State or Province to indicate that the Deed of
Trust/Mortgage was ever transferred concurrently with the purported legal transfer of the
Promissory Note in every instance, such that the Deed of Trust/Mortgage and Note has been
irrevocably separated, thus making a nullity out of the purported security in a property Mortgage
Loan or Mortgage Debt, as claimed under the Federal Rules of Evidence: Rules 901 & 902.
Just look at your court recorder deed of trust/mortgage that was recorded without your
promissory note and in most cases without the assignment or true sale being recorded either. This
recording shows that they have been separated, the chain of title has been broken, and are illegal
You will also need the need to file a short quiet title law suite for you after you complete Phases
1 and 2.
REMEMBER, this administrative process and securitization audit are EVIDENCE that could
win your case to get your home free and clear with a legally signed mortgage lien release from
the Judge.
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