
for the Small Enterprise
Systems Analysis and Design
section V
system documentation
training materials
information-age training with ethical content
project deliverable: the training session
the cornucopia case
portfolio project
Chapter Objectives
When you complete this chapter you will be able to:
• Distinguish between various product testing
goals and procedures
• Document testing plans and results
• Assemble product documentation by building on
SDLC project deliverables
• Develop training strategies and materials to
accommodate different audiences
• Understand how to include information system
ethics in user-training sessions
Chapter 14
Systems Analysis and Design
for the Small Enterprise
Testing formally begins with syntax testing
and concludes with user acceptance testing.
This lengthy, detailed process must be well
planned and documented in order to
coordinate the inevitable revisions and
retests required during the development,
implementation, and maintenance phases of
the SDLC.
Chapter 14
Systems Analysis and Design
for the Small Enterprise
Figure 14-1: Testing Goals
Chapter 14
Systems Analysis and Design
for the Small Enterprise
Figure 14-2: Testing and the SDLC
Chapter 14
Systems Analysis and Design
for the Small Enterprise
Figure 14-3: Cost of Error Detection and Correction
Chapter 14
Systems Analysis and Design
for the Small Enterprise
Figure 14-4: Testing Progression
Chapter 14
Systems Analysis and Design
for the Small Enterprise
Figure 14-5: Integrated Development Environment
Chapter 14
Systems Analysis and Design
for the Small Enterprise
Figure 14-6: Sunrise Systems Detailed System Flowchart
mail merge macro ….. Completed
User interface
billing screen form …….Completed
payment screen form …Completed
This form provides detail on each test
(test data, expected results, comment)
Chapter 14
Systems Analysis and Design
for the Small Enterprise
Figure 14-7: Error Rates over Time
Chapter 14
Systems Analysis and Design
for the Small Enterprise
System Documentation
System documentation is a collection of information
that provides a detailed history of the SDLC.
All of the project documents are considered part of
system documentation.
Project manuals (training, reference, and procedure)
are a more formal part of system documentation.
They draw much of their content from the project
documents generated throughout the SDLC.
Chapter 14
Systems Analysis and Design
for the Small Enterprise
Figure 14-9: Project Binders
Chapter 14
Systems Analysis and Design
for the Small Enterprise
Figure 14-10: System Documentation Manuals
Chapter 14
Systems Analysis and Design
for the Small Enterprise
There are many well-established training
techniques and strategies. The analyst
should tailor the training plan to fit the
audience and training objectives.
Chapter 14
Systems Analysis and Design
for the Small Enterprise
Figure 14-11: Information System Training Techniques
Chapter 14
Systems Analysis and Design
for the Small Enterprise
Figure 14-12: Information System Training Cycle
Chapter 14
Systems Analysis and Design
for the Small Enterprise
Training Materials
Training materials should be designed for the
setting. In the small-enterprise project, the
audience is likely to consist of small groups
of workers who represent a functional
composite of the end user, computer
operator, and manager.
The training manual should contain
everything needed to conduct the formal enduser training sessions.
Chapter 14
Systems Analysis and Design
for the Small Enterprise
Figure 14-14: Procedures Manual Table of Contents
Information System Description
Summarized narrations of each subsystem
System Operating Instructions
Detailed operating instructions for every facet of the system
System Input and Output Samples
Sample input and output forms and reports, with descriptions
Emergency and Security Instructions
Appendix A. 4GL Software Specifications
Identifies 4GL software versions and updates
Appendix B. Platform Specifications
Identifies system software and hardware
Appendix C. System Error Messages
Contains descriptions, and recommended actions for error
messages specific to the information system
Appendix D. Definitions
Identifies terms specific to the information system
Chapter 14
Systems Analysis and Design
for the Small Enterprise
Project Deliverable: The Training Session
Although the SDLC model specifies training as
a singular activity bridging the development and
implementation phases, continuous user
training is a by-product of sustained user
involvement in the project.
By the time the formal training sessions
commence, the user has a good understanding
of how the information system works.
Chapter 14
Systems Analysis and Design
for the Small Enterprise
Figure 14-18: Training Session Report Content
Chapter 14
Systems Analysis and Design
for the Small Enterprise
The Cornucopia Case
Cornucopia’s testing plan was developed very early in
the project so that testing could be incorporated into
each development activity.
Product documentation began almost immediately
after the project began. At first this simply required
an orderly file of correspondence. As the design
matured, project documentation became more formal.
Product training sessions were carefully planned to
provide a varied learning experience for all system
Chapter 14
Systems Analysis and Design
for the Small Enterprise
Figure 14-19: Cornucopia Testing Sequence
Chapter 14
Syntax Testing
User Interface Testing
a. Prototype menus
b. Prototype master file update forms
c. Prototype CD sales transaction form
Program Module Testing
a. Master file update subsystems
b. Sales and order transaction processing
c. Correspondence mail merge
d. Sales trends spreadsheets
e. Web page construction
Integrated Module Testing
a. Switchboard
b. System links
System Testing
a. Cornucopia desktop shortcuts
b. Cornucopia start menu option
Systems Analysis and Design
for the Small Enterprise
Figure 14-20: Cornucopia Training Schedule (1/2)
Session 1: for all employees
1. System overview
2. Interface demo
3. Break
4. Hands-on for the interfaces
5. Procedures manual
Session 2: for all employees
1. Interface hands-on review
2. Master file update subsystems demo
3. Hands-on for the update subsystems
4. Break
5. Sales transaction & order subsystem demo
6. Hands-on for sales transaction subsystem
Chapter 14
Systems Analysis and Design
for the Small Enterprise
Figure 14-20: Cornucopia Training Schedule (2/2)
Session 3: for all employees
1. Hands-on review
2. 4GL software tutorial demo
3. Hands-on problem solving exercise
4. Break
5. Emergency & security procedures
Session 4: for the owner
1. Correspondence subsystem demo
2. Sales trending subsystem demo
3. Internet connection subsystem demo
4. Hands-on for Items 1,2,3
5. Break
6. System hardware overview
Chapter 14
Systems Analysis and Design
for the Small Enterprise
Chapter Summary
•Testing in a small-enterprise environment is
tailored to fit the customized applications built
upon object-oriented products, code generators,
and graphical application-building utilities.
•System documentation is an ongoing activity
throughout the project, culminating in the training,
reference, and procedures manuals that
accompany the delivery of the final product.
•Informal end-user training, which begins early in
the design process, does not diminish the
importance of formal training sessions.
Chapter 14
Systems Analysis and Design
for the Small Enterprise