1 The Role of People’s Business Credit in Improving Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) Performance in Makassar, Indonesia Musran Munizu Department of Management, Economics Faculty, Hasanuddin University Jln. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar – Indonesia 90245 e-mail: m3.feunhas@gmail.com Abstract The purpose of this paper is to describe the business performance of micro and small enterprises (MSEs) after receiving funding assistance through People's Business Credit Programs. To know the difference of business performance of micro and small enterprises before and after getting funding assistance through People's Business Credit Program. Purposive sampling method is used in the survey. There are 128 respondents which involved in the study. The data is analyzed by both Descriptive Statistics and Sign Test Analysis, Thus, data processing is performed by IBM SPSS 21 for Windows. The results show that overall indicators of the business performance of MSEs has increased after getting capital assistance from People's Business Credit Program Business performance of MSEs before and after getting loan assistance are significantly different. Capital aid in terms of aspects of the program as well as the business aspect have been effective. Keywords: capital assistance, People's Business Credit Programs, business performance, micro and small enterprises (MSEs) 1. Introduction Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) have an important and strategic role in the national economy. Based on data from the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, the number of MSEs recorded 42.39 million units or 99.7% of all business units. Investment in MSEs sector can create more jobs than the same investment in both medium and large enterprises. Then, employment on Micro and Small Enterprises has the greatest proportion of comparison with Medium and Large Enterprises which amounted to 91.4% of the total enterprises (SMEs Statistics, 2009). Tambunan (2005) confirms that micro and small enterprises play an important role in the Indonesian economy. Contribution from the business to gross domestic product (GDP) showed an increase every year. Besides its potential as a driver of 1 2 export growth, particularly in the manufacturing industry. In addition, The World Bank (2005) reports that MSEs are flexible and can more easily adapt to the ebb and flow of market demands. They also generate jobs more rapidly than any other businesses, are highly diversified and contribute to exports and trade. They are therefore critical to the development of a competitive economy. Due to the important role of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs), the government in 2008 to strengthen the business capital of MSEs through People's Business Credit Programs which is distributed by banking institutions in Indonesia. Therefore, government expect assistance through the program can improve micro and small business performance in the future. Based on empirical data, one of fundamental problems that hinder development of small and medium business performance is lack of access of MSEs to banking institution or financial institution (Munizu, 2010). People's Business Credit is a credit or financing of working capital or investment in the business to SMEs productive and feasible but not yet bankable which is partially guaranteed by the guarantee company (SMEs Statistic, 2009). According to McCommick et al. (1997), there are three conditions for the development of micro and small enterprises i.e.: (1) the conditions relate to the employer such as, the skills and attitudes; (2) the conditions relate to the company namely, capital structure and corporate culture; and (3) the conditions relate to the environment, namely strategy choice. Then, Craig and King (1988) state that the characteristics of the business owner are fundamental factors that determine micro and small business performance. Furthermore, the characteristics of environment can affect both the market share and the growth of business performance. Miller and Toulouse (1986) stated that the most important factor in determining the growth of SMEs are sector, location, and regional. These factors relate to different sectors, location, and regional have different growth. Tambunan (2005) reveals that aspects of the strengths and weaknesses of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) as follows: 1. The human factor which is consisted of strong motivation, labor supply, work ethic, work productivity, and quality of labour. 2. Economic factors which is included raw materials, access to financial resources, economic value, and market segmentation. 2 3 Research on the performance of micro and small enterprises have been carried out in previous studies. Susilo et al. (2008) reviewed the problem of small industry performance in Bantul, Yogyakarta. The survey was conducted on 100 entrepreneurs. Results of the study explained that the main problem faced by entrepreneurs is the inability to meet financial obligations and capital limitations. Another problem is the decline in the production and marketing of products. Then, Masakure et al. (2009) to test the financial performance of microenterprises in Ghana by applying the resourcebased theory of the firm. Specifically, it is tested that if firm specific resources dominate sector and market-wide effects in explaining microenterprise performance, as suggested by the resource-based theory. The result shows some findings i.e.: the enterprises operating more months of the year attain greater profits, even after controlling for selectivity by enterprise that chooses to operate only when sales are good. The performance of enterprises that use household labour and apprentices is no different to enterprises that do not use such labour, suggesting little or no return in terms of profitability. Finally, there are no significant returns to capital assets among the firms. Setiawan and Rejekiningsih (2009) found that capital loan assistance for SMEs can increase the amount of labor, capital, sales turnover and profits. Of the four these variables, the increase in employment has the greatest difference between before and after receiving capital assistance. Futhermore, Munizu (2010) examines the factors that affect the performance of SMEs. Research results show three important findings namely: (1) External factors which consist of governmental policy, social economics and culture, and related institute role aspect have significantly and positive effect to internal factors of small and micro business. (2) External factors which consist of governmental policy, social economics and culture, and related institute role aspect have significantly and positive effect to small and micro business performance. (3) Internal factors which consists of human resource, financial, technique production and operation, and market or marketing aspect have significantly and positive effect to small and micro business performance. Unlike some previous studies, which has focused on primarily on the internal and external factors that may be determine business performance of micro and small enterprises. This study is based on the literature review we have done, especially 3 4 related to the growth rate of businsess performace of micro and small enterprises before and after receive the capital aid from government. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to describe the performance of micro and small enterprises after receiving funding assistance through People's Business Credit Programs. To know the difference of business performance of micro and small enterprises before and after getting funding assistance through People's Business Credit Program. 2. Conceptual Framework and Hypotheses There were many definitions about micro and small enterprises. According to Central Bureau of Statistics (2008) micro enterprises are businesses with workforce 1 to 4 people while small enterprises are defined as businesses that have a workforce of 5 to 19 people. Then, The World Bank defines small business or small enterprises, with the following criteria i.e.: number of employees less than 30 people; yearly income does not exceed $ 3 million; and total assets do not exceed $ 3 million (The World Bank, 2005). Micro Business is a productive enterprise which owned by individuals and/or the individual entities that meet the criteria such as its maximum asset 50 million, and sales total is maximum 300 million annually. In addition, small business is a productive economic activities which is done by an individual or entity business that is not a subsidiary or not subsidiary companies owned, controlled, or be part either directly or indirectly from the medium or large businesses that meet the criteria like its asset more than 50 to 500 million, and sales total more than 300 million to 2.5 bilion annually (UU No. 20/2008). In general, the performance of the company is a measure of the success and growth of a company. There are severals criteria in assessing a business's performance is presented in the literature. Such criteria include both financial and non financial performance. Different criteria in measuring the business performance of SMEs depends on the purpose of each studies. Hadjimonalis and Dickson (2000) using sales growth rate, employment growth, Return on assets (ROA), market share, dan size as indicator in measuring business performance. The researchers recommend that sales growth, employment growth, 4 5 revenue growth and market share growth as important measurement of SMEs performance (Kim and Choi, 1994; Miles et al., 2000). Based on review of literature, the conceptual framework of the study may be presented in the following figure. Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) People’s Business Credit Program for MSEs Business Performance of MSEs: 1. Sales volume 2. Asset Total 3. Workforce total 4. Customer volume 5. Marketing area 6. Method of work - Descriptive Statistic - Sign Test Analysis Results and Program Recommendation Figure 1. Conceptual Framework In accordance with the the literature review and conceptual framework, hypotheses of this research can be formulate as follows: “there is a significant difference of performance of micro and small enterprises before and after get funding assistance through People's Business Credit Program. 3. Research Method This study use quantitative approach. The unit of analysis is micro and small enterprises (MSEs). Respondents are owners or managers. The data of the micro and small enterprises is obtained from the Statistical Bureau Center of Makassar and Department of Cooperatives and Small Medium Enterprises of Makassar. Population of the study have criteria i.e.: (1) the owners of micro and small enterprises, and (2) they have to be debiturs of People's Business Credit at National Bank of Indonesia 5 6 (BNI) and People Bank of Indonesia (BRI) for three years. Purposive sampling method is used in the survey. There are 128 respondents which involved in the study. Variable of business performance is devided by two aspects namely procedure aspect, and business aspect. Procedure aspect is relate to mechanism of program while business aspect describes the changing on business performance of micro and small enterprises after get funding assistance through People's Business Credit Program. The indicator is used for measuring business performance variables are sales volume, total asset, total of workforce, customer volume, marketing area, and technology or method. According to the research objectives, the data is analyzed by both Descriptive Statistics and Sign Test Analysis (Hair et al., 1998; Sekaran, 2003; Sugiyono, 2008). Furthermore, data processing is performed by IBM SPSS 21 for Windows. 4. Results and Discussion Respondents of this study have quite different characteristics. Diversity could be seen from the personal data of respondents which is consists of age, sex, ethnic, and business experience. Completely description can be seen in the following table. Table 1. Repondent Profile No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Description Age : under 21 years 21 to 30 years 31 to 40 years 41 to 50 years more than 50 years Total Sex : Male Female Total Ethnic: Bugis Makassar Java Total Business Experience: 1 to 2 years 3 to 4 years 5 to 6 years Frequency Percentage (%) 0 24 60 28 16 128 0.00 18.75 46.88 21.88 12.50 100.00 76 52 128 59.38 40.63 100.00 112 12 4 128 87.50 9.39 3.13 100.00 24 40 12 18.75 31.25 9.38 6 7 more than 6 years Total 52 128 40.63 100.00 Source: Data processed, 2013 The table shows that most of respondents in productive age category namely, 31 to 40 years old (46.8%). Male respondent greater than female (59.3%). Bugese ethnic is dominant respondents (87.5%) while the respondents from Makassar and Java tribe only 12.5%. Generally, respondents have a long time experience of doing business with a range of over 6 years (40.63%) and 3 to 4 years (31.25%), while the rest are respondents who has been in the business for 1 to 2 years (18.75%) and 5 to 6 years (9.38%) Further more, status of the loan includes the total of credit, banks institution, and comformity of the program. Completely, description about the status of loan is given on the following table. Table 2. Status of The Loan No. 1. 2. 3. Description Credit Total (million) : 5 to 10 11 to 20 21 to 30 more than 30 Total Bank Institution: People Bank of Indonesia (BRI) National Bank of Indonesia (BNI) Total Conformity of the program: appropriate not appropriate Total Frequency Percentage (%) 68 40 8 12 128 53.13 31.25 6.25 9.38 100.00 88 40 128 68.75 31.25 100.00 68 60 128 53.13 46.87 100.00 Source: Data processed, 2013 The table shows that the dominant respondents received loans from 5 to 10 million (53.13%) and 11 to 20 million (31.25%). Number of the respondents who received coaching from Bank of BRI is greater than Bank of BNI (68.75%). Most of the respondents obtain direct loans from the bank, in this case the Bank of BRI and Bank of BNI, while the remaining gain funds through intermediaries such as 7 8 cooperatives. In general, People's Business Credit Program is appropriate with enterpreneur’s need in improving their business performance. Aspects of the program related to the degree of conformity of the program, while the business aspect describes the changes in business conditions is experienced by entrepreneurs before receiving the loan and after receiving such capital assistance from People's Business Credit Program. Briefly description of respondent perception about business performance after getting the loan assistance can be seen in the following table. Table 3. Description of Respondent Perception about Business Performance Variable/Indicators 1. Sales volume 2. Asset Total 3. Workforce total 4. Customer volume 5. Marketing area 6. Method of work Score Total 614 607 474 573 467 533 Ideal Value 640 640 640 640 640 640 Ratio of Ideal Value 0.960 0.948 0.740 0.896 0.729 0.833 Value Convertion 5 5 4 5 4 5 Explanation Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Better Source: Data processed, 2013 Based on table, it appears that after the respondents get loan assistance the overall indicators of business aspect has increased. Where the average increase occurred in the number of sales, value of assets, workforce total, number of customers, and technology or methods of work with a total value score of 74 to 96% from the ideal value. These results indicate that capital assistance program for micro and small businesses can push on increasing business performance. In other words that the program both aspect of program, as well as the business aspects has running on an effective way. These findings are in line with Setiawan and Rejekiningsih (2009) that capital loan assistance for SMEs can increase the amount of labor, capital, sales turnover and profits. Analysis of Sign Test was used to determine differences in business performance of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) in Makassar before and after they were getting loan assistance from banks institutional. The complete results are presented in the following table. Table 4. The Result of Sign Test Analysis 8 9 No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Description Negative Differences Positive Defferences Ties Total Sig. (2-Tailed) = 0.001 α = 0.05 N 0 128 0 128 Remarks Significant Source: Data processed, 2013 The table shows that, (1) negative differences = 0; meaning, there is no negative score before and after getting loan assistance; and (2) the value of Sig. (2-tailed) = 0.001 < 0.05 indicates that business performance of micro and small enterprises (MSEs) before and after getting capital assistance is different significantly. In other words, capital assistance programs is provided by the government through the BRI and BNI Bank can improve micro and small business performance in Makassar. The results of this study indicate that development or assistance program is designed by government through People's Business Credit Program in terms both program aspects and business aspects could be said effective. These findings show both statistically and empirically the program can improve business performance of micro and small enterprises in Makassar. Therefore, the People's Business Credit Program must be implemented properly to improve the performance of MSEs in the future. Evaluation of the implementation should be done continuously and consistently for the improvement overall program. Positive commitment by government and MSEs enterpreneurs is the key factor for best implementation of this program. The findings of this study support the studies conducted by several previous studies that found that the performance of micro and small enterprises can be better after obtain capital aid (Susilo et al., 2008, Masakure et al., 2009, Setiawan and Rejekiningsih, 2009; and Munizu, 2010). 5. Conclusions and Suggestions The aim of this study is to describe the performance of micro and small enterprises after receiving funding assistance through People's Business Credit Programs. To know the difference of business performance of micro and small 9 10 enterprises before and after getting funding assistance through People's Business Credit Program. The results indicate that after getting capital assistance from People's Business Credit Program, the overall indicators of the business performance aspect has increased. Where the average increase occurred in the number of sales, value of assets, number of customers, the area of marketing, and technology / methods of work. Business performance of MSEs before and after getting loan assistance are significantly different. In other words that the capital assistance program is provided by the government could improve the business performance of Micro and Small Enterprises in Makassar. Capital aid in terms of aspects of the program as well as the business aspect have been effective. Because both statistically and empirically the program could improve the business performance of Micro and Small Enterprises in Makassar. The People's Business Credit Program must be implemented properly. Evaluation of the implementation should be done continuously and consistently for the improvement overall program. 6. Acknowledgements Grateful thanks are extended to Didik Kadry for research assistance with the interviews for this study, to Dr. Armayah and Dr. Sumardi at Department Management, Faculty of Economics, Hasanuddin University for their support in this study, to the LP2M Unhas for the funding of this research project, and to the comments received on an earlier draft of this research from two anonymous reviewers. References BPS. (2008). Makassar in Figures: Statistical Bureau Center of Makassar Press Craig, P.B. and M. King (1988). Organizational characteristics and small firms performance revisited, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 13, 49-64 Hadjimonalis, Anthanasios., Keith Dickson. (2000). Innovation Strategies of SMEs in Cyprus, A Small Developing Country, International Small Business Journal, 18, 62-79. 10 11 Kim, Youngbae., Y. Choi. (1994). Strategic Types and Performances of Small Firms in Korea, International Small Bussiness Journal, 13, 13-25. 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