Gothic elements

Gothic elements
One of the most important gothic elements is the setting. The action could take place in an old
castle. If it has to be more dangerous it could be an old, abandoned castle in a forest. The
surroundings can also be important when the author wants to create a certain scary
atmosphere. Often the old building contains secret rooms, dark forbidden basements, ruined
walls and so one.
The sounds in the horror genre are important for creating a ghastly atmosphere. It could be:
Footsteps approaching, clanking chains, wolves howling, wind blowing, heavy rain, doors
creaking, ghosts screaming and so forth.
Mystery atmosphere:
Of course the plot has to be frightening but if the atmosphere is happy and delightful it can be
difficult to the audience to feel scared. The atmosphere is also an important factor and a
threatening feeling or a fear for the unknown, which could be dominating, and affect the
atmosphere in a spooky direction could influence it.
Hidden signs and omens:
A sign in a horror movie could be if the weather starts to get dark, the silent wind starts to
blow and the cloudless blue sky starts to rain. It could be a symbol of one of the characters
feelings. In horror movies and horror fictions there are many omens, which are important for
the story.
Supernatural events:
The supernatural events are very important for the horror genre. In this genre it is allowed to
create wild monsters, walking deaths, ghosts, aliens and so on. There are no limits with our
Overwrought feelings:
The characters often feel very afraid, hurt, and angry. These overrated emotions are normal in
horror material because strong feelings wake something inside of us. People crying and
screaming appeal to our sympathy.
Woman in distress:
A woman in distress is also a gothic element. This element appeals to pathos and the
sympathy of the reader as it often shows a woman suffering under horrible circumstances.
Sex roles.
A strong male dominates the woman, for instance, her father, a king or a lord.
The metonymy of gloom and horror
This is a special kind of metaphor called metonymy. It is when a word has a different meaning,
for instance, when rain means something else like sorrow.
The vocabulary
The vocabulary is also a special mark. It helps create the gothic atmosphere, for instance, with
use of words like: ghost, haunted, fear, sorrow, dead, terrified, anger and so forth.