the full invitation to tender here

StreetGames UK Ltd
Invitation to Tender for the Co-operative StreetGames Young
Volunteers Residential Programme provider
Tenders to be submitted by no later than 12:00 (noon) on Monday 19th January 2015
Via email in document format to
SG Tender Document draft 1.0
Section 1
Page 2
Section 2
Invitation to Tender
Page 2
Section 3
Conditions of tender
Page 4
Section 4
Page 9
Appendix 1 Canvassing Certificate
Appendix 2 Certificate of Non-Collusive Tendering
Appendix 3 Specification and Requirements
Appendix 4 Pricing Schedule
SG Tender Document draft 1.0
This document has been prepared by StreetGames UK Limited (SGL) as an Invitation
to Tender (ITT) for the provision of a Residential Programme for the StreetGames
Young Volunteers (SYV) Programme.
This programme is essential to the personal development of our young volunteers
and also integral to our national reward and recognition offer for the SYV
The residential programme and the provider will be required to engage 100+ young
volunteers (aged 14-25) from disadvantaged neighbourhoods in a stimulating,
enjoyable, and challenging experience. The purpose of the residential is to enable
young volunteers to develop their personal leadership and inter-personal skills to
enhance the self-confidence, personal qualities, attitudes & behaviours. The provider
must also be able to develop and empower young people through experiential
In addition we are looking for a provider that can support the development of our
project staff through the provision of training that can be beneficial to their delivery
at a local community level.
SG Tender Document draft 1.0
Background to StreetGames
2.1.1 StreetGames is a national sports charity that changes lives and communities
for the better by supporting a network of delivery organisations which
provide sports and volunteering opportunities to young people in
disadvantaged areas across the UK. The launch of StreetGames in 2007 was
inspired by the success of joint work by The Football Association, The Football
Foundation and agencies working in deprived areas. Since then delivery
organisations across the UK have benefitted from StreetGames activities and
2.1.2 ‘Doorstep sport’ is StreetGames’ delivery method, whereby we bring sport
close to the home of young people in disadvantaged communities at the right
time, for the right price, to the right place and in the right style.
2.1.3 StreetGames is registered as a charity with the Charity Commission
(registered charity number 1113542) and as a company limited by guarantee
with the Registrar of Companies (registered company number 5384487).
Services and/or Goods Tendered
2.2.1 The StreetGames Young Volunteers Programme has been supporting the
development of young leaders since 2007. The programme currently supports
circa 140 projects UK wide and aims to continue this growth in the period
2013-17 in line with StreetGames aims to develop 1000 Doorstep Sports Clubs
in the most deprived neighbourhoods of England;
2.2.2 The primary function of the Residential programme is to provide a national
opportunity for leadership and personal development; with young volunteers
coming together from across the UK to engage in challenging and valuable
experiences. We require the service provider to
a) Deliver a 3 day residential opportunity, on one site, that encompasses our
aims of supporting every young person to be challenged and achieve
success through a wide variety of activities,
b) Provide expert support to the StreetGames National team in the planning
of programme content;
c) Be youth focused and friendly, and willing to work with a group of
National Young Advisors to plan and deliver the programme content;
d) Have experience of working with young people from disadvantaged
e) Have highly qualified and skilled staff who are person centred and able to
respect each individual’s ability to learn and grow;
SG Tender Document draft 1.0
It is a requirement of this tender for organisations and their staff to be able to
evidence knowledge and experience of supporting and working with young people in
disadvantaged areas.
2.2.3 The provider must be able to host 100+ young people and staff for a minimum
of 3 days and deliver a wide variety of outward bound activities (wet & dry),
plus have the facilities to allow a variety of quiet/down time activities to take
2.2.4 This tender is to host 2 residential opportunities in 2015 – Spring 30 March –
1st April 2015 and autumn 26h to 28th October 2015. If these dates cannot be
provided, alternatives near to these can be suggested.
2.2.5 As we look to develop our residential experience, we would like to explore the
opportunity of providing options for our young volunteers to gain a
qualification as part of the programme delivery. We would therefore welcome
tenderers to highlight their ability to deliver a qualification that supports the
young volunteers personal development.
2.2.5 A full list of roles and responsibilities is described in appendix 3 for the
residential service provider;
Invitation to Tender
2.3.1 Each Tender must contain the following information as a minimum organised
in the order such information is requested below:
a) a detailed response to each section of the Specification set out in
Appendix 3 describing clearly how you will provide the services and/or
goods paying particular attention to the criteria SGL will use to evaluate
your bid (set out at paragraph 3.6 below);
b) the Pricing Schedule completed to show all charges proposed to be made
by the Tenderer for providing the Deliverables. Where the Pricing
Schedule stipulates a methodology for describing the changes to be made
this must be followed by the Tenderer in preparing their Pricing Schedule.
c) all other information requested by this Invitation to Tender;
Services and/or Goods Tendered
2.4.1 SGL requires tenders in respect of the services and/or goods described in the
Specification at Appendix 3 (the “Deliverables”).
Tender Process
SG Tender Document draft 1.0
The Conditions of Tender set out at Section 3 will govern the tender process
and the Tenderer must observe the requirements set out.
Conditions applying to this tender
3.1.1 Every tender received by SGL shall be deemed to have been made subject to
the conditions set out in this Section 3 and elsewhere in this ITT. Any
alternative terms or conditions offered on behalf of a Tenderer shall, if
inconsistent with these conditions, be deemed not to apply unless expressly
accepted by SGL in writing.
3.1.2 You may not alter any of the documents. Any modification which you think is
necessary must be detailed in your submitted tender.
3.1.3 SGL may reject any tenders if the complete information called for is not given
at the time of tendering.
Any Tenderer who;
directly or indirectly attempts to obtain information from any member,
employee, agent or contractor of SGL concerning the process leading to the
award of the contract; or
directly or indirectly attempts to obtain information from any member,
employee, agent or contractor of SGL concerning any other Tenderer or
proposed Tenderer; or
directly or indirectly canvasses any member, employee, agent or contractor
of SGL concerning the award of the contract;
may be disqualified from the tender process by SGL.
Confidentiality of tender information and documents
a) All information supplied by SGL in connection with this ITT shall be regarded
as confidential to SGL and is supplied to the Tenderers on condition that it is
used in connection with the preparation of a tender in response to this ITT
and for no other purpose.
b) This ITT and its Appendices are and shall remain the property of SGL and
must be returned upon demand. Return postage will be refunded where
return is demanded by SGL.
SG Tender Document draft 1.0
c) The Tenderer acknowledges that SGL is not subject to the requirements of
the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“FOIA”) and the Environmental
Information Regulations.
d) The Tenderer acknowledges that any notification provided by it outlining
Confidential Information are of indicative value only and that SGL may
nevertheless be obliged to disclose Confidential Information. “Confidential
Information” means any information which has been designated as
confidential by either SGL or the Tenderer in writing or that ought to be
considered as confidential (however it is conveyed or on whatever media
it is stored) including information which relates to the business, affairs,
properties, assets, trading practices, services, developments, trade
secrets, intellectual property rights, know-how, personnel, customers and
suppliers of either party, all personal data and sensitive personal data
within the meaning of the Data Protection Act 1998 and commercially
sensitive information.
Collusive tendering
A Tenderer shall be disqualified, (without prejudice to any other civil remedies
available to SGL), if it:a) fixes or adjusts the amount of its tender by or in accordance with any
agreement or arrangement with any other Tenderer; or
b) communicates to any person other than SGL the amount or approximate
amount of its proposed tender or information that would enable the amount
or approximate amount to be calculated (except where such disclosure is
made in confidence in order to obtain quotations necessary for the
preparation of the tender or for the purposes of obtaining insurance or for
the purposes of obtaining any necessary security); or
c) enters into any agreement or arrangement with any other potential Tenderer
that either shall refrain from tendering or as to the amount of any tender to
be submitted; or
d) offers or agrees to pay or give or does pay or give any sum of money,
inducement or valuable consideration directly or indirectly to any person for
doing or having done or causing or having caused to be done in relation to
any other tender or proposed tender for the contract any act or omission.
The Tender
3.2.1 The tender comprising the information required (including but not limited to
Appendix 3 must be submitted via email or hard copy in document format to
StreetGames ( or StreetGames, Unit
G3, Barton Hall, Hardy St, Eccles, M30 7NB
SG Tender Document draft 1.0
3.2.2 Tenders must be accompanied by:a) a certificate in the form set out in Appendix 1 that the Tenderer has not
canvassed any member or official of SGL;
b) a certificate in the form set out in Appendix 2 that the Tenderer has not
engaged in collusive tendering;
c) if the Tenderer is a subsidiary company, a parent company guarantee bond
or other form of security may be required by SGL on completion of contract
All documents requiring a signature must be signed:a)
where the Tenderer is an individual, by that individual;
where the Tenderer is a partnership, by two duly authorised partners;
where the Tenderer is a company, by two directors or by a director and
the secretary of the company, such persons being duly authorised for
that purpose;
where the Tenderer is a consortium of two or more organisations, by
duly authorised representatives of each consortium member.
3.2.4 All tender documents must be drawn up in the English language.
Receipt of Tenders
3.3.1 Tenders will be received up to 12:00 (noon) on Monday 19th January 2015 via
( StreetGames, Unit G3, Barton Hall,
Hardy St, Eccles, M30 7NB
Acceptance of Tenders
3.4.1 By issuing this ITT, SGL is not bound in any way to award a contract and does
not have to accept the lowest priced or any tender and reserves the right to
accept the whole or any specified part of the tender unless the Tenderer
expressly stipulates otherwise.
3.5.1 Enquiries
Whilst reasonable endeavours have been made to inform accurately potential
respondents of the requirements for this contract, bidders should form their
own conclusions about the methods and resources needed to meet those
SG Tender Document draft 1.0
requirements. SGL cannot accept responsibility for the Tenderer’s assessment
of the contract opportunity.
All enquiries regarding any aspect of this ITT can be emailed to no later than 12:00 (noon) on Monday 19th
January 2015.
SGL will not be bound to respond to any enquiries received later than noon
on Monday 19th January 2015. Written copies of the response (including an
explanation of the request but without identifying the source of the enquiry)
will be sent to all prospective Tenderers.
Period for which Tenders shall remain valid
Unless otherwise stated by the Tenderer, tenders shall remain valid for 40
days from the closing date for receipt of tenders and the Tenderer shall not
seek to renegotiate the pricing set out in such tender.
3.5.3 Amendments to the Tender Documents
SGL reserves the right to amend the enclosed tender documents at any time
prior to the deadline for receipt of tenders. Any such amendment will be
numbered, dated and issued by SGL. Where amendments are significant, SGL
may at its discretion extend the deadline for receipt of tenders.
3.5.4 Inducements
Offering an inducement of any kind in relation to obtaining this or any other
contract with SGL will disqualify your tender from being considered and may
constitute a criminal offence.
3.5.5 Costs and Expenses
You will not be entitled to claim from SGL any costs, expenses or liabilities that
you may incur in preparing your tender (whether or not your tender is
successful and irrespective of whether SGL chooses not to award any contract
at all), or in connection with any subsequent discussions. Tenderers must
obtain for themselves at their own responsibility and expense all information
and professional advice necessary for the preparation of their tender.
Tendering Process and Evaluation Criteria
3.6.1 The tender process will be conducted to ensure that tenders are evaluated fairly
to ascertain the tender that is the most economically advantageous to SGL.
SG Tender Document draft 1.0
3.6.2 A preferred bidder will be appointed on the basis of the most economically
advantageous tender judged on the following weighted criteria:
Cost [30%]
Experience and ability to deliver Services [70%]
3.6.3 Each bidder must submit a compliant bid, which is a bid that complies with
(but may exceed) all requirements of the specification.
3.6.4 All bids whether compliant or variant will be evaluated on the basis of the
evaluation criteria above.
3.6.5 SGL may require the Tenderer to make a formal presentation to the selection
panel in support of its tender.
Representations and Warranties
3.7.1 Whilst the information in the ITT has been prepared in good faith, it does not
purport to be comprehensive or to have been independently verified. With
the exception of statements made fraudulently SGL does not accept any
liability or responsibility for the adequacy, accuracy or completeness of such
information. SGL and/or its advisers do not make any representation or
warranty (express or implied) with respect to the information contained in the
ITT or with respect to any written or oral information made or to be made
available to any Tenderer or its professional advisers.
3.7.2 Each Tenderer to whom the ITT is made available must make its own
independent assessment of the proposed terms after making such
investigation and taking such professional advice as it deems necessary. For
the avoidance of doubt only those officers of SGL set out in section 2.5.1 are
authorised to provide or clarify any information in relation to the ITT.
No Inducement or Incentive
3.8.1 The ITT is issued on the basis that nothing contained in it shall constitute an
inducement or incentive nor shall have in any other way persuaded a
Tenderer to submit a tender or enter into any contract.
3.8.2 The ITT is not intended to provide the basis of any investment decision and
should not be considered as a recommendation by SGL and/or any of its
SGL accepts no liability for any loss, liability, cost or expense (including legal
expenses) incurred by any Tenderer in preparing for or participating in this
tender process, howsoever arising (whether under contract, tort or under any
SG Tender Document draft 1.0
statutory provision or otherwise) including under any implied contract between
SGL and any Tenderer arising by virtue of this tender process.
Submission of a tender by a Tenderer shall be acceptance of the exclusion of
liability set out at section 3.9.1 above.
Set out below is the proposed procurement timetable which is intended as a
guide but SGL reserve the right to make changes at any stage.
Stage of Process
ITT to be issued
Thursday 11th
December 2014
Closing date and time for receipt of
12 Noon - Monday 19th
responses to ITT and formal tender opening January 2015
Evaluation of ITT responses
Week Beginning 19th
January 2015
Interviews/presentations by shortlisted
From 26th January 2015
Service to commence
1st February 2015 (or
closest date thereafter)
SG Tender Document draft 1.0
We hereby certify that we have not canvassed any member, employee, agent or
contractor of SGL in connection with the award of the contract for the Deliverables or
any other proposed contract for the Deliverables and that no person employed by us
or acting on our behalf has done any such act.
We further hereby undertake that we will not in the future canvass or solicit any
member, employee, agent or contactor of SGL in connection with the award of the
contract for the Deliverables or any proposed contract for the Deliverables and that
no person employed by us or acting on my/our behalf will do any such act.
For and on behalf of
Dated DATE
Dated DATE
SG Tender Document draft 1.0
The essence of the tendering process is that SGL shall receive bona fide competitive
tenders from all Tenderers. We, the undersigned, hereby certify that this is a bona
fide tender and we have not;
1. entered into any agreement with any other person with the aim of preventing
tenders being made or as to the fixing or adjusting of the amount of any
tender or the conditions on which any tender is made; or
2. informed any other person, other than the person calling for this tender, of
the amount or the approximate amount of our tender except where the
disclosure, in confidence, of the approximate amount of our tender was
necessary to obtain quotations necessary for the preparation of our tender,
for insurance purposes, for performance bonds and/or parent company
guarantees or for professional advice required for the preparation of our
tender; or
3. caused or induced any person to enter into such an agreement as is
mentioned in paragraph (1) above or to inform us of the amount or the
approximate amount of any rival tender for the Deliverables; or
4. committed any offence under the Prevention of Corruption Acts 1889 to
1916; or
5. offered or agreed to pay or give any sum of money, inducement or valuable
consideration directly or indirectly to any person for doing or having done or
causing or having caused to be done in relation to any other tender or
proposed tender for the Deliverables any act or omission; or
6. canvassed any person referred to in paragraph 1 above in connection with the
We also undertake that we shall not procure the doing of any of the acts mentioned
in paragraphs 1 to 6 above before the hour and date specified for the return of the
tender nor shall we do so:
before the contract award is announced; or
in the event of our tender being accepted or our being appointed preferred
SG Tender Document draft 1.0
bidder, prior to completion of a contract between us and the SGL.
In this certificate, the word “person” includes any person, body or association,
corporate or unincorporated and “agreement” includes any arrangement whether
formal or informal and whether legally binding or not.
We acknowledge that if we have acted or act in contravention of this Certificate of
Non-Collusive Tendering then the SGL shall be entitled to reject our tender, or after
award of any contract pursuant to this process that contract may be rescinded, and
that if such rejection or rescission occurs we will indemnify the SGL against all loss
and expense arising out of or in connection with such rejection or rescission.
For and on behalf of
For and on behalf of
Dated DATE
Dated DATE
SG Tender Document draft 1.0
1. SGL Service Requirement
The primary requirement of the Residential programme is to provide a national
leadership and personal development opportunity for young volunteers from across
our UK wide programme. Engaging them in challenging and valuable experiences that
will support their person development as young leaders.
We require the service provider to:
a) Deliver a 3 day residential opportunity, on one site, that encompasses our
aims of supporting every young person to be challenged and achieve
success through a wide variety of activities,
b) Provide expert support to the StreetGames National team in the planning
and preparation of the programme content;
c) Be youth focused, friendly, flexible and willing to work with a group of
National Young Advisors to plan and deliver the programme content;
d) Have highly qualified and skilled staffs who are person centred and able to
respect each individual’s ability to learn and grow. They should also have
experience of working with young people from disadvantaged areas.
e) Ability to host 120 young people and staff and deliver a wide variety of
outward bound activities (wet & dry), plus have the facilities to allow a
variety of quiet/down time activities to take place.
f) Be able to host 2 residential opportunities in 2015 – Our suggested dates
are Spring 30th March to 1st April 2015 and Autumn 26th to 28th October
2015. Alternative dates close to the above can be provided
g) The potential to provide options for our young volunteers to gain a
qualification as part of the programme delivery.
h) To be able to provide development opportunities for accompanying staff
whilst they are in attendance at these opportunities.
Service Costs
Please outline in your tender submission the total cost of providing this service,
including a breakdown per residential and where applicable per item (cost per
head, training for project managers, delivery of any qualifications).
SG Tender Document draft 1.0
Performance Management
The successful organisation will be subject performance management through a
number of pre and post review meetings. These meetings will allow for both parties
to feedback on the planning and delivery of each residential and will also include
feedback from our young people and young advisors. The National Fieldwork
Manager & Strategic Lead for Volunteering will undertake the review of performance
with a named individual from the successful tenderer.
Contract will be a 12 month contract commencing on the 1st December 2014 (or
closest date thereafter) and ending at 00:00 12 months after date commenced.
a) Format of Proposals
When responding to the tender please provide the following details (the evaluation
criteria will be based on your response to the below) compromising a maximum of 5
Your proposed approach with a detailed description of how the work would
be completed and the timescales to support this;
A completed pricing matrix
Signed copies of Appendices 1 and 2
SG Tender Document draft 1.0
Provide costs as a total annual figure, plus a breakdown per residential.
Cost per
Spring Residential (max 80 beds)
Autumn Residential (max 120 beds)
Total Cost
SG Tender Document draft 1.0
Total Cost
(ex VAT)