Welcome Class of 2026 & New Students! Harmony School 2013-2014 Teacher Introduction Mrs. Ryser Mrs. Marich Mrs. Savio Mrs. Wisialko Student Dismissal Students will be dismissed with their teachers to explore their classrooms Ryser’s Class Mrs. Marich’s Class Mrs. Savio’s Class Mrs. Mrs. Wisialko Leading Harmony School Erik M. Paulson Principal of Harmony Elementary School January 3, 2011 The Paulson Family Your Child! An educational journey that begins in Middletown • Attended Middletown Public Schools - kindergarten through eighth grade • • • Nut Swamp Elementary Thompson Middle School High School • Rumson - Fair Haven Regional High School • • Latchkey Program – New Monmouth Elementary School College • Undergraduate – Elon University • • • BA – Elementary Education Substitute Teacher – Middletown Public Schools Graduate – Georgian Court University • MA – Administration, Supervision, & Curriculum Planning and Management • Work Experiences Student Teaching – South Graham Elementary School (2000 – 2001) • Teaching – John Adams Elementary School (2001 – 2007) • • • Third Grade Teacher Grade Level Leader (2002 – 2007) Curriculum Coordinator – John Adams and Judd Elementary Schools (2007 – 2008) • Third Grade Teacher Hired to complete the year for my cooperating teacher Mathematics and Science Concentration Assistant Principal – Constable Elementary School (2008 – 2010) Stay at home father – (September – December 2010) Harmony School Principal – (January 2011 – Present) Harmony’s Vision As professional educators, we believe that Harmony School offers a comprehensive education rooted in the belief that students will become life-long problem solvers. Through daily infusion of technology in our instruction, the students at Harmony will be armed with the decision making skills to contribute in the 21st century democratic society. Our dedication is rooted in the belief that all students learn through appropriate and natural social interactions, where all genres and styles of communication are facilitated. We believe that strong parental relationships will help achieve our vision and enable students to adopt the values that we model on a daily basis. We view our school as a professional learning community that routinely seeks new information and techniques to acquire the skill set needed in order to achieve our educational and social goals. A Typical Day – Arrival Student arrival Brick walkway to the main entrance Student drop-off zone Main entrance A Typical Day – School Times Doors open at 8:45am (first bell) 9:00am school begins (in their seats) 8:45-9:00 Attendance, announcements, and lunch count 9:00-12:00 Academic focus (LAL, Math, Social Studies, TDPE, Science and snack) 12:00-12:30 Lunch in the classroom 12:30-1:30 Academic and center time 1:30-2:10 Specials (Music, Spanish, Art, PE, and Health) 2:10-3:00 Academic, center time, and pack-up 3:00 Dismissal Playground and The Hawk’s Nest Designed for children ages 5+ and purchased by the Harmony PTO The Hawk’s Nest - All purpose room, performances, lunch grades 2-5, PTO events, and community events A Typical Day – Dismissal Kindergarten exits through two doors depending on the teacher Mrs. Marich’s class exits through door #8 (back blacktop) Mrs. Wisialko’s class exits through door #1 (front entrance) Mrs. Ryser & Mrs. Savio exit door #4 – Face-to-face exchange A Typical Day – Dismissal Leaving School Early: •Must be a written note from the parent must be brought in the morning •The parent must report to the Main Office to sign a student out •Student will be called to the main office •If someone other than a parent/guardian will be picking up the child, a note giving permission is necessary. •ID is required •Early dismissal with prior notice will only be granted until 2:50pm •Emailing a dismissal change is not acceptable Back to School Night Grades PK-2 Grades 3-5 Tuesday, September 17, 2013 @ 7:00pm Monday, September 19, 2013 @ 7:00pm Topics covered – Teacher introduction, learning space introduction, curricular focuses, and many other topics. Communication Calendar – District website Facebook www.twitter.com/Harmony_NJ Phone Blasts Harmony Elementary School Harmony Parents Twitter www.middletownk12.org/Page/14 Emergencies and informational messages Used on a routine basis Email PaulsonE@middletownk12.org Mrs. Ryser – RyserC@middletownk12.org Mrs. Marich – MarichM@middletownk12.org Mrs. Savio – SavioP@middletownk12.org Mrs. Wisialko – WisialkoJ@middletownk12.org How to communicate effectively with school employees Located on the district website Check your source before you react Dismissal/Blacktop Buzz My suggested parent resources http://www.responsiveclassroom.org Thank you for coming this morning! We will conduct a student dismissal. This PowerPoint will be posted on the school’s website.