Delegate Teleconference Meeting Wednesday, August 20, 2014, 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Members X X X X X Doug Wade (Bakersfield) Missy Jarnagin (Channel Islands) Stacie Corona (Chico) Steve Mastro (Dominguez Hills) Darrell Haydon (East Bay) X X X X X Clinton Moffitt (Fresno) X X Sarah Song (Fullerton) X Carol Lorentzen (Humboldt) X X Sharon Taylor (Long Beach) X Mae Santos (Los Angeles) X Ken Toet (California Maritime Academy) John Fitzgibbon (Monterey Bay) X Deborah Wallace (Northridge) X Darwin Labordo (Pomona) X X X X Justine Heartt (Sacramento) X Monir Ahmed (San Bernardino) X Agnes Wong Nickerson (San Diego) X Franz Lozano (San Francisco) X Josee Larochelle (San Jose) Chair X Shawn Bibb (San Jose) CABO Liaison X Brett Holman (San Luis Obispo) Mary Hinchman (San Marcos) David Crozier (Sonoma) Julie Benevedes (Stanislaus) George Ashkar (Chancellor’s Office) Rodney Rideau (Chancellor’s Office) Jean Gill (Chancellor’s Office) Mike Redmond (Chancellor’s Office) Tom Roberts (Chancellor’s Office) Michelle Schlack (Chancellor’s Office) Nancy Freelander-Paice (Chancellor’s Office) Lily Wang (Chancellor’s Office) Sedong John (Chancellor’s Office) Michelle Norton for Mick McBride (Chancellor’s Office) Chris Canfield (Chancellor’s Office) Ryan Storm (Chancellor’s Office) Other Attendees: Anthony Forestiere for AVP Moffitt, Fresno. 1. Welcome and Agenda Approval – Josee Larochelle Meeting commenced meeting at 9:07 a.m. Chair Larochelle announced that Mr. Tom Roberts, System-wide Director of Contracts and Procurement, and AVC George Ashkar, will not be able to attend. Both gentlemen are at CSU Eastbay to attend the CSU and UC roundtable discussion, therefore no financial or procurement updates. FOA Executive Committee * Chair, Josee Larochelle * Vice Chair, Deborah Wallace * Secretary, Mae Santos * Treasurer, Mary Hinchman *One year Member at Large, Vacant * Two year Member at Large, Darrell Haydon * Past Chair, Justine Heartt 2. CABO Update – Shawn Bibb CABO Liaison VP Shawn Bibb reported that since the last conference, there have been major discussions on the budget. The Chancellor’s Office issued a revised budget memo in July with significant negative feedbacks from the campuses. Due to the overwhelming responses, the Chancellor Office sent out two options for campus Presidents to review and vote on. Steve Rayela, Executive Vice Chancellor, made a commitment to create a committee on future allocation orders. The budget memo will include a 3% pay raise pending negotiations with the unions. In other topics, not a lot of commitments have been made on the CHRS implementation. Some people indicated work is progressing while others say the project has stopped. AVP Sharon Taylor asked for status on the travel policy from CABO. VP Bibb indicated that no discussion will occur until the next in-person meeting. VP Bibb indicated that AVP Larochelle will attend for the next CABO in-person 3. Treasurer’s Financial Report and FOA FY1415 Dues – Mary Hinchman AVP Hinchman reported that the fund balance as of July 31, 2014 is $109,999. 4. Budget Update – Ryan Storm (time certain 9:30 a.m.) Interim Assistant Vice Chancellor Ryan Storm addressed three items including 1) 2014-15 budget allocation memo 2) 2015-16 CSU budget request and 3) CSU infrastructure and maintenance needs. 2014-15 Budget Allocation Memo Overall, the CSU system’s 2014-15 general fund enrollment growth allocation is $142 million. Although the legislature made commendable efforts towards assisting the CSU to restore additional funding, at the end of budgetary session, the efforts were not successful. The CSU made unsuccessful efforts to carve out $95 million in additional funding from the state. State budget decisions were not finalized until June 20th. Since there were numerous last minute decisions by the Chancellor’s Office because of that June 20th news, the budget memo reflected some of the challenges facing the CSU. The Interim AVC offered an apology for timing of the memo, yet the budget strategy was to work until the very end to secure the additional $95 million. A memo was sent to the campus presidents providing some options to address the shortfall. If the CSU restored funding for the enrollment bucket, then there has to be an alternative to make the CSU whole. One option that was considered was that campuses could possibly fund 1% of compensation adjustments; however, this approach would be problematic since it has the potential to complicate the collective bargaining process. Instead, the Chancellor and the Presidents decided to do an adjustment to the 2013-14 revised base budgets. The approach is to allocate proportional shares for the campuses to bring the overall CSU budget augmentation in line with the $142 million provided by the state while also honoring enrollment target decisions and planning already under while increasing enrollment. General Fund will increase between 13-14 and 14-15 for all campuses ranging from $1.8 million at Maritime to $9.2 million at Long Beach and all other campus in between. The System-wide Budget Office will issue a revised budget memo in the upcoming week. The revision will show some campuses receiving less allocation than the July memo. If campuses made commitments based on the information from the July memo, then they can request one-time funding. The Chancellor has extended an offer to provide one-time funding to mitigate campus impacts if commitments were previously made based on the July allocation memo. The bar has been set really high since there was only a few weeks between the memo issuance dates. At the Presidents’ council meeting, the Chancellor and the Presidents decided to take $6 million from student success to off-set General Fund adjustments and to reduce the 2013-14 base allocation. AVP John Fitzgibbon (Monterey Bay) inquired about the overall percentage de-allocation from the 2013-14 base budget, which will be a little over 1%. AVP Steve Mastro (Dominguez Hills) asked about the target date for the revised memo. AVC Ryan indicated that the Systemwide Budget Office will make sure the information is accurate so there will not be any unattended consequences. AVP Justine Heartt (Sacramento) asked when FIRMS Budget will be due and requested at least a week’s timeframe for review. Acting Deputy Assistant Vice Chancellor, Budget, Rodney Rideau plans on sending out the revised memo by this Friday or next Monday with feedback due by next Wednesday. AVP Josee Larochelle stated that since the annual fee report is due on August 29, it is best to delay FIRMS Budget until Friday, September 5. Page 2 of 7 2015-16 Budget Request The System-wide Budget Office is planning for the 2015-16 budgets. The CSU needs base budget will be similar to last fiscal year. The preliminary plan will be approximately $300 - $350 million for infrastructure, IT upgrades, enrollment, and student success and completion initiatives. The timeframe is for the CO to present preliminary planning information to the BOT. Despite some criticism of not building the budget around the Governor’s defined allocation, Interim AVC Storm indicated it was the CSU’s responsibility to put together a budget plan that reflect the needs of the university. The Governor’s Administration continues to indicate its preference that tuition fees remain flat through 2016-17. The CSU must let Sacramento know its needs and in order to meet the need, the Governor and Legislature need to fund them. Positive Trigger Interim AVC Storm also presented on overview of the lack of positive trigger on deferred maintenance on a one time basis which was contingent on property taxes beyond certain level. The $50 million positive trigger was included in the final state budget but the law required the Department of Finance to determine if that trigger would be met. Earlier this summer, DOF determined that the trigger would not be pulled and that contingency is now off the table. Although the Speaker introduced legislation to provide one-time funding to fund $50 million to the CSU and UC, Interim AVC Storm cautions people to get their hopes too high. The DOF told legislators they were opposed to providing the funding to the UC or the CSU. At the end of the day, it depends on where the Governor’s Administration will land. AVP Fitzgibbon inquired about the plan to use mix in the future. Interim AVC Storm indicated that the EVC mentioned a desire to work through a new budget allocation process. The EVC and the Presidents understood that the 2014-15 budget issue has been resolved in principle, with the need to review the change in mix. It is a broader issue and there is also a need to talk about SUG allocation. The plan is to create a work group. The state has limited resources and don’t want the system to rely on tuition fee. At the end of the day there are pluses and minuses. The system is heavily reliant on the State and the State has not been able to fully meet the needs of the university. . 5. FOA 1-year Member-at-large – Justine Heartt AVP Heartt (Sacramento) presented the final vote count for FOA 1-Year Member at Large. AVP Missy Jarnagin has been elected the new officer. AVP Heartt welcomed AVP Jarnagin to the new officer position. 6. CFS Enhancements/Project Status – George Monsoor and Cheryl Kwiatkowski (time certain 10:00 a.m.) Chair Larochelle reiterated that FOA has asked for summary status on CFS projects that are in the queue. Mr. Monsoor will present an overview of these projects and indicated that Michelle Norton will continue to participate in the FOA conference to discuss updates except for today. He discussed the projects that have gone through FOA and CABO. First, the CFS Datawarehouse project has received funding approval. Ms. Kwiatkowski will attend the FOA meeting in September 2014. She also has been in contact with Debbie Brothwell to understand the requirement on reporting and get a better sense as to what the entire project entails. The goal is to merge financial and the HR datawarehouse together. Ms. Kwiatkowski is looking forward to working with the delegates. AVP Heartt indicated there was an existing workgroup to review potential enhancement. Ms. Kwiatkowski was in agreement and stressed the need to incorporate Pro-Card data. The sponsored program component needs to be worked on first before data-warehouse. Second, Mr. Monsoor indicated that the sponsored program initiative was submitted but funding was not approved. The datawarehouse component was encapsulated in the program. FOA has approved sponsored program to be among the projects for CFS enhancement. CABO has endorsed the mini plans and forwarded it to the EVC, however the EVC did not approve the plan. A question was raised as to whether the information was Page 3 of 7 communicated back to CABO. Chair Larochelle asked for the budget related to the sponsored programs project that was provided to the EVC. Mr. Monsoor will look into it. Third, E-Procurement was funded and has been approved. Implementation of the procurement model will proceed in CMS in the current year. Fourth, system-wide travel expense was funded although FOA was told this was only a CO project. Apparently the CMS executive committee requested this project to be added for system-wide implementation. AVP Taylor asked VP Bibb if the CO had informed CABO about the travel project implementation since the travel policy was being revised. Mr. Monsoor indicated that while requests normally go from FOA to CABO to the EVC, some projects do go directly from CMS to the executive committee to the EVC. Annually the CMS Executive Committee meets in October to prepare strategic initiative in the following year. AVP Taylor expressed concern that FOA voices were not being heard, especially on projects with FOA impacts. Chair Larochelle will engage in further conversation with Ms. Kwiatkowski and Mr. Monsoor to ensure clear transparency. According to Mr. Monsoor, Payment Plus appears to be on track. He will also share a time-lime for various projects including EProcurement and Sponsored Programs. Finally, in regard to CFS operational updates, the main focus is on MP1 with key updates communicated to campuses on the 14th. CMS will release the next major update on October 23 for campus testing. Project summary has been released to campuses. 7. Split Testing for upcoming CFS Maintenance Pack (attachment) – Josee Larochelle, Lily Wang & Justine Heartt Chair Larochelle thanked Ms. Wang and AVP Heartt for developing the campus sign-up matrix. Some campuses have expressed concerns on testing responsibilities and its impact. The chair asked Ms. Wang and AVP Heartt for summary findings on whether campuses should proceed with split testing. According to Ms. Wang, KPMG approved in concept the possibility of splitting testing among campuses (refer to document from 12/11/13 meeting): One instance One test script Requirement to document that all modules/scenarios were adequately tested to success, and approved/signed off Evidence of training CMS indicated it is a campus decision and not their initiative. They provided pros and cons and voiced concerns regarding split testing but leave the final determination to FOA. AVP Heartt provided some historical perspectives that led to the split testing initiative. Overall, split testing will result in less work for some campuses especially in light of campuses losing employees over the years. Most campuses have similar CMS system-wide issues so split testing will reduce redundancy and workload. AVP Larochelle opened the floor for delegate discussion and asked if there were any concerns. She also asked whether there needs to be a vote to proceed with split testing with the six campuses. After delegate discussion, AVP Larochelle indicated split testing will commence once MP1 is released. 8. CFS ProCard Mod to add BU Advisory Committee Recommendation (attachment) – Sharon Taylor AVP Taylor pointed out that if FOA supports the concept, then the item will be forwarded to CABO. In regard to Pro-Card, the Business Unit and chartfield needs to be included in the set-up. Including these chartfields will facilitate not having to bill back and forth from the auxiliaries. FOA delegates unanimously support ProCard Mod to be forwarded to CABO. AVP Larochelle thanked the committee’s efforts. Page 4 of 7 8 20 Procard Enhancement Request.pdf 9. CO Financial Services Updates – George Ashkar No updates. 10. Other CO Updates a. CMS Updates – Michelle Norton CMS updates were previously discussed above. b. Procurement – Tom Roberts No updates. c. Budget – Rodney Rideau Mr. Rideau spoke about the reporting requirement on CERF supplemental reporting. He indicated that a template was created by CSU Northridge and shared with the campuses. The supplemental reporting requires every course fee to be reported, however there were concerns since not every fee has a fund balance. FOA delegates asked Mr. Rideau to send out the template again. There was consensus that fund balance by fee is not realistic. d. US Bank Payment Plus – Mike Redmond No updates. e. Audit – Michelle Schlack Ms. Schlack reported that OAAS has completed the Accessible Technology audits and is continuing with the Executive Travel, Information Security, Sponsored Programs – Post Award audits, and Continuing Education audits. 11. CSU 101 October 2014 Update – Brett Holman Mr. Holman indicated that 11 campuses have submitted attendee list and currently 8 people are on the waiting list. Campuses have until August 29th to submit attendee names. He further reported that CSU 101 presentations were due on August 15th to Lori Erdhman. 12. CSU 101 Core FOA Team Discussion – Josee Larochelle Chair Larochelle held discussion to the upcoming meeting. She asked planning group to help guide FOA to ensure this vital program with high demand continues. More to come in next few months. 13. CSU Business Conference 2015 update – Josee Larochelle Not much update. Chair Larochelle will proceed with on-site review in November. The save-the-date flyer will be sent out. Page 5 of 7 14. CSU Business Conference 2016 – Josee Larochelle Chair Larochelle stated it was difficult to find conference locations to fit the size and lodging limit. She may need to look at locking in multiple years since appropriate locations are hard to find. One proposed location is the Oakland Marriot Center on March 28th-29th. The cost per room is $169. This venue can accommodate room and space requirements. AVPs Haydon and Larochelle will conduct site visits. Chair Larochelle proposed that FOA move forward to moving conference there for 2016 conference and asked for comments. AVP Heartt felt it was a good idea and asked if approval is needed from VP Bibb. Chair Larochelle didn’t believe so. The proposed conference site does not require deposit but has a $100K minimum for catered food and beverage for 2015 and 2016. One concern about the March 28th-29th dates is that it falls after the Easter break which is when kids go on vacation. Chair Larochelle will ask the Oakland Center to see if there is another date and will also look at other venues. There were no bids from the Hyatt or the Marriot in Sacramento. There are no deposit requirements for the Oakland Center but there is a cancellation requirement. 15. SubCommittee Reports a. Strategic Sourcing – Darwin Labordo AVP Labordo reported that the task force has not met with CABO for two meetings. At this stage, the initiative is self-propelled. Most of the work currently being done is to develop a common platform for preferred vendor. Nine campuses have participated and have provided trainings in the last 60-90 days. The site is live and is in production mode. Pomona will be the first campus to roll it out to the community. At Pomona, AVP Labordo will meet with the VP to demonstrate how the system is used and will serve as a test case. East Bay, Sacramento, and Bakersfield will begin testing Monday. Chico and Los Angeles will need to schedule training. Mike Lee is still the CABO lead on this and AVP Labordo will call for more participation from campuses on strategy. Chair Larochelle asked for a link to share with the delegates. b. Travel Improvements – Darrell Haydon No progress made in this area. c. Getting to Know PSSOA (attachments) – Clinton Moffitt AVP Moffitt was not on the call. AVP Jarnagin had meeting with PSSOA. Tom Roberts and the PSSOA treasurer explained the history of PSSOA and how the funding originated, which is essentially from Office Max and REI. The funding arrangements were made by CABO and CO personnel, many of whom are no longer there. AVP Jarnagin asked PSSOA for a spend down plan on funds and whether it was the right way to do incentive funding in the future. PSSOA stated that the funds were used on training, however there were concerns that the spending decisions should not reside within PSSOA, rather by the campus AVPs. PSSOA’s current fund balance is approximately $300K with another $400K at the CO from incentive rebates under CABO control. CABO is aware of the funds which are to be used for shared services. Overall, there is a total of $700K. AVP Haydon clarified that campuses are receiving a percentage of the OfficeMax rebates; however AVP Jarnagin indicated that not all rebates are returned to the campuses stemming from system-wide contracts issued by the CO Office. Since PSSOA reports to FOA, AVP Jarnagin asked Mr. Roberts for reports to be shared with FOA. 16. Liaison Reports a. Accounts Payable (AP) – Justine Heartt There were no issues reported on the list-serve. Wells Fargo Bank provided tip sheet on supply chain fraud where criminals were changing the banking information to commit fraud. Information is attached. Page 6 of 7 Supply Chain Fraud.pdf b. Student Accounts Receivable (SAR) including CashNet – Brett Holman Mr. Holman reminded the delegates that the new federal Direct Loan consolidation program no longer issues consolidation checks at September 30th. Overall, the CashNet system has been slow due to high volumes of student activities. Campuses asked to refrain from doing tuition calc for all students to free up system space. c. Purchasing (PSSOA) – Missy Jarnagin No further update. d. Budget – Missy Jarnagin No further update. e. Sponsored Programs – Sharon Taylor AVP Taylor reported that a sponsored programs meeting with be held in Sonoma. San Marcos just went live and spud listing is now on sharepoint. A request for was for campuses to send names of individuals who handle sponsored programs on campuses to AVP Taylor. Long Beach will share an AR billing template with the delegates. Sue is working on the benefits pool rate. Karen Wall was the HR representative from FOA on LCD; however, since her departure, no delegate has replaced Ms. Wall. Chair Larochelle pointed out that AVP Moffitt was appointed to replace Ms. Wall since his campus is used as a baseline. Mr. Forestiere representing AVP Moffitt indicated that CMS has stopped using their campus baseline. Chair Larochelle will send AVP Moffitt a note. f. CFS Advisory Committee – Josee Larochelle i. CFS ProCard Mod to add BU No updates. There are plans to forward the ProCard mods to CABO. Meeting adjourned 11:32 p.m. 17. Future FOA Delegate Meetings September 24, 2014 Wed 9:00 am – 2:30 pm LAX Crowne Plaza November 5, 2014 Wed 9:00 am – 11:30 am Teleconference December 10, 2014 Wed 9:00 am – 11:30 am Teleconference February 8, 2015 – AOA Conference, Pasadena, The Langham Huntington Page 7 of 7