RELIC - Electronic Press Kit
Relic is an eclectic group of warriors and crusader brought back to life through the power of music.
The men, whom have taken on this challenge are not only masters of their instruments, but are the last standing to tell the story of their
times. Relic has been together for 8 years. They have produced three albums with a fourth pending (four song CD demo CD is material from this
album pending 4 other songs which were not recorded yet). The first two albums had more of a “ progressive rock” approach, while the most recent
albums are more progressive metal, with a medieval sound and theme. Some of Relic’s band influences include Symphony-X, Dream Theater,
Queensrÿche, Rush and Kamelot.
Relic has played many venues from North to South California and Reno, Nevada. Our stage set-up consists of “ medieval” props, flamed torches,
backdrop, skulls and smoke machines. The musicians enter the stage in full armor, according to his character. At every show a hush falls over the
audience, as the visual effect and the power of the music is captivating.
Relic’s first two albums has distribution through Musea Records in France, Nightmare Records USA and Swayingball Records USA. The first two
albums were well received in the European market. It is our desire to appeal to both the European and American music markets, thus the change in
style and sound with the third and fourth albums.
Relic has had many positive CD and show reviews over the years with magazines, webzines and other venues. Our CD releases and upcoming shows
are featured locally on Bayprog.org, Powerslave.com and San Francisco Bay Area papers and magazines. We also have had several audio and video
clips of the band players in the opening introduction of each episode of the first show of MTV’s Battle for Ozzfest.
It is our desire to continue to bring Relic’s music to as many people that we can reach through aggressive CD sales, advertising and live shows and
tours. As a band Relic is very passionate and serious about their music, as the songs have a story to tell with a positive message in the lyrics.
Relic is very interested in finding the right label to back them, so that our music can acquire a new level of exposure and marketing. Each musician is
prepared and dedicated for this goal.
We sincerely hope your enjoy our music and we look forward to your feedback.
Christine Mitchell, Manager
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/relic
Website: http://www.relicskastle.com
RELIC - Electronic Press Kit
“From Muppets dressed as leather boys to dudes dressed as knights, ten must-see summer acts” - East Bay Express Summer Guide 2004
“I’m spoiled, I can’t listen to anything else!” - Ann Sorensen (Musician)
“It’s like an epic”
- Michael St. John (Musician, Producer)
“Relic belongs in a stadium”
- Monica (Savage Productions)
“Relic’s music is like a movie soundtrack” - Lonnie (Owner of Arts Unlimited)
“A cinematic journey” - Alisdair13 (St. Louis, Missouri)
“You guy’s really work at this… All the different parts work well… Genesis would be proud!
Fresh sound, great production, great mix, great
composition! It is so refreshing hearing someone try and tackle a huge beautiful project like this. Shuvani - (Santa Fe, NM)
Exhaustive searching, scowering the net for original bands, your being one of the best recently!
Very daring, dedicated and true! I was blown away by
the tracks.
I found on luma and had to have the cd for myself. Phil - (Luma Relic Fan)
Prog rock at it's best! Very cool!
I can see the influences come from Yes, Floyd and maybe a little Zeppelin. Ebodaddy (Fairfax, VA)
Live Webcast Review December 7, 2004
The rock show was a success. Screaming groupies did line up around the block, held in check only by sword-and mace wielding guards of
the awe-inspiring medieval rock band known as Relic. Finally, hair-metal aficionados and renaissance-faire enthusiasts have something to unite
A band whose time has come or maybe actually passed sometime in the late 1980’s or 1500’s)
The knightly gentlemen of Relic took to the
stage wearing shiny armor, chain mail, helmets, and Nikes. Singer Duke Ueda” Brandished his Excalibur-like sword suggestively and with an erotic
zeal, which made the smitten womenfolk of the audience swoon at the thought of being impaled by his royal lance. Lead guitarist Sir John, his
pierced nipples gleaming in the stage lights and pyrotechnic displays, spoke one-liners to the audience in between songs, snappy witticisms
possessing the taste and vintage cheese unearthed from a medieval time capsule.
source: http://eyes-aflame.livejournal.com/97968.html
Halloween Show at Aptos Club October 30, 2004
Wow, you missed it. How could you! Relic, at five buckaroos, was a steal. The bands persona poured out the door of the Aptos Club,
drawing people off the street, as they tried to walk by, into the club’s medieval atmosphere. Dressed in the style of King Arthur’s Knights of the Round
Table they looked like the real thing. Real leg armor, mail and fog left you no doubt of how serious this band is. Relic’s backdrop, black lighted, scenes
from the era left you wondering if you had just experienced some form of time warp. The music truly comes from within the souls of this band. Black
knight eat your heart out. Watching them play, you could feel the passion that vibrated throughout the club. Their music is both haunting and
electrifying, magically bringing images of glorious battles and mystical encounters into your minds eye, a truly wonderful experience. Staging added
to the feel of an ancient castle, a cage of instruments surrounded the rhythmatic drummer Sir William as though each was in readiness for battle,
defending their part of the castle.
Duke Ueda, dressed in a brown robe, performance was nothing short of pure wizardry compelling the listener to really listen while Sir John wielded
his axe with the precision of a Knight of the Round Table, his weapon of choice an unfailing musical attack upon evil, towering as a conquering hero
of the king’s daughter, truly a force to be reckoned with. The band lives and breathes for the moment they can play their songs of ancient battles and
struggles against the forces of evil. The music should have been the score for Lord of The Rings. Don’t miss the next show!
source: http://www.photografiti.net/review-relic.html
RELIC - Electronic Press Kit
Powerslave live show review August 2, 2004
The Gaslighter—It was a full house at the Gaslighter on Wednesday night. The floor, the seats, the lobby, the bathroom. The place was
packed. The crowd was energetic and in the mood to rage. Relic was testament to the limitless creativity of a true live band. Dressed as knights from
the late dark ages with a stage designed of cauldrons and faux fire, Relic slayed the dragon in the form of eight-minute epics with soaring vocals and
flowing guitar lines. The band’s imaginative concept of progressive metal from medieval times was flawlessly on display. Geddy Lee (Rush) would
approve, as would Steve Harris (Iron Maiden), Stunning musicianship kept Relic in the pocket as keyboard and guitar battled it out in front of a
caged drum set where the loser would be beheaded; however, the duel ended in a draw. They will thankfully fight again. This band is a must see
Loria Kutch
Bay Area Buzz September/October 2003
“Relic’s press photos, which show them performing with like nine keyboards and a bazillion toms in a marble rotunda somewhere in full
armor ~ I repeat, FULL ARMOR ~ seriously raised my hopes for their “medieval rock.” Preparing to laugh, I also raised my fist. While Relic’s lyrics
are derived from 14th to 16th century poetry,
their music is a mélange of 70’s prog, 80’s metal, 90’s riff age, and moldy madrigal. People, this brew
sounds awful on paper, but tracks like “Dance of Death” and “St. Stephen & King Herod” find the lads capable of lopping the heads off Normans (and
indie “rockers”) with synthesized strings, arpeggiatic guitar shrieks, bizarre vocal effects, and rototoms. The real beauty of Relic is the feeling that
they’ll do whatever the fuck they want, which includes (between slabs of riffage) a whistling solo over synthesized choir voices in “I Want to be An
Relic has the aesthetic and the crops of Rush (shudder) minus the joyless pretension, I’ve never had headcheese, but this must be what it’s
Don Nelson
Oblivion Metal & Gothic Magazine (Germany) July 2003
Relic are freaks, this is for sure! Not only that they call their 70’s (Prog) rock influenced music “Medieval Art Rock” and use medieval
poems and other texts for their lyrics, no, they perform live in full armor. I am talking about armours the knights used to wear. Relic definitely do not
follow any trend, they do their very own thing. If you like this 70’s progressive art rock and you could imagine a mixture between Yes, old Pink Floyd,
some Led Zeppelin aspects, King Crimson, (the heroes of the keyboarder), early Genesis and a little bit of early Rush.
Stephan Becker
RELIC - Electronic Press Kit
Relic isn't particular new although it was the first time I heard about these guys when I discovered them on the net. Their myspace.com webpage
contains a few tracks and they were so convincing I immediately send them a mail to represent Metal To Infinity. A few weeks later this CD is
spinning its turns in my player and believe me, I can't stop listening to it. Don't ask me if it is the sixth, seventh or tenth time today, I just can't tell...
It proves how addictive the silver disc is and how important it is to hold your attention to my review.
Relic is a special band, creating a bizarre atmosphere around the entourage of this formation. They are playing the kind of music that we heard about
thirty years ago and added recent elements to it. Relic stands for medieval dark US style of Metal with a slight progressive touch and often fat
fingered guitars, they succeed to make an art out of it! The band also reminds me tot Psychotic Waltz, a contemporary version of Cirith Ungol and
they seem to be under the influence of Pink Floyd and Genesis. The arrangements are pretty complex and don't invite the listener to shout along from
the beginning until the end. Nevertheless Relic fetters me to my loud playing boxes it feels good! It's pretty obvious these lads are the masters of their
instruments, as it is written on the official website. I can promise you there's more to tell, much more.
First of all there's the stellar musicianship; these rockers own the skills to write songs that keep on playing in your head. As a drug, don't ask me
which one, my brains are brainwashed and the symphonic compositions are so strong it seems I'm transferred to another world. Besides this fact
Relic completes their powerful songs with a mysterious, even strange but beautiful atmosphere. Because of it we can easily add the word 'epic' to the
description of the band. Some awesome enigmatic keyboard parts in the background support my thesis, as well as the wailing acoustic parts. The
solos are well played, fast fingered and surrounded in a dark mood, I stay astonished behind. Not that John Mitchell (a.k.a Synesius) is a guitar God
but damn, how this warrior pulls the strings with so many emotions is amazing. From the opener 'Mystic Eye' until the 'Castle Guard' song Relic
grabs me by the throat, obliging me to be a part of their gloomy musical feast.
Another leading role is predicted for Hal Jarvis or just as we say 'Sorcerer'. His clean, a bit nasal, vocal lines are extraordinary and I bow my head
very low for so much talent! Maybe because he reminds me so much of Marc Shelton I have the need to compare Relic with Manilla Road . To be
honest I prefer Relic because their song writing is stronger and they're adding much more emotional ingredients into their arrangements. Besides
these arguments they have a more modern touch in their music and each song impresses me more. Don't let me say that Relic is a clone of Manilla
Road, the godfathers of epic US Metal, but allow me to worship these guys.
Although I was expecting all the albums (3) from the band, I only received this one. That's a pity, I'm going to buy the others anyway, but owning this
masterpiece is making me proud. Believe me it is almost impossible to find this gem in the European stores, on the Internet it can be found. The best
thing to do is to surf to their websites at: http://www.myspace.com/relic or http://www.relicskastle.com
Review by Officer Nice
source: http://metaltoinfinity.00freehost.com/RelicCDreviewTrust.html
RELIC - Electronic Press Kit
The wonderful world of the internet... You discover pearls you would never hear of otherwise. Relic, for example.
I noticed they already have three albums, but to be honest, I've never heard of them before. They describe their music as medieval progressive metal.
They used to be warriors or crusaders in the ancient times, and they were brought back to life with the power of music. And they have my blessing!
Their (sometimes complex) compositions make me think of the style of Genesis, Led Zeppelin and Dream Theater and kick you in the face. They
know how to create an epic, mysterious atmosphere thanks to the many tempo breaks and in particular the special vocals. Blend some Manilla Road
with Crimson Glory, that might give you an impression. Add the greasy guitars and you have a great cup of metal. "Seruvium fallen" and "Protect us
from evil" are magnificent songs. If anybody from a record company might read this, they know what they should do. I don't understand these guys
didn't get a deal yet...
Review by Bart C.
source: http://www.hellspawn.be/index.php?module=forul&func=viewpub&tid=2&pid=1737
RELIC - Electronic Press Kit
RELIC struck me as being a band that I would listen to and am surprised I haven't heard of the band previously. They dress up in something along
the lines medieval costumes and have swords etc. Each member is as different kind of warrior and has a little description on their website. Another
thing that surprised me was that they describe themselves as a Prog Rock band, and normally whenever you get dragons and swords themes you get
Power Metal; this only enticed me further.
There isn't much of a bio listed. I can gather from their MySpace page and website though they are from California, have released 3 albums, and the
first album was released in 2003. It also looks like they tour pretty regularly just not far from California.
The first track from their Sonicbids EPK is entitled "Mystic Eye" and it is really solid track and a perfect opener. I hear a SHIT LOAD of Malmsteen in
the guitar, which you just can't go wrong with. I am not sure what I think of the singer; the band lists RUSH as a main influence and I definitely hear
it in the voice of Tieren, but there is something there that would bug people more than Geddy's voice would in a song like this. I am not saying his
voice is bad by any means, but it definitely needs improvement or maybe better mastering of the whole track would do the trick. "Chambers Of Earth"
is much darker than the previous track and sounds more like something off the most recent release from SYMPHONY X. I really like the
instrumentation on this track. The bass line adds a lot to it, I believe, with the gentle thumping in the background adding to the atmosphere and
speed of the song. It took me a second, but I figured out who the singer reminds me of and that is a combination of Lynn Allers from KATAGORY V
and Midnight (formerly of CRIMSON GLORY). Midnight should have been obvious, but for some reason it didn't hit me right away, but the
KATAGORY V reference just kind of hit me out of the blue.
The next track, "Dragon's Fire", is my favorite out of the four that are on the EPK via Sonicbids. On this track the Midnight influence is particularly
clear. The music though is something that really isn't from any other band that I have heard or at least can think of, though it is probably the simplest
in composition at least to my ears. If they were to have a single this would be the track, in my opinion. "Seruvium Fallen" is an interesting song in its
own right as well. The dual layered guitars are pretty good style as well as the solo at about 2:20, short though very sweet.
RELIC definitely has a future in the Prog Metal world and I hear very little Prog Rock as they describe themselves. I think it will just be a matter of
time before this guys get a really good recording and then BOOM they will explode. Though right now they are lacking something, and it is hard to
put my finger on it other than the production. I think that if BAR Fest happens again in California that they would be the perfect openers.
source: http://www.metal-temple.com/review.asp?id=2633
RELIC - Electronic Press Kit
John Mitchell aka Synesius, the Dragon Slayer
Guitars, Foot Synth and Backing Vocals
John was surrounded by music since birth. His parents, grandparents and siblings played a variety of instruments
that included banjo, guitar, slide guitar, piano, violin, ukulele and drums.
John's instrument of choice became the guitar at age 12, when he started professional lessons.
John's early influences ranged from classical music to seventies and eighties progressive rock.
John's guitar inspirations come from the great guitarists Steve Vai, Tony Macalpine and Yngwie Malmsteen.
In his twenties John was jamming in various local bands. John formed his first formal band "Call to Arms" in 1990,
which resulted in the recording of a 14 track CD.
In 2000, John co-founded Relic and recorded the first three albums "Relic", "Only Dreams" and "Trust".
Weapons of proficiency
Ibanez 7, Universe 777, BC Rich Double
Neck 6/12 , Mesa Boogie Tri-Axis
Pre-Amp, 50/50 Mesa Power Amp
TC Electronics, G-Force Rack,
Digitech Whammy and Bad Horsie Wah Pedals for effects.
Korg Trinity and Roland PK-5 Synth,
Bose Amplification,
Audio-Technica Wireless Headset.
RELIC - Electronic Press Kit
Marco Bicca aka StarKad, The Nightfall Warrior
Drums, Narrator
A native of Brazil, Marco was always surrounded by music. Both his parents played the piano, which was the first
instrument Marco learned to play.
At the age of 15, Marco's interest turned towards the drums, and currently is his main instrument, however, he still
likes to play keyboards and piano, mainly to capture new ideas for the band.
Marco played with local Brazilian bands Hades warden, Evora and Móbil Gigante. He also played in a Symphony-X
tribute band, and he recorded with the band Evora the song "Peruvian Skies" from Dream Theater for a Brazilian
Tribute CD entitled "Lake of Fire".
Weapons of proficiency
Tama Starclassic Drums,
Tama Octobans High-Pitch,
DW Steel Piccolo Toms,
DW 5000 Double Bass Pedals,
Gibraltar Hardware,
Pacific Drums and Percussion Racks,
Sabian Cymbals,
Zildjian Drumsticks,
DDRUM Triggers,
Alesis Trigger I/O with MacBook Pro,
2 x Firewire Presonus FP10 for Live Recording,
Audix Microphones.
RELIC - Electronic Press Kit
Lead Vocals
Bin knew his calling at a very early age. He would use a hair brush and sing along with his Kiss records.
Bin's mother recognized his unique talent and was a major support influence in his growth as a vocalist.
During Bin's teen years he took classical vocal lessons, and eventually fronted several metal bands in the East Bay.
In addition to Bin's blooming vocal career, he also became a successful motocross racer.
Some of Bin's vocal influences are Rob Halford, Paul Di'Anno, Bruce Dickinson and the great Pavarotti.
One of Bin's early band was called Deep Freeze, and they opened for Death Angel.
He also did some front man work with Machine Head, Testament, and a solo project with the drummer from the
band Violence. Bin has a passion for the theater, which greatly contributes to Relic's unique concept!
Weapons of proficiency
Great set of vocal chords,
Shure wireless microphones,
RELIC - Electronic Press Kit
Eric Hanson aka Draco, The Master of Spirits
Keyboards and Backing Vocals
Born in Las Vegas, then relocated to New York, Eric was inspired musically by his father who played piano in a four
piece band.
From early childhood, Eric could be heard singing simple songs he created for fun. The arrival of a Baldwin MiniGrand to his home was Eric's start with his formal lessons with the piano.
After moving with his family to California, Eric started recording some of his musical creations.
When Eric moved from the family home piano, he continued his talent with keyboards and recording gear. He
continued writing while building an in-home professional studio where he recorded a 17 song original CD entitled
"Love and Stuff".
After several years, Eric continued with professional voice lessons with John Ford in San Francisco and recorded a
single "Sunflower" while visiting Tokyo/Japan.
Weapons of proficiency
Yamaha P-3000, Korg Triton, Korg X-50,
Kawai K-4, Ensoniq ESQ-1 and Casio FZ-1 Keyboards,
AT dynamic and Condenser Microphones, Yamaha SPX-90 and other assorted
authentic medieval time period computers and studio rack components.
RELIC - Electronic Press Kit
Steve Owen aka Unisibus, Mastery of Weapons
Raised in a typical California home, Steve explored various means to communicate his musical expression.
In public school at age 10, Steve was able to receive formal vocal lessons which revealed an unexpected soprano,
which landed him first row in the school choir.
At the age of 16, the acoustic guitar became his new musical expression which laid the foundation for his current
instrument - the bass.
Steve fronted top forties bands in the clubs around the Bay Area and the Concord Pavilion in the early 80's.
Steve received formal music theory by the first chair clarinet player for the Oakland Symphony.
Steve's influences include Stanley Clarke, the great Jaco Pastorius and Geddy Lee.
Weapons of proficiency
Ibanez 4 string fretless and 5 string fretted,
Gallien-Krueger Amps,
Accugroove Cabs,
Line-6 Bass pod.
RELIC - Electronic Press Kit
RELIC's Music
Lift Up the Gates
(of hell) (2003)
Only Dreams
1. Overture
2. Dance of Death
3. Kill Them All
4. I Want to be an Angel
5. St Stephen and King Herod
6. Interlude
1. Triumph of pain
2. Only dreams
3. Night & day
4. Where is the end?
5. Light finds the way
6. Music makers
1. Mystic eye
2. Chambers of earth
3. Dragon's fire
4. Seruvium fallen
5. Protect us
6. Mirror
7. Trust
8. Castleguard
1. Scorn
2. Testament of a warrior
3. Treasure quest
4. Relic's encounter
Included in the promo package.
All songs are written but not yet
(DEMO Material).
RELIC - Electronic Press Kit
CD Distribution, Reviews and Airplay for the "Trust" album
Underground Power Metal Distribution
Steel Gallery Records
Hell Bent for Records
Revell Records
Pure Steel Records
Underground Metal /
Live Interview
Bay Prog
Bay Area Progressive
Rock Links / Info
Germany's biggest
Hard Rock / Metal
Planet Music Magazine
Radio play in Belgium
Audio Agression
Radio play in New
York City
RELIC - Electronic Press Kit
Band Pictures
RELIC - Electronic Press Kit
Behind the scenes!
Christine Mitchell aka Solaria, The Tantric Priestess, Band Manager and Artwork
Russ Neives, Road Manager