The Crucible Character Analysis -Final Essay Rubric

The Crucible Character Analysis -Final Essay RubricEnglish III: Ms. Thrash
CATEGORY Advanced (4)
Organization: All of the body paragraphs
contain topic sentences,
transition sentences, quotes
and analysis and are clearly
Introduction is a proper
length. You funnel into the
topic and end the paragraph
with a thesis statement.
In your conclusion, your
thesis statement is reworded
and you have provided an
answer to the “So What?”
Proficient (3)
Partially Proficient (2)
Needs Work (1)
Body paragraphs are
Many of the body
formatted correctly, but there paragraphs are incorrectly
are minor errors/omissions. formatted.
There is virtually no paragraph
structure to the essay.
The introduction is good, but
is missing one of the elements
of an "advanced" intro.
There are numerous errors
with the structure of the
In your conclusion your
thesis statement is reworded.
You have a conclusion but it
still needs quite a bit of
There is no introduction or the
introduction format is
completely incorrect.
You have no conclusion or
what you have barely
resembles a conclusion.
Content &
You have an interesting, well
Ideas: Thesis thought out thesis statement
that is an argument. Your
thesis statement is specific
and detailed so that it is clear
what your essay will argue.
Your thesis is clear and you
You have a thesis statement, You have no thesis statement.
map out how you will present but it is more summary than
the evidence to prove the
Content &
Your accurately explain how
the characters are depicted.
You have chosen an
argument to write about. You
include relevant information
to back up your ideas clearly.
All of your body paragraphs
tie back to the thesis to
demonstrate original
There are 3 or more of
correctly formatted quotes in
the body paragraphs. The
quotes are relevant and come
from multiple points in the
play. They are all integrated
into the writing and analyzed.
Conventions Your paper is formatted
according to MLA
You have only a few minor
errors, if any, with writing
conventions (spelling,
punctuation, grammar, etc.)
The evidence you present
does not support your
argument. A paper earning a
You demonstrate how
"2" may be very off topic to
characters are developed over the point that it is not clear
the course of the play.
what your essay is about.
You support your argument
with relevant information
from the text and you tie in
your evidence to your thesis.
Your paper is merely a
summary of parts of the novel
and/or your argument is
completely unclear and/or your
points don't tie into the
argument at all.
There are fewer than 2
There are few or no quotes or
quotes and/or there are
there are major mistakes in
errors in their formatting so their formatting.
that the quotes do not flow
with the writers ideas.
There are at least 2 quotes in
body paragraphs, and all or
most are formatted correctly
so that the quotes flow with
the writer’s ideas.
Your paper is mostly
formatted according to MLA
specifications, but there are
minor errors.
Your paper has many
formatting errors.
You have many minor errors
or a few major errors that
impair readability.
You have many errors that
impair readability and
meaning becomes unclear.
Your paper does not resemble
an MLA-formatted paper.
Your paper is very difficult to
read due to frequent errors
with writing conventions.
16 points total possible
For example, if you receive 14/16 points, your grade will be an 88.
General Points to Note
 My paper has an MLA heading.
 My paper is typed in 12 point Times New Roman font.
 My paper has an original and creative title. (Note: Your title should not be in quotation marks.)
 My paper has been submitted to
 My paper has been carefully proofread.
 I checked the formatting of my quotes VERY CAREFULLY, and they all conform to the format described previously.
 I have read the rubric and have checked to make sure that my paper will get a grade I want
 I begin my paper with a very general statement about the play.
 I transition into my thesis statement.
 My thesis statement is the final sentence in the introduction paragraph.
 My thesis statement is more argument than description.
Body Paragraphs
 All body paragraphs begin with a topic sentence.
 All paragraphs contain properly formatted quotes.
 All paragraphs contain analysis, not mere description.
 All paragraphs transition into the next paragraph.
 The conclusion begins with a restated (not copied) thesis.
 The conclusion brings up no new points and includes no quotes.
 The paper ends with a thought-provoking statement. (“So what?)
Word Choice
 The Crucible is italicized throughout.
 There are no references to “you.” (Ex., You learn a lot about Abigail through Miller’s description.)
Use “one” or “readers” instead.
 You do not mention yourself. (Ex., in my opinion, I think that Abigail…, My favorite part…, I learned..)
 You refer to The Crucible as a “play” (as opposed to a “book” or “story”).
 You avoid vague, bland adjectives (“big,” “good,” “bad,” “fun,” “sad,” etc.)
I have read & completed the checklist and fully understand what is expected of my paper.
Student Signature ______________________________________________________________________