GoTo Meeting – instructions The online meeting tool that will be used is called „GoTo Meeting“ and is an easy running programme which only required a couple of minutes pre-installation. There is the option to login by computer (with internet and headset with microphone available) or by phone. You will find the detailed instructions in using this tool below and you may choose from option 1, 2 or 3 when logging in. 1. Computer/Internet & Headset with mic is available (web-based phone conference) Please join the meeting by following this link You will be asked to accept to join the meeting and use "GoToMeeting". No prior installation of the programme is required (for windows users), but it takes up to 90sec for the "GoToMeeting-Tool" to connect you (and install), when using it the first time. All Mac users might need to install the GoToMeeting tool before being able to connect to the t-con. Please take this into consideration and ensure to start the process approx. 5-10 minutes prior to the beginning of the meeting. To get audio connection via the computer (equally to skype) you need a headset (incl. microphone); please choose "use mic& speakers" during connection to the meeting. This can also be chosen in case you are already connected. 2. Computer/Internet is available, audio connection by phone Please join the meeting by following this link: You will be asked to accept to join the meeting and use "GoToMeeting". No prior installation of the programme is required (for windows users), but it takes up to 90sec for the "GoToMeeting-Tool" to connect you (and install), when using it the first time. All Mac users might need to install the GoToMeeting tool before being able to connect to the t-con. Please take this into consideration and ensure to start the process approx. 5-10 minutes prior to the beginning of the meeting. If you do not have a headset available, please connect by phone and choose "use telephone" during connection to the meeting. This can also be chosen in case you are already connected. Please dial the number of your country (see attached list) and enter the following meeting ID / access code: 782-785-733 (9 digits number) followed by the hash (#) key. In case your country is not on the list, no local connection is possible. You would need to choose a number of your preference (please do not forget to dial the number including the country code), which would then just mean that you would need to call a foreign number instead of a local one. You can then enter the meeting by entering the meeting ID / access code: 782-785-733 (9 digits number) followed by the hash (#) key. 3. Computer/Internet is not available, audio connection by phone Please dial the number of your country and enter the following meeting ID / access code: 782-785-733 (9 digits number) followed by the hash (#) key. In case your country is not on the list, no local connection is possible. You would need to choose a number of your preference (please do not forget to dial the number including the country code), which would then just mean that you would need to call a foreign number instead of a local one. You can then enter the meeting by entering the meeting ID / access code: 782-785-733 (9 digits number) followed by the hash (#) key. We would also like to recommend you to put your microphone on mute while you are not talking in order to avoid side tones. We also kindly ask you to avoid any background noise during the whole meeting: - Please keep your windows and doors closed and your telephones in silent mode. - Please do NOT use the loudspeakers of your computer as they may cause an echo. - Please do not breathe directly into your microphone and try not to move it too much. Italy: +39 0 294 75 15 35 Australia: +61 2 8355 1035 Austria: +43 (0) 7 2088 2169 Belgium: +32 (0) 42 68 0154 Canada: +1 (647) 497-9373 Denmark: +45 (0) 89 88 04 29 Finland: +358 (0) 931 58 4586 France: +33 (0) 182 880 932 Germany: +49 (0) 811 8899 6930 Ireland: +353 (0) 19 036 185 Netherlands: +31 (0) 108 080 114 New Zealand: +64 (0) 9 801 0292 Norway: +47 21 01 89 06 Spain: +34 911 23 4170 Sweden: +46 (0) 852 500 288 Switzerland: +41 (0) 435 0824 39 United Kingdom: +44 (0) 203 657 6778 United States: +1 (213) 493-0014