Gerold Project - GEO

Est. 1858
Population ~ 5,266,214
Katrina Gerold
Sealcoat comes in two basic
varieties: coal tar-based and asphaltbased. The coal tar variety is more
resilient, but it contains much higher
levels of a class of chemicals called
PAHs (polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons) that harm fish, and with
prolonged exposure, pose a risk of
cancer in humans.
Figure 1: Relative amounts of PAHs in
sealcoat products
An Austin, Texas, study determined that
sealcoat products based on coal tar contained
up to 1,000 times more PAHs than asphaltbased products. Consider asphalt-based
sealcoat if you choose to coat your driveway.
Figure 1
Sealcoat continued:
Environmental problems
Coal tar is a waste material
generated in the conversion of
coal to coke. Manufacturers
choose coal tar for sealcoat
because of its resistance to
petroleum products like gasoline
and oil, which drip from cars and
deteriorate asphalt surfaces. In
time, sunlight and vehicle traffic
wears down sealcoat and
sealcoat flakes are washed away
by rain or carried away by wind,
contaminating stormwater ponds,
streams and lakes with PAHs.
Figure 2: Concentrations of PAHs in runoff Asphalt-based
sealcoat runoff (B) can contain 10 times more PAHs than an
uncoated driveway (A) and runoff from a coal-tar sealcoated
driveway (C) may have concentrations of PAH 65 times higher
than an uncoated driveway. (see figure-right)
Ecosystems of MN
 Prairie Grasslands- The most notable
characteristic of the prairie grassland biome is the absence
of trees. It is one of three major biomes (types of
associations of plants and animals) found in Minnesota.
 Deciduous Forests - It runs in a band from
the northwest to the southeastern corner of the state,
sandwiched between the coniferous forest biome to the
northeast and the prairie to the west and south. This
forest once contained many hardwood trees, such as oak,
maple, and basswood. Although much of the region has
been dramatically changed by farming and development,
patches of forest remain. This biome gets its name from
deciduous trees, which are trees that drop their leaves
each year.
 Coniferous Forests- Also known as the
boreal forest, the coniferous forest is one of three biomes
(types of associations of plants and animals) in
Minnesota, This biome is located in the northeastern part
of the state. It is named after conifers, which are trees
(mainly evergreens) that grow their seeds in cones.
 Bogs and Fens -Bogs and fens are wetlands that
form upon layers of dead and decaying plant material
called peat. Water in these "peatlands" is at or near the
Prairie Grasslands
Physical features:
The prairie grasslands formed on soils left behind by
the most recent glaciers. The northern parts of
the biome were primarily influenced by Glacial
Lake Agassiz, which left behind a massive, flat
lakebed of fertile silt. The south and
southwestern parts of this biome feature a high
plateau of quartz bedrock topped with glacial
debris. Prairie grasslands are the driest biome in
the state. The average annual temperatures
range from 37 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit.
Biological features:
A sea of grass without a tree in sight is the image
that comes to mind when most people think
of prairie grasslands. In Minnesota these
grasslands range from sparsely vegetated
sand dunes to fields of big bluestem up to
eight feet tall, from wet meadows to dry
short grass prairies high on the bluffs of the
Minnesota River. A wide variety of grasses
and wildflowers can be found here.
Some common examples of the variety of
grasses and wildflowers found on
Minnesota's prairies are blazing star, purple
prairie clover, leadplant, big bluestem, little
bluestem, and prairie dropseed.
Animals typical of prairie grasslands include
monarch butterflies, Great Plains toads,
prairie skinks, greater prairie chickens,
meadowlarks, upland sandpipers, meadow
voles, white-tailed jackrabbits, pocket
gophers, and badgers.
Prairie Grassland
Fun facts
A line that connects Lake Bronson State Park in
the northwest to Myre-Big Island State Park
in the southeast roughly marks the eastern
edge of the prairie grassland biome.
The four prairie subsections that make up
Minnesota's prairie grasslands are found
west of this line. The subsections are Red
River Prairie, Minnesota River Prairie, Inner
Coteau and Coteau Moraines.
Three major forces have combined to create and
sustain the prairie grasslands.
First, fire suppressed trees and shrubs while
stimulating the growth of prairie wildflowers
and grasses.
Second, prairie plants adapted to grazing by bison
and other large herbivores (plant eaters).
Many prairie plants have underground
growing points that quickly sprout after being
Finally, prairie plants are adapted to drought.
Many become dormant during a drought and
begin growing again after the drought ends.
Others have deep, thick roots that absorb
nearly all available water. Some roots may be
three times longer than the plants above them!
Deciduous Forest
Physical Features
The land once covered by deciduous forest in
Minnesota is at or southeast of the line of
hills, ridges, and other features created by
the edge of the most recent glacier. The
unglaciated portion has thick soils.
Defining features for this region include cold
winters, though not as cold as those in
the coniferous forest; sunny, warm
summers; and plenty of moisture
throughout the year. The deciduous
forest has more precipitation than most
of the rest of the United States.
In general, deciduous trees can tolerate a
wide range of temperatures and moisture
levels; in Minnesota, the average annual
temperature of the deciduous forest
ranges from 37 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit
and precipitation ranges from 20 to more
than 32 inches per year.
Biological Features
The deciduous forest is made up largely of trees
that drop their leaves in the autumn. In
many areas, maples are common. Along the
prairie edge, oaks may predominate. Where
rivers run through, water loving deciduous
trees such as cottonwoods abound.
Animals found in Minnesota's deciduous
forests include deer, skunks, opossums,
mice, shrews, turkeys, vireos, warblers,
garter snakes, gray treefrogs, and
Deciduous Forest
Fun Facts
The location of the deciduous forest is
determined by annual temperature and
moisture patterns and existence of fire. In
Minnesota, the deciduous forest biome runs
in a thick band from the northwestern
corner of the state, west of Warroad, to the
southeastern corner, roughly east of Albert
This forest can be broken down into seven
types: lowland hardwood, northern
hardwood, oak, paper-birch, aspen-birch,
aspen, and maple-basswood. Which grows
where depends on history of disturbance,
soil traits, and other factors.
Before European Americans arrived here, the land
we now know as Minnesota was home to a 2million-acre maple-basswood forest. Known to
early settlers as the Big Woods, that immense
forest has almost completely been replaced by
farms and cities.
Coniferous Forest
Physical Features
The coniferous forest tends to have thin mineral
soils, thanks to the scouring action of the
glaciers that passed through Minnesota
thousands of years ago. Many areas within the
biome, however, are covered by organic soil or
peat. The soils tend to have substantial
The climate is typically cool and moist. Average
temperatures are around 36 to 41 degrees
Fahrenheit, and average precipitation is 21 to 28
inches per year. Lakes abound.
Biological Features
This biome contains many bogs,
created where plants have filled in
former lakes and wetlands. Before
European settlement, pines, spruce,
fir, and tamarack predominated.
After many of these trees were cut,
aspen and other hardwoods
became a bigger part of the
ecosystem. Birch and lichens are
Animals found in the coniferous forest
biome include moose, black bears,
black flies, gray jays, northern pike,
wolves, beavers, pine siskins,
crossbills, chipmunks, ruffed
grouse, bald eagles, spruce
budworms, American toads,
redbelly snakes, and crossbills.
Coniferous Forest
Fun Facts
Conifers are well-adapted to the conditions found
in northern Minnesota. Their needles have a
relatively small surface area and have a special
protective surface, both features that help
prevent them from drying out in winter when
there is little moisture in the air.
In Minnesota, the coniferous forest biome
predominates in the part of the state that is
north and east of a line running roughly
from Pine City to Warroad.
Bogs & Fens
Physical features
Rain and snow are the only sources of water for
bogs. They are low in nutrients and acidic.
These conditions make it difficult for many
plants to grow.
Fens receive water from both precipitation and
groundwater. They typically have more
nutrients than bogs and are only slightly
Minnesota has 20 percent of the world's
calcareous fens, an extremely rare kind of fen
that is rich in calcium.
Biological features
Bogs are carpeted with sphagnum moss. Usually
they also have stunted black spruce and
tamarack trees, and low shrubs of the heath
family, which retain their leaves throughout the
Bogs are famous for their oddities such as insect
eating plants and ground that bounces when
you walk upon it. Most fens are treeless, but
they may be covered by shrubs. The most
common plant types in fens include reeds,
sedges and grasses.
Bogs & Fens
Fun facts
Bogs and fens are found primarily in the northern
half of Minnesota. However, fens also occur in
the prairie regions of the state.
With more than 6 million acres, Minnesota has
more peatlands than any other state except
Alaska. Because Minnesota's peatlands are
rare, relatively undisturbed, and important for
scientific research, more than 170,000 acres
across the northern half of the state were
permanently protected in 1991.
Species and Extinction
Minnesota threatened and endangered species
•Karner Blue(butterfly) - endangered
•Sandy Tiger Beetle - endangered
•Persius Duskywing(butterfly) - endangered
•Uhler’s Arctic(butterfly) - endangered
•Uncas Skipper(butterfly) - endangered
•Paddlefish - threatened
Uncas Skipper
•Eastern Spotted Skunk- threatened
•Baird Sparrow- endangered
•Burrowing Owl- endangered
•Chestnut Collared Longspur- endangered
•King Rail- endangered
•Piping Plover- endangered
•Sprague’s Pipit- endangered
Piping plover
•Wood turtle- threatened
•Blanding’s turtle- threatened
•Northern Cricket frog- endangered
•Massasauga(rattlesnake)- endangered
•Timber rattlesnake - threatened
Wood Turtle
Invasive Aquatic
Zebra mussel
 Species and Origin: Zebra mussels and a related
species, the Quagga mussel, are small, fingernail-sized animals
that attach to solid surfaces in water. Adults are 1/4 to 1 1/2
inches long and have D-shaped shells with alternating yellow
and brownish colored stripes. Female zebra mussels can
produce 100,000- 500,000 eggs per year. These develop into
microscopic, free-living larvae (called veligers) that begin to
form shells. After two-three weeks, the microscopic veligers
start to settle and attach to any firm surface using "byssal
threads". It is the only freshwater mussel that can attach to
objects. They are native to Eastern Europe and Western Russia
and were brought over to the Great Lakes in ballast water of
 Impacts: Zebra mussels can cause problems for lakeshore
residents and recreationists. Homeowners that take lake water
to water lawns can have their intakes clogged. Mussels may
attach to motors and possibly clog cooling water areas. Shells
can cause cuts and scrapes if they grow large enough on rocks,
swim rafts and ladders. Anglers may lose tackle as the shells
can cut fishing line. Zebra mussels can also attach to native
mussels, killing them. Zebra mussels filter plankton from the
surrounding water. This filtering can increase water clarity,
which might cause more aquatic vegetation to grow at deeper
depths and more dense stands. If a lake has high numbers of
mussels over large areas, this filter feeding could impact the
food chain, reducing food for larval fish.
 Status: They have spread throughout the Great Lakes
and the Mississippi River from Brainerd downstream, and
are now in other rivers and inland lakes. They are
established in Minnesota and were first found in the
Duluth/Superior Harbor in 1989. The Infested Waters list
provides details of current infestations. Diving ducks,
freshwater drum (sheepshead), and other fish eat zebra
mussels, but will not significantly control them.
 Means of spread: Mussels attach to boats, nets,
docks, swim platforms, boat lifts, and can be moved on
any of these objects. They also can attach to aquatic
plants, making it critical to remove all aquatic vegetation
before leaving a lake. Microscopic larvae may be carried in
water contained in bait buckets, bilges or any other water
moved from an infested lake or river.
 Where to look: Examine boat hulls, swimming
platforms, docks, aquatic plants, wood and other objects
along shorelines of lakes and rivers.
 Regulatory Classification: It is a prohibited
invasive species (DNR), which means import, possession,
transport, and introduction into the wild is prohibited.
Invasive Aquatic Species
White perch
 Species and Origin: The white perch is a
fish in the temperate basses family
(Moronidae). The adults range between 7 to 12
inches in length. White perch are native to
Atlantic coastal region of the United States
and invaded the Great Lakes through the Erie
and Welland canals.
 Impacts: White perch are competitors of
native fish species and have the potential to
cause declines of fish populations because
they eat the eggs of walleye and other fish
 Status: They are found in all the Great Lakes
and in inland waters in Kansas, Kentucky,
Massachusetts, Missouri, Nebraska, New
Hampshire, and Ohio. The first observation of
white perch in Lake Superior waters was in
Duluth Harbor in 1986. They are not known to
be present in inland waters in Minnesota.
 Means of spread: Unauthorized stocking
has been source of spread to inland waters in
other states.
 Where to look: White perch spawn in
tributaries along the Great Lakes in April and
 Regulatory Classification: It is a
prohibited invasive species (DNR), which
means import, possession, transport, and
introduction into the wild is prohibited.
Invasive Aquatic Species
Rusty crayfish
 Species and Origin: Rusty crayfish are
crustaceans that grow up to 5 inches long.
They are native to the Ohio River basin. Their
carapace usually has a pair of rusty-colored
spots and claws often have black bands at their
 Impacts: Rusty crayfish are aggressive
invaders. They can harm native fish
communities by feeding on their eggs and
young, drive out or hybridize with native
crayfish, and eliminate aquatic vegetation.
 Status: Rusty crayfish have spread to several
states and Ontario. They were discovered in
Minnesota around 1960 and are confirmed in
about 50 Minnesota waters, mostly in central
and northern counties.
 Where to look: They can infest lakes,
rivers, streams and wetlands.
 Means of spread: They likely spread
through dumping of bait buckets and
aquariums, and activities of commercial
 Regulatory classification (agency):
Rusty crayfish is a regulated invasive species
(DNR), which means release into the wild is
illegal. Licensed anglers may collect any
crayfish for use as bait on the same water body.
They can also harvest up to 25 pounds of any
crayfish for personal consumption. Selling live
crayfish for bait or aquarium use is illegal.
Invasive Terrestrial Animals
Gypsy moth
The gypsy moth is an invasive forest pest from
Europe that is one of the most damaging tree
defoliators currently in the U.S. Aspen and oak
top the list of over 500 preferred host species.
Gypsy moth caterpillars feed on leaves of
deciduous trees and are present in early-mid
Why are gypsy moths such a problem?
They are voracious eaters and can completely
defoliate entire trees.
Outdoor recreation might be reduced as a
result of bare trees, caterpillar presence on
trees and roads, and feces falling from trees.
Repeated defoliation can lead to the death of
many trees, changing the mix of tree species
and affecting dependent wildlife.
Tree losses can impact forest and related
Because gypsy moths are non-native, there are
few natural enemies to keep them in check.
Gypsy Moth in Minnesota
The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA)
has been monitoring (trapping) gypsy moth
since 1970 and has successfully eradicated a
number of small isolated infestations. In 2004,
four Minnesota counties were added the SlowThe-spread Program because of high trap
counts. MDA has found very high numbers of
male moths were found along the north shore
of Lake Superior.
Invasive Terrestrial Animals
Mute swan
 Species and Origin: Mute
swans are a large species of white
waterfowl. Adult mute swans
have all white plumage, vibrant
orange bills, and black knobs
above the bill. Young birds have
grayish bills. Native swans have
entirely black bills. Mute swans
are native to Europe and Asia.
They were brought to the United
States from the mid-1800s
through the early 1900s.
 Impacts: Mute swans are very
aggressive even toward people.
They chase water birds including
loons, and can keep those birds
from nesting. One bird can
uproot about 20 pounds of
submersed aquatic vegetation
daily, reducing important native
aquatic plants.
 Status: Several states east of
Minnesota have populations ranging
from hundreds to several thousand
birds. The population in the Great
Lakes states is increasing about 10 to
20 percent annually.
 Where to look: They live on lakes
and wetlands.
 Regulatory classification
(agency): Mute swans are a
regulated invasive species, which
means introduction into the wild is
prohibited (DNR). Possession of
captive birds requires a state game
farm license and fencing to contain
 Means of spread: Mute swans
have escaped from captivity or were
intentionally released on ponds for
ornamental purposes. They have
sometimes been used as ineffective
and illegal means to deter geese from
an area.
(includes extirpated)
Species of Greatest
Conservation Need
 83
 22
 319
 97
 22
 6
 29
 17
 147
 47
 600
 189
This tiny island, noted for its old growth red
pine forest and scenic beauty, was
transferred to the state from the Federal
Bureau of Land Management. A kettle
block lake and lichen-encrusted granitic
outcrops characterize this site, which
resembles the Boundary Waters. It
provides habitat for waterfowl and loons,
and it is highly sensitive to damage by
visitors. Just one of many islands in the
lake, Island No. 4 is located near Bearhead
Lake State Park. Visit it in winter to view
the trees and topography, and again in
spring and summer to watch waterfowl.
Groundwater in Minnesota
What is Groundwater?
"Groundwater" is a term used to refer to water beneath the land surface.
Groundwater may reside in the spaces between earth materials such as
sand, silt or clay particles. Where there is rock, groundwater can reside
in rock openings such as fractures in granite.
Groundwater provides drinking water to more than two-thirds of
Minnesota households. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
(MPCA) monitors the quality of our ground water and protects it from
About Groundwater
Did You Know ......?
•More than 70% of Minnesotans rely on groundwater for drinking water.
•As of 1990, an estimated 483,000 Minnesota residences used private wells to obtain
water for their homes.
•As of 1990, there were 2,388 active community public water supply wells in Minnesota.
•In 1995, an estimated 700 million gallons of groundwater per day were withdrawn from
Minnesota's aquifers (550 million gallons per day were permitted).
•As of 1989, contaminated groundwater cost 17 Minnesota cities and 18 Minnesota
companies a total of $67,072,000.
•As of 1994, there were an estimated 700,000 to 1.175 million unsealed, abandoned
wells in Minnesota that could potentially serve as contamination pathways to harm
Minnesota groundwater.
•As of May 1998, 100,000 unused wells have been sealed to protect Minnesota
What is the Source of Groundwater?
Where Does it Go?
 The Hydrologic Cycle
For the most part, ground water
comes directly from precipitation
or surface water that infiltrates into
the subsurface (below the land
surface). In turn, groundwater
flows into many streams and
lakes. Groundwater can be seen
exiting from the subsurface as
springs. But most commonly, we
obtain groundwater from wells.
How Fast Does Groundwater Move?
Most groundwater is constantly moving, but it normally moves very slowly as it winds its way
through tiny pathways around grains of sediment or through small openings in rock. Some rock
materials have large enough fractures or openings that groundwater can move faster; however,
often, the openings do not continue very far. In certain restricted areas, such as portions of
southeastern Minnesota, carbonate rock formations have developed cave-like openings that allow
groundwater to move much faster like an underground river.
Groundwater can move rapidly
through some of the fractures and
openings seen in this rock
Groundwater can move fairly rapidly through
coarser, uncemented sediments composed
of gravel and sand. The ability to transmit
groundwater is reduced where the
sediments are made up of finer materials,
such as silt and clay.
Caves allow water to move quickly
What Is All the Concern About
Groundwater Contamination?
Although most Minnesota ground water is naturally
potable (suitable for human consumption), nature
does produce groundwater with a chemical make up
that is not potable in some areas. In addition, many
human activities such as urban development,
industrial processing, agriculture, chemical spills
and even individual household septic systems have
caused significant groundwater contamination in
areas that previously had clean, potable
Groundwater contamination can disperse over a
wide area or migrate very deep underground. Often,
many tons of overlying soil, sediment or rock hide
the exact location of the contamination and present
a substantial physical barrier to clean up efforts. As
the groundwater moves, it often contaminates the
earth materials it passes through which increases the
volume of material that needs to be cleaned. The
cost and technical difficulty of removing the
contamination often multiplies over time as the
contamination spreads out or migrates deeper.
Under favorable conditions, certain contaminants
tend to degrade or clean up naturally in a reasonable
amount of time in ground water. However, in other
cases, contamination can persist for long times
because groundwater typically moves very slowly
and often lacks the range of purifying organisms and
processes that tend to cleanse streams and lakes
much quicker. As a matter of fact, some of
Minnesota's groundwater entered the subsurface
more than 30,000 years ago and is still slowly
traveling deep underground.
Stormwater Program
The surest way to improve water quality in
Minnesota is to better manage stormwater.
Unmanaged stormwater can have devastating
consequences on the quality of lakes, streams
and rivers we enjoy.
Stormwater often contains oil, chemicals, excess
phosphorous, toxic metals, litter, and diseasecausing organisms.
In addition, stormwater frequently overwhelms
streams and rivers, scours streambanks and
river bottoms and hurts or eliminates fish and
other aquatic organisms.
To better manage stormwater across the state, the MPCA
administers the requirements of the federal Clean Water Act
in addition to its own State Disposal System requirements.
At the MPCA, the Stormwater Program includes three general
stormwater permits: the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer
Permit, the Construction Stormwater Permit and the
Industrial Stormwater Permit.
Each program administers a general permit that incorporates
federal and state requirements for Minnesota stormwater
Stormwater Program for Municipal
Separate Storm Sewer Systems
Stormwater runoff is a leading source of water
pollution….can harm surface waters such as
rivers, lakes, and streams which in turn cause
or contribute to water quality standards being
Stormwater runoff can change natural hydrologic
patterns, accelerate stream flows, destroy
aquatic habitats, and elevate pollutant
concentrations and loadings. Development
increases impervious surfaces; increases
runoff from city streets, driveways, parking
lots, and sidewalks, on which pollutants from
human activities settle.
Common pollutants in runoff include
pesticides, fertilizers, oils, metals,
pathogens, salt, sediment, litter and
other debris are transported via
stormwater and discharged untreated - to water resources
through storm sewer systems.
Stormwater Program for Industrial
The Industrial Stormwater Program's goal is to reduce the amount of
pollution that enters surface and ground water from industrial facilities in
the form of stormwater runoff. This goal is accomplished by requiring
permitted facilities to:
Develop an effective Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
which contains your Stormwater Control Measures, described as Best
Management Practices (BMPs).
Manage stormwater runoff by meeting the permit requirements or
certify condition of No Exposure.
Stormwater Program for
Construction Activity
When stormwater drains off a construction site, it
carries sediment and other pollutants that harm
lakes, streams and wetlands. The U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
estimates that 20 to 150 tons of soil per acre is lost
every year to stormwater runoff from construction
Many studies indicate that controlling erosion can
significantly reduce the amount of sedimentation
and other pollutants transported by runoff from
construction sites. To keep Minnesota’s valuable
water resources clean the MPCA issues permits to
construction site owners and their operators to
prevent stormwater pollution during and after
Energy Sources
Minnesota is a leading producer of ethanol and has
over a dozen ethanol production plants primarily in
the southern half of the State.
Minnesota is one of the few States that require the
statewide use of oxygenated motor gasoline blended
with 10 percent ethanol.
Minnesota is a major producer of wind power.
Over two-thirds of Minnesota households use
natural gas as their primary heating fuel during the
State’s long, cold winters.
Two nuclear power plants near the Twin Cities
generate nearly one-fourth of the electricity
produced in the State
Energy Issues
Energy efficiency and less-polluting
technologies for generating
electricity further the mission of
pollution prevention.
Annual chemical-release data
collected from Minnesota industry
show that significant pollution
results from the production and
use of energy, including release of
nitrous oxide, sulfur dioxide,
carbon dioxide, hydrogen fluoride,
barium, chromium, and mercury.
The MPCA partners with industry,
universities, non-profits, and
other units of government to
decrease pollution resulting from
our production and use of energy
through two primary approaches:
energy efficiency and P2 energy
generation technologies.
Buy green power:
"Green power" is electricity generated from renewable, high-efficiency,
or low-pollution energy sources such as wind or solar. Your
purchase of green power will replace electricity that would
otherwise come primarily from burning coal—one of the dirtiest
fuels for producing electricity. Less than 1% of the energy we
consume in Minnesota currently comes from wind, but your
purchase of green power can help change that.
Alternative fuels in
Minnesota: Ethanol,
biodiesel, and biomass
Minnesota is part of the
national movement to create
combustion fuels from sources
besides petroleum, natural gas
or coal. The state of Minnesota
has made it a priority to have a
leading role in the development
of the biofuels industry,
including key legislation and
ongoing workgroups. The
MPCA is particularly involved in
the regulation and permitting of
biofuels facilities in the state.
Natural Hazards
 Wind/Tornadoes
 Flooding
 Fire
 Snow/Ice
Minnesota is fortunate in that its inland location
removes us from the threat of hurricanes or
tidal waves. We are also fortunate to be
located in the lowest risk seismic category
which virtually eliminates the threat of
earthquakes. The FEMA map that is included
in the plan indicates the most recent natural
disasters that have occurred in Minnesota.
Natural Hazards –
Both tornadoes and straight line winds
can cause major damage to historic
buildings. Tornadoes generally have
fairly narrow paths and can move
erratically. The 1998 St. Peter tornado
was an exception to this pattern; there
the path was approximately a mile
Straight line winds often impact a wider
area than tornadoes, as illustrated by
the July 4, 1999 storm along the
Gunflint Trail which affected portions
of three counties. Since Minnesota is
not a coastal state, wind storms are
usually of fairly short duration, very
intense and hard to predict.
The primary effect on buildings is
structural damage due to the
lifting or suction force of the
wind from the exterior, as well as
the blow-out force of the wind if
it penetrates the interior. The
results can be loss of roofs, walls,
porches, lifting the building off
the foundation, or complete
destruction. Other sources of
wind damage are from trees and
wind-born objects and debris.
Rain during or after a wind storm
is also a threat. If the damaged
building is left unprotected,
water infiltration can cause
additional damage.
Natural Hazards –
Flooding from spring snow melt and
rain is a major cause of damage in
the river valleys. Snow and rain
amounts are closely monitored, and
the potential effect on rivers can be
projected days or weeks in advance,
which provides time for property
owners and communities to prepare
for floods. The areas most likely to
be flooded are defined on Corps of
Engineers maps by 100 year or 500
year flood plain elevations. The
areas at or below these elevations are
the most likely to be affected by
flood. Past flood records also show
the areas most likely to be affected
by flooding.
Flash flooding from intense rain storms
can occur quickly without much
advance warning. Flash flooding can
occur in much smaller areas, and
often affects small streams and
storm drainage systems. The
flooding generally only lasts as long
as the heavy rain continues to
overtax storm drainage systems.
The primary damage to historic
buildings in a flood disaster
is from immersion of
building materials in flood
waters. The force of the
moving water can cause
structural collapse of
structures. In addition,
storm and sanitary sewer
back-up during flooding is
a major cause of damage to
buildings. Fire due to
ruptured utility lines,
growth of mold and
mildew, and swelling,
warping, and disintegration
of materials due to
prolonged presence of
moisture are also threats in
a flood disaster.
Natural Hazards –
Wildfires or forest fires affect
buildings on prairies or in forests,
and could encompass large land
areas. This type of disaster is
generally the result of dry, windy
conditions which are monitored
by the National Forest Service and
the Minnesota Department of
Natural Resources Division of
Forestry, who usually can provide
adequate warning. The threat of
fire can last for an extended period
of time although the serious
exposure to an individual property
could be much shorter.
Lightning related fire would usually
be limited to a single building per
strike. The threat of lightning is
present during severe storms
which can also produce high winds
and tornadoes. The threat of
lightning during a storm is hard to
Arson and building fault fires are not
natural disasters, but the results
are the same. Building fault fires
are generally preventable with
routine inspection and
maintenance programs.
The primary damage is caused by
consumption of combustibles by
fire and collapse of portions or all
of the building. Smoke produced
by the fire can penetrate and
damage portions of the building
unaffected by actual burning.
Water damage during fire fighting
to burned and undamaged
portions of the building is also a
threat; during freezing weather,
this can also result in ice damage
to the structure. If the damaged
building is left unprotected,
moisture infiltration from snow
and rain can produce additional
Natural Hazards –
Heavy accumulation of snow
and ice during winter storms
can cause damage to historic
buildings. Minnesotans are
accustomed to snow, and
weather forecasts can
generally provide adequate
warnings of heavy snow or
ice storms. Proper building
insulation, vapor barriers,
and building maintenance
can greatly reduce the buildup of ice that could cause
building damage.
Roof and building collapse can
result from snow build-up that
exceeds the load capacity of the
roof. Collapse due to
overloading can usually be
prevented by removing excess
snow as it accumulates. If
damaged buildings are left
unprotected, later storms can
cause additional damage.
Prolonged ice and snow buildup
on roofs can cause ice dams
which will allow moisture to
penetrate the building and
damage both interior materials
and structural members. Fallen
trees and limbs can cause
further damage to historic
buildings. In addition, the loss
of electricity for extended time
periods can result in additional
damage from frozen pipes and
stress on building finishes due to
temperature extremes.
General Air Quality
Minnesota’s air quality is generally good and
has been improving for most pollutants.
Minnesota has been in compliance with all
national ambient air quality standards since
2002. Also, concentrations of most toxic air
pollutants of concern have gradually decreased
until, individually, they are below levels of
health concern. Much of this decline can be
attributed to lowered emissions from major
facilities and cleaner cars and fuels due to
enforcement of the Clean Air Act and Clean
Air Act Amendments, as well as voluntary
reductions undertaken at some facilities
However, even as air programs have
contributed to the decrease in emissions and
concentrations of many air pollutants,
increased understanding of serious health
effects has resulted in stricter national
ambient air quality standards. In 2006, the
daily fine particle national standard was
lowered by nearly half. In early 2008, the
ozone standard was lowered from 0.08 parts
per million (ppm) to 0.075 ppm. In October
2008, the quarterly lead standard was made 10
times stricter than the previous standard.
As a result, even as emissions and
concentrations of key pollutants have
decreased, the number of poor air
quality days has increased. Air
Pollution Health Alerts are called
when the air is expected to be
unhealthy for sensitive groups or
higher according to the air quality
index (AQI). These days are almost
always the result of high levels of fine
particles or ozone. Since the AQI is a
main communication tool for
Minnesota air quality, the increase in
alert days leads to a dichotomy in
public perception, with many
Minnesotans believing that air
quality is worsening, when in fact
improvements are being made.
Climate Change
The issue of climate change is currently the subject of intense political
controversy and debate. Foremost in this debate is the question of
whether and how to go about reducing the emissions of greenhouse
gases. Intertwined are the issues of whether the climate is changing
at all, the degree to which human activity is responsible, and what
the future climate will be. In Minnesota, extensive weather
observations recorded over decades have led scientists to conclude
that the climate in this region is changing.
Minnesota is already experiencing impacts from climate change, and
will continue to experience impacts to our ecosystems, natural
resources, and infrastructure.
Key Impacts in the Midwest:
 During the summer, public health
and quality of life, especially in
cities, will be negatively affected by
increasing heat waves, reduced air
quality, and increasing insect and
waterborne diseases. In the winter,
warming will have mixed impacts.
 The likely increase in precipitation
in winter and spring, more heavy
downpours, and greater evaporation
in summer would lead to more
periods of both floods and water
 While the longer growing season
provides the potential for increased
crop yields, increases in heat waves,
floods, droughts, insects, and weeds
will present increasing challenges to
managing crops, livestock, and
 Native species are very likely to face
increasing threats from rapidly
changing climate conditions, pests,
diseases, and invasive species
moving in from warmer regions.
Climate Change – Energy
Most greenhouse gases emitted in
Minnesota are related to energy
use, consistently accounting for
about 85% of statewide emissions.
These emissions come from
combustion of fossil fuels to
generate electricity, transportation
fuels, and the production and
transportation of finished fuels.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Minnesota by
Major Activity
Minnesota disposes of some if its waste or garbage
in landfills, which may be called "dumps" by
some. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
(MPCA) distinguishes between landfills and
dumps by regulating the ongoing operations of
open landfills and the closure and maintenance
of closed landfills. However, the MPCA does
not permit or regulate the use of dumps. See
the information and links below to learn more
about landfills in Minnesota
Open Landfills
Open landfills are regulated by MN
Rules 7001 and 7035. They actively
accept, under the terms and
conditions of a Minnesota
Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)
permit, certain types of wastes for
disposal. They are part of a larger
and integrated collection of open
solid waste management facilities
that process, transfer and receive
waste for disposal in Minnesota.
Open landfills fall into several
categories, which include:
demolition, industrial, mixed
municipal and municipal waste
combustor ash.
More information about open
landfills in Minnesota is available
from the link below. The term
"dumps" is also used sometimes by
the public to refer to landfills. If
you're looking for information
about dumps, you may find it
under open landfills.
Landfills/Dumps – Con’t
Closed Landfill Program
The MPCA Closed Landfill Program
(CLP) was created in 1994 by the
passage of the Landfill Cleanup Act
(LCA) as an alternative to the
Superfund Program, which
remediated qualified closed landfills
throughout Minnesota.
The MPCA is authorized and
mandated under the LCA to initiate
cleanup actions, complete closures,
take over long-term operation and
maintenance, and reimburse eligible
parties for past cleanup costs at up
to 112 qualified closed statepermitted landfills throughout
"Dump" is a common term used by
the public that could mean a landfill
in either the MPCA Open Landfill or
Closed Landfill Programs, or a
landfill in neither program. The
MPCA defines "dumps" as those
landfills that never held a valid
permit from the MPCA. Generally,
dumps existed prior to the permitting
program established with the
creation of the MPCA in 1967. Dumps
are not restricted to any type of
waste. For more information about
"dumps" is available from the link