Environmental Issues

Brazil’s Role in Global Issues
Foreign Aid
Current Diplomacy
Brazil’s Foreign Aid Program
• Brazil's provision of foreign aid to developing
countries is not new; Member of the SSC (SouthSouth cooperation) for the past 40 years
• The South American giant is both a recipient and
provider of aid which gives it a better understanding
of the needs and constraints facing developing
countries as aid recipients
• The foreign aid program in Brazil supports agriculture,
health, education and technological growth in
developing countries
• Brazil’s lavishing assistance in Africa and Central
America has helped it compete with China and India
for soft-power influence in the developing world
Brazil Gives Back
 Brazil is heavily involved in the most successful post earthquake
initiative in Haiti (Lèt Agogo)
 Embrapa, a Brazilian research outfit, has helped significantly
increase cotton yields in Mali
 Odebrecht, a Brazilian construction firm, is building much of
Angola’s water supply and is one of the biggest contractors in
 Brazil contributes $300 Million to the World Food Program, $350
Million to Haiti, $100 million to United Nations Development
Program, $30 Million to ABC (Brazilian Cooperation Agency) and $
450 million for in-kind expertise provided by Brazilian institutions
involved in technical cooperation around the world
 BNDES, Brazilian State Development Bank has given out over $3.3
Billion in loans to developing countries in Central America and
Africa since 2008
Foreign Aid Notable Facts
• Current calculations suggest that Brazilian aid is
around $1 Billion a year which puts it on par
with India, Sweden and Canada
• This surge in aid has put Brazil ahead of other
Development Assistance Committee members
like Finland, Ireland and Portugal.
• Brazil’s foreign aid policy has come under some
scrutiny at home and abroad because the
country still has large pockets of third world
Brazil and the U.S.
• Brazil wants to be respected as a world power
Protect its own interest in international affairs
U.N. Security Council
Humanitarian mission in Haiti
• U.S. wants to ensure exports to Brazil, spur jobs
in the U.S.
• “Arguably the most effecting intermediary
between Washington and a resurgent, anti-U.S.
Latin left”
• Hemispheric divide of interests
Diplomacy in Iran
• 2010, President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva traveled to
Tehran to discuss Iran’s nuclear plans with President
• U.S. & U.N. not pleased, seen as way to stall proposed
• Brazil opposed sanctions, wanted to protect its own
nuclear interest
– Developed uranium enrichment capabilities in secret in the
– Signed the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty a decade later
• Widely regarded as having little to do with Iran, and
more to do with Lula’s interest in earning respect
Energy in Brazil – Ethanol
• 1973 oil crisis (oil embargo by Arab members of OPEC) spurs
Brazilian government to invest in R&D for alternative energies
• Since 1976, minimum amount of ethanol must be blended with
gasoline in fuels
all gas stations must sell gasoline, diesel, and ethanol by law
Cleaner and cheaper to produce than oil (and U.S. corn-based ethanol)
61% decrease in greenhouse gas emissions vs. gasoline or diesel
18-25% of fuel blends must be ethanol (2011)
• Brazilian car manufacturing industry develops “flex-fuel”
vehicles that can run on either gas or ethanol
– 92% of all new cars and light vehicles sold in 2009 were flex-fuel
– Driver chooses which type of fuel to use
Energy in Brazil – Ethanol
• 2nd largest ethanol fuel producer globally (30% of global supply;
US 50%)
– Agricultural advantage: Brazil produces 40% of world’s sugarcane
– 2011 decline in Brazil’s ethanol exports (high prices and unfavorable
weather damaged sugarcane crops)  US #1 in 2011
• Not necessarily an energy panacea
– Need more land for sugarcane crop rainforest deforestation (and higher
net carbon emissions), endangered species
– Nitrogen fertilizer used to grow sugarcane produces nitrous oxide
(greenhouse gas)
– Working conditions of sugar field workers
• Looking ahead:
– 12/31/2011: expiration of (a) US tax credits for corn-based ethanol and (b
sugarcane ethanol import tariffs opens US market to Brazilian sugarcane
ethanol firms (e.g. Cosan)
The Environment:
Growing Support for Legislation
• 1986- Brazilian National Environmental Policy
(BNEP) signals serious effort to improve
• Deforestation and loss of Amazon are biggest
global concerns
• Brazil leads air and water pollution reduction
efforts in emerging markets
Climate Change Initiatives
• 16.2% of Brazil’s forest were cleared
by 2003
– Loss of land productivity, biodiversity
loss, net emissions of greenhouse
gases, and irregular water cycles
• 2010 Climate Change Conference
COP 15- reduce greenhouse gas
emissions between 36-39% by 2020
• 2011 REDD policy changes may
reopen Amazon to logging and allow
non-native species
– Suggesting privatization of forest and
soils through carbon markets
Reducing Air and Industrial Pollution
• Sao Paulo- only certain cars with a license plate ending on a
corresponding day of the week to drive certain days.
• Chevron oil spill in November 2011- 3% of total production;
Brazil demanding $10.6B in damages and threat of shutting
down operations
• Implemented quality and quantity-related water charges in
regulations to promote reuse
Hosting 2012 Earth Summit (Rio+20)- signal of commitment to
sustainable development and green economy with necessary Open
Government Partnership