Social Factors Approaches to developing performance What are the two main approaches we have used to develop social factors? 1. Cooperation Drills 2. Team Building Exercises Cooperation Drills Co-operation drills are frequently used to develop communication skills and roles before increasing the pressure when applying strategies. They are used to develop an increased understanding of the roles, improve skills and communication and to create a coordinated attack. Volleyball Football Cooperation Drills 1 server 2 receivers/hitters 1 setter R/H setter R/H Server The ball can be thrown over or served underarm to allow players on the other side of the net to initiate a three touch attack. Players move round a place if an attack is successful. Explanation of why we use cooperation drills Players develop their co-operation skills, communication skills and trust in each other. Therefore, this allows for smoother application of strategies, which results in more effective attacks and defense. It allows players to become more familiar with and understand the different roles and responsibilities of volleyball. The teacher talks through the drill from all players’ perspective and explains what is expected in each role. This increases players understanding of each other’s roles and how they interlink. This method develops players' confidence as there is no opposition, success should be high and they can increase the pace when required. Task Question: Choose two social sub factors that impacts on performance. Explain one approach to develop these factors. (4 marks) Starting sentence: Two social sub factors that impact on my performance are communication and roles and responsibilities. One approach to develop these sub factors would be cooperation drills. Description Provide a short but concise description of a cooperation drill. This will not give you any marks but sets the scene for your answer. Explanation (4 marks) 4 Explanation points about why we use cooperation drills. What are the main limitations of cooperation drills? 1. This method can be boring for players if done for too long as it lacks any competition. Therefore, this can lead to players losing motivation and it could result in communication and understanding of roles decreasing. 2. There are no external factors so it does not reflect a game situation. Therefore, it doesn’t prepare players for the pressures of a game situation because the practice is manufactured. 3. The mental and emotional state of all team players can impact the quality of play. If even one player in the team is lacking motivation or fearful of making a mistake in front of their team mates the drill will breakdown. Team Building Exercises Team Building Exercises are frequently used at the Forming stage of social development when players are getting to know each other as an “ice breaker”. They are also utilised when there has been a breakdown in performance and this encourages team mates to cooperate and work to develop more positive relationships and work towards a common goal to get players back on track. ww Team Building Exercises In teams of 4 (volleyball teams) working together to try and get the full team across the width of the games hall and back only using the 2 gym mats. At no point are any members of the team allowed to touch the games hall floor, you are only allowed to be on the 2 mats provided. This is a race against the other teams. Explanation of why we use team building exercises The purpose of team building activities is to assist teams in becoming cohesive units that can effectively work together to complete tasks and work towards a common goal. Explanation of why we use team building exercises Team members are more motivated when they gain trust in their team mates. Players begin to realise that they are all dependent on each other and the failure of one team member leads to the team failing. Explanation of why we use team building exercises They develop leadership skills in individuals so players feel they are contributing more to the team. This helps to build team morale. Limitations of Team Building Activities • Some people start to sit back and let others do the work which causes conflict. Subsequently, this conflict between team members will impact negatively on team cohesion. • There has to be a real purpose to these exercises such as developing cooperation or communication otherwise they will have no impact on performance and social development. Players in the team may start to see them as being "pointless" and not effective to improving team dynamics. • If there are too many leaders it can result in players challenging to be heard and unwilling to listen unless exercises are done their way. Exam Question Select one Social factor that has had a negative impact on your performance. Explain how you developed this factor to help improve your performance. (4 marks) Structure: 1. Select the sub factor (Team Dynamics, Communication, Roles & Responsibilities) 2. Give a brief explanation of how it has impacted your teams performance negatively. 3. Choose your approach to developing this sub factor. 4. Explain why you have chosen this approach.