Teacher: Area of Learning Language, Literacy & communication Mathematical Development Lesson Planning KG1, Theme: Me and family, Unit 1: I have a family Date: 01-05 Nov Learning Objectives / Key skills To encourage children to learn and participate in a variety of songs. Children will develop their listening skills and awareness of sound in the environment, like noisy /quiet room/house. To learn the sound of the letter ‘Pp’. To recognize the sound ‘Pp’ at the beginning of the words. Children will have the opportunity to communicate using simple words relating to unit “Homes for every one”. To name the rooms in a house. To describe a room in their house. To name their family members. Children learn that a story has a title. Continue helping children to recognize their own written name. Vocabulary / Questions Pin, pencil, parrot, pan, room, window, door, roof, kitchen, living room, etc. Where do you live? Where do you sleep? How many rooms in your house? Where is the title of the story? I love my family. Activities Assessment Children will sing good morning song, and different songs about family and homes. Children will participate in singing Jolly Phonics songs about the sound ‘Pp‘. Children will listen to different family related stories. Promote family activities in centres to help develop children’s language. Children will use different materials (blocks, play dough, etc.) to make the letter ‘Pp‘. Children will make houses using blocks and other different materials. Children will trace and decorate the letter ‘Pp’. Children will independently form letter ‘Pp’ using markers and whiteboards. Children will practice writing the Letter “Pp” in their writing books. Observe children if they can identify the sound” Pp “. Are they becoming familiar with the sight words? Can children say how much they love their family? Can children name their family member? Children are giving different opportunity and experiences to learn about numbers “1 to 5”, the colour yellow and the triangle shape. Children will learn to measure for a purpose. Children will continue learning the position words: under, over. Children will be familiar with Measurement words big & small. Straight and curved lines. Can you count from 1 to 5? Can you show me a yellow triangle? Can you go under the table? Is this straight line? Can you count how many windows we have? Big house for big family. To learn counting rhymes and songs from 1-5. Children will listen to counting stories. Children will do different counting sets activities to 5 using different materials from our house. Children will explore and describe the position in their immediate environment (under, over, up, down, inside and outside). Children use play dough, blocks, to build big and small houses and rooms. Children will trace different lines. Children will sort different shapes, and colours. Children will draw straight/curved lines. Can children recognize numbers 1-5? Observe children if they understand how to build sets to 5. Observe children if they can identify the colour yellow and the shape triangle. Observe children while playing if they can describe any learned position words. Area of Learning Knowledge and Understanding of World Creative Development Physical Development Learning Objectives / Key Skills Children will show interest in different occupations and ways of life. They will compare the house in their real life with a house in a classical Fairy Tales. Children will be exposed to a variety of experiences relating to how to be in a family. Children will tell information about their family to learn and share. Children will be giving different opportunities to be creative and expressive through making links to literacy and numeracy concepts and all about me theme. Vocabulary/ Questions What do you like about your family? Do you have a big family? My house is not like your house. Activities Assessment Children will be given different opportunities to describe their house. Have children draw their family house or garden. Use flash cards to show different rooms in the house. Can children express themselves? Can children talk about their family? Can children identify who is in their family? Children will use different material to decorate the Letter “ Pp “ and the shape square Children will draw “My home” pictures using paint, crayon, and pencils. Children make the letter “Pp “and the shape My big beautiful square using different materials. house. Children will listen to different songs and sounds. Green is the colour Provide play dough and shaped cookie cutters of the grass. and rollers so children can do play dough house! Explore the colour yellow through variety of experiences. Encourage children to colour or paint using different media Do children like to participate in art activities? What they like to do to enhance creative and expressive skills? Do they participate in singing, dancing and music? Children will be giving the opportunity to develop their large motor skills, balance and coordination, independence, and self help skills. Show me how can you jump? Stretch your legs! Can you do that by yourself? I can tidy my lunch box. Do children follow routines, directions, etc.? Do children show independence skills? Do children like to participate in active movement activities? Which song do you like to sing with your mother/father? Consistent routines and directions. Active movement songs and dances, jumping, running on the spot. Musical chairs. Name game. Outdoor activities. Explore family activities. Bilingualism and Multi-cultural Personal & Social Development Outdoor Play Additional Notes Learning objectives / Key Skills Children have the opportunity to be exposed to their culture and bilingualism in the classroom setting. Vocabulary / Activities Questions Do you know the Children are exposed to the national anthem national anthem of UAE? from their country. Listen to different family culture song on Homes in UAE. YouTube. Looking at the world map. Where do you live? Listen to different stories from UAE culture about family. How your house is look Find out about different family activities in like? UAE. Draw different houses from UAE. Children will learn about their families and family members. Children will learn how to take care of their own house and rooms. To participate in a song. I love my family. I like the way you are talking turns. What do you like to do with your family? Give opportunity to children to act out different scenes of things families do together. Provide co-operative play experiences such as small group play; puzzles Blocks, simple games, painting, in order that children can solve puzzles about family members, or they can together build different kind of houses using blocks. Role-playing with dolls. Children have the opportunities to develop their physical skills in the outdoor environment. Can I help you climb? Do you remember the rules? Show me how you can do it by yourself. Use outdoor equipment. Ball play Hopscotch Hula – hoops Etc. Assessment How do we enhance children’s culture in classroom? Do children identify with their home country? Do children sing songs from their native language? Observe children if they follow rules. And taking turn. Observe children if they can name their family members? Are children confident using outdoor equipment? Can they play independently or the need support? Do they participate in games? Provide activities for quick finisher. Students will be assessed by observing them during activities: Throughout the day and while sitting at centres. Through discussions with their teacher Through acting out scenes of things community helpers do.