DIXIE STATE COLLEGE – DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE -SECONDARY Teacher Candidate __Wade Bowles________________________________________ Grade Level __10____ Subject/Content:__Biology_______Title __ Skeletal System__ CONTEXTUAL FACTORS (e.g. ethnicity, gender, exceptionalities, ELL, GATE, etc.) which need differentiation in instruction and assessment. - 24 students: 15 male, 9 female - 21 white, 2 hispanic, 1 native american - 2 ELL, both Spanish - 3 learning disabilities, 1 ADHD - Students are lower to middle upper class - Point out that regardless of race, the human species all have identical skeletal systems - Most students have basic understanding of the content WALK-AWAY (what do I want students to know, understand, and be able to do?) Standards/Objectives: Standard 1: Students will understand the relationship between structure and function of organs and organ systems. Objective 1: Describe the structure and functions of organs - Diagram and label all parts of organ systems - Compare organs of one system to another Content Walk-Away: Students will understand the structure and function of the skeletal system. They will know that bone is living tissue, nourished actively by the circulatory system. They will know the different parts of a bone and What they do. They will be able to recognize and label 40 different bones in the human body. Reading/Language Walk-Away: The skeletal system has a unique vocabulary. Students will know the following terms: marrow (red/white), osteocyst, haversian canal, spongy bone, compact bone, periosteum, joint, cartilage. ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (formative/summative checks for learning) (Match the Content Walk-Away) Pre assessment – Students will take a pre-test labeling the major Bones in the body. Formative assessment – Teacher will gauge student understanding as Lesson is being taught, adjusting curriculum as necessary Summative assessment – Students will be given a bones study guide, and in a week will take a bones practical exam. They will be responsible for identifying and labeling 40 different bones. Modifications/Accommodations (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.) - SPED students will be allowed extended time for test, as well as test retakes if needed. ACTIVE LEARNING PLAN Activate Prior Knowledge/Experiences - Administer pre-test Focus Lesson (“I do it”) - Identify structures/functions of the skeletal system using skeleton model - Identify the common diseases/disorders of the skeletal system Guided Instruction (“We do it”) *Formative assessment will be conducted throughout the lesson - Review the bones and their names with teacher Collaborative/Cooperative (“You do it together”) - Organize students in groups of five, and they study the bones together using Skeletal models Independent (“You do it alone”) - Each student will receive a study guide to review on their own time throughout the week, in preparation for the practical exam in one week. Summarization/Closure - Review major concepts from lesson and answer any questions - Show Discovery Channel video of human skeleton NOTES TO TEACHER What do I need to remember to do? Bring DVD Materials to have ready? Skeletal Models Approximate time needed for lesson? 80 minutes Modifications/ Accommodations (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.) - allow extra time for SPED students.