University of Central Lancashire Research Project/Studentship Description Project ref: RS/15/24 School Proposed Director of Studies Programme (e.g MPhil/PhD) Duration of Studentship Hours (Full or Part Time) Tuition Fees Maintenance Grant Start Date Entry Requirements Project 1 Entry Requirements Project 2 Any Special Requirements (e.g. driving licence) Closing Date: 28/03/2016 Health Sciences Project 1 (Evaluating health technologies to support development) Professor Andy Clegg email tel 01772 895545 Project 2 (Statistical methods in the evaluation of the effectiveness of interventions) Dr Chris Sutton email tel 01772 892783 PhD (via MPhil) 3 years Full Time Paid at UK/EU rate (currently £4052 pa) £14057 p a (2015/16 rates Expected 1 October 2016 UK Bachelor Degree at minimum 2:1 classification (or equivalent qualification) in a relevant health, social care or pertinent methodological subject UK Bachelor Degree at minimum 2:1 classification (or equivalent qualification) in mathematics, statistics or other pertinent subject with substantial methodological content Non UK nationals should hold IELTS 7.0 with no lower than 6.5 in all sub scores (or equivalent qualification) Project Title [1] Evaluating health technologies to support policy development [2] Statistical methods in the evaluation of the effectiveness of interventions Project Description In: [1] Evaluating health technologies to support policy development or [2] Statistical methods in the evaluation of the effectiveness of interventions [1] Evaluating health technologies to support policy development Health technology assessment plays a vital role in the development of health policy and guidance on the use of drugs, devices, procedures, screening programmes, health promotion and public health policies nationally and internationally. In England and Wales the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) rely upon the provision of robust and timely evaluations of the clinical and cost effectiveness of different health technologies to underpin their guidance to the NHS. Evidence synthesis in the form of systematic reviews, meta-analyses and economic evaluations through decision analytic models provide the basis for the assessment of the effectiveness of the different technologies. Limitations in the evidence-base used for evaluating health technologies are well recognised. The effects are reflected in uncertainties in the evaluations undertaken and the guidance provided. The methods used for evaluating health technologies have continued to develop to address these limitations. In encompassing a different evidence base, new challenges arise in the assessment of the evidence, interpretation of its findings and the development of the ensuing guidance. This PhD will provide the opportunity to examine the different sources of evidence, the evolving methods for their evaluation, the effects on the outcomes of the assessment of health technologies and the potential effects on the guidance developed. It will involve the use of systematic review methods, meta-analysis (including network meta-analysis) and decision-analytic modelling, applying the methods to different case studies to understand the possible consequences for decision makers and policy development. [2] Statistical methods in the evaluation of the effectiveness of interventions A. Cluster-randomised controlled trials are often used to avoid the contamination risk inherent when using individual randomisation in many healthcare intervention trials. However, clusterrandomised trials introduce other problems, particularly selection bias and an increase in sample size (due to clustering effects). It has been proposed that individual randomisation may still be preferable if the degree of contamination is limited (Torgerson, 2001) or that more complex designs (e.g. pseudo-cluster randomisation – Borm et al., 2005) should be used. If the contamination can be measured, then causal inferential methods, such as instrumental variables, can be used to adjust effectiveness estimates for contamination. However, the evidence regarding the optimal design and the implications for evidence in relation to the evaluation of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of healthcare interventions remains limited. This research project will consider the optimal design and analysis options for feasibility and effectiveness trials of complex healthcare interventions. Or B. Large general practice and linked hospital datasets are increasingly being used to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions in clinical practice. However, the limitations of these datasets are that they were not collected for research purposes and careful consideration needs to be taken when estimates of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness are required for technology assessments. Methods, such as propensity score matching, exist for balancing intervention groups. However, the extent to which these methods are optimal for such assessments are unknown, particularly given the potential for unrecorded, incomplete or unreliable assessment of variables affecting allocation. This research project will investigate the potential for using a large general practice database (e.g. THIN) and linked hospital data (from HES) to assess the effect of anticoagulant medication on the risk of stroke. Research Student Specification Studentship Ref Number RS/15/24 Project Title: [1] Evaluating health technologies to support policy development [2] Statistical methods in the evaluation of the effectiveness of interventions School: Health Sciences Contact: Project 1 Professor Andy Clegg email Project 2 Dr Chris Sutton email Attributes Essential Closing Date: Desirable 28/03/2016 Measured By Education/Qualificati ons [1] 2:1 undergraduate degree (or equivalent) in a relevant health, social care, or pertinent methodological subject [2] 2:1 undergraduate degree (or equivalent) in mathematics, statistics or other pertinent subject with substantial methodological content Master’s degree in relevant area Application Form/Certificat es Experience Click here to enter text. Health Service Experience Application form/Interview [1] Understanding of Improvement/Implement ation Science Application form/Interview Evidence of independent research work Application form/Interview Skills/Abilities Excellent communication/interpers onal skills. Application form and interview, research proposal Good presentation and writing skills. Application form and interview Self-motivated Personal Details Ability to work alone Application form and interview Good IT skills particularly MS Office software Application form and interview Non UK nationals will require an overall IELTS score of 7. Effective time management and prioritisation of work Click here to enter text. Application Form Certificates Application form and interview