F11-75-NISH - Southern Illinois University

Cardboard Bumper
Assembly Jig for the
NISH AbilityOne Design
Client: Institute for Economic Empowerment
Semester: Fall 2011
Ref: SEC F11-75-NISH
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Prepared by: Saluki Engineering Team
8 November 2011
Saluki Engineering Company
Attn: F. Harackiewicz, K. Purcell, A. Weston
SIUC College of Engineering – Mailcode 6603
Carbondale IL 62901-6603
Dear Ms. Harackiewicz, Ms. Purcell, and Mr. Weston,
The letter is in response to your request for proposal for the NISH AbilityOne Design Network
Challenge. Our team, SEC Team 75, has developed a cardboard banding jig designed for
production and completion of cardboard bumper systems through START and its subsidiaries.
Further, we believe that our design will not only increase production numbers dramatically, but
will help to aid and assist the operator of said jig.
This proposal is based on simple, clean, and efficient incorporation of electronic and mechanical
systems. The goal of this design is to be able to create cardboard bumpers rapidly and easily
through the use of racking, clamping, and counting assemblies. Overall, START is producing
approximately 1200 units per week while their demand from their current subsidiary is 4000
(Please see Appendix A). We hope to exceed this projected number through our jig.
Finally, SEC Team 75 would like to thank you for the opportunity to submit a design proposal to
your company and we hope to hear from you soon.
Jordan John
Project Manager – Team 75
Saluki Engineering Company
(618) 303-0975
Executive Summary
The Saluki Engineering Company in collaboration with the Institute for Economic
Empowerment has put out a request for proposal that states, “Client wants a device or a
system that will solve a real workplace problem for at least one group of severely
handicapped workers.” Our goal is to design a cardboard bumper assembly jig. The
design will be simple, efficient, and cost effective. Team 75’s approach to this request is
a multifaceted design that will increase ease of assembly as well as increase production
The project will consist of an electrical and mechanical subassembly working
together to create an overall project. The assembly will consist of the following:
The mechanical system will be a racking and clamping system. The rack will be a
plate that will be supported by rigid rectangular shafts. As the cardboard pieces are fed
into the rack, the electrical system will allow for the user to know if the system is under
filled, filled, or overfilled through the use of LED indicators. These indicators will be
housed and attached to the racking system and controlled by a microcontroller. Once the
rack is filled, the clamping system will swing downward and hold the pieces together
allowing the operator to band the cardboard slivers.
Initial research and development began September 9th, 2011 after receipt of the
RFP and will conclude in early April with a detailed design report submitted by April
19th, 2012. The estimated cost of the final design will be $247.56.
Non-Disclosure Information
The information provided in or for this proposal is the confidential, proprietary property
of the Saluki Engineering Company of Carbondale, Illinois, USA. Such information may be used
solely by the party to whom the proposal has been submitted by the Saluki Engineering
Company and solely for the purpose of evaluating this proposal. The submittal of this proposal
confers no right in, or license to use, or right to disclose to others for any purpose, the subject
matter, or such information or data, nor confers the right to reproduce or offer such information
for sale. All drawings, specifications, and other writings supplied with this proposal are to be
returned to Saluki Engineering Company promptly upon request. The use of this information,
other than for the purpose of evaluating this proposal, is subject to the terms of agreement under
which services are to be performed pursuant to this proposal.
Table of Contents
Transmittal Letter (JJ)……………………………………………………………………………..2
Executive Summary (LE)..………..………………………………………………………………3
Nondisclosure Statement……………………………………………………...…………………..4
Table of Contents………………………………………………………………………………….5
List of Tables and Figures…………………………………………………………………………6
Introduction (JH)...……….………………………....………………………………………..……6
Literature Review (All, Revised by BB)…………. ……....………………………..………..……7
Project Description (JJ).……………………………………………………………………….…17
Project Organization (JJ)..…………………………………………………………………..……19
Design Basis (JJ)…....……………………………………………………………………………19
Scope of Work (JJ)……………………………………………………………………………….19
Subsystem Design………………………………………………………………………………..20
Clamping System (BB)…………………………………………………………………….20
Racking System (JJ)…………………....…………………..………………………………21
Power Source (LE)…………………...…………………………………………………….24
Microcontroller (JH)……..…………...…………………………………………………….25
Sensors (JH)………………………………………………………………………………..27
LEDs (LE)…………………………………………………………………………………28
Ventilation and Filters (LE)………………………………………………………………..30
Training Aids (JH, LE)…………………………………………………………………….30
Material Selection (BB)…....………………………………………………………………….…31
Action Item List (All)……...………………………………………………………………….…31
Draft Schedule (JJ)…..…………………………………………………………………………...33
Resources Needed (JJ, JH)…………………………………………………………………….…34
List of Analysis (All)…………………………………………………………………………….34
Works Cited……………………………………………………………………………………...36
Appendix A: Communications……..……………………………………………………………37
Appendix B: RFP Documents…………………………………………………………………....38
Appendix C: 3-D Renderings of Mechanical System (JJ)…………………………….…………46
Appendix D: Microcontroller Wiring Diagram…...…………………………………..…………49
Appendix E: Resumes……………………………………………………………………………50
List of Tables and Figures
Figure 1: Cardboard Bumper Picture…………………………………………………………….11
Figure 2: Jig Design………………..…………………………………………………………….12
Figure 3: Cost of Binding Machine..…………………………………………………………….13
Figure 4: Banding Machine…….………………………………………………………………..14
Figure 5: Shirt Press……....…….………………………………………………………………..16
Figure 6: Supports………………………………………………………………………………..22
Figure 7: Racking Plate………………………………………………………………………..…23
Figure 8: Draft Assembly……………………………………………………………………...…24
Figure 9: Microcontroller Wiring Diagram…………………………………………..………….26
Figure 10: Sensor Placement Diagram………………………………………………..…………27
Figure 11: Sample LED……………………………………………………………….…………29
Figure 12: LED Setup…………………………………………………………………..………..29
Table 1: Block Diagram……………………………….…………………………………………18
Table 2: Organizational Chart………………………….………………………………………...19
Table 3: Basis of Design…………………………………………………………………………19
Table 4: Material Selection Matrix………………………………………………………………31
Table 5: Action Item List……………………………….………………………………………..31
Table 6: Proposed Schedule…………………………….………………………………………..33
Table 7: Resources Needed………………………………………………………………………34
In the early 1960’s a movement began; A movement that would finally allow those with
severe handicaps, mental and physical alike, to no longer feel ostracized in the workplace. This
movement, known as the Disability Rights Movement, would lead to numerous national
organizations aimed to aid those with handicaps to find work and succeed in industry. One of the
organizations formed during these trying times was NISH.
Through the years, NISH has developed into an international organization helping
hundreds of thousands people find work despite their handicaps. One of the biggest challenges
NISH has encountered is being able to place clients in to work that has numerous restrictions.
These restrictions are often based on ergonomics and movement controlled assembly. Because of
this, NISH has developed the AbilityOne Network Challenge.
The NISH AbilityOne Network Challenge sponsors competition throughout the nation
aimed at the design and manufacturing of “enabling devices”. These devices seek to aid those
with handicaps to perform complex tasks easily. In other words, these devices create a solution
to problems affecting those with handicaps in the workplace.
START, a NPO based out of Murphysboro, Illinois that is a subsidiary of NISH. START
has in house facilities in which they employ individuals with handicaps. One of their current
projects is creating cardboard bumpers that are used by local companies for shipping and
packing. Currently, they are able to produce 1200 units per week. Their current client has
increased their demand to 4000 units per week. Through the development of an assistive jig,
SEC Team 75 hopes to expedite their current assembly process.
The concept of this design includes a jig in which they will be able to rack, clamp, and
count cardboard pieces allowing faster wrapping and assembly of cardboard bumpers.
Literature Review
The American Heritage Stedman’s Medical Dictionary defines handicap as a physical,
mental, or emotional condition that interferes with ones normal functioning [1]. When most
people think of the word handicap, they instantly envision someone in a wheelchair; however,
there are other disabilities such as being hearing impaired, having a long term illness, a brain
injury, or even intellectual disabilities just to name a few.
The 2010 census reports that in the United States as a whole, around twelve percent of
the population, nearly thirty-six million people have some level of disability. Individuals who
suffer from disabilities have reported difficulties in obtaining jobs, keeping a job once obtained,
and performing job duties. The average employment rate of disabled citizens across the United
States is a paltry 33.4 percent [2].
NISH, the National Institute for the Severely Handicapped, is an organization that is
focused on helping people with disabilities gain employment. NISH’s mission is “Create
employment opportunities for people with significant disabilities.” [3] NISH been helping
handicapped people since 1974. NISH is affiliated with the AbilityOne program. The AbilityOne
program is composed of 600 nonprofit organizations across the United States. One of these
organizations is START in Murphysboro. These organizations are dedicated to providing work
to disabled people and providing them income. They work toward finding jobs for people with
all types of disabilities, from the blind to those with mental disabilities like autism. The
AbilityOne network currently employees around 47,000 people, making them the largest
employer of disabled people in the United States. [3]
Every year NISH supports a competition called the AbilityOne Design Challenge. In this
competition students are encourage to make something that can assist people with disabilities in
their everyday careers. These designs are required to help make their daily task easier. The teams
must registered by the 20th of April. In their entry each group must submit a final report with full
details of their design, as well as a video of their design in use.
These designs are put though strict judging criteria. These criteria are based on a series of
“• Is the assistive technology device/system a solution to a barrier
that prevents a person with a significant disability from entering or
advancing in the workplace? If the answer is “No”, the submission
will not be reviewed further and will be considered to be out of contention.
• Was a prototype built? If the answer is “No”, the submission will not
be reviewed further and will be considered to be out of contention.
• Was the device/system designed in collaboration with a person who
has a disability? If the answer is “No”, the submission will not be
reviewed further and will be considered to be out of contention.
• Is the device/system currently being used or intended for use?
by the end of the current school year? Additional consideration
is given to those devices that are in use.
• Was the design developed with consultation from a NISH affiliated
NPA? Additional consideration is given to those that worked with a NISH affiliate.” [5]
The final results depend on how well each group answers the questions above, as well as
a few additional things such as safety and overall ease of use. The better the design solves a
problem but at the same time meets these judging criteria the more highly rated the entry will
place in the competition.
Workforce Concerns
The closest organization in the AbilityOne network is Specialized Training for Adult
Rehabilitation Inc., also known as S.T.A.R.T. This not-for profit organization has been around
since 1969. The S.T.A.R.T. program caters to disabled adults by offering six different
rehabilitation programs that serve over one hundred and fifty, not limited to just working
opportunities. The organization had very humble beginnings, when it was first founded it
operated out of a church basement. Now the program utilizes over thirty-six thousand square feet
of space for its programs [6]. “Work opportunities include mobile custodial crews,
subcontracting services for area businesses, janitorial services at the rest area on Interstate 57,
and state of the art microfilming and digital scanning services.” [6]
Current System and Proposed Design
The S.T.A.R.T. factory in Murphysboro currently uses a binding system that workers use
to double-bind stacks of cardboard strips. This system relies heavily on the use of human labor,
because the current system calls for the stack to be manually counted, stack, held, and bound.
These stacks of cardboard strips are used as packing bumpers by Penn Aluminum. Penn
Aluminum uses the bumpers to pack and protect the products they send out on a daily basis.
Penn has been a long-time contractor with S.T.A.R.T., starting nearly fifteen years ago, and
S.T.A.R.T has been producing these bumpers for them nearly the same amount of time.
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Figure 1: Cardboard bumper
Recently, Penn has led S.T.A.R.T. to increase the production of bumpers per month to double
what their current production rate is at making the current quota nearly 4000 bumpers a month.
While S.T.A.R.T. has been able to slightly increase their production of the bumpers, they are not
able to fully meet the demand at this point. With a slight amount of simple adjustments the
productivity will be able to be increased. With the adjustments the productivity will hopefully
increase from the current 15 bumpers an hour a goal 25 bumpers an hour.
To make the bumpers, employees currently hand count out 15 pieces of cardboard of a set
length and width. Then they hold the cardboard pieces together and wrap them in tape on both
ends, producing the cardboard bumpers. One problem is that it takes a lot of motor skills to hold
all 15 pieces together while wrapping the bumper with tape that is dispensed from a wet tape
machine. This causes production to be slow because many of the disabled people that work at
START have disabilities that limit their motor skills. When our team visited the factory during
production hours they noticed that even though S.T.A.R.T. has two tape dispensers, they are
unable to use them because there is only one worker per shift with the necessary motor skills to
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hold the cardboard bundle while simultaneously cranking out a length of tape and then wrapping
the tape around the cardboard.
Figure 2: Jig Design
As seen in Figure 2 above one idea on how to assist the operator is to include a jig device
to hold the cardboard stacks in place as the operator binds the stack. Another idea is to build a
system that allows the pieces to be held, much like the clamping system above, but also to rotate
to ease the process of wrapping the band around the unit.
While a system that uses mechanical components to lessen the amount of dexterity
required to perform the task is great, a completely autonomous system is not what we are striving
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for. The whole reason S.T.A.R.T. exists is to help people with disabilities find work. Rather than
creating an expensive machine to do the task for them, we are striving to make an efficient,
affordable, and easy to use mechanism to assist the process. The plan is to incorporate
electronics into the design via sensors and possible electro mechanics, but due to the nature of
S.T.A.R.T the design must not be a financial burden on them, therefore target unit cost is
between two and five hundred dollars. Most automatic banding units cost over one thousand
dollars, with high-end units selling for nearly ten thousand dollars.
Pac SM65 Arch Strapping Machine
Signode TABLE-TYER Plastic Strapping Machine
Signode 430999 Power Strapping Machine
Figure 3: Cost of Binding Machines
The current tape dispenser system looks much like the machine in figure 4 below.
S.T.A.R.T. had considered helping to make the job easier by buying automatic tape dispensers,
but even those units were much too expensive. By utilize the existing units in the design, since
they have proven reliable and the employees are used to using them, the total cost of the design
may to be reduced.
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Figure 4: Banding Machine [7]
The way the strips are stacked is a major point that could be improved. By
decreasing the time required to count out the strips and then arrange them in a neat row could
significantly increase daily output of the cardboard bumpers. The amount of time that is takes to
make count the bumpers and stack them is close to 2 minutes.
To make the job of counting the strips easier, the idea to using sensors to detect when the
correct number of cardboard strips have been placed into the machine. The most cost-effective
option seems to be using an infra-red sensor and connecting it to a microcontroller inside the
unit. Infra-red sensors are widely used in robotics and are fairly cheap and easy to maintain most
costing roughly $25-$100 [8].
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There are a couple different ways to program the sensor. The first way, and probably the
easiest is to program the sensor to count each strip as it is loaded into the holding tray. When the
sensor has counted the correct number of cardboard strips, a green LED will light up on the unit
and the employee will know that it is time to activate the holding system and wrap the tape
around the bundle.
The second way to program the sensor would be to make it so that the green LED lights
up after the cardboard reaches a certain height. The microcontroller for the unit will also be fairly
inexpensive and will probably be the best option to handle the input from the sensor
A third way is measure the weight of the stack and allowing the sensor to engage between
a certain tolerances, which would again activate a green stating the jig is full. Included in all of
these would be a red light that allows the user to know when the jig is overfilled.
After looking at various competing systems, both in terms of binding and in terms of tape
dispensing, none of the other products seem to be near to what is needed by S.T.A.R.T., and if a
product is similar to a possible desired component design it is out of the price range that an
organization like S.T.A.R.T. could afford.
The option of a stacking system could also speed up the bumper production process. A
patent for a device that is used to stack fanfold paper was fold and reviewed. Creating a system
similar to this device will be of benefit to S.T.A.R.T. This design is a very good design because
of its simplicity. It uses very few moving parts and is fairly inexpensive [9]. The design allows
sheets to slide down a chute that only allows the sheets to fall flat on the bottom of a tank that
holds all of the paper. A problem may arise in the case when the cardboard trying to be stacked
may not fall flat. This is a very small flaw though, since employees could easily reach in and fix
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the problem. The design allows stacks to be made easily, by a simple process. This is ideal for
the design that can be used by the S.T.A.R.T. facility because the simplicity means it can be
easily used and taught to the employees.
The problem with the design mentioned above is that a hopper system would need to be
included to render the stacking system improvement. Due to the size of the cardboard strips,
11x2x.25 inches, a hopper that would hold a considerable amount of cardboard strips that would
allow steady production would have to be of substantial size. This depending on S.T.A.R.T.’s
work space may cause a problem by consuming to large of area making it impractical in
S.T.A.R.T’s limited workspace for this project which is 15x8.
The Last component the design could include is a clamping device. Since one of the
largest problems in production is the holding of the cardboard in place, a clamp may be put in
place to hold the stack steady in a jig while being bound. The clamp would resemble something
that is used in presses, with a handle the must be pulled down to lock in place until released. A
shirt press like seen in figure 5 below contains a sample clamp that would apply pressure on the
stack in the jig.
Figure 5: Shirt Press [10]
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The biggest considerations for the design are as follows. First, is ease of use? Since the
competition is focus on simplicity, but more importantly the S.T. A.R.T. facility is focused
toward providing jobs that mental disabled employees can accomplish. So the easier the design
can be taught and used the more useful the final product will be. The second thing is the cost of
the design. Since S.T.A.R.T. has limited funding the cost of the system must not place them in a
finical burden. Ultimately these constraints will determine which of the above options for design
will be able to be included in an effective manner.
Project Description
Team 75’s objective is to create a device that will assist the racking, holding, and banding
of cardboard bumpers. The basis of this design is to create a base racking system. As the operator
fills this racking system, three LED indicators will give insight on how full the jig is. The LED’s
will light up as the sensors, controlled by a microcontroller, indicate capacity. The first LED will
allow the user to know the jig is not filled full, but is actively powered. The second will tell the
operator the jig is at proper capacity (15 cardboard slivers). The last will tell the operator the jig
is over capacity. Once the jig is properly filled, a swing clamp will come down and apply
pressure to the bunch. Once this is done, the operator can then band the bumper and production
is complete. By speeding the counting process and assisting with holding while banding, the
operator will be able to speed production time and will also see an ease in doing so. The
organization of this jig is seen in the following flow chart:
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Overflow LED
Fill LED
Underflow LED
Electrical System
AC to DC Power
Arduino Uno
Fill Sensor
Banding System
Overflow Sensor
Ventilation and
Table 1: Block Diagram
Currently, the process is done completely by hand. Therefore, any implementation of
assistance will increase production. Overall, we are hoping to increase production from 1200
units to 4000+ allowing not only an order increase, but an increase in salary for the operators.
Currently, they are paid on a by-piece basis. So, if we are able to speed units produced, we will
also be able to help the operator make more during a shift.
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Project Organization
Project Manager:
Jordan John (ME)
3-D Rendering/Material
Selection/Racking System
John Hughey (CpE)
Mapping and Integration
Linden Eason (EE)
Ben Blair
Electrical Wiring and
Integration/Harness Wiring
and Integration
Material Selection/Clamping
Table 2: Organizational Chart
Design Basis
Request for Proposal
SEC RFP Project Definition
SEC RFP List of Deliverables
Draft Proposal
Final Proposal*
End of Proposal Memo
Progress Report
Design Report
Notebooks and End of Project Memo
Table 3: Basis of Design (Please see appendix B for home documents)
*Final Proposal overrules any statements made in the draft proposal
Scope of Work
List of Deliverables as Required
Literature Review
Technical description of all work done for every solution
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Equipment, component, and materials take-off lists and costs for each solution
Technical Drawings
Selected solution with Pugh chart
Technical description of recommended system and how it works
Summary of lab tests and analysis performed relevant to solution
Complete specification including all drawings necessary for production and installation
as well as repair
Complete list of components and signal processes
Table of performance data
Technical list of problems and limitations derived during design and testing
Analysis of electromagnetic compatibility including coding
Fault analysis
Technical Manual
Users Guide
Conclusion and recommendation section
Estimated cost of production
Timeline to construct, build, or manufacture
Subsystem Designs
Clamping System
Summary of Components
Clamping device
Pressure applying plate
Jig Mounting Unit
List of Deliverables
Clamping Prototype
Analysis of maximum force needed on handle
Analysis of mechanical advantage
Analysis of minimum pressure needed for plate clamping
3-D Renderings
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Due to the current problem that S.T.A.R.T. has with holding the bumper stacks while
taping them together, the use of a clamp will be included in the design. The clamp’s purpose is to
apply pressure to the stack so that it the stack will be firmly held in place in the jig.
The clamp doesn’t not need to apply a lot of force, only enough to keep the stack solid
seated in the jig. The clamp will resemble that of a shirt press machine. It will have a handle that
extends forward that the employee will be able to pull down with minimal force to apply the
pressure of the clamp. The clamp will be composed of a four bar mechanism which when the
force of the lever is applied the four bar mechanism will move until weigh is over center causing
the mechanism to lock in place. To release the mechanism the level will need to be lifted to
allow the center of mass to return to its original position. The length of the handle will be
determined to allow the greatest mechanical advantage so it will be user friendly to the people
who will use it on an everyday basis.
Racking System
Summary of Components
Rack Jig
Racking Plate Assembly
Sensor Housing
List of Deliverables
Racking Prototype
Analysis of proper sensor placement
Analysis of maximum force applied on supports
Analysis of tolerance through system
Analysis of clamping attachment placement
3-D Renderings
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The basis of the rack design will be a support set with a plate assembly mounted on the
inside of the supports. Along the back support, the clamping device will be mounted. First, for an
ease of visualization, please refer to appendix C. Appendix C has drawings that show the
proposed design on a drafted model.
The supports of the racking system will be made from steel rectangular tubes. The left
and right will be identical with drilled holes through the body of each to mount the plate
assembly. The back tube will be longer to allow the clamping device to be attached. As
proposed, the left, right, and back tubes will be cut to 12”, 12”, and 14” respectively. Again, this
is just a drafted model and said measurements can change.
Figure 6: Supports
Next, the rack assembly will be mounted within the thresholds of the supports. This is
where the operator will put the cardboard slivers into the rack allowing the operator to work
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hands free during this process. The plate will be cut to 11.5” W by 2” deep. The height of the
rack will be anywhere from 4.5” to 6.5” depending on the final design.
Figure 7: Racking Plate
The rack will also be home to the clamping assembly. As seen in the appendices, a
proposed clamping assembly will attach to the rear support shaft and swing downwards into the
rack allowing pressure to be applied to the stack of cardboard slivers. This design will have to be
prototyped once force analysis is done on the clamping system.
Finally, the sensor placement has yet to be determined. Because of the nature of sensors
and how they react to different reflections of materials, direct sensor placement will derive from
adequate testing and analysis allowing for the precise placement.
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All subassemblies of the rack system will be attached with fasteners of 1/4” diameter and
varying lengths. Some will be direct carriage style bolts; some will be counter bored screws
allowing for flush design. The assembly will appear similar to the following:
Figure 8: Draft Assembly
Power Source
Summary of Components
 Power Source
List of Deliverables
Functioning power source
Analysis of output power
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The most important item to complete the electrical sub-system is the power source. The
microcontroller can be operated within a power range of six volts to twenty volts but operates
optimally between seven volts and twelve volts and uses a wall power adapter. The wall power
adapter chosen to power the selected microcontroller has an output of nine volts.
Summary of Components
 Microcontroller
List of Deliverables
Working prototype
Documented C code structure
The individual inputs from the sensors will need to be processed in order for the correct
LED to light up. While this could be done using a physical circuit, the amount of data
transmitted by the sensors that would then need to be transmitted to the LEDs makes using a
physical circuit a poor option. Since power is required to operate the sensors and LEDs, it is a
small step to incorporate a microcontroller into the design. The microcontroller that fits our
design the based is part of the Arduino series of microcontrollers. These microcontrollers are
based on an open source platform that allows for easy development. The wiring diagram for the
sensors we plan to use is as follows (Also in appendix D):
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Figure 9: Microcontroller Wiring Diagram [11]
To connect the LEDs to the microcontroller, it will be necessary to use a 330 Ohm
resistor in series with each LED to prevent them from burning out. The microcontroller will need
to be programmed to handle the sensor inputs and convert them into the proper outputs for the
LED indicators. Arduino microcontrollers can be programmed in C, which is fortunately one of
the most wide-spread programming languages. The C language is very versatile, which is
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fortunate since it allows the programmer to develop custom functions through which to run
inputs and outputs. This allows the code for the microcontroller to be minimal.
Summary of Components
 IR Photosensors
List of Deliverables
 Report of sensor placement on the jig
 Report of sensor placement angles
 Functional prototype
 Analysis of sensor accuracy
Figure 10: Sensor Placement Diagram
Based on the project design, two sensors are needed. The term “sensor(s)” as used in this
subsection refers to both parts of the sensor unit, the emitter and the receiver. The first sensor
will be placed 4.25 inches above the base of the jig. This sensor will return a “low” value when it
detects under-fill and return a “high” value when the jig is full, indicating the correct number of
cardboard strips have been inserted. The second sensor will be placed .25 inches above the
under-fill sensor, and will be utilized to prevent over-fill of the jig, returning a “high” value
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when the jig is not over-filled and a “low” value when the jig is over-filled. The over-fill
indicator is necessary in the event that an employee loads too many strips into the jig, going over
the specified amount of cardboard strips. This can easily happen due to the need for an increased
production rate of nearly four hundred percent as requested by the contract holder for the
cardboard bumper project (see appendix A). The biggest concern when selecting which sensor to
utilize is the range which the sensor produces accurate measurements. Another concern when
selecting the sensor is the level of background noise produced by ambient light. In order to
produce a final product that maximizes cost effectiveness and fits within size specifications,
photo sensors that work off the infrared spectrum of light will be implemented. The sensor works
based on an LED that sends infrared light into the jig that will then be reflected into the photo
sensor when the cardboard strips reach the required height.
Indicator LEDs
Summary of Components:
Green LED (power on)
Red LED (capacity)
Yellow LED (over capacity)
List of Deliverables:
 Analysis of viewing placement of LEDs
 Analysis of LED placement on rack
 Analysis LEDs colors and brightness
 Functioning indicator system
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Figure 11: Sample LED
Once the photo sensors are inserted in the proper place, the use of red-green-blue light
emitting diodes (RGB LEDs) will be used to indicate the states of the cardboard strips placed in
the jig. A system of three LEDs will be used to specify if the jig has enough cardboard strips to
continue with the binding process. The first of the three LEDs will light up green and stay lit
most of the time to inform the employee operating the jig to keep inserting material. The second
LED will light up red once the jig is filled to correct height which in this design is measure at
4.25 inches. The third and final LED will light up yellow as fail safe to notify the operator that
the machine is over-filled which will be measured at 4.5 inches and strips must be removed until
the second LED displays the color red. Although one RGB LED is able to produce multiple
colors, the decision to go with three separate diodes was to take into account any employees that
may have problems distinguishing color. Therefore, the LEDs will be placed in an adjacent
vertical position so that the LEDs can mimic the fill process with the bottom light meaning fill,
the middle light meaning stop and the top light meaning over fill. This is shown below:
Figure 12: LED Setup
29 | P a g e
Ventilation and Filter
Summary of Components:
Exhaust Vents
List of Deliverables:
 Diagram of electrical sub-system placement
 Analysis of filters efficiency
 Analysis of airflow and operating temperatures
 Analysis of exhaust vent placement
 Functioning cooling and protective layout
The other electrical sub-systems will need to be enclosed within a case to protect them
from any damage due to the working environment. The goal is to make this case rugged and
breathable with a light weight material. The design include two exhaust vents and a fan that will
be used to give the parts better air flow and keep internal temperature to a minimum. One of the
exhaust vents will be placed facing away from the jig while the other facing the side as intake. A
filter will be placed inside of the exhaust vent for intake to prevent any dust entering the case and
causing damage to the parts inside. The type of fan, filter and even vent placement has not been
completely determined until we have complete analysis of airflow and the operating
temperatures produced by the other electrical sub-systems.
Training Aids
Summary of Compononents:
 Training media for employees
 Training Manuals
List of Deliverables:
 Training media for employees
 Documentation of all subsystems for START to use if maintenance is needed
30 | P a g e
In order for both current and future employees of the START facility to use the prototype,
training materials will need to be designed. The directors of the facility will need to be
interviewed to determine the most effective training materials currently in use at the facility so
that the materials provided for this product are as effective as possible. Possible training
mediums include training videos, training manuals, and posters with helpful reminders.
Regardless of the medium used, the training materials will provide a step-by-step walkthrough of
the operation of the jig. A manual will also be provided to the directors of the START facility in
order for them to have full documentation of the components used. Included in this manual will
be instructions for basic maintenance.
Material Selection
Material type
AISI 1020
Al 2024
Al 5052
Yield strength
Cost $/ton
Overall rating
Table 4: Material Selection Matrix
From this material selection matrix, we can see that a steel subsidiary is the best choice
for cost effectiveness in this application.
Action Item List
Arrange Meeting with
Email START, get
detailed production
21 - Sept.
27 - Sept.
21 - Sept.
27 - Sept.
21 - Sept.
29 - Sept.
31 | P a g e
3-D Rendering of
Contact START about
necessary safety
Additional NISH Safety
Norms and
Begin Researching
feedback for lit. review
Begin Researching
sensor feedback/LED
indicators for lit. review
Begin Researching
Racking System for lit.
Begin Researching
Banding System for lit.
NISH Deadlines
Compile Lit. Review
Arrange Meeting with
Dave Allabastro
Start Working on
Design Specifications
Discuss sensor
specifics with Dave
Start Working on Block
Diagram (mechanical
Start Working on Block
Diagram (electrical
Draft Schedule
Begin Proposal Draft
Meet with START to
review workstation
Start Designing a
feeder system
Start Designing a
hopper system
Look into pricing
options for photosensors and
Finalize Mechanical
Finalize Electrical
21 - Sept.
29 - Sept.
21 - Sept.
29 - Sept.
21 - Sept.
29 - Sept.
21 - Sept.
29 - Sept.
21 - Sept.
29 - Sept.
21 - Sept.
4- Oct.
21 - Sept.
4- Oct.
21 - Sept.
4- Oct.
21 - Sept.
4- Oct.
21 - Sept.
4 - Oct.
4 - Oct.
6 - Oct.
4 - Oct.
6 - Oct.
6 - Oct.
13 - Oct.
12 - Oct.
13 - Oct.
12 - Oct.
17 - Oct.
12 - Oct.
17 - Oct.
18 - Oct.
18 - Oct.
27 - Oct.
11 - Nov.
18 - Oct.
24 - Oct.
18 - Oct.
25 - Oct.
18 - Oct.
25 - Oct.
18 - Oct.
25 - Oct.
25 - Oct.
27 - Oct.
25 - Oct.
27 - Oct.
32 | P a g e
Proposal Scheduling
Revise Lit. Review
3-D Rendering
Jig Subsystem
Clamping Subsystem
Electrical Subsystem
Sensor Subsystem
25 - Oct.
27 - Oct.
25 - Oct.
1 - Nov.
25 - Oct.
2 - Nov.
2 - Nov.
2 - Nov.
2 - Nov.
2 - Nov.
2 - Nov.
4 - Nov.
4 - Nov.
4 - Nov.
4 - Nov.
4 - Nov.
Table 5: Action Item List
Proposed Spring 2012 Schedule
Project #: F11-75-NISH
AC Power Source
17-Jan-11 24-Jan-11 31-Jan-11 7-Feb-11 14-Feb-11 21-Feb-11 28-Feb-11 6-Mar-11 13-Mar-11 20-Mar-11 27-Mar-11 3-Apr-11 10-Apr-11 17-Apr-11 24-Apr-11 1-May-11
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16
Hopper Feed
Infared Sensor Programming
Alignment Mechanism
Microprosessor Programming
Alignment Mechanism
Indicator LED's
Clamping Mechanism
Banding Mechanism
Prototype Build/Assembly
Prototype Test 1
Prototype Test 2
Intruction Manual
Written Progress Report
NISH Ability One Report Drafting
NISH Ability One Report
Mechanical Subsystem Report Drafting
Electrical Subsystem Report Drafting
SEC Design Report
Final Presentations
Team Evals and Course Assessment
End of Project Memo
Table 6: Proposed Schedule
33 | P a g e
Resources Needed
Quantity Individual Price Overall Price Subtotal (w/on hand) Subtotal (w/o on hand)
AutoDesk Inventor Software
On Hand
MEEP Machine Shop Work
5 hours
On Hand
Misc. Costs
Arduino Uno
AC Adapter
Optical Phototransistor (QRD1114)
T1-3/4 (5mm) Multicolor RGB LED with White Diffused Lens
CanaKit 1/4W Resistor Kit
Wire (6 colors)
60 foot $0.1-0 per foot
Electrical Costs
Steel Plate (48"x48" 1/4"thickness)
Steel Rectangular Shaft (2"x2" 1/4"thickness)
$0.54 per inch
Pins for Clamp (1/2" diameter)
Steel Clamp arms
Neoprene Handle
Misc. Bolts
Mechanical Costs
Table 7: Resources Needed
List of Analyses
 Durability Analysis
 Reliability Analysis
 Prototype Implementation for Analysis
 Employee Strength Test
 Motion Capture for Production Rates
Analysis of maximum force needed on handle
Analysis of mechanical advantage
Analysis of minimum pressure needed for plate clamping
Analysis of proper sensor placement
Analysis of maximum force applied on supports
Analysis of tolerance through system
Analysis of clamping attachment placement
Wear and fatigue testing
 Analysis of output power
 Coding revision and testing
 Analysis of proper housing placement on jig
 Analysis of sensor accuracy
34 | P a g e
Analysis of viewing placement of LEDs
Analysis of LED placement on rack
Analysis LEDs colors and brightness
Analysis of filters efficiency
Analysis of airflow and operating temperatures
Analysis of exhaust vent placement
35 | P a g e
Works Cited
1. Dictionary.com, "handicap," in The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary.
Source location: Houghton Mifflin Company.
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/handicap. [Oct 5, 2011]
2. American Fact Finder, U.S. Census Bureau, [Oct 2, 2011]
3. “About NISH.” Internet: http://www.nish.org/NISH/ [Oct 5, 2011]
4. AbilityOne Network Fact Sheet [Oct 4, 2011]
5. “Judging Criteria.” [Oct 5, 2011] http://www.instituteforempowerment.org/designchallenge/judging-criteria
6. Specialized Training for Adult Rehabilitation. [Oct 3, 2011]
7. Better Packages, Inc. “Better Pack® 333 Plus water-activated paper tape dispenser.” 2008.
[Oct 5, 2011] http://www.betterpackages.com/products/dispensers/manual/bp333plus.shtml,
8. Seattle Robotics Society [Oct 4, 2011] http://www.seattlerobotics.org/guide/infrared.html
9. R.A. McIntosh, R. G. Bernier, D. A. Estabrooks. “Stacking System for Fanfold Paper and
The Like,” U.S Patent 4,226,410, Oct. 7, 1980.
10. Powerpress, Inc. “15 X15 Digital High Press Sublimation Clamp Shell
T Shirt Heat Press Transfer Screen Printing Machine.” 2010 [Nov 4 2011]
11. Bildr.org. “Are we getting close? Proximity Sensors + Arduino” [Nov 7, 2011]
36 | P a g e
Appendix A
From: Carl Hartmann <carlhartmann1@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 12:25 PM
Subject: Re: NISH
To: John Hughey <jcwh129@siu.edu>
Good Morning,
We have recently purchased two new tape machines, which brings our total to 4. In full
production, if we have the cardboard cut, we can utilize two people per tape machine. We
currently have trouble getting the cardboard cut, so we are utilizing only three or four
clients per day. ( We have a large crate building operation which is utilizing our saws in
the woodshop for another 4 weeks. After that we should be able to cut enough cardboard
to utilize all of the tape machines.)
Presently per client, they are producing 80 - 90 bundles per day, per client. Presently we
are producing an average of 250 per day, or about 1200 per week. We are being told, that
the ideal production, per our customer , is 4,000 per week.
Hope this is helpful, please ask if you have other questions.
On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 11:15 AM, John Hughey <jcwh129@siu.edu> wrote:
Hi Carl,
This is John Hughey, the project manager from the NISH design team. For the purpose of our design we were
hoping you could provide us with the production figures for the carboard bumpers. When we first toured the
facility Kathy mentioned that the Aluminum Company had recently increased demands so we need to know
how many units they need per month and how many you are currently producing.
John Hughey
37 | P a g e
Saluki Engineering Company
Senior Engineering Design Center
College of Engineering – Mailcode 6603
Carbondale IL 62901-6603
618-453-7837, -7031, -7025
Appendix B
Request for Proposals (RFP)
9 September 2011
Subject: AbilityOne Network Design Challenge
Client: Institute for Economic Empowerment
Project Number: F11-75-NISH
Since the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 employers have been required to make
adjustments in the work environment to make reasonable accommodation those with disabilities. The purpose
of NISH goes beyond reasonable accommodation to a mission to create employment opportunities for people
with severe disabilities by securing federal contracts through the AbilityOne Program for its network of
community-based, nonprofit agencies. In keeping with this mission, the AbilityOne Network Design Challenge
was founded to encourage the development of creative technological solutions for barriers that prevent people
with disabilities from entering or advancing in the workplace.
Saluki Engineering Company, hereinafter SEC, has been appointed Architect-Engineer Coordinator for the
referenced study on behalf of Institute for Economic Empowerment, hereafter Client, to make an engineering
study of the referenced project.
SEC has divided the work into packages by engineering team capability and will coordinate the overall work.
SEC has sent this bid package to three competitive engineering teams, hereinafter Engineer, of equal capability
including your team. SEC is hereby requesting a proposal from Engineer for Client’s approval to do the
defined work. The timeline for this project will be as follows:
38 | P a g e
Saluki Engineering Company
Senior Engineering Design Center
College of Engineering – Mailcode 6603
Carbondale IL 62901-6603
618-453-7837, -7031, -7025
8 November 2011
Proposal FINAL draft due posted on website by 11AM. This proposal will be
evaluated for compensation (grade in the course).
8 November – 17 November 2011
First Design Reviews teams 70-77
29 Nov – 8 Dec 2011
Oral presentations of proposals 11:00-11:50 am in EGR A111
8 December 2011
Spiral bound hardcopy AND proposal posted to website with required
modifications, if any
17 January 2012
Phase II work begins.
23 February 2012
Progress Reports posted to web space by 1PM
19 April 2012
Design Reports (6 copies: 3-ring binder + 4CDs + Website) due at 1PM
24-26 April 2012
Demonstrations of projects E215 1PM
24-26 April 2012
Presentations of posters E215 1PM (may be required on an earlier date)
1-3 May 2012
Design oral presentations
Your proposal will receive conditional acceptance on 12 Dec 2011; you may have to make additional changes
in January after Management and Client review it and new data become available.
39 | P a g e
Saluki Engineering Company
SEC Request For Proposal Letter
9 September 2011
Project # F11-75-NISH
Page 40
Engineer will present the drawings, specifications, and explanatory text in a final Design Report together with
the capital cost estimate and schedule to construct, install, or manufacture the product.
One written and one oral progress report will be required during the design as indicated above. In addition, one to three
design review meetings will be required.
The proposal, which you will submit by noon according to the attached schedule, must include:
A cover and title page
A transmittal letter
An abstract or executive summary of 300 to 500 words
A non-disclosure statement
A table of contents
An introduction that indicates that you understand the study and why it is being undertaken.
A literature survey that lays out the following:
a. An introduction that outlines the content of the literature review
b. what is already known about projects of this type, including similar existing systems
c. what the required design procedures are
d. the relevant content of the applicable codes and standards
e. the relevant materials and components available on the market
f. a summary of how the reviewed literature relates to this project
8. An over all project description that indicates the subsystems and their relationships to each other, including
a site plan or block diagram to visually show how the subsystems are related, and how this system will be
different from existing systems
9. The design basis
10. For each subsystem,
a. a description of what each subsystem will be or do
b. a description of how each subsystem relates to the other subsystems, including references to the site
plan or block diagram to show the relationships,
c. a list of the elements which will define the subsystem design,
d. a list of deliverables, including all drawings, tables, lists, write-ups and other elements, that you can
now identify as probable parts of the Design Report you will submit at the completion of the project
e. a list of design activities required to produce the deliverables listed
11. A project organization chart indicating project manager and showing for each nominee: name, principal
area of responsibility, and discipline (ME, EE, or CpE);
12. An action item list that shows detailed action items for the first two weeks and significant action items for
weeks thereafter
13. Team timeline indicating major design activities and significant milestones in either
a. Excel or Word table,
b. Microsoft Project, or
c. other project tracking software package.
[Note that there is a lot of redundancy between 10e, 11, and 12. Be aware that self-consistency is one
item on which your proposal will be evaluated.]
40 | P a g e
Saluki Engineering Company
SEC Request For Proposal Letter
9 September 2011
Project # F11-75-NISH
Page 41
14. A list of all resources you will need including space, computers and specialized software required, and
including – for design and build projects – a list of all components that you can now anticipate needing and
their actual costs, or current location if they are to be borrowed
15. List of data analyses, experiments, and simulations to be performed
16. Description of what is to be built and demonstrated or software to be written and demonstrated
17. An appendix that includes
a. the resumes for all candidates for the team
b. copies of any communications your team has with Client, other companies, or individuals.
Any literature that your team requests that vendors send to the College of Engineering during the course of the
writing of this proposal will be addressed as follows:
A. Weston, F. Harackiewicz, or K. Purcell
College of Engineering – Mailcode 6603
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale IL 62901-6603
In addition, any information you request to be faxed should be sent to
A. Weston, F. Harackiewicz, or K. Purcell
FAX: 618-453-7455
Voice: 618-453-7837 (Weston), -7031 (Harackiewicz)
618-559-6190 (Purcell)
Please note: If any material that arrives is sent to YOUR name at the college, you will never see the material
because students are not known by name to the mailroom staff. Be sure to give SEC management a memo
indicating (1) what and from whom you ordered and (2) the SEC Reference Number of the team that is
to get it. This is to alert management to watch for your material and recognize it when it comes in.
Engineer will adjust the Scope of Work so that it is suitable for each of the engineers who will be working on the project.
If significant design components of the project must be omitted because of time or staff limitations, clearly identify them
in your proposal. Your final cost analysis must, in any event, account for them.
The attachments to this letter are listed below:
1. Client’s project definition
2. Design Report deliverables checklist
3. Spring 2012 tentative schedule
41 | P a g e
Saluki Engineering Company
SEC Request For Proposal Letter
9 September 2011
Project # F11-75-NISH
Page 42
SEC management looks forward to receiving your proposal. Engineer shall deliver the proposal to the SIU
Engineering College complex in Carbondale, Illinois, addressed to the attention of Dr. F. Harackiewicz and
Mrs. Purcell, SEC's Managers of ECE Projects or Dr. A. Weston, SEC’s Manager of ME Projects.
F J Harackiewicz
Manager of ECE Projects
42 | P a g e
Saluki Engineering Company
SEC Request For Proposal Letter
Attachment 1 - Project Definition
9 September 2011
Project # F11-75-NISH
Page 43
Client wants a device or a system that will solve a real workplace problem for at least one group of
severely handicapped workers.
The winning proposal for the device or system will have verifiable, quantified goals. The proposal will
describe technologies that have been used in the past as well as those currently being used to overcome
the problem. The functional description of the proposed device or system will include a statement of
how it is different from, and better than, what currently exists. The proposed schedule will allow for at
least three design-build-test-modify iterations. The proposal will incorporate all of the requirements for
a winning design.
The device or system itself will have complete documentation so that it may be reproduced for use with
others of similar handicap. The documentation will contain a thorough failure analysis and data from
validation and revalidation of the design with members of the group it will serve.
More information on the design challenge for 2011-2012 can be found here:
Challenge requirements can be found here:
For online registration go to:
For Judging criteria:
In case of a conflict between this RFP and Client's design requests, Client's design requests control. As
new data become available, Client may give Engineer additional data and criteria that Engineer will
incorporate into the design.
43 | P a g e
Saluki Engineering Company
9 September 2011
SEC Request For Proposal Letter
Attachment 2 - Design Report Deliverables Checklist
Project # F11-75-NISH
Page 44
The proposal Engineer submits will indicate that these items will be included in the Design Report (not the
A literature review relevant to the design submitted (not a copy of the literature review in this
A complete technical description and the results of all work done for all solution options studied
Equipment, component, materials take-off lists and costs for each solution studied
Engineering drawings defining the solutions
A recommended solution and a detailed justification for the choice recommended or implemented,
including a Pugh chart or some similar matrix comparison chart that is discussed in the text
A complete technical description of the recommended system and how it works
Incorporate into descriptions a summary and the significance of any laboratory work, computer
simulations, or mathematical analysis performed.
A complete engineering specification for the system including all engineering drawings necessary
for construction, manufacture, or installation and maintenance and repair
A complete list of the components and signals in the process, and a list of the ones that are included
in the model, if any, with the corresponding part of the model identified
Tables of performance data – individual subsystem and overall – expected and, for the part that was
built, achieved
Identification of the important technical problems and limitations encountered during design,
construction and debugging, e.g., time, accuracy of results, reproducibility of results, limitations on
An analysis of electromagnetic compatibility issues and changes necessary in the design to meet EMC
code specifications
A fault analysis of the recommended system, including identification of all faults that could
occur, a technical solution to eliminate their consequences, and the cost for incorporating the
For the working model, Technical Manual that includes a technical description of both the
hardware and the software, together with, but not limited to: appropriate hardware engineering
drawings and component lists; software flowcharts, listings, and disks; and instructions for
construction, maintenance, trouble shooting, and modification
If a prototype of the device was built, User's Guide for the individual using the prototype, including
both instructions on how to connect and use the hardware, how to set up and use the software, what
performance can be expected, and what limitations the prototype has
A conclusion and recommendations section that
a. summarizes the performance,
b. includes recommendations for improvement, enhancement, and manufacture, and
c. discusses the economic, societal, environmental, manufacturability, health, and safety issues
related to this project if it is implemented
An estimate of the amount of capital required to construct, build, manufacture, or install the
designed system, whichever is appropriate
A timeline schedule to construct, build, manufacture, or install the designed system, whichever is
44 | P a g e
Saluki Engineering Company
9 September 2011
Project # F11-75-NISH
SEC Request For Proposal Letter
Page 45
Attachment 2 - Design Report Deliverables Checklist
19. In an appendix:
a. the actual itemized cost to construct the prototype, including costs of ruined components and
components for options not included in the prototype
b. any calculations, spreadsheets, computer simulation results, or other data that should be a part of
the report but is too numerous or too bulky to be included in the report itself, this material will
be be referenced and summarized in tables in the report,
c. formal laboratory reports for all laboratory work performed with the results referenced and
summarized in the report, and
d. for projects NOT having a working prototype with a Technical Manual, a listing of any software
developed as a part of the project.
45 | P a g e
Appendix C
46 | P a g e
47 | P a g e
48 | P a g e
Appendix D
49 | P a g e
Benjamin W. Blair
13536 Mary’s Creek Rd.
Sparta, IL 62286
(618) 317-1926
Seeking full time employment in the mechanical engineering field.
Southern Illinois University
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical
Engineering, May 2012
Related Coursework:
Mechanical Design
Heat Transfer
Engineering Economics
Carbondale, IL
GPA: 3.58/4.00
Fluid Mechanics
Internal Combustion Engines
Computer-Aided Drawing
Material Selection
Farmhand, Blair Farms Inc.
Operated and maintained mechanical equipment, obtaining
understanding of how different machines work.
Assistant, Sparta Animal Clinic
Performed office duties, building skills filing paperwork and
improving my customer interaction.
Computer Skills: Microsoft Office, AutoCAD, C++, MATLAB
Academic Scholarship, SIUC, 2008-2010
Volunteer Track and Field Coach, Sparta High School, 2010-2011
Volunteer Math Team Coach, Sparta High School, 2010
50 | P a g e
Contact info
905 East Park Street Apt D5
Carbondale, IL 62901
(815) 519-3741
To seek an internship position with a company requiring me to utilize my
technical abilities and further develop my engineering knowledge.
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Major: Electrical And Computer Engineering
Cumulative GPA: 3.0/4.0 Major GPA: 3.3/4.0
Expected Graduate Graduation: Fall 2012
Minor: Mathematics
Rock Valley College A.A.
Cumulative GPA: 3.0/4.0
Southern Illinois University Carbondale - Teacher’s Assistant
 Provided students with diverse ways to approach technical
 Graded all of the class assignments
Foot Locker Inc. – Champs Sports Sales Representative
 Worked to provide customers with the best customer care
 Helped organize and monitor inventory
The Kroger Co. – Hilander Foods Gas Clerk & Deli Worker
2. Managed the gas clerk area
3. Managed deli area
MATLAB simulink
Visual Studio, C++
Microsoft Office Suite
ACT preparation program
-Helped to develop students test taking skills
Engineering Day SIUC
-Hovercraft demonstration
Erma Hayes Center
-Served as a mentor for children at the Erma Hayes Center
Adopt a Spot NSBE
-Helped to clean excess garbage off a stretch of road
Dean’s List
Awarded Smart Grant
Awarded Minority Engineering Program Scholarship
Honors and
National Society of Black Engineers member SIUC
-Helped in the organization of volunteer work, fundraising and
- Serve as one of the chapter’s senators
Fall 2011-present
March 2006 –
September 2007
May 2005 –
December 2005
Fall 2006-present
Fall 2008
Fall 09-Spring 11
Fall 2011-Spring
Fall 2011-present
51 | P a g e
John C. Hughey
Permanent Address:
College Address:
102 DLK Drive
221 Bailey Hall
Anna, IL 62906
1225 Point Drive
Carbondale, IL 62901
Objective: A career in computer engineering.
Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC), Carbondale, Illinois
August 2007 - Present
Course work toward Bachelors of Science in Computer Engineering with a Minor in Management
GPA: 3.0/4.0
Relevant Coursework
Digital Circuit Design
Intro to Software Engineering
Verilog and VHDL Synthesis
Resident Assistant, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
August 2009-Present
Help Residents with both academic and personal issues.
Provide programming and other services to help improve the college experience.
Help achieve the mission and vision of SIUC University Housing.
Cook/Delivery Driver, Pizza Hut Inc.
August 2006 – August 2008
Help satisfy customer complaints.
Microsoft Office Suite: Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Awards & Honors
College of Engineering Scholarship
Fall 2008 – Spring 2010
Dean’s List, SIUC
Spring 2007 – Fall 2008
Residence Halls of Horror – Director, Room Coordinator
Fall 2009 – Fall 2011
Thompson Point Executive Council (TPEC) – Vice President
Fall 2008 – Spring 2009
SIUC Leadership Council
Fall 2007 – Spring 2008
52 | P a g e
Jordan John
Permanent Address
13132 Fenwick Street
Fishers, IN 46037
Cell: 618-303-0975
Email: jjohn89@siu.edu
School Address (Until 5/15/2012)
900 S. Elizabeth Street
Apartment #3
Carbondale, IL 62901
An entry level position in Mechanical Engineering beginning May 2012.
Excellent written and oral communication skills
Numerous leadership experiences
Works well in a team or an independent setting
Southern Illinois University; Carbondale, Illinois
Carbondale, Illinois 62901
Pursuing Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering
Pursuing Minor in Mathematics
Projected Graduation Date: Spring 2012
GPA: 3.19/4.00
Specialized  CAD/CAM
 Energy in Society
 Energy Systems and Management
 Material Science
 Material Selection for Design
 Pneumatic/Hydraulic Design
Boeing Integrated Defense Systems Externship - Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System
(JHMCS) integration for F-15’s and F/A 18’s; St. Louis, MO (March 2011)
Assistant; SIUC University Housing (August 2009-May 2010)
SIUC College of Engineering Peer Mentor; SIUC University Housing (August 2008-May
Vacuum Flask Drinking Apparatus (Spring 2011)
 Individualized design of flask with in depth material selection based on
Thermos® technology
“A Renewable Home”: A Project on Sustainability and Renewable Energy Sources
for the Modern Home (Spring 2009)
 Project Manager
 Research and development of a completely self-sustained living unit complete
with energy flow analysis and renewable energy systems design
SIUC Dean’s List and College of Engineering Honor Roll (Fall 2007, Summer 2009)
Two time recipient of the Highway District #9 Engineering Scholarship (Fall 2008, Fall 2009)
Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity 2008-2009 “Brother of the Year”
Order of Omega Honor Society (April 2010-Present)
Golden Key Honor Society (October 2008-Present)
Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society (May 2008-Present)
Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity (May 2008-Present)
 President (November 2009-November 2010)
 Vice-President (November 2010-April 2010)
53 | P a g e