Yr 11 to Yr 12 Geography Transition 2015

Linear or Modular A level?
 Linear (New from 2015)
Examination Board
In a modular A level, AS examinations at the end of Year 12 are worth 50% of the A level.
In a linear A level, any AS examination at the end of Year 12 will not count towards the A level.
We expect students joining the Plume College to complete a transition piece of work for each subject between
the end of Key Stage 4 and the start of Key Stage 5. This is assessed and feedback given to students when they
start the courses in September. The following challenge(s) are to be completed over the summer break and
brought to your first lesson.
The Summer Transition ‘CHALLENGE’
1) Country fact cards
2) Rivers key word glossary (with annotated diagrams as appropriate).
How the work produced will fit into subsequent work and the specification as a whole.
1) Throughout the Population Change and Health Issues units you will need to give examples of key indicators to
back up the points you make in your answers. For example, to show the impact of China’s 1 Child policy
(introduced in 1980) you could show that China’s fertility rate has dropped from 2.81 births per woman (1979)
to 1.66 births per woman (2012). Another example would be to demonstrate the negative impact of HIV/AIDS
on Uganda with a Life expectancy of 4 whilst in a more developed country, such as the UK, the life expectancy is
2) The rivers unit uses lots of key geographical vocabulary that it will be important to include in high level answers.
You need to become familiar with these terms so that you can incorporate them as part of your answers.
How the work should be presented.
1) Create a fact card for the following countries; Japan, UK, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Dubai, China (1979), China
(2012+), Australia (1994) and Australia (2012+). You will need to include the following indicators; GDP per
Capita, Birth Rate, Fertility Rate, Infant Mortality Rate, Adult Literacy Rate, Life Expectancy and HDI. You should
lay your fact cards out similar to this example (please be aware that the indicators in this example are slightly
different to those you need)
2) You will be emailed a list of key terms (please come and see Miss Turl for a paper copy if you do not have email
access). You need a clear definition for each word, and if applicable a diagram. For example one of the key
terms is delta.
Delta: a landform that forms in the mouth of a river, where the river flows into a large body
of water.
You would then include a diagram or a picture as an example.
Length of time expected to complete the challenge:1) You should spend up to 5 hours on these cards and should be learning the facts by testing yourself.
2) You should spend up to 4 hours on these key terms and then 1 hour learning and testing yourself.
How the work will be assessed and marked:1) You will bring the cards to the first lesson of Year 12 with Mr Latter and will quiz each other on the facts you
have collected. You will then be set a short question paper on the information collected.
2) There will be a quiz on these river key terms in the first lesson back and a series of short exam questions based
around these key terms.
Success criteria for this challenge:1) This will be marked and an equivalent grade given to you based on your knowledge retention and ability to
apply the information. This will be in line with the AS grade boundaries A=70%, B=60%, C=50%, D=40%, E=30%
2) As above your key terms will be checked, exam questions marked and an equivalent grade given to you based
on your knowledge retention and ability to apply the information. This will be in line with the AS grade
boundaries A=70%, B+60%, C=50%, D=40%, E=30%
Resources to be used for this work.
1) Use the CIA fact book or similar resource on line to collect the country data.
2) There are a number of AS Rivers revision sites that can be used to aid you with this work.
Who to contact if you should require further assistance with the work before the end of term?
1) Mr Latter
2) Miss Turl
What equipment will be needed for the subject?
2 x Lever Arch folders, 2 sets of 5 divider pages, Pens, Pencils, A4 lined paper, AQA AS Geography revision guide (we can
arrange to order these into school at the discounted price of £5, RRP £10.99, at the start of the year), a calculator.
Watch “This World - Don't Panic: The Truth About Population” (BBC Documentary) available on YouTube and provide a
500 word summary of the subject.
To understand more about this subject at a high level:- If you fancy buying a book you should read – AQA Geography for AS Student Book (Aqa As) ISBN-13: 9780199135448