Grammar Grabs Monday Copy correctly: 1. Their are many features of Nonfiction that help a reader. 2. The Table of Contents is located at the Front of a book. 3. It help reader’s fine information about the chapters of a book. Vocabulary Copy: Simile: comparison of two things using like or as. Metaphor: comparison of two things NOT using like or as. Profile: side view Shrivel: shrink and wrinkle Vicious: fierce or severe Tear: rip or hole, or a drop of liquid from the eye Interpret: explain the meaning of something Sensory: having to do Tuesday c l o s e d Wednesday Copy correctly: 1. The Index is at the end of a books. 2. It hleps a reeder by giving the page number about a topic in the book. 3. Photographs and illustrations can be found anyware in a book and helps by giving a picture of the information. Smartboard review activity using text features Thursday Copy correctly: 1. Diagrams and maps can be found anywhere in a book; and it helps the reader understand information. 2. Captions are near photos; illustrations; and diagrams. 3. They help us undersand what is goin on in the photo, illustration, and diagram. Friday Copy correctly: 1. The glossary is at the end of a book and gives the definition for words find in the book. 2. section headings are at the Beginning of new sections and helps get the reader ready for the information that follows. 3. Different types of print (Bold, italics,, underlined, size, color) can be anywhere in a book. It helps readers notice important words or important information. Copy: Summarize: use your OWN words to restate the most important main ideas and supporting details. Fossil: remains of a living thing found in soil or rock Expert: person who is skilled in or knows much about a certain thing. Predator: an animal that kills other animals for food Worksheet using dictionary and thesaurus. with the senses. Narrator: who is telling the story Main Lesson Free Reading (student choice) Homework Homework is subject to CHANGE! Please check student’s planner and/or my website. Thank you. Reading workbook: pg. 192 Complete handout, and answer questions on side as you read. Student choice Re-Read The School Play pg. 6 And answer the questions on the side and questions pg. 15-19 Due Wed. Read to make AR goal!! Extra credit!! Powerpoint & interactive notetaking about text features Student choice Re-Read The School Play pg. 6 And answer the questions on the side and questions pg. 15-19 Due Wed. Read to make AR goal!! Extra credit!! Choose a nonfiction newspaper or magazine article. Cut out the article, Complete the handout about the article. Due Thursday Read to make AR goal!! Extra credit!! Read Supercroc pg. 310 Complete the questions on the side, use your notes about text features if needed, complete the handout also. Student choice Complete graphic organizer using a social studies textbook locating text features. worksheets Worksheet Read to make AR goal!! Extra credit!! Read for AR Read to make AR goal!! Extra credit!! Student choice