File - Carl Wunsche Career Academy Medical Tower

Practicum Health Science II
Pharmacy Technician
Carl Wunsche Sr. High School
Teacher: Alexandria Taylor, RN, Air Force Nurse
Room Number: 1912
Course Description, goals and objectives: This course will equip students with
knowledge, technical skills, and work habits required for an entry-level position in the
pharmacy field or related area. A strong emphasis is placed on ethics, accountability,
professionalism, and the individual's commitment to pursue lifelong personal and
professional development. In addition, Sterile Products, Retail and Institutional
Pharmacies, Pharmacology and Body Systems, Chemotherapy, TPN Preparation,
Nutritional & Alternative substances, Pharmacy Billing, and Dosage Calculations are
covered. As part of the student’s career development and preparation for their future, an
internship experience is required for all senior students at Carl Wunsche Sr. High
CLASS. Certification will also be offered in Preparation of IV Sterile Products. The fee
for this certification is $300.00 and is due by the first day back to school in January.
Kaduceus will send a representative to the high school to test the students. Beginning
in October, payments may be made through Rev-Trac. Payments in cash may also be
made to the instructor at any time. Payment plans are available. Fundraising will be
used to help offset the costs of certifications. Scholarships are also available for
certification but the student must apply first and is reimbursed after passing the
Course Resources: The curriculum of Kaduceus, Inc. is currently used in this class.
Their website is Students will register for the course the first
week of class. A $55.00 fee will be collected for the manual and access to the online
content. In addition to the Kaduceus website, the It’s Learning platform will also be
utilized. A link to this can be found on my website.
Required materials:
Uniform – color and type to be determined first week of school. Uniform is mandatory
for rotations at the pharmacy, and it is the expectation it will be worn on professional
dress day (Tuesdays) as well as on lab days and when guest speakers are in the
classroom. The student is expected to remain in their regulation uniform the entire
school day. This includes appropriate footwear (closed toe non fabric tennis shoes or
uniform shoes of an appropriate color)
Registration with the Texas State Board of Pharmacy as a Pharmacy Technician
Trainee should have been completed over the summer. Those new to the program must
complete this by the end of September ( $58.00 fee to register; $45.00 fee for
mandatory fingerprinting for background check) A social security number is required by
the Texas State Board of Pharmacy. Background checks can sometimes take up to
three months to complete. Students must pass the background check to attend a
community internship as well as some of the field trips.
Name Badge (provided by school)
Uniform patch to be ordered from instructor (approx. $5.00)
Kaduceus Pharmacy Tech Manual ($55.00) to be ordered from instructor
Electronic device capable of internet access
Black or blue pens, pencils, eraser
looseleaf paper or spiral notebook for notetaking
one box of non latex gloves
Index cards(300 per semester -multi colored cards sometimes make it easier to study)
Flash drive for projects
HOSA membership AND participation in competitive events is an expectation
A box of Kleenex would also be appreciated but is not mandatory!
Course Assignments: This course will encourage active student participation and will
include group discussions and projects, laboratory work, simulations, demonstrations,
field trips, guest speakers, and lectures. A minimum of 6 major projects will be assigned
this school year. Instructions for each project will be given the first week of the 6 week
period and the project will be due the last Monday of the 6 weeks it was assigned,
unless notified otherwise.
1st 6 weeks – Pharmacy Drug Brochure
2nd 6 weeks – Herbal vs Traditional Medication
3rd 6 weeks – Create and market an original “fake” medication
4th 6 weeks – Pharmacy interview/capstone deadlines/IV Sterile Prep Exam
5th 6 weeks - Capstone deadlines and presentation
6th 6 weeks – PTCE practice exams/AP exams/Graduation/PTCE exam
Teaching and Learning Strategies:
This course incorporates kinesthetic, lecture, group work, peer assistance, and a
number of strategies based on the individual needs of each student. A brief survey will
be given to each student so they may determine their best learning style. Layered
curriculum in which the student determines which assignments best meet their needs is
also utilized.
Everything at the pharmacy is confidential and will not be discussed with anyone except
the pharmacist or the instructor and within the classroom without identification of the
patient. If confidentiality is broken, the student will be dismissed from the
program. Students are interning in the real world with real patients, and violation of
confidentiality is against HIPAA regulations.
Grading Standards and Methods: Because this is a class to prepare for a profession,
you as a student will find that the class is conducted by rather strict standards. It
involves requirements that may differ from other classes. This is necessary because
you are preparing to become a health care provider. You will be working with “real
Marking periods without internship
60% major grade
40% daily grade
Marking periods with an internship will follow the guidelines for internship as stated in
your internship handbook. Students are expected to complete all classroom
assignments even if they are on internship. Deadlines may be changed to
accommodate the internship. Internships will begin the third six weeks on a group
rotation and will complete for all students by the end of the 5th six week marking period.
Not all students will go out at the same time. Assignments will be based on availability,
student schedule, and student readiness.
Each six week period will consist of at least 3 major grades and approximately 8 daily
grades in addition to the professional grade explained below. Major grades include
written tests, clinical performance exams and projects, some labs, internship
evaluations and internship journals. Most tests are given on line during class unless
they are essay or clinical performance exams.
Daily grades include homefun, daily written warm up activities, class participation,
worksheets, flash cards and other items not designated as major grades.
Each week students will receive a participation / professional grade. This grade is based
on the student’s professional behavior in the classroom (includes professional dress on
Tuesdays),wearing uniforms for designated labs, behavior during guest lectures, in the
classroom and at field experiences, turning work on in time, participation and attitude. A
rubric for assessing these items is posted on my website. Students start each 3 week
progress period with a “100” and lose points when acting unprofessional or failing to
follow dress code for the classroom. The weekly grades are averaged each 3 weeks
and placed in the grade book before progress reports and at the end of 6 weeks.
Plagiarizing by copying someone else’s (including your classmates) work or copying
directly from a website or book will not be tolerated. Each party involved in plagiarized
assignments will receive a “0”, an N in conduct for the 6 week period and further
disciplinary action may occur as stated in the section on Academic Dishonesty.
Students are expected to come to class prepared to learn with their laptops, notebook,
and any other required supplies.
Work must be turned in at the beginning of class or it is considered late.
Late work will be accepted with the following penalty:
21 point deduction if not turned in at beginning of class
Additional 10 point deduction each day late after due date
Please speak with the instructor ahead of time if you feel your work will not be timelyarrangements can often be made to eliminate the loss of points.
Internships are mandatory for Seniors at Carl Wunsche High School. Further
information regarding internships as well as internship training will be handled by the
medical tower intern coordinator. Students must meet industry standards to participate
in an internship experience, maintain an average of 80 or better in the class, act
professionally in the school environment and be recommended by the instructor to
participate in a community internship placement.
This class is designed to prepare students to take the National Pharmacy Technician
Certification exam using the Kaduceus curriculum. It requires studying on a daily
basis. Over 200 drugs will be covered in the scope of this class. Many assignments will
be required to be completed prior to coming to class.
Students are expected to come prepared to take tests on the date they are scheduled
and are expected to pass the tests. Retesting is not an option, but reteaching and
tutoring to be sure the concept is understood is always an option.
1. Other than workbook assignments or handwritten assignments, all other papers
must be typed or written in blue or black ink and submitted digitally through It’s
Learning if possible.
2. All written work must meet the following standards:
a. Name, class period, and date on top right-hand corner of paper or include a title
page, unless a cover page is required.
b. Writing must be legible and neat. Correction of errors should be made with one
line drawn through the word.
c. No graffiti is accepted on ANY work.
d. All papers must use proper grammar and spelling. Excessive errors will require
rewriting the assignment.
1. Arrive on time and prepared for class.
2. Wear student ID to class every day
3. Bring Registration from State Board of Pharmacy to all internship visits.
4. Bring internet capable electronic device to class everyday unless instructed
5. Follow established procedures and rules in class.
6. Turn assignments / projects in on time (except when excused absences).
7. Do one’s own work.
8. MANDATORY scrubs in the clinical arena, during field experiences, guest
lectures and lab activities
9. Participate in group activities.
10. No office referrals.
11. Appropriate academic language. No profanity.
12. No application of cosmetics or use of grooming supplies in class or lab.
13. Respect of others and their personal property.
14. No food or drink allowed in the classroom
15. Abide by the rules as outlined in the student handbook and internship handbook
Students have the opportunity to be out of the classroom up to five times each semester
without consequences. Reasons for leaving the classroom or arriving late include being
tardy, going to the restroom, visiting the counselor/tower office/library, etc. EVERY
subsequent time the student is out of class will result in a parent phone call and
assignment of a one hour detention to be served after school on designated
detention days. Refusal to serve detention will result in an office referral.
The Pharmacy Technician class is a fast paced challenging course and requires the use
of excellent time management skills. We have a lot of fun and the students are amazed
at the amount they learn over the year. The pass rate on the skills portion of the IV
Sterile Prep Exam is 100%, as is the pass rate on the Pharmacy Tech Certification
Exam - for students that take the exam upon graduation. Several students have taken
the exam a few years after graduation and most have passed it at that time as well.
I’m looking forward to a great year with all of you! Parents, please feel free to contact
me at any time should you have concerns or questions. Your students success is
important to me.