1965-1980 - The Cold War

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Welcome to the hall of
Professor Office
Julian Knight
I am the curator of the oh so wonderful and
magical hall of 1965-1980. I am also a
doctor/professor at University of Very Sick
Clowns or UVSC for short. I graduated from
UVSC in 2012 and now teach a class on the
events of the cold war in the years 19651980.
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How did they build it?
In 1965 a new construction type was
put into place, this was called the third,
it consisted of concrete slabs laid
between H-shaped steel concrete
supports. A round, 0,40 meter large
concrete tube capped the wall making
it more difficult to climb over.
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The Czechoslovakian Uprising
In 1968, with their political, economic and
social problems reaching critical mass, the
communist party of Czechoslovakia replaced
Novotny as Party Leader with Alexander
Dubcek. Dubcek pushed practical reforms
across the board, not only for Czechoslovakia
but for the Warsaw Pact (the Soviet answer to
NATO) as well.
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The six day war
In 1967, tensions between Israel and Egypt, Jordan,
and Syria escalated to a war in the Middle East. Ever
since it had become a country in 1948, Israel’s
Palestinian neighbors were hostile because Israel
was located in the area that they had previously
established as their homeland. Palestinian troops
were seen attacking Israeli civilians as well as their
farmland and then escaping back to their borders.
Israel responded with counter-attacks such as the
Syrian fighter planes shot down in April 1967 in
retaliation to them shelling Israeli villages. Supplying
these Middle Eastern countries with weapons, the
United States allied with Israel while the Soviet Union
sided with the Arab Nations. This long term rival over
land control would soon turn revenge into war.
Mitchell G. Bard, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Middle East Conflict. 3rd Edition. NY:
Alpha Books, 2005. 2. “Six Day War.” Zionism & Israel Encyclopedic Dictionary. 4 Jun
2008 .
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Siege of the Khe Sanh
In the early hours of January 21, 1968 the siege of
Khe Sanh, the longest single battle of the Vietnam
War, began as North Vietnamese Army forces
embodied the building tension with a bombardment of
bullets, mortars, and missiles that would kill eighteen
Marines instantly, injure forty more, and destroy the
majority of ammunition and fuel supplies within the
first two days of the encounter. President Lyndon
Johnson and United States officials had previously
and controversially decided to defend rather than
abandon the highly isolated outpost, but continuous
attacks and the Tet Offensive from January 30 to
January 31, 1968 strained the attempt at defense.
Within two months over thirteen-hundred rounds of
artillery had been fired upon the desperate Marine
base and its surrounding outposts or “hills,” and
bunkers were rebuilt to withstand an additional
twenty-two millimeter of rounds more than the
standard sixty-millimeter guarantee.
Brush, Peter. “Recounting the Casualties at Khe Sanh.” 2006. 20 May 2008 .
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The space race
USSR lead in space exploration with the first
person in space, cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin who
orbited earth in Vostok 1, April 12, 1961. Less
than a month later Allan Shepard became the
first American in space. That same month,
President Kennedy created the Apollo program
designed to land a person on the moon “before
the decade is out.” on june 20 1969 the first
American walked on the moon thus ending the
space race
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SALT 1 and 2
During the Cold War, a series of treaties was
issued under the Strategic Arms Limitation
Treaty to stop the build up of nuclear weapons.
The negotiations lasted until January of 1972,
and by May 26 of that same year the treaty
was finalized. The two treaties signed that day
were the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty, or ABM,
and the Interim Agreement on the Limitation of
Strategic Offensive Arms.
"Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia." Encyclopedia Britannica Online Encyclopedia. 2010. Web. 28 May 2010.
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The Tet offensive
On January 21, 1969, the North Vietnamese
coordinated with the Viet Cong to plan a
surprise attack on the South Vietnamese and
the U.S. troops. This was the first of two major
surprise attacks. On January 21, the North
Vietnamese and the Viet Cong bombed a few
important American bases in South Vietnam.
This was a total shock to America and was a
major blow to its confidence. The North
Vietnamese destroyed much of the American
artillery and supplies.
Woods, Alan. “The Tet Offensive: the turning point in the Vietnam War — Part One.”
The Defense of Maxism. 01 January 2008. 21 May 2008 .
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Throughout the 1960s, music served as an
integral part of the counterculture movement.
Seen as a way to both embrace an alternative
lifestyle and protest against war and
oppression, hippies organized outdoor music
festivals across the United States. The most
famous of all the counterculture concerts,
Woodstock, took place from August 15-17,
1969. Originally hoping for attendance of
50,000, the promoters of the event, who chose
a thousand-acre farm in upstate New York as
the site for “The Woodstock Music and Art Fair:
An Aquarian Exposition,” seemed as shocked
as everyone else when over 500,000 arrived
for the three-day affair.
Morgan, Edward P. The Sixties Experience: Hard Lessons about Modern America.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1991
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Operation babylift
By early spring of 1975, the Vietcong had begun to
execute a brilliant military campaign design to bring
their southern foes to their knees. They captured
South Vietnam’s second largest city Da Nang on
March 30, 1975 and by mid-April the capital Saigon
was under attack from all three sides. The impending
doom of the country was quite clear and waves of
citizens were desperately fleeing the country. On April
3 President Gerald Ford announced in a mission
deemed Operation Babylift, the U.S. military would fly
70,000 orphans out of Vietnam. Thirty flights were
planned to execute this operation. Service
organizations such as Holt International Adoption
Agency, Friends of Children of Viet Nam (FCVN),
Friends For All Children (FFAC), Catholic Relief
Service, International Social Services, International
Orphans, and the Pearl S. Buck Foundation helped in
coordinating these flights and provided chaperons
were the children.
Martin, Allison. “Stories and Articles about Operation Babylift.” Operation Babylift.
Adopt Vietnam. 4 Jun 2008, http://www.adoptvietnam.org/adoption/babylift-index.htm>
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Coup d'état in Chile
Chile was known for its stability in Latin America compared to
its neighbors until the 1960s. By then the Cold War began to
affect the mountainous nation, and Chile became a part of
the Alliance for Progress. The alliance was meant as a way
to keep socialistic revolutions from taking hold in Latin
America. In 1970, the Socialist Party won the presidency with
Salvador Allende Gossens. Allende had promised a republic
to the people of Chile and said he would provide reforms that
would make the working class more equal.
By 1973, the Chilean Congress and Judiciary stood against
Allende. They claimed that his government went against the
Chilean constitution. The military then stormed his palace
and Allende died while armed. Although the U.S. appeared to
have no involvement in the coup, many historians and
analysts have claimed that Kissinger played a part in the
death of Gen. Rene Schneider, since the general was
against a military overthrow of Allende.
“Henry Kissinger, US Involved in 1970 Chilean Plot.” Global Policy Forum. September
9, 2001. Global Policy Forum. 3 Jun 2008 ,
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The fall of Saigon
The physical and mental weakness of the South
Vietnamese troops proved to be a deadly combination
that the North took full advantage of. On March 18th
Kontum and Pleiku fell. Then on March 24th Hue city fell
in one day. March 29th communists entered the Da Nang
region. Qui Nhon fell on March 31st and then on April 3rd
Nha Trang fell in 3 hours and that same day Cam Ranh
Bay fell in 30 minutes. The rapidness of the conquer
surprised even the North Vietnamese who developed the
motto “Lightning speed, daring, and more daring” and
made their new goal to take over the entire south by May
19th, a goal they reached with 20 days to spare. On April
30, 1975, a North Vietnamese tank broke through the
walls of the South’s presidential palace. The troops
cornered South Vietnam’s last president Duong Van
Minh and when he told his captives that he wanted to
surrender, they informed him that he no longer had
anything left to surrender.
Hickman, Kennedy. “Vietnam War: End of Conflict.” Military History. About.com. 8
May 2008, http://militaryhistory.about.com/od/vietnamwar/a/vietnamEnd.htm>.
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The Khmer Rouge
In 1975 the Khmer Rouge won the civil war and
gained power in Cambodia. The organization was
headed by a man name Pol Pot. Pol Pot was
educated in France and deeply admired Chinese
communism. He and his party believed that all
intellectuals and anything that could threaten
communism needed to be abolished. The first part of
the Cambodian genocide began with the Exodus.
Everyone was forced to leave the cities, including the
sick, elderly, and children. People who were too slow
or refused to leave were killed on the spot. Pol Pot’s
plan was to make Cambodia into an organization of
farms, with the citizens as the laborers. The country’s
name was changed to Kampuchea and all civil rights
and liberties were immediately taken away.
"Pol Pot in Cambodia 1975-1979 2,000,000 deaths." The History Place-Genocide in
the 20th century. The History Place™, 1999. Web. 14 May 2010.
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Somalia, Ethiopia, and Ogden war
In a blink of an eye, everything can change. It happened
when Mengistu Haile Mariam was appointed to chairman of
the military and head of state of Ethiopia on February 11,
1977. Throughout the rest of Mariam’s first year of reign,
Ethiopia tried to suppress its opponents and enemies.
Maxamed Siyaad Barre, president of Somalia, realized that
Ethiopia was having major opposition against its own military
and government, causing a lot of confusion and warfare.
Barre used this opportunity to attack Ethiopia. His army
consisted of 50,000 soldiers (15,000 from the Western
Somalia Liberation Front, and 35,000 regular Somalians).
These soldiers started to go into the Ogaden, the eastern
territory of Ethiopia, in May through June of 1977. They
weeded their way into Ethiopian day-to-day life, having a
huge effect on what they did. In July of 1977, treacherous
warfare broke out. Barre had over twice as many fighting
men and women as Mariam. The resulted was obvious: after
two long months of fighting, Barre controlled ninety percent
of the Ogaden.
"Eastern Africa, history of." Encyclopedia Britannica. 2008. Encyclopedia Britannica
Online School Edition. 2 June 2008, http://school.eb.com/eb/article-37519>.
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Iran hostage crisis
On November 4, 1979, five hundred Muslim
students seized the United States Embassy in
Iran. Of these ninety people in the embassy,
sixty-six hostages were taken. Out of the
original sixty-six hostages, fourteen were
released early, and fifty-two were kept.
“Iran hostage crisis.” American Government. 2008. ABC-CLIO. 29 Apr. 2008
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Afghan war
In the history of Afghanistan, the internal conflict
between anti-Communist Muslim guerrillas and the
Afghan communist government (aided from 1979 to
1989 by Soviet troops). The roots of the war lay in the
overthrow of the centrist Afghanistan government in
April 1978 by left-wing military officers, who then
handed power over to two Marxist-Leninist political
parties, the Khalq (“Masses”) and Parcham (“Flag”),
who together had formed the People’s Democratic
Party of Afghanistan. Having little popular support,
the new government forged close ties with the Soviet
Union, launched ruthless purges of all domestic
opposition, and began extensive land and social
reforms that were bitterly resented by the devoutly
Muslim and largely anti-Communist population.
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The Neutron Bomb
The neutron bomb, or "enhanced
radiation warhead" as it is called in
scientific circles, is basically a
hydrogen bomb without the
uranium-238 jacket which would
absorb neutrons to increase the
blast. By eliminating that jacket the
full fusion emission of neutrons is
released. A one-kiloton neutron
bomb will spread a lethal dose of
neutron radiation to exposed
people over a one-mile radius.
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1980 Olympic games
The 1980 Olympic Games were most notable
for the largest boycott of an Olympics in history.
Following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in
December 1979, the United States and 61
other countries decided to boycott the
Olympics (France, Italy, and Sweden did not
join the boycott).The British Government
boycotted the games, however, the athletes
went against the wishes of the then ‘Thatcher’
government and went in their own right without
government blessing.
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Ronald Regan
Ronald Wilson Reagan was elected the 40th
president of the United States on Nov. 4, 1980,
and was inaugurated on Jan. 20, 1981. At the
age of 69, he was the oldest man and the first
movie actor ever sworn into that office. During
his two terms in office the popular president
helped raise the nation’s spirits. He also
oversaw the creation of large budget and trade
deficits and ultimately effected a historic truce
in the cold war with the Soviet Union.
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Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter served as President from
January 20, 1977 to January 20, 1981.
Noteworthy foreign policy accomplishments of
his administration, including the Panama Canal
treaties, the Camp David Accords, the treaty of
peace between Egypt and Israel, the SALT II
treaty with the Soviet Union, and the
establishment of U.S. diplomatic relations with
the People’s Republic of China. He
championed human rights throughout the
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