St. Bernard Parish In the Heart of Akron, Ohio Parish Office 44 University Avenue Akron, OH 44308 330-253-5161 / 330-253-6949 (Fax) (Email) (Website) Hours: 8 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mon. – Fri. 9 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. Sundays Sacraments Baptism–On Saturday mornings, call the Parish Office to attend a Pre-baptismal class and to schedule a baptism date. RCIA–Interested in becoming Catholic? Attend an Inquiry Session or call ourParish Office. Confirmation or Eucharist – Call the Parish Office to register your child for instructions. Penance–Confessions are on Saturday afternoons from 3:00-4:00pm or by appointment. Marriage–Limited to residents of the parish or longstanding volunteers of the parish. Holy Orders –Please contact the pastor or deacon. Anointing of the Sick–Any time upon request; Callthe Parish Office or the hospital chaplain. Newman Center Campus Ministry Weekend Masses Saturday Vigil Sundays 4:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. (en Español) 8:00 p.m. Daily and Holyday Masses See Mass Intentions inside for times Pastoral Staff (Se habla español *) Fr. Daniel J. Reed, Pastor * Fr. Frank Basa, ParochiaVicar DeaconRayDiMascio Mrs. Cheri Colianni, Business Manager Mrs. Nancy Cabrera, Secretary (M-W)* Mr. Paul Hood, Secretary (Th-F) Mr. Jim Kintz, Music Ministry Mr. Ralph Reese, Custodian Mr. John Szarwark, Campus Minister Parish Offices, 3rd Floor; 330-376-3585 Heart-to-Heart Communications Fr. Norm Douglas, Co-founder, in residence Ms. Sarah Leiendecker, Executive Assistant Parish Offices, 1st Floor; 330-434-3278 Questions about being Catholic? A Question/Answer Session is held every 4th Tuesday at 7:00pm for anyone interested in knowing more about faith in Jesus Christ. Hunger Ministries Call the Parish Office to volunteer or donate. Pregnant? Need help? Call the Parish Office and we will connect you, or call confidentially 1-800-712-(HELP) 4357. Funerals Please have your Funeral Director contact the Parish Office to finalize arrangements. St. Bernard Mass Intentions Sunday, June 14 – Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:30 + Eitel Banks 11:30 + James McCafferty 1:00 + Pro Populo 8:00 + Kenh Pham Monday, June 15 12:10 + Eduardo Colo Hernandez Tuesday, June 16 12:10 + Maria Gomes Wednesday, June 17 12:10 In Honor of the Blessed Mother Thursday, June 18 12:10 + Maricatharine Farrell Friday, June 19 – St. Romuald 12:10 In Thanksgiving to St. Jude Saturday, June 20 4:30 + Maria Gomes Sunday, June 21 – Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:30 +Dec. of Suplita & Stohovitch Families 11:30 + James McCafferty 1:00 + Orlando Ramos y Maria Luisa Campos 8:00 + Pro Populo Scripture Readings for the Week Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun. 2 Cor 6:1-10; Mt 5:38-42 2 Cor 8:1-9; Mt 5:43-48 2 Cor 9:6-11; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 2 Cor 11:1-11; Mt 6:7-15 2 Cor 11:18, 21-30; Mt 6:19-23 2 Cor 12:1-10; Mt 6:24-34 Jb 38:1, 8-11, 2 Cor 5:14-17; Mk 4:35-41 SUMMER OFFICE HOURS June 15 – August 15 Parish Office is Open 8:30am – 1:30pm Monday – Friday 9:30 – 11:30am on Sundays PRAYER REQUESTS& GROUPS Email with their prayer request Calling prayer team at 234-738-2473 For our infirmed: Bill Williams, Jamie Kapes, Mabel Richards, Florentino Martínez, John Regan, Ruth Evans, Mike Jenkins, Jorge Prado, Salvador Jiménez, Tom/Marilyn Maximovich, Rosalia Duran, Marilu Morales. NEO-CATECHUMENATE - Anyone who came to a Talk during Lent (one talk or more) is invited to meet again with the Team this Sunday, June 14 at 2:00pm in the Upper Room. CENACLE of DIVINE MERCY - All are invited to our Cenacle Gathering this Sunday, June 14 from 3:00 to 4:30pm in the History Room. Manena Vidlak 330-762-1959. No reservations needed. EMPOWER – Want to cook an authentic Latin Dish? Come be empowered! On Saturday, June 27 at 11:00am in our Social Hall Kitchen. Parishioner, Gladys Apaestegui, will teach you. No need to register, just come on down. Questions? Call the parish office at 330-253-5161. ST. BERNARD + RUBBER DUCKS - A fun family night for baseball at Canal Park on Saturday, July 25 at 7:05pm. Co-sponsored by our Knights of Columbus. Discount Tickets with a free parking pass are available at the parish office 330-253-5161. STEWARDSHIP = DISCIPLESHIP Parking Lot Entrance – Welcome! May God bless you doubly for every sacrifice (monetary or time-wise) that you offered to God here this week. There is an ENTER Gate and an EXIT Gate to the parish parking lot. If the Enter Gate is down during office hours, press the CALL BUTTON, CALL a staff person will respond, identify yourself, and the gate will be opened for you. The Exit Gate automatically goes up when you approach it in your car to leave the parking lot. Parking on the sidewalks is subject to towing. Monetary Offerings for 6/7/15 - $7,911.00 JUNE28 SECOND COLLECTION–The Peter’s pence for Pope Francis’ Aid to the poor. If you wish to donate earlier: Make checks payable to: St. Bernard Parish; with “Pence” on the memo line. FIRST COMMUNION PICTURES - Parents of our 2015 First Communicants can pick up their photos in the Sacristy before/after Mass. WEDDINGS - Congratulations to the following couples who have been involved in our parish and plan to marry during the summer months: Rob DiVencenso and Karissa Kainrad Anthony Fleming and Meriah Tisch Clinton Metzger and Brittany Trout Derek Taffe and Emma Coulter Ralph Smoyer and Antonie White Kevin Klemm and Angela Antinone Say a prayer for these couples, and for all couples celebrating significant anniversaries in 2015. Faith Enrichment Events CONSOLING THE HEART OF JESUS - A book retreat offered at St. Bernard as a continuation of the previous book retreat to "Morning Glory" by Fr. Michael Gaitely. A morning group during the summer and an evening group in the fall. Please call the parish office to register for either session. DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE – for the Year of Consecrated Life. Join other parishioners as they journey to pray at these 3 Convents or Monasteries: TODAY June 14 - Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine (Richfield, Ohio - Community of Sr. Catherine Walsh, CSA of the Catholic Worker) leave from St. Bernard Parking Lot at 2:00pm. July 12 - Dominican Sisters of Peace (Akron Community of Religious who taught at St. Bernard School) leave from St. Bernard Parking at 2:00pm. July 26 - Capuchin Franciscans Friars (E. 40 and Euclid Avenue in Cleveland) leave from St. Bernard Parking Lot at 8:30am and Mass there at 10:00am. More info at the parish office 330-253-5161. YOUNG ADULTS - Looking for social, spiritual and service activities geared towards young adults? Check out NE Ohio Catholic Young Adults at Young-Adults. It's free to join and the online interactive calendar is easy to use! If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Sullivan at or call 330-217-1064. ENDOW - (Educating on the Nature and Dignity of Women) is a Catholic educational program which brings women of all ages together to discover their God-given dignity and gifts through the richness and authenticity of Catholic teaching. Take advantage of this opportunity to grow in understanding of your God-given vocation. We engage in prayer, Scripture reading and Church documents, as well as, various fun-filled activities. When we as women grow in understanding the teachings of the Church and in the truth of Jesus Christ, our faith becomes more fully defined, and so does our transforming influence in the family, our community and society as a whole. An invitation is extended to girls and women (8th grade and older) to join us at St. Joseph Church (Nolan Hall), 1761 2nd Street, Cuyahoga Falls beginning on June 30th and continuing for 6 weeks from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. No homework is required! Materials are $19.95. To learn more or to register, please call Michele Schmidt at 313-319-1188. Other Area Events HOBAN SUMMER CAMPS - Archbishop Hoban High School offers one-week summer enrichment or athletic camps for students entering 7th and 8th grades. Visit for more information, to register for a camp, or obtain phone contacts. THE FEST - On Sunday, August 9, from 12 noon until 10 pm for a day of faith – family – and fun – displays. Held on the grounds of the Center for Pastoral Leadership in Wickliffe. The FEST concludes with an inspiring outdoor Mass at 8 pm. For more information, go to: LOYOLA RETREAT - Position Available- Parttime Cook at Loyola Retreat House, 700 Killinger Road, Clinton, OH 44216. Please call 330-896-2315 Monday-Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm. You may email your resume to Comunidad Hispana PEREGRINACIONES DIOCESANAS - Todos están invitados a participar de las 4 peregrinaciones. 1. Visite, cualquiera de las casas religiosas y centros de ministerio y reciba su “Pilgrim Passport”. Viaje a otros lugares para tener su pasaporte sellado. 2. Complete su viaje en La Catedral de San Juan Evangelista. 3. Los que traen un pasaporte totalmente sellado a la catedral después de cualquier liturgia dominical, recibirá un conmemorativo del Año de la vida Consagrada. (Nota: la visita a 3 o más sitios concede un pasaporte totalmente sellado). Saldremosen caravana a las 2pm, desde St. Bernardo. El domingo 14 de junio, se visitará a las Hermanas de la Caridad de San Agustín, el 12 de julio, se visitará a las Hermanas Dominicanas de la Paz y el 26 de julio, iremos a visitar a los Frailes Capuchinos Franciscanos, 8:30 am, con la misa a las 10:00am., la cuarta iremos a la Catedral de San Juan, no hay fecha todavía para esta visita pero la daremos a conocer más adelante. Más información a 330-253-5161 o visite el Voluntarios Favor de ayudar a tu iglesia este verano. Puedes darnos 23 horas? 1) Diseñar un Webpage para St. Mary School (anytime) 2) Distribuir una taza de café y almuerzo a los necesitados (1 mañana 7:30-9:30 L-V) 3) Pintar paredes en cuartos para tener más espacio para reuniones en la parroquia. (cualquier hora) CAPACITAR–La segunda sesión es el sábado 27 de junio de 9:00 a 3:00 pm. El tema de esta sesión es La cocina Peruana. También se incluye tiempo para meditar, orar y hacer ejercicios. Todas las mujeres de nuestra comunidad están invitadas. Más información llame a la oficina 330-253-5161. CENÁCULO DE LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA – Hoy 14 de junio, todos están invitados de 3:00 a 4:00 pm. Salón Historico. Más información 330762-1959 Manena Vidlak FOTOS de PRIMERA COMUNION - Padres pueden conseguir las fotos de su hijo/a en el día de la Primera Comunión. Fotos están en la sacristía localizada al izquierda del santuario en la iglesia. SUMMER VOLUNTEERS Can you donate 2-3 hours in one of the following parish ministries? Call the parish office, leave your name and phone, we'll get back to you. Thanks! 1) Design a Web Page for St. Mary School (anytime) 2) Distribute a cup of coffee and a bagged lunch to the needy (1 morning 7:30 - 9:30) 3) Paint walls and woodwork for new parish meeting rooms. Anytime. HEY! MEN of Saint Bernard... ...ROAD TRIP?? WHERE? 11 hours; 715 miles from Akron, OH to Memphis, TN An all-expense paid, three-day, two nights Road Trip to Memphis where Rock n' Soul came together. WHY? Really? Do we need a reason? Okay, get a pipe organ that can be used to restore our current one at St. Bernard. WHO? Three to four able-bodied men to drive down, load up the next day, then drive back the next. And another team of three or four people to help unload when we get back to Akron. HOW? Dates are yet to be determined, but let Fr. Dan know if you would be able by calling the parish office at 330-253-5161 and leaving your name and phone. AYUDANOS - Hombres! Vámonos a Memphis, TN para recoger un órgano para la iglesia. Llame al Padre Daniel si este disponible por tres días. Gratis. Dear Community of St. Bernard, In May we held ZIP Code meetings for the three regions of our parish - Central, West, and East. Once again I thank each and every one of you who took the time to participate. Although the turnout was light, the benefit was huge. This past week the Pastoral Council received the compiled responses from the participants. I have asked the Council members to read over the responses, prayerfully! Not so we can formulate some big strategic plan, but more importantly to see what God is doing in our midst. Our patron, St. Bernard (1090-1153) taught that a wise person is one who reflects on the working of the Holy Spirit in their life. He said 'be like a reservoir that receives water and retains it until the water overflows its banks'. Our parishioner, Jim Burand (11:30 Mass) pointed out this insight of St. Bernard to me. Jim compared our parish to a reservoir that receives people from all over Akron, like water, and is filled with God's Holy Spirit by your presence. For this reason, it is important to reflect closely on God's presence and action in our personal lives and that of this parish. And then discern where and how that Spirit overflows into the lives of those around us. Make sense to you? How then are you allowing the Spirit of God's grace to come into your life? Do you take time to pray DAILY, listen to Catholic speakers, read spiritual books/articles? Often I hear people say that they intend to be more disciplined about spiritual practices (exercises). I've even said it! St. Bernard is often quoted for saying: "The road to hell is paved with good intentions". Being disciplined is being a Disciple. With a busy schedule, I know the challenges personally to be disciplined in prayer, Scripture reading, spiritual exercises, etc. You just have to make the time, I tell myself. For over two years now the parish staff has been working at a hectic pace. (Keep in mind that the staff is also responsible for St. Mary Parish and its School.) Staff and volunteers have been working overtime in order to serve the needs of many (people and buildings). Since summer is usually a slower time in most parishes with a school, we are cutting back our daily office hours for THIS summer (9:00am - 1:30pm). We ask your cooperation by making your non-emergency needs known when the offices are open. Small groups that meet here are asked to do so before 1:00pm; or on a Sunday before or after Mass; or in a participant's home. This cut back will also be a slight financial savings to the parish. As the fiscal year comes to a close on June 30, we will publish our statement and projected budget this summer. Each week we publish in the bulletin the monetary sacrifices you make at all the weekend Masses. I do not publish what we 'need to get' every weekend. It leads to minimalism. What needs to go in the Mass offering is your sacrifice to God because of your trust in His providential care and out of gratitude for His blessings. IF you do that, I trust He will keep us open; and be an 'overflowing reservoir' of His Spirit of love in downtown Akron. God give you Peace, Fr. Dan + + + + + + + + + + + + + + STOP! Take home spiritual materials to be fed during the week. SEEK the LORD! At our front doors, find an inspiring CD, book, pamphlet, or DVD by one of these Catholic authors, teachers, or clergy. This summer learn more about the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Bible, the fullness of the Catholic faith, and know the Lord more closely. (Donations appreciated.) EMPOWERING THE NEW EVANGELISTS