AHU-FON-NUR-CS-ACD—03 Al Hussein Bin Talal University Princess Aysheh Bint Al-Hussein College of Nursing and Health Sciences Course Syllabus Department: Nursing Credit Hours: 3 Course Title: Anatomy Course Number: (0901102) Pre-requisites: Course Year Level: First year Faculty Member: Day, Time: E-mail : Office Hours: Course Website: Office Phone: Academic Year: 2015/2016 Semester: Course Description Knowledge of human's anatomy is fundamental to the most basic care nurses provide to their clients. This course will focus on the structure and histology of various human body systems Clearly present anatomic & histological consideration, more emphasis will be on cellular and tissue level of organization. General Learning Objectives 1. Help student integrate related concepts 2. Understand the relationship between anatomical & histological structures and their functions. 3. Help the students to use anatomical & histological terminology confidently. 4. Demonstrate an understanding of the anatomy of body systems ________________________________________________________________________ Issue Date: May 2015 Revision Date: 1 AHU-FON-NUR-CS-ACD—03 Al Hussein Bin Talal University Princess Aysheh Bint Al-Hussein College of Nursing and Health Sciences Course Syllabus Specific Learning Objectives Cognitive: 1. Define anatomy, levels of body organization, basic anatomical terminology, control of homeostasis, Abdominopelvic regions & quadrants. 2. Discriminate between the different tissues levels 3. Understand the structure of the skin and its accessory structures 4. Understand the structure, histology, bone formation, & Bone growth. 5. Differentiate between the different types of bones and joints 6. Demonstrate understanding of the types of muscle tissue, microscopic anatomy of skeletal muscle fibers, neuromuscular junction, motor unit, types of skeletal muscle fibers, cardiac muscle tissue, and smooth muscle tissue. 7. Understand how skeletal muscle produce movements, how skeletal muscles are named, and principal of skeletal muscle. 8. Discuss the structure, organization & histology of nervous system 9. Discuss spinal cord anatomy, its protective structures, and the external and internal anatomy of the spinal cord & spinal nerves. 10. Understand the structure of the brain 11. Compare between somatic and autonomic nervous system 12. Understand the structure of the heart 13. Understand the structures & functions of blood vessels 14. Discuss the lymphatic system & lymphatic circulation 15. Understand the structure of respiratory system 16. Understand the structure of digestive system 17. Understand the structure of urinary system 18. Understand the structure of reproductive system ________________________________________________________________________ Issue Date: May 2015 Revision Date: 2 AHU-FON-NUR-CS-ACD—03 Al Hussein Bin Talal University Princess Aysheh Bint Al-Hussein College of Nursing and Health Sciences Course Syllabus Psychomotor: 1. Highlight the practical application of anatomical & histological concept to student’s career choices. 2. Apply knowledge of normal structure and function of human body in nursing care practice 3. Apply the knowledge of structure and function of human body in future to carry out procedures Affective: 1. Appreciate the knowledge of structure and function of human body Instructional Resources Online Data Base. Library Resources Textbook, CDs, Journals. Audiovisual Materials. Flipcharts, videotapes, audiotapes, photos Human anatomy models Overhead projector Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures / Discussion PowerPoint slides Case Study Analysis Collaborative and participatory methods (role play, group discussions, case studies, workshops, brainstorming, presentations) Demonstration and practice. ________________________________________________________________________ Issue Date: May 2015 Revision Date: 3 AHU-FON-NUR-CS-ACD—03 Al Hussein Bin Talal University Princess Aysheh Bint Al-Hussein College of Nursing and Health Sciences Course Syllabus Evaluation Scheme Expected Date First Exam Percentage 25% Second Exam 25% Final Exam 40% Participation and Attendance 10% Course Contents Topic 1 2 3 4 5 6 Introduction: Chapter 1; page: 1-21 Definition of anatomy, levels of body organization, Basic anatomical terminology Control of homeostasis, Abdominopelvic regions & quadrants. Tissues level of organization: Chapter 4; page: 107-137 Cell junction, epithelial tissue, connectives, muscle tissue & nervous tissue. Membrane epithelial membrane synovial membrane The integumentary system (The skin): Chapter 5; page: 144-157 Structure of the, skin, Accessory structures of the skin & Types of skin. The skeletal system- Bone tissue: Chapter 6; page: 171-182 Structure of bone, histology of bone tissues, Bone formation & Bone growth. The skeletal system- The axial skeleton: Chapter 7; page: 194-224 Type of bones, Bone surface markings, skull, Hyoid bone & vertebral column. The skeletal system- Appendieular skeleton: Chapter 8; page: 231-251 Pectoral (shoulder) girdle, upper imb (extremity), Pelvic (hip) girdle, comparison of female and male leves, Comparison od pectoral ans pelvic girdles & lower limb (extremity). Lecture 1&2 3, 4 & 5 6&7 8&9 10, 11& 12 13, 14& 15 ________________________________________________________________________ Issue Date: May 2015 Revision Date: 4 AHU-FON-NUR-CS-ACD—03 Al Hussein Bin Talal University Princess Aysheh Bint Al-Hussein College of Nursing and Health Sciences Course Syllabus 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 First Examination Joints: Chapter 9; page: 253-272 Joint classification, Types of movements at synovial joints, selected joints of the body. Muscle tissue: Chapter 10; page: 290-298; 302,208-209; 312-316 Type of muscle tissue, Microscopic anatomy of skeletal muscle fibers, neuromuscular junction, motor unit, Types of skeletal muscle fibers, cardiac muscle tissue, smooth muscle tissue. The muscular system: Chapter 11; page: 425-397 How skeletal muscle produce movements, How skeletal muscles are named, Principal of skeletal muscle. Nervous tissue and Homeostasis: Chapter 12; page: 403-413 Structure, organization & histology of nervous tissue (neurons & neuroglia), Gray & white matter. Spinal cord and spinal nerves: Chapter 13; page: 440-458 Spinal cord anatomy, protective structures, external and internal anatomy of the spinal cord & spinal nerves. Second Examination The brain and cranial nerves: Chapter 14; page: 473-514 Brain organization, protection & blood supply protective coverings, cerebrospinal spinal fluid, brainstem, cerebellum, diencephalons & cerebrum, functional organization of cerebra cortex, cranial nerves. The autonomic nervous system: Chapter 15; page: 524-543 Comparison of somatic and autonomic nervous system, anatomy of autonomic motor pathways. Structure of sympathetic & parasympathetic divisions. The cardiovascular system The heart: Chapter 20; page: 695-711 Location of the heart; pericardium & layers of the heart wall; chambers of the heart; fibrous skeleton of the heart, Heart valves & circulation of blood; Cardiac muscle tissue & conduction system. The cardiovascular system Blood vessels: Chapter 21; page: 736-743, 758, 791-972 Structures & functions of blood vessels of blood vessels, arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins, Anastomoses, blood distribution; circulatory routes: systemic circulation, hepatic portal circulation, pulmonary circulation, 16& 17 18& 19 19, 20& 21 22& 23 24, 25, 26, 27 & 28 29 & 30 31, 32 & 33 34 & 35 ________________________________________________________________________ Issue Date: May 2015 Revision Date: 5 AHU-FON-NUR-CS-ACD—03 Al Hussein Bin Talal University Princess Aysheh Bint Al-Hussein College of Nursing and Health Sciences Course Syllabus Fetal circulation. 18 The cardiovascular system The Lymphatic system: Chapter 22; page: 804-814 The Lymphatic system & lymphatic circulation, Lymphatic organs and tissues. 19 The respiratory system: Chapter 23; page: 846-863 Respiratory system anatomy nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs. 20 The digestive system: Chapter 24; page: 895-934 Layers of the Gl tract, Neural innervation of the Gl tract; mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver & gallbladder, small & large intestines. 21 The urinary system: Chapter 26; page: 992-1003 Anatomy & histology of the kidneys, External & internal anatomy of the kidneys, blood & nerve supply of the kidneys, nephron. 22 The reproductive system Male reproductive system: Chapter 26; page: 1056-1068 Scrotum, testes, sperm, reproductive system ducts, spermatic cord & accessory sex glands, penis. Female reproductive system: Chapter 24; page: 1070-1083 Ovaries, Uterine tubes, uterus, vagina, vulva, perineum, mammary gland. Final Examination 23 36 & 37 38 39 40 41 & 42 References, Textbook Title Principles of Anatomy & Physiology Author(s) Tortora & Derrickson Publisher Year Edition 2006 11th edition Book Website Recommended Textbooks: Principles of Human Anatomy, 10 th edition Tortora, 2006. Anatomy and physiology in health and illness, 10th edition, Wauughand Grant 2006. ________________________________________________________________________ Issue Date: May 2015 Revision Date: 6 AHU-FON-NUR-CS-ACD—03 Al Hussein Bin Talal University Princess Aysheh Bint Al-Hussein College of Nursing and Health Sciences Course Syllabus Student Responsibilities and Academic Conduct: There are a number of expectations to achieving the goals of this course and successfully passing the Anatomy course. They include: A. Attendance: Your success in this class will depend on regular attendance and punctuality. 1. Attendance is expected at every class, for those who miss more than 15% of lecture hours with or without acceptable excuse will be dismissed from the course. 2. If class is missed, students should get missed information from lecture from a classmate. Instructors will not provide missed information. 3. In the case of a critical life event, homework, quizzes, and exams may be made up, at the discretion of the faculty. B. Reading: 1. Reading of textbook assignments should be done before the topic is presented in class to ensure a basic understanding of the topic before lecture. C. Active Participation in class discussions: 1. Active participation is important to successful learning. You will be encouraged to join in on class discussions, share relevant experiences, and ask questions. Emphasis is placed on practicing English in order to promote English fluency. STUDENT CONDUCT 1. Meet the course teacher at the posted office hours or by appointment. 2. Avoid cheating, academic misconduct, fabrication, and plagiarism. Such behaviors will lead to disciplinary action as described in the students’ handbook. 3. Cell phones are required to be turned off during class time. 4. Students are expected to participate in an orderly manner. Students whose behaviors distract from the learning process will be asked to leave for the day and will count as an absence. This includes talking during class time ________________________________________________________________________ Issue Date: May 2015 Revision Date: 7