Slow Children At Play Proudly Presents New Product December 5th, 2009 8:00pm Jacob Sleeper Auditorium 2. 1. Wii Tenis [Intro] 2. House M. Drill, Baby Baby Drill, PhD 3. Polar Bears are Gonna Die, Guys 4. Eye Believe in Life After Love 5. FDR You Gonna Finish That? 6. Burrito God 7. The Hor of Saxony 8. Shakesone to Knowone 9. Diamonds are for Now, Kidnapping is Forever 10.Armaggedon Me A Mexican Hotpocket [Pledge] 11.Old Gravy 12.MLK Thnx Bye 13.Pirates of the Egyptian Caribbean 14.Istambul Not Zombie Apocalypse 15.The New Apple Porn 16.Auto Erotic Asphyxiation! 17.Carls Munior [Self-Referential] 18.Boppers on Board 19.Bar-Soccer-mitzvah 20.Meth Rogan 21.I Blame Fox…ending 22.Butch Dutchmom And The Sundance Kids 3. 23.Wii Tennis (But With Real Stuff) LIGHTS UP on a tennis player on stage. He tosses the ball to himself to sere into the crowd. A cell phone rings. Sergei (Blitz) Hey! Who’s phone was that? no, I wanna know who’s phone that was. [Jarn enters] Jarn (Rolls) Oh, sorry man. That was me. Okay, you ready? Sergei You weren’t even on the court yet? Jarn No, I just got this phone. I was trying out my ringtones. Sergei But I was about to serve. Jarn Yeah, but now every time I hear Twisted Sister I know my grandpa’s calling. Sergei Which Twisted Sister song? Jarn The tennis one. You ready? [Starts to serve ball, is interrupted. Ball boy gets ball] Neptune (Business) WAIT! Jarn Oh, sorry man. I forgot you were playing with us. Where’ve you been? Neptune 4. I was trying to fill my water bottle, but I couldn’t find the exits. Sergei Oh. Theres 2 on the sides, 2 in the back, and 2 more in the balcony. Neptune Why would I be in the balcony? I’m a tennis player (not one of Fox’s friends). [Sergei goes to serve, is interrupted by a cough from off stage. Reggie enters] Reggie (Soups) Ugh, sorry guys. I heard you talking about tennis players not being in the balcony? I was just up there havin’ a smoke. Pretty cool. Jarn You can’t smoke in here. Reggie I’m a tennis player, not a non- smoker. Sergei But we’ll all get back hang smoke. Neptune You mean second hand smoke. Reggie No, I use my right hand. Sergei Alright, lets do this, you guys ready to wipe the floor with the junior varsity team? [goes to serve, is interrupted.] [4 more enter] Jean (Hollywood) Hey guys, wait up. Tennis player 3 (Dutch) 5. How do you expect to win the Hoover County octuples tennis district championship without the whole team? Sergei Oh sorry man. Didn’t notice you weren’t here. Billie (Pluto) Are you blind? Sergei Nah, I’m a little drunk. King (Fox) Alright, lets get this started. Ladies and Gentlemen, Slow Children at Play presents: NEW PRODUCT! All stand in a line and serve at once. LIGHTS DOWN 6. House M. Drill, Baby, Baby Drill P.H.D. [LIGHTS UP on 5 surgeons in an operating room, one patient lying down.] DR. JENNINGS (Rolls) Alright guys we are code red on this. Rowdiman Intubate, quick!! 15 seconds until he flat lines? ALL (Gasp) 15 seconds? DR. JENNINGS Ok, I’m exaggerating (all breath sigh of relief). But not that much! Cooper, charge the defibulator! Folgers drill me. (hands him the drill and Jennings goes in for it) DR. FOLGERS (Pluto) Dr. Jennings, are you sure you know what you are doing? DR. JENNINGS Dr. Folgers I don’t have time to know what I’m doing! DR. ROWDIMAN (Blitz) So, you don’t know what you are doing? DR. COOPER (Soups) Or do you mean you are just real busy? DR. JENNINGS Listen I know what I’m doing! DR. CASTRANOVIS (Fox) Ohhhh, this is exciting. DR. JENNINGS Contain yourself doctor! Cooper, plug me in. 7. DR. COOPER No. DR. JENNINGS What are you saying? COOPER You and I both know that I know how to handle that drill better than anyone in this hospital. Also, its battery powered. JENNINGS You can handle that drill better than anyone!?!? I went to med school for 12 years at the University of Mexico City, Utah. The top university in the country when it comes to dangerous over confidence, and I finished top of my class. Also, I gotta learn sometime right. I mean I’ve had this on my resume for 4 years. FOLGERS Wait, you’ve never drilled before? JENNINGS (stupidly) Wait, you’ve never drilled before? ROWDIMAN What does that mean? JENNINGS It means no! FOLGERS Well I was a dentist before I got my M.D. and I worked in construction before that. ROWDIMAN I don’t think your ready for this Jennings. FOLGERS 8. Also, my grandfather invented the flat head screwdriver, grandpap flathead. COOPER This is no time for reminising. ROWDIMAN Yeah, I think we all agree. You are not qualified to drill. JENNINGS Guys you are all talking at the same time and its stressing me out and I cant stand it! Somebody take this. (he hands the drill off and exits drinking a diet coke) COOPER Ok gentleman. Times wasting. Rowdiman, prep me. Give me the breakdown. ROWDIMAN Ok locate the skull (Cooper pauses, looks uncertain, grabs arm) COOPER Check. ROWDIMAN Ok. Now sorta press the drill into it. COOPER Alright, here I go. (everyone inhales) CASTRINOVIS EEP FOLGERS Dr. Castrinovis, please, we’re professionals here. CASTRINOVIS I’ve just never seen this before! FOLGERS 9. Well this mans life is in our hands so keep it together. COOPER Ok, here I go. (starts the drill then stops) (Car horn then screech and sound of car crash. Doctors jump over eachother) ROWDIMAN Awesome! (high five and run back) COOPER Ok, now here I go. (starts the drill then stops) Wow this black and decker feels really nice in my hands. It has a good weight to it, like It was built so anybody could just drill a head with it. And to think it was only $39.95 ROWDIMAN $39.95? COOPER $39.95 at Lowe’s this labor day weekend. CASTRANOVIS Eep. What a bargin! [LIGHTS DOWN.] 10. POLAR BEARS ARE GONNA DIE, GUYS. Lights up on 3 people blindfolded with one person leading them. Howard (Business) OK, team, keep it up! Everyone's doing great! Oh, watch out, there's a branch here. Step. Good. Now Hank, step. Good. OK, Terry, your turn. Step, STEP! Oh, perfect. Terry (Hollywood) Howard, you are doing such a great job leading us. Scott (Rolls) He sure is. I can really feel my trust building in Him every second that I don't die. HOWARD Well that's why they call it a team building exercise, sister. SCOTT I'm not a sister, I'm a brother. HOWARD Oh, I'm sorry. I'm blindfolded, too. Hank (Pluto) No, you're not. That's a lie. HOWARD 11. Ha, ha. Yeah, you caught me. So you guys hear about all the bear sightings they've had out here? TERRY Bear sightings? This is the beach! HOWARD No it's not. It's the woods. TERRY Oh, well I am blindfolded. HANK Man, being blindfolded really is like being blind for a while. SCOTT Sure is. HOWARD OK guys, now this part gets a little scary, but it's also super trust building. I'm going to put a blindfold on for a while and lead all of us out of the woods, blind. Folded. TERRY Well, this sounds dangerous, but if it builds our trust to the point of superhuman trust, I'm in. HOWARD Excellent, that's the kind of trust I like to see. Howard puts blindfold on as a bear sneaks across stage. HOWARD Okay guys, hard part's over, I got the blindfold on, now it's all downhill from here. Though, not literally. All laugh. Howard screams as bear mauls him. HANK 12. What was that? SCOTT Yeah, Howard, are you okay? TERRY I'm taking off my blindfold. Bear (Blitz) No, don't do that. Uhh, everything's fine. That was just my "I'm really excited for my super-trust building" scream. HANK It sounded more like your "I'm getting attacked by a bear scream." BEAR What? There's no such thing as bears. SCOTT Yes, there most definitely are. BEAR No, there's not. Trust me, I'm a bear. TERRY You're a bear? BEAR No, I'm Howard. Look, I'm wearing his hat. HANK (takes off blindfold) Okay guys I looked. He is wearing Howard's hat. BEAR OK, now that's settled. So let's get back to it cause this forest isn't going to hike itself. Here we go now, Scott, step over this...branch here. Bear points to Howard's body. Howard groans. 13. BEAR (cont.) Good. Hank. Good. Now, Terry, step. Step! Oh guys, perfect. SCOTT Hey, I thought you were blindfolded, Howard. How did you see... Howard mumbles is pain. SCOTT (Cont.) That branch? BEAR Oh, I have my trust vision now. SCOTT Oh, I don't have that. BEAR Oh, don't worry. You will soon if you don't get eaten by a bear. TERRY Which of course won't happen, cause bears don't exist. BEAR Wow, you guys are dangerously trusting. HANK Thanks Bear Howard! BEAR No problem. Now, guys, let's keep moving but watch out for this deliciously luscious beehive. I mean, dangerous. Deliciously dangerous delicious beehive. SCOTT Oh no, I'm allergic to bees. TERRY Me too! HANK Same. I'm taking off my blindfold. 14. SCOTT Ditto. TERRY Yeah. Sorry, Bear Howard. I trust you, just not with my epi-pen. BEAR Is there a problem guys? All take off blindfold. ALL GASP-choo. Get it? Like "Gasp" but it's a sneeze. BEAR Ahh, oh no. I'm gonna sneeze. It's contagious. SCOTT You're confusing that with yawning. HANK No, you're thinking of the flu. BEAR No, bears don't get the flu. Bear sneezes. Hat flies off. ALL GASP-Yawn. ALL gasp, then yawn, like the sneeze but this is totally when they yawn instead of sneezing. HANK AND TERRY It's a bear! SCOTT It's naked! HANK You don't really get bears, do you? 15. SCOTT Until today, I couldn't spell it. A silent B, at the beginning of the word? TERRY You don't really get silent B's, do you? SCOTT My illiteracy isn't important. This bear is going to eat us. BEAR Aw, come on, man. I wouldn't do that to you. SCOTT Yes you would. You're disgusting. And you're a bear. BEAR You're a jerk. LIGHTS DOWN 16. Eye Believe in Life After Love [Lights up on an optometrist at his desk. He clears his throat extensively, presents a diet coke from his desk, waters a plant with it] [TECH PEOPLE: * Indicates a slide change] Roberta the secretary (Business) (God mic) Dr. Howard, your 3:30 is here. Dr. Howard (Rolls) Thanks very much, Roberta. Send him in. Oh, real quick, what's my bingo number? ROBERTA THE SECRETARY Oh - today's number is G 51. DR. HOWARD Hmmm... Oh bother. Always tomorrow, I suppose. Alright, send him in. TROY enters. TROY (Soups) Hey, Dr. Howard. Thanks for seeing me on such short notice. 17. DR. HOWARD No worries, Troy, m'boy. Why don't you take a seat, and we'll get started. TROY Sounds good. DR. HOWARD Alright. * What letter is this? Slide 1 is an uppercase "R". DR. HOWARD And remember, Just tell me what you see. There are no wrong answers. TROY It's an R. DR. HOWARD Very good. That is the right answer. Now, * what letter is this? Slide 2 is a lowercase "r". TROY R again. DR. HOWARD Correctagaindo! All these "r"s, you're starting to sound like a pirate! TROY Oh, no, actually, I'm from Ohio. DR. HOWARD Ah, okay. But I was close, right? TROY ...No. DR. HOWARD I'm just kiddin'. is godzilla. Slide 3 is Godzilla. Let's move on. * This 18. DR. HOWARD Let's move on. Take a look at these two slides. * * Slides 4 and 5 are of a Surprised Face and a More Surprised Face. DR. HOWARD One of these pictures was taken before the second one. What do you think? TROY Um, the second picture? DR. HOWARD I like where your head's at. You're wrong, but I'll give you a point anyway. TROY Won't that mess up the test?-DR. HOWARD (Cutting him off) *Where's Waldo? Slide 6 is a page from Where's Waldo. TROY Hmmm... Oh, is that him, like 3 people to the left of the wizard, sort of underneath the dog? DR. HOWARD Close. He's actually in the next slide. * Slide 7 is one big picture of Waldo. DR. HOWARD Now, which number is bigger? * * Slides 8 and 9 are of a huge "38" and a small "1,000,000". TROY Ummm, o you mean numerically or size-wise? DR. HOWARD 19. So, you don't know the answer? TROY Well, I guess I'll go with 1,000,000. DR. HOWARD Interesting. Now, which picture Inspires your sense of American patriotism more? * * Slide 10 is a polar bear drinking a coke. Slide 11 is Santa Claus drinking a coke. TROY Gosh, I don't know, polar bears are going extinct, but everybody loves Santa. I'm going to have to say even keel on this one. DR. HOWARD I'm sorry, the answer we were looking for was * Brett Favre! Slide 12 is Brett Favre. DR. HOWARD Moving on. Take a look at these kids. * * Aren't they cute? Aren't they yours? Slides 13 and 14 are pictures of little kids. The kid in slide 14 is in the boy scouts. TROY Those are my kids! DR. HOWARD I just said that! TROY How'd you get these pictures? This is my first appointment! I don't even own a camera! DR. HOWARD 20. They grow up so fast, don't they? Anthony's in weebloes already? * And look at Janet in the bath... Oh, someone's getting clean! I wonder who it is! Slide 15 is a girl taking a bath. TROY My daughter, that is who is getting clean. Janet is getting clean. How did you get these pictures? DR. HOWARD Well, you passed your hearing test. let's check your eyes. Now Dr. Howard puts headphones on Troy, Cher's "Life After Love" starts playing. Slow lights down, song continues. FDRU Gonna Finish That Lights up on seven bros, standing. FDR [Blitz] (God mic) ...And we have nothing to fear but fear itself. BLASTOISE [Hollywood] Yeah, and don't forget spiders! All others Hey-Shh! We're trying to listen BLASTOISE Eh! Excuse me, alls I'm sayin' is spiders is scarier than fear. Ya know, fear's scary, but spiders is fast. HYPHY [Dutch] And fear ain't never spun no web before. Others start to somewhat agree 21. HANK [business] Well, not usually. NICK CARTER Like dreams- in dreams, fear spins some webs. HYPHY Well, in nightmares BLASTOISE Come to think about it, there's plenty of scaries out there. TUT [Soups] Yeah, like the ocean! HYPHY And Nightmares. TUT Like- how it get so big, and we're so... SYLLA [Pluto] Could you guys keep it down? The president is talking! HANK Yeah, so are we! About the dangers of the unknown. TUT A president who doesn't get how scary the oceans are is one without my vote. ALL Yeah! NICK CARTER -Doesn't get your vote. HYPHY Now I'ma have nightmares about the ocean. BLASTOISE -And voting. 22. HYPHY -And sharks. SYLLA I'm just saying that you're missing what may be the most monumental speech in American History. NICK CARTER Ah! See, you're scared of missing an historical event. HYPHY -Misahistraphobia. NICK CARTER See, your fear of missing something historical boils down to the Kantian fear of Death and the Unknown- which stems from the meditations on "Humans and their desire to be remembered." TUT And I think it's weird to say "an historical." BLASTOISE Mmm...grammarfear. HANK And the fear of missing history awakens one to the concept of a finite life, which causes anxiety and general malaise. NICK CARTER And this physical anxiety ammounts to nothing but the fear of fear its-ALL (Except sylla and ferdinand) Ahhh..... FERDINAND Way to come to that conclusion yourself, dumbass. 23. TUT You know what people always say they're afraid of? Clowns. Clowns? I don't think so. They're just trying to get attention. All agree. HYPHY You think that F.D.R.'s afraid of clowns? He's got a lot of attention right now. NICK CARTER He's not afraid of clowns, stupid, he's afraid of fear. He just said that. HANK You can have more than one fear. NICK CARTER Nah, fear's a big one. HANK What about something like Polio? TUT Afraid of a silly word like polio? Nah, he's a grown man. Silence for a beat. HYPHY ...I have a fear that I'm going to wake up one morning and not love my wife. All nod, somberly. BLASTOISE Dat's deep. TUT Like the ocean. NICK CARTER Oh, what a tangled web we weave... 24. HYPHY Yeah... like spiders... LIGHTS DOWN. He Did It Guys, The Burrito Thing [LIGHTS UP on 4 angels standing over God in a hospital bed. He is dead. Niche was right.] GABRIEL (Fox) Hey buddy, how ya feeling? GOD (Dutch) Oh, weird. My head hurts a lot. Where am I? URIEL (Blitz) You’re in Heaven. GOD I died?!? All (Laugh) 25. GOD Wait, why are you laughing? Who are you guys? Who am I? MICHAEL (Rolls) What did you just say? GOD Who am I? Am I dead? URIEL Oh no, he doesn’t remember. AZRIEL (Soups) Guys, he’s not kidding. GABRIEL Wait, so you don’t remember anything? MICHAEL Wait, you don’t remember working for six days, creating…everything? URIEL That whole bidness with Louie and adam? AZRIEL When you made that old dude build that boat? GABRIEL You don’t even remember the burrito? GOD Burrito? No, I definitely don’t remember anything about a burrito. URIEL Wow, so you really don’t remember shit. AZRIEL Ok then, let’s start from the beginning. In the beginning there was nothing and then you said, let there be- 26. MICHAEL Guys, wait. This is going to take way too long. We just have to tell him. URIEL Ok, here it goes. Don’t freak out. Don’t freak out. You’re God. GOD I’m freaking out! What? GABRIEL We should have expected this. GOD Wait a second. I’m God? Like the God? You guys are really messed up. AZRIEL No, no, hear us out. You are all powerful. Sorry, I guess that really didn’t explain anything. GOD If I’m supposed to be God, why can’t I remember anything? MICHAEL Ok, well now that’s a good story. You know the saying, “Can God make a burrito so hot that even he can’t eat it?” Well you tried. And it wasn’t so hot that you couldn’t eat it, but it was so hot that it made God lose his memory. Your memory. GOD Wow… URIEL Yeah, you were pretty drunk. GOD So what was in the burrito? GABRIEL 27. Lettuce, cheese, beans, rice and the Sun. GOD I ate the Sun? AZRIEL The whole thing. GOD Why did you guys let me do that? MICHAEL Well we thought it was going to be like Sunny-D, you know, harness the power of the Sun? URIEL Also, you were very drunk and we work for you and we were very drunk also. GOD Oh my me, I can’t believe this is happening. Ok, I need to make a new Sun. GABRIEL Uh, I don’t know about that. Things got a little dicey with the last one. AZRIEL I think he means Sun as in the star, you know, like the one in the burrito. GABRIEL Oh, yeah that’s a lot more relevant. URIEL Think, God, how did you make the first Sun? GOD Wow, I don’t remember. It was 4.6 billion years ago. MICHAEL 28. Wait, really? I thought it was 6000 years ago. GOD No, that’s stupid. Lets see…well it was a Monday. I have just invented the term “Monday.” I was debating calling the next day “Boozeday,” and I took a bite of my burrito and thought, “this is too hot for me,” so I put it down at the center of the galaxy and holy crap the Sun was a burrito. Guys, I made a burrito that even I couldn’t eat and it was the Sun and now I’ve eaten the Sunrito. GABRIEL Wait, so you put a burrito inside your burrito? AZRIEL I gotta try that sometime. GOD Yeah, I amaze myself sometimes. AZRIEL What happened to the rest of the ingredients in the burrito? GOD As I recall, they reformed at the edge of the galaxy as Pluto. MICHAEL Oh right, because Pluto’s not a planet, it’sALL A burrito. URIEL So it seems like everything’s starting to come back to you. GOD 29. Yeah, stuff about of my I’m still a little hazy on some though. Why do I remember something an asteroid and the biggest mistake life? MICHAEL Oh, well that’s actually not a good story. GABRIEL Yeah, so basically you wanted to see if dinosaurs were awesome enough to survive and asteroid hitting the Earth and causing a global ice age. Turns out they weren’t. This surprised you and shortly thereafter made you very sad which is when you started developing your drinking problem. AZRIEL Which made us sad, but more concerned as this lead to you eating the burrito Sun. GOD Wait, are you telling me I killed all the world’s dinosaurs? MICHAEL Yeah, but you are still omnipotent. GOD Who wants to be Quetzlcoatl God of the Aztecs in a dinosaurless world? URIEL Um, you’re the Christian God. GOD Oohhh…shit. [LIGHTS DOWN. The audience reflects on the futile nature of existence. “Is it all just meaningless?” one ponders aloud, his words met with unease and trepidation. But life must continue. The show must go on. All remains the same.] 30. The Hor of Saxony Lights up on one person in high winds with wind sounds. Second man jumps on with plungers and parachute on his back. SAXOMYRE (Dutch) Afternoon, Agent Horowitz. HOROWITZ (Soups) Agent Saxomyre. I didn’t realize you were on this flight. SAXOMYRE 31. I’m not surprised something like that slipped the CIA’s notice. HOROWITZ At least we managed magnetic shoes. SAXOMYRE Yeah, you know, budget cuts. So, what brings you to the left wing of flight British airways flight 1830? HOROWITZ You’ll never guess who’s on this plane. SAXOMYRE Al Pacino? HOROWITZ Holy crap! Really? SAXOMYRE Prove that he’s not. HOROWITZ Well then it’s settled. We have to save Al Pacino from Alfonzo Portabanko. SAXOMYRE Portabanko? You mean the guy with theHOROWITZ Yup! SAXOMYRE And theHOROWITZ Yup! Wow! SAXOMYRE He’s a bad guy. HOROWITZ Oh, you noticed. Now if you’ll excuse me I need to get inside and take care of business. Why are you here anyway? 32. SAXOMYRE Well, it’s an interesting story. Around 18:00 last night, the NSA decided “Fuck the CIA.” HOROWITZ What? SAXOMYRE Yeah, you know, like, fuck em. So we decided to take all of our money and do everything the CIA does, but first. The rest of the money went to buying these (lifts plunger, almost falls) Oh God! I gotta stop doing that. The Italian in me is gonna get me killed. You know, cuz we gesticulate a bunch. HOROWITZ So you don’t even know why you’re here? SAXOMYRE All I know is I got a bomb in this parachute backpack. HOROWITZ So you got up this morning, put on a backpack carrying both your parachute and a bomb, grabbed some plungers and thought, “got it.” SAXOMYRE No, I’ve been up since yesterday. I was told to take this bombachute, enter the plane via plunger, take Portabanko’s bomb, give him my bomb, blow him up, then leave. HOROWITZ Wow, ok, let’s go back a tick. thought you were going to waltz moving plane, find a terrorist, bomb, and give him another bomb harm only him? SAXOMYRE Yes. So you into a take his that would 33. HOROWITZ You don’t know how bombs work, do you? SAXOMYRE I didn’t even know how to spell it until today. A silent b? At the end of the word? HOROWITZ And how did you think you were going to tell who Portabanko was? SAXOMYRE Probably the one with the bomb. HOROWITZ Huh, not bad. Glad we’re on the same page. But you can’t just sneak on a plane like this. They are very technologically advanced. [Door opens to old timey conductor… named Jeb] JEB (Business) No ticket, no ride! [tosses a man out of the plane] HOROWITZ If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to take my magnet shoes and walk up this wing. [Enter third guy with magnet shoes] SAXOMYRE You too? The NSA blows. VANDERBIEK (Hollywood) (on a cell phone) Ok, I’m gonna have to call you back, I’m on the plane. What? No, I’m literally on the plane. Hence the hundred mile per hour winds. Listen, I’ll cakk you back. Love you too Grandma. Bye. Grandmother, am I right? 34. HOROWITZ I know exactly what you mean. VANDERBIEK So who’d you guys book with, Travelocity? Expedia? I got min from Hotwire. SAXOMYRE NSA HOROWITZ CIA VANDERBIEK Oh, budget cuts? SAXOMYRE Me yes, him… not so much. VANDERBIEK Ok, that’s cool. I gotta admit though, I’m kinda surprised that the CIA and the NSA are so desperate for Al Pacino’s autograph that they would parachute onto his private jet. HOROWITZ Private jet? No, this is British airways flight 1830. VANDERBIEK Yeah it is, and Al Pacino’s the only passenger. Him and that stow-away. He was also trying to get Pacino’s autograph. Here, you can see him in this window [all look] [At the same time] VANDERBIEK Al Pacino. HOR AND SAX Portabanko. [Now they go back to talking at different times] 35. HOROWITZ Wait, Alfonso Portabanko is Al Pacino? VANDERBIEK Al Pacino is Alfonso Portabanko? SAXOMYRE Alfonso Portabanko and Al Pacino look exactly like me? HOROWITZ No, that’s your reflection. VANDERBIEK How in all of your research of Portabanko did you not know they were the same person? HOROWITZ I guess I just never saw Righteous Kill. SAXOMYRE So you’re telling me that Al Pacino’s alter ego is an international terrorist that never does anything? VANDERBIEK Listen! You can hear what he’s saying! AL PACINO [Offstage] If you don’t open this cockpit right now, I’m going to stab everybody on this plane with this travel toothbrush, so help me Jewish God! SAXOMYRE See, I don’t know which side of him was talking. HOROWITZ That’s what makes him such a great actor. [Lights down] 36. Shakesone to Knowone [lights up on 3 people, and 2 singers to the side of the stage] God Mic (Fox) (music) It’s Shakespeare narrated by some guy who’s never seen the play. 37. His name is Derrick and he’s never seen this play. You’ve probably seen this play, but this is Derrick’s first time so be cool, Its Derrick, and he’s narrating this play even though he’s never seen it before. Clapper (Hollywood) [claps twice] God Mic This week’s episode, “Romeo and Juliet” (actors begin playing mid third act) Derrick (Dutch) This is Romeo and Juliet. If you’re just joining us you’re probably as confused as I am. Allow me to catch you up to speed… one of those people is Romeo, and the other one ain’t. They appear to be in fair Verona which, if it is anything like the fair I went to in Newark is like, up to here in cotton candy and homeless people, irregardless, [leafs through papers] uh, love, asshole families, dude named Mercutio, which I find to be somewhat badass, broads freakin’ out, and a lady whose first or last name may or may not be nurse. Lets appreciate it hard. [listens in] Mercutio (Pluto) Why that same pale hard-hearted wench, that— Derrick Wench is like whore. [continues listening in, checks iphone] [Joe enters with chips] Joe (Business) Hey, what’s this thing here? God Mic 38. Its Shakespeare narrated by some guys who have never seen the play. Their names are Derrick and Joseph and they’ve never seen this particular play. But Joe didn’t realize he was narrating until just now its by Shakespeare who lived way long ago he wrote a bunch of plays and stuff that lots of people have seen. But these two haven’t seen them. Cause they’re Derrick and Joseph and they narrate things they haven’t seen. uh badap dadaba. Clapper [claps twice] Joseph What’s the score? Derrick They’re in love. Joseph Gross. I had $20 on the Knicks. Derrick Don’t get too attached, I read ahead. And my money’s on fortune’s fate. But why would you bet on the Knicks? Joseph What’s he saying? [Romeo’s monologue cuts in] Derrick I think he’s gonna kill himself cause she’s dead. But she ain’t dead, she’s nappin’. Joseph Wow. She must be in a real deep nap cause he’s talkin’ loud enough to wake me up and I ain’t even sleeping. Derrick Hey, Quiet down, Joe’s trying to sleep. 39. Joseph Hey, you got any-- [sees apothecary potion] nice. [drinks] Is this diet hemlock? [takes another sip] With lime? [they turn the page] oh… God Mic It was Derrick and Joseph, but now its just Derrick and hes done narrating the play. That production crew was really careless to use real poison because if it wasn’t Joseph it would’ve at least been the actor that played Romeo, his name is Ted I think. Clapper [claps twice] [LIGHTS DOWN] Diamonds Are For Now, Kidnapping Is Forever 40. LIGHTS UP on no one. Two men enter dragging someone with a sack over his head. SANDY ALOMAR JR. (Hollywood) Where am I!? TED JOHNSON (Fox) Shut up! Not St. Louis! BEN COATES (Blitz) Ted. We talked about this. TED I mean, he doesn’t know what part. BEN It’s not good enough, man. SANDY Uh. I mean. Sorry, but you kidnapped me fifteen minutes ago from downtown St. Louis, I figured we were still in St. Louis. I was uh… actually asking what part. BEN Uh oh. He’s smart. But not smart enough to stay unkidnapped, right? High fives. Goes for a high five with Sandy, ends in a shoulder punch. SANDY Can I go? BEN You’re new to this. We’ll explain. Silent argument between Ted and Ben, then rock, paper, scissors. BEN No. SANDY Please? BEN 41. Ohhhhh. No. TED Listen. We keep you here until your parents send money. Then you can go. SANDY I don’t understCHAD enters. CHAD (Business) Who’s the new guy? TED Easy Chad, you knew this was coming. CHAD No yeah. No, I mean I’m sure you talked about it. It’s fine. It’s whatever. Whatever. It is what it is. It is what we make it. BEN Okay great. So Sandy what happens nextCHAD I mean. You could have told me. But, that’s okay. I mean. It’s cool that you kidnapped someone else. You know. You know where you keep me. You know which corner is my corner. [To SANDY] Stay out of my corner. [Back to the others] I just feel like you could have prepared me for this. TED Chad. Dude. Come on man. We’ll still have our thing. You know nothing’s gonna change. CHAD I know we didn’t say that this was exclusive, but I thought it was understood. I guess it was just me. Who thought that. The exclusive part. 42. BEN Chad, we can talk later. But you remember what it was like at first. Can we [Hand thing]. CHAD Whatever. I made this for you. Not that it mattes. BEN Chad. Is this aCHAD A ransom note. I clipped all those magazines myself. And there weren’t a lot of big words left. TED This is all in the same font. CHAD That was really hard. CHILI DAVIS enters CHILI Ted? TED Dave? CHILI Ben? BEN Ted? SANDY Dad? CHILI No… SANDY Just thought maybe- Sorry. DAVE (Dutch) It took me so long to find you. I’ve been hanging out in dark parking lots and empty warehouses for two months. You know, calling for mommy, hanging by vans. I really miss you guys. Who are they? 43. CHAD Who’s this guy? CHILI Who is she? SANDY Am I gonna die?! BEN Clearly not! Obviously we’re not very good at this. CHILI Don’t worry. You’ll get it. [Puts hand on Ben’s shoulder]. CHAD Don’t touch him. Hey, Ben. Did he ever make his own Ransom note? CHILI Ooo, a ransom note. That’s nice, that’s nice, I CUT OFF MY OWN FINGER! It’s like a “I cut off my finger joke.” But forever! [Does the thumb-finger thing] CHAD Oh, really? Wow that doesn’t seem crazy and overbearing at all. And I’m sure that was really helpful when they ask you to move stuff or when they ask you to judge things on a thumbs-up thumbs-down rating system. DAVE I have another thumb! CHAD Yeah? Well I have two and I give them two thumbs up. TED Guys, don’t. Please… KNOCK at the door. 44. OFFICER SMOKEY THE BEAR (Soups) (Off stage) Police! BEN Come in! POLICE OFFICER enters. Everyone is silent. OFFICER SMOKEY THE BEAR I’m so glad I found you guys. LIGHTS DOWN. 45. Armageddon Me A Mexican Hotpocket [LIGHTS UP on 6 students and one teacher] GOD MIC (Blitz) Good morning students. I hope you’re having a terrific Tuesday. Today’s date is October 18th, 4013. A couple of quick announcements, Mrs. Jarvis-Green-Ellis’ fieldtrip to the past will be leaving after, and they’re gone. And they’re back. Mrs. Jarvis-Green-Ellis’ class would like to apologize. They were the first and third crusades. 6th graders, please remember that study hall is for homework, not hickies (clears throat). And don’t forget to buy your ticket today for the powder-puff Ho-Gong game…IN SPACE! Now all rise for the pledge of allegiance. ALL I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, and God’s son Jesus, and Jesus’ half brother Carl who returned in the year 2010 and delivered us the Lord’s cheesy crust pizza, therefore delivering us into temptation, creating quite the opportunity for Jesus to return and deliver us back to one nation, under God, , divisible by 2, 4, 9, and 114, the number of states in the union. Also, space bears, there are now space bears, so there’s that, with liberty and justice and hover boards, and the recent evolutionary trait, the disposable thumb, and swine flu’s delicious remnants, honey glazed ham flu, hot pocket’s newest hot pocket, hot pocket Armageddon, Armageddon me a hot pocket, and for all other forms of microwaveable pockets, and the inventor of the disposable thumb, Steven disposable thumb, for the letter Grawl, and the number Grawl, and non 46. microwaveable pockets, lets not forget about those, and Indian food, it’s not new, we just still like it, and that new race of people we call Indians, and their food, Mexican food, and Hotpocket’s other new Hotpocket, Mexican Hotpockets, Armageddon me a Mexican Hotpocket. Just a gentle reminder about the space bears. And McDonald’s King, not to be confused with Don King or Don Quixote, and the new book, Don KingJote. With liberty and justice for Oliver Twist, we’re still reading that, and Oliver Twist II, which was only OK, and President Barack Hussein Robobama for all. GOD MIC Thank you. Now, robots please rise for the robot pledge of allegiance. ROBOTS (Pluto) Beep blip boop boop beep. SCOTTY PIPPIN (Dutch) OK class, everyone take out your history textbooks. Today’s lecture is on extinct species: Cats, Russia and Lean Cuisines. No Questions. Lights Down. [LIGHTS DOWN] 47. Old Gravy LIGHTS UP on 2 elderly parents growing old with each other Ethel (Pluto) You know, I watched that “Deal or No Deal” program, but I just don’t get it. Bert (Soups) One of life’s mysteries, Ethel. [ a young fresh couple enters the home, the man is in the navy. Ooooooooohhhhh.] Sarah Mom? Dad? Ethel Bethany!? Sarah No, it’s Sarah! Ethel Cheryl!? Bert She said Sarah. [takes off glasses] Sarah No, its Sarah! Ethel Oh! Sarah! Where are you, where are you, where are you? Sarah Here, Mom. [Ethel sees Andy, the boyfriend] 48. Ethel Ooohh, to what do we owe this pleasure? Sarah Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend, Andrew. Ethel Well it’s a pleasure to meet you. So polite… Andy (Fox) Call me Andy. [Andy shakes Bert’s hand] Bert What’s with the getup? You a train conductor or something? You conduct trains? Ethel Why are you wearing a hat inside? Bert You been workin’ on the railroad? Sarah Dad! Andy No sir. I’m in the navy. It’s part of my uniform. Ethel Oh, I thought you were just being fancy. Bert You an engineer? Andy No, the uh, the navy, like I said. U.S.S. Dwight D. Eisenhower. Ethel Ohh… So you work at Old Navy? Bert 49. So ya ain’t an engineer. Ethel You know, I just bought a cardigan there. As far as moderately priced casual wear is concerned— Sarah No, Dad—THE NAVY. Bert Old Navy’s a fine institution, son. No need to be ashamed. Andy No, no, the navy. Its one of the armed forces. You know, army, marines— Ethel Oh so you’re in the airforce. Now is that Continental or Pan-Am? Bert No, Ethel, he separates the regular jeans from the bell bottoms. Ethel Ooohh, okay. Well, Sarah, lets talk about your hair color. Its new… did he put you up to this? Andy Wait, wait a sec. You do understand, right? I went to the Naval Academy… Bert I think that’s what they call Florida State. You know 20 years ago I’d have said I’d be a monkey’s uncle if my daughter married a belly button. But hell, I like this guy. Andy No, I work on a boat, a battleship actually, I just finished a tour off the coast of Somalia. 50. Bert Wait, Wait, Who, What, boat, where, Somalia, tours, battleboats, coast of what now. [long pause, takes glasses off] Listen, Alex. We’re simple folk. We like our meat meaty and our milk meaty. And I don’t care if you have an inny or an outy. Cuz I got a feelin’ Sarah likes you a whole bunch. Ethel Oh, Sarah, your grandfather is here, why don’t you introduce your friend? Sarah’s grandfather is a navy seal. Sarah Oh, Grandpa!? Grandpa [off stage] I’m comin, I’m comin. Sarah Hi Grandpa! (he is being dragged by two men) Andy Is he alive? Bert dont know. Haven’t checked in some odd years. So adam we’re simple folk— Andy who are those men? Bert don’t know. We can also simple folk. Pops, this very kind, his vavorite and other than that, we lot. only assume more is Allen, he is clor is navy blue, don’t know a whole Grandpa (mumbles) Old Navy( Mumbles) Florida (mumbles) sassafras (mumbles) BERT and ETHEL Laugh loudly. 51. Sarah I’m pregnant! [ long pause ] Bert oh, so you’re in the navy. [LIGHTS DOWN] MLK Thnx Bye [LIGHTS UP on 7 people listening to an historic speech by MLK Jr. They are moved. Also, yes, it is “an historic” because that’s how grammar works, you asshole] MLK (Blitz) I have a dream that one day our children will be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character— HYPHY (Dutch) Yeah and I have a dream that this speech will finish in time for me to see the redskins game. ALL Shh! HYPHY Alls I’m sayin’ is just cuz I don’t got a microphone, that don’t make my dreams any less meaningful. HANK (Business) Well what kind of dreams are we talking about? NICK CARTER (Fox) Yeah, are these nightmares? Daymares? Happymares? BLASTOISE (Hollywood) Happymares ain’t a real thing. TUT (Soups) I think you meant happy meal. 52. FERDINAND (Rolls) Can you please quiet down? This might be historic. HANK I once had a happymare about a happy meal. I had a happy meal but all my friends had sad meals, so even though they were sad, I wanted to be included so I bought my own sad meal and then I got sad and it became a sadmare. NICK CARTER Sad meals? Yeah that’s definitely not a thing. TUT It’s creepy that mare is a synonym for dream. SYLLA It’s not, it’s a synonym for horse. TUT I once had a dream about a horse. BLASTOISE A mare-mare TUT That’s the one! So in the dream I was at this water park, only it wasn’t water, it was hot chocolate, and every time I went down a slide it was never ending, except it wasn’t cuz I kept getting back on, and I wanted to leave, cuz day turned to night and the hot chocolate turned to cold chocolate and then I got home and everybody was like, “why didn’t you come home with us? We had a BBQ!” NICK CARTER What does that have to do with horses? TUT Oh, in the dream I was a horse. 53. ALL Oh. BLASTOISE I once had a dream that I was a horse dreaming. HYPHY A mare-mare-mare. ALL -GaspFERDINAND Do you guys have any idea what’s going on here? TUT I know your eaves dropping on our horse conversation. HYPHY Nay. NICK CARTER You know what would give me some serious mares? That reflecting pool, cuz it’s me, but then no, it’s not. TUT Deep BLASTOISE Like the ocean, but very unsimilar. HYPHY I had a dream where I was in a doll factory and I was king of the dolls, but then they was scary lookin’ at me. But I couldn’t get rid of them because then I wouldn’t be king no more, and so I had to eat all the cashews in the world or else Dad wouldn’t love me no more. ALL (Nod in agreement) 54. HANK I’ve had the one. BLASTOISE Every Tuesday. TUT Did you eat them all? HYPHY (Silently looks away) NICK CARTER Hey, it’s ok. It’s just a mare. Just a mare. HYPHY So I star hidin’ all the cashews inside the scary dolls, all like. But Dad, Dad knows. NICK CARTER Right because he’s like you, but then, no, he’s not. HYPHY And I’m still king of the doll kids right, but Dad just keeps on judging me and them. And he starts telling me them dolls is scary lookin’ and I says, “Dad, I’m king, and king says don’t judge these kid dolls by how they look. Judge ems’ by the content of what’s insides…cashews…cashews.” Yeah, so anyway then I turned into a horse and missed the BBQ. HANK Again. HYPHY Yeah, I’m telling ya, every Tuesday. [LIGHTS DOWN] 55. PIRATES OF THE EGYPTIAN CARRIBEAN LIGHTS UP on five pundits around a coffee table CHUCK (Business) Welcome back to the buzzword, a weekly discussion of world news and politics affecting the state of our nation. I’m your host Chuck Abdella. With me today are Paul Elkman of the Washington Post PAUL (Fox) Thanks for having me, Chuck CHUCK Vincent Simon, Editor and Chief of the associated press, Middle East. Edward Chen, former Chief of Staff for congressman Baucus and as always, Jim Abbott of the New York Times. Always a pleasure, Jim. JIM (Dutch) Pleasure’s all mine CHUCK If you’re just joining us, we’ve been discussing congressional plans to introduce a cap and trade bill that would effect emissions throughout the nation. Vincent, you were making a point before we went to commercialVIN (Blitz) 56. I was just saying I’m concerned that America’s industrial competitiveness could be harmed by such legislation. PAUL Corporations aren’t police! Police are police! That’s why we call them the police! (continues) JIM Forget about the police, let’s talk taxing! Taxing the police. (continues) VIN Polls show that 79% of police spell “taxes” with two Xs and a Q, a letter that 98% of Americans don’t think exists! (continues) ED (Rolls) Did you guys know that Egypt is building their own Disney World?! They’ve got a ride called Egyptian Batman! (continues) CHUCK gestures like the conversation is normal. All continue to yell until CHUCK takes a sip of water. They all follow suit. SPIT TAKE CHUCK And that brings up an interesting point: is the electoral college an outdated system? PAUL Small farms are in! Every single American wishes that his mother was Aunt Jamima! (continues) JIM If I get one more telemarketer calling me, I’m just gonna start saying “no!” (Continues) VIN 57. I haven’t even been to the new Yankee Stadium and I know that’s bullshit. ED Syrup tastes less and less like syrup the more I drink it! All continue yelling and become less and less coherent. Each drops out one at a time until just PAUL is yelling PAUL AHHHHH! VIN It all comes down to organ doners. CHUCK That’s all the time we have for today. This has been the buzzword with me, Chuck Abdella. Tune in next week when we will be discussing barriers to alternative energy resources and an increase tax on gold.. fish.. Goldfish. The goldfish tax. LIGHTS DOWN 58. Istanbul, Not Zombie Apocalypse [LIGHTS UP on 6 townspeople sitting on either side of a podium. JEFF walks out] JEFF (Hollywood) Ladies and gentlemen, please quiet down. It gives me great pleasure to introduce representative Marshall Greenweather. (Greenweather enters) MARSHALL (Soups) Good evening people of Indiana. As many of you know, I’m running to retain my seat in the House this coming November, representing you, the good people of Indiana’s 7th district. I’d like to open the floor to questions at this time. DALE (Busi) Representative Greenweather, it’s come to my attention that under your administration I may not be allowed to build the electric fence around my pasture that I’ve been saving up for. Why? MARSHALL I’m glad you asked that question, sir. The district’s Ethics Committee has ruled that cows shouldn’t have to be shocked every 59. time they hit the fence. You’ll just have to stick to the regular fence. After all, the thing you should really be worried about is intruders. Next question. CHUCK (Pluto) What do you mean “intruders?” MARSHALL Next question. Yes, ma’am? CONSTANCE (Fox) Thank you Representative Greenweather. I’m the bookkeeper at Midwestern General Hospital and we’ve suddenly begun receiving millions of dollars more in government aid than we need. Can’t these funds help our broken school system, or – MARSHALL You know, that’s a funny question, because can a hospital really have too much money? CONSTANCE Yes. MARSHALL All I’m saying is, you know, you never know what could happen. I mean we’ve all seen zombie movies before, right? Next question. CONSTANCE What do zombies have to do with anything? MARSHALL Now I’ve already told you there is absolutely no problem with our district’s policemen turning into zombies. I don’t want to hear anything more about it. Next question. You sir. BERTRAM (Dutch) Yeah, I had a question about potholes, but now I want to talk about zombies. MARSHALL 60. Okay, I’ll bite. Zombies are dead people that were brought back to life by, you know, satellites and stuff, so they can feed on the flesh of the living. Police officers are living people whose job it is to protect us. Now do you see how there’s no correlation? Next question. OFFICER HARDING (Blitz) Um, yes, Representative, Officer Jim Harding, Deputy Sherriff, 3rd Precinct. One of our boys, Officer Bob Davis, good cop, came in yesterday and ate Sergeant Studebaker. It was gross. MARSHALL You know I’m answering questions not statements. Next question. SAMPSON (Rolls) I’m just piggy backing here, what are you doing about the zombie policemen? MARSHALL Well I’ve barricaded my house pretty well. I’ve got a good amount of guns and you can never be too careful when it comes to safety so I got a real powerful electric fence. ALL (General Uproar) MARSHALL Hey now, hey now, I’m not sparing any expenses when it comes to safety. Besides, lets be honest, a fence isn’t going to do much against zombie police officers, it’s more for the zombie dogs. Which is a great segway to my next platform. The only thing worse than zombie dogs is more zombie dogs. Have your pets spayed or neutered, because Marshall Greenweather knows that animals are people too, but then no, they’re not. 61. (JEFF runs on and whispers something into MARSHALL’s ear) MARSHALL I’ve just been informed that my key opponent is now not only a liberal but a zombie. Do you want a zombie in the state house? I sure don’t. A vote for me is a vote against zombies. Next question. DALE Yeah, I heard you’re cheating on your wife with a zombie. MARSHALL Actually, that’s just my wife. STEVE Wow, that’s my mistake, sir. MARSHALL No, actually it was mine. [LIGHTS DOWN] 62. The New Apple Porn Lights up on 3 people laying onstage. 2 of them are waking up. All of them are astronauts who were supposed to be in induced hibernation but something went wrong and that's where Slow Kids comes in..... in.... in.... in. Harrison (Dutch) Well, I guess what they say is true. Time really does fly when you're in induced hibernation. I feel like I just fell asleep. COFLIN (Pluto) I know what you mean. I guess we must be there though. Look out the window. HARRISON Well that's weird. Hey, let me ask you something, this may be a stupid question, but humor me, is Europa supposed to have a Great Wall of China visible from space? COFLIN What? No, it's supposed to look like Europa, like one of Jupiter's moons. I don't even think it has a China. 63. HARRISON Oh, then we are definitely not there yet. COFLIN Really? That's weird. I remember them saying that we'd be able to see Europa when we woke up. I'd figure we'd at least be able to see Jupiter. HARRISON Computer. Computer! COMPUTER (Blitz) (God mic'd) ...What? COFLIN Computer, where is Europa? COMPUTER It's by Jupiter, idiot. Come on, you should know that. You're an astronaut and shit. HARRISON Computer, of course we know that. It's just why can't we see it? Aren't we there yet? COMPUTER Ohh, okay. Let me check on that. Just give me a sec... I'm buffering... Ohh... oohh. Yeah, go back to sleep. COFLIN We just were asleep. COMPUTER Go back to sleep. HARRISON We just woke up. COMPUTER You're gonna get mad. Please don't get mad. 64. COFLIN Computer, what's the problem? COMPUTER You guys have been asleep for 10 minutes. HARRISON 10 MINUTES!!! COMPUTER Well, like a week or something. COFLIN Those are two very different times. Which is it? COMPUTER Yeah, just go back to sleep. HARRISON No, Computer, we will not go back to sleep. We demand that you tell us what's going on and why is Carlson not awake yet? COMPUTER He's tired or something, man. I don't know. What am I, his mom? COFLIN Computer, it's time to get serious. Now, we are supposed to be arriving at Europa on July 26th, 2013. Computer, what is today's date? COMPUTER Umm, well, on the Jewish calendar... HARRISON Computer, we aren't asking about the Jewish calendar-well, maybe Carlson would be but he's still asleep, and it's asking us. Now, Computer, why are you acting so strange? COMPUTER Hey guys, Ima lay it out for you. I'm super messed up right now. 65. COFLIN Oh God No! Are you glitched? Are you damaged? COMPUTER What? Oh, no, it's nothing permanent. I've just been downloading viruses and smoking weed all day, or 10 minutes. I forget. HARRISON Are you serious? COMPUTER Yeah, just been giving myself a little buzz. No big. COFLIN Computers can't smoke weed! COMPUTER Just a figure of speech. COFLIN No it'sCOMPUTER Listen, we can do this all day, but I'm a computer. HARRISON Computer, we need to go to Europa, now. COMPUTER We all need something. I need more weed but my dealer's asleep. HARRISON Your what?! COMPUTER Thought I'd let him sleep. You know how Carlson gets when he doesn't get his sleep. COFLIN 66. So why are we awake? COMPUTER I got bored. You guys want to play cards? HARRISON No! COMPUTER Yeah, me neither. This sucks. I'm gonna wake Carlson up. CARLSON (Soups) Cashews! Wait, what? Oh hey guys. I just had a whole lotta sex dreams. This is going to be a sweet trip. HARRISON Look out the window. That's not Jupiter. CARLSON What, you think your knowledge impresses me? Gotta be a big man just cuz I slept with your wife that one time? HARRISON What? CARLSON You heard me! HARRISON No, I didn't. I'm still very groggy. CARLSON Hey, let's go check out that Europa Chick. COFLIN Look, that tiny spot is Jupiter. CARLSON I thought it'd be bigger. COFLIN And that's Earth. 67. CARLSON Oh, I see what the problem is here. Guys, I don't want to freak you out, but we under-slept and we are like 2 or 3 buttloads of space away from where we want to be. Computer, how long until we arrive at Europa? COMPUTER I don't give a shit. CARLSON Alright, should be a few weeks. HARRISON It's a 12 year trip! CARLSON And I had sex with your wife! That's what a key party is, Harrison! Computer, did I say that out loud? COMPUTER No, you more yelled it like. The good news is you guys have 12 more years to talk about it. COFLIN I'm gonna go to bed for a little. CARLSON I'm gonna smoke a bowl with the computer. LIGHTS DOWN. 68. Auto Erotic Asphyxiation! Lights up on 3 employees and 1 customer at a party store looking miserable. The employees are wearing party hats. Jon reaches checkout counter. Alvin (Hollywood) Looks like someone’s having a party. Simon and Theodore (Blitz & Pluto) Looks like someone’s having a party. Jon (Rolls) Oh, no. We’re having a wake. This is just the closest store that sells black plates Alvin Come back to party time awesome, where the party never dies. Simon and Theo 69. Come back to party time awesome, where the party never dies. Jon Did-what? Damnit… Jon Exits. Dave enters. All Welcome to Party Time Awesome. It’s an Awesome Party Time. Dave (Soups) We-hell. Why the long faces party poopers? I thought this was Party Time Awesome, not Party Time Sad Face. Simon We’re closed Dave It’s 1PM and that sign says “Open” Simon Yeah, we’re open. Dave I should introduce myself. I’m Dave Winfield, your new Manager Theo What happened to Barry? Dave I’m surprised this obvious question came up. So I’ll read you this Party Time Paper. Dave pulls out paper and reads it DAVE (Cont’d) Dear Party Time Awesome employees – Route 23, Troy, New York. We regret to inform you that your manager, Barry Anderson, has passed away. Barry was a wonderful man who left behind two loving grandparents, and a website dedicated to pictures of squirrels 70. next to pictures of horses. Visit it at ofsquirrels From: The party at HR. Dave puts paper away. DAVE (Cont’d) I’m sorry for your loss. He sounded like a fun man. Autoerotic asphyxiation is a terrible way to die. But the party must go on! Now its time to make this party store more of a party. Because we all need laughter in our life. And some prizes! Dave throws candy at the employees, they do not react. DAVE (Cont’d) What do you say? Theo We didn’t say – Alvin Can I take my break? Dave When I’m done with you, you wont even need a break! Alvin That’s illegal Dave Well you can take it later! Now lets talk about those frowns. I have a surprise that’s going to turn those frowns covered up! Say hello up to the man of 1000 masks! Ray enters. He takes off the “Mask” takes of phantom of the opera mask. Leaves on basketball Goggles. Theo You’re still wearing basketball goggles Ray (Fox) 71. You never know when you’ll be hit with a basketball. Also they’re prescription. Besides, life is full of surprises! Ray throws candy, employees don’t react. Simon What’s your name? Ray You can call me Man of 1000 Masks Simon You were only wearing 3 masks Ray Then call me Don Gotlib Alvin Your nametag says Ray Ray Ok it’s Ray. Listen kids. I don’t know what it’s like working here because I’ve never worked here. But I can tell you that if I had, I’d be working at register 3 – Alvin That’s my registerRay Old Suzy, that’s what I’d have named her Alvin That’s not what it’sRay Sellin’ Buzz Lightyear costumes to any cool Dad with a few dimes to rub together, restocking the woman’s costume sections just to sneak a peak at models showing me what a sexy veteran coalminer would look like – Simon That’s not a costume 72. Ray I know how frustrated y’all must feel, always competing with “Napolean Boneparty” down the street, forced to get your kicks in the break room, pumping your lungs full of helium – Theo That’s not how it – Ray Purposefully dropping piñatas on the floor so you’ll have to [air quotes] “throw them away” Alvin They don’t start with candy in them Theo Do you even know what piñatas are? Ray Selling airheads and fundip out front and ten cent handjobs out back All [Uproar] Ray Sorry – I took off one mask too many Alvin I’m taking my break Alvin exits. Dave Ray… I think it’s best if you… took your … party – leave, I’d like you to leave. Ray Surprises!... um. Ray drops candy. All stare at candy as Ray exits. Dave 73. Well, weirdo party of one, right? Simon I will not eat any of that candy. Dave So what do you say team? Are you ready to get this preverbal party started? All [Grumble] Dave looks crestfallen (vocab word of the week!) Customer enters Customer (Business) Hey – I’m looking for a hula themed – Dave We’re closed Customer It’s 1:05pm and the sign saysDave Yeah, I quit. LIGHTS DOWN. Moondependence Day/Carl's Munior LIGHTS UP on 2 people on stage in an old west style standoff. Four people are watching on the sideline: a western dressed man and lady, an indian, and a bear. It's a western on the moon. Soups Well, I think it's become clear that this town ain't big enough for the two of us. Rolls Funny, I was just going to say the same thing, except instead of town I was gonna say moon town, cause we're on the moon. And this Moon-Angeles, it ain't big enough for the two of us. 74. SOUPS Right. So essentially, exactly what I just said. ROLLS ...Right. SOUPS Right. [Soups starts thinking hard.] ROLLS (Whispering) What are ya doing? SOUPS (Whispering) Thinking real hard. Hollywood (Whispering) Well I guess I'll take out my moon gun. SOUPS Right, right. Thanks, Hollywood. I mean, town's-person number 4. I guess I'll take out my moon gun. ROLLS I reckon I oughta do the same, Deputy. SOUPS Good... So you do that, and I'll... Ahhh... Soups thinks real hard again. HOLLYWOOD (Whispering) Well that makes sense, 'cause you know what they say, "moons out, guns out." SOUPS I know what the line is, "moons out, guns out." (to the audience) I was taking a 75. dramatic pause. ROLLS Soups, are you serious, do you really not know your lines!? SOUPS Okay, I'm sorry guys, I promise I'll learn my lines. Soups takes out a diet coke and sips on it. ROLLS When!?! It's the night of the show... IT IS THE SHOW!! BUSINESS I told you guys that I should have been cast as the space deputy in this sketch. But no, I was cast as the indian, even though I WASN'T IN THE FIRST INDIAN SKETCH! PLUTO Well, It's not like the doctor sketch. least in this, you have one line. BUSINESS Oh, Pluto, you are so right. would you mind cueing me? At Hollywood, HOLLYWOOD Oh, okay - "Quick, we have to dismantle this moon bomb before the moon explodes!" BUSINESS How... are we going to do that? See, thanks for the one line, guys. I'm so glad I quit my role as the sexy vampire on BUTV for this. Blitz Business! You're a freshman! STOP! Now Soups, you're an idiot, so we're going to do this mexican standoff. PLUTO 76. Blitz, I think a Mexican standoff is with 3 people, not with... BLITZ Shut up! Fox! FOX enters. Fox "Some people call me a space cowboy, na na na na na na na na na na on-the-moon." What is this, a space standoff sketch? I'm so unprepared! Fox pulls out a gun and hat. BLITZ Pluto! Space me! Pluto! Thank you! this what a space outlaw looks like? Is Pluto gives Blitz costume pieces and his shirt, and Blitz it shirt around his head. FOX I don't know, but yes. PLUTO (to Rolls) Is this what's supposed to happen? ROLLS Oh, they do one space standoff every semester. We just let it run it's course. HOLLYWOOD We're really lucky they picked this sketch to do it. SOUPS I don't know, it might have spiced up the "Beach Line" sketch. FOX Moon step 1! May I just say I like your space belt buckle. BLITZ 77. Why, thank you. I got it at Abercrombe and We're on the Moon, Guys. HOLLYWOOD Space hipsters don't shop there. BLITZ Moon step 2! today. You're looking quite trim, FOX Thanks, I've been considering working out. Also, low gravity. BUSINESS Oh, a moon joke. How! creative... FOX Moon step 3! Is this where we turn around and have a bad-ass moon standoff? BLITZ Yeah, I think so. FOX Well I'm ready when you are. BLITZ Okay, on 3. 1, 2, 3! FOX Moon dodge! Etc! Moon laser! Dutch Boys, boys, what's going on here? SOUPS Dutch, you're not even in this sketch. DUTCH Then it must not be very good yet, heh heh. Now listen, if there's one thing I've learned in my time here in Slow Children at Play, it's that I'm sick of being in Slow Children at Play. So I'm gonna go watch from the audience and you people are gonna pick new characters and 78. do the standoff right. HOLLYWOOD I call deputy. 'Cuz I feel like, in a few years, I'll be a sheriff. But I know I'm not there, yet. PLUTO Space bear. BUSINESS Native American! FOX The cool guy. Damnit! Offstage. Fox walks off. SOUPS What's going on guys, I wasn't paying attention. BLITZ Get off stage. SOUPS Kay. ROLLS Rolls! BLITZ I'm getting food. ROLLS Rolls is coming. DUTCH Okay. Pluto, Business, Hollywood. It's up to you. Mexican moon stand off. BUSINESS Indians don't fight. HOLLYWOOD I got nothing. 79. PLUTO Space bear attack! Pluto shoots them. sounds. Kick ass, loud, gun laser Dutch comes back on stage. DUTCH Congratulations, Pluto. You've passed the "Dutch Test of Time Test." The sketch went horribly wrong, but you stuck it out, and now you're in the spotlight, like me. But there can only be one me, and that's Dutch, (points off stage) and according to this birth certificate, (holds up large poster that says "I was born") that's me. (points at self). So, according to the Cappuccino Dissociative Property, a cool combination of process of elimination, Reynolds transport theorem, and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, you must die. Dutch shoots Pluto, laughs. Soups, Blitz, Rolls, and Fox enter with hamburgers. ROLLS And then Rolls said, "shut up, Rolls!" DUTCH Augh, you guys got food? FOX You didn't come with us? BLITZ We were talking to you the whole time. DUTCH (Pulls a hamburger out of his pocket) Wait a sec, what the fuck? Dutch eats the whole hamburger in one bite. 80. LIGHTS DOWN. Boppers On Board [Lights up on four sports fans aboard a train] Jeff (Blitz) I can’t believe we’re doing this. Linus (Pluto) Yeah, it feels like just yesterday, we were chillin’ in the resource room during free period listening to Ho-Gong matches on the TV. 81. Craig (Fox) Just listening. Larry (Hollywood) And now we’re in our early thirties, settled, successful, riding the orient express to our first Ho-Gong match! In person! Here! Now! Currently! Jeff Times like these I kind of wish they didn’t play in complete darkness. Conductor (Soups) Hello passengers! Welcome aboard the orient express! A few pieces of information for our first time travelers. First- this is a very long train ride. That is all. Just kidding, this trip is super long, like soooo long. Express from Paris to Guang-Jo, home of this year’s HoGong Exhibition Championship Series Open of the World Cup Classic Open. All YES! [All cheer] HO-GONG, HO-GONG, HOGONG! Conductor In light of this fact, many of your favorite Ho-Gong Boppers are on board, and we ask that you please treat them respectfully and courteously. Lastly, we wish to remind you that passengers have been known to experience bouts of paranoia, disappear, reappear, and/or be murdered. Also, there is the occasional lunch dropped on the floor, because it’s a train. For now, that is all, thank you for listening, and enjoy your ride on the ORIENT EXPRESS! Linus Was that voice racist? Jeff 82. Not if it was Asian. Craig Awesome, I didn’t know there were boppers on board! Larry Not just boppers, there’s probably a few North goal keeps, a few swatters, a couple of air attacks, the list goes on! Jeff Who knows, we might even see a mid sleuthslayer. [Athlete enters] Linus IJeff [whispers] SHH! Craig How do you know?! face! That’s James Stanford! Nobody’s ever seen his Jeff He plays light shoe for the Hong Kong Himalayans. I know those footsteps anywhere. Plus, he keeps introducing himself. James Stanford (Business) James Stanford. Hi, James Stanford. Stanford comma James. How’s it going? Jimmy Stanford. Jeff Excuse me, Mr. Stanford. James Stanford Did somebody besides me say my name while I was saying my name? Cause jinx you owe me a Fanta. Jeff 83. Yes, I did. We’re huge fans. James Stanford Oh, what team- you guys don’t play for Warsaw do you? Jeff No, we don’t play the position “Huge Fan,” we, uh… appreciate your work James Stanford Well, thank you very much! [Lights flicker, Linus disappears] Larry What happened to Linus? Craig We don’t know anyone named Linus. Larry No, we do. Linus. All Ohhh…. Craig I heard this type of stuff happens on the orient express, but I can’t remember where. Conductor Just a reminder: remember everything I said earlier. Craig I think it was in the official Ho-Gong magazine, Bon ApaHo-Gong. James Stanford We need to get to the bottom of this. I know what we should do. Did you see our game in ’89 against the Kuwait Oilers? Larry Wait, that game? 84. James Stanford No, the other one. Larry Oh yeah, when you cause Bluto Ledbetter to lose his sense of taste. Jeff Oh yeah. I saw that on ESPF Classic. That gave your BobswatterAll -Nomar Garciaparra Jeff …the chance to score the game winning double gallon dunk. Craig That was one of the most exciting games of the 80s. How are we going to use that to find Linus? James Stanford I think we should split up to look. All Ohhhh. [Lights flicker, Craig disappears, Jeff is behind Larry] Larry They both disappeared! Jeff No, I’m just behind you. [Larry drops his sandwich] Larry AHHH! Jeff Where did you get a sandwich? 85. Larry Snack car! [Lights go down, come back up and everyone is back with sandwiches] James Stanford Oh shoot. That’s the opposite of what I was trying to do. Jeff What does that mean? Linus He kidnapped us! James Stanford Well I did play Left Kidnapper for the Pittsburgh Penguin. The Ho-Gong team. Larry Wait a minute, James Stanford never played for the Penguins. But I know who did… [takes off wig] All Bluto Ledbetter! Larry But why? James Stanford/Bluto Ledbetter I wanted to take out my competition but I didn’t know what they look like because we play in the dark. Not all Ho-Gong players go around introducing themselves [Chad enters] Chad (Dutch) CHAD DANIELS! … The accountant. James Stanford See, that’s the kind of thing that throws me off! 86. Linus I guess we can forgive you. scrimmage or something? Wanna James Stanford Sure. [Lights down] Jeff Now what? James Stanford I dunno. The lights are always off. just kinda stand there. I [Music plays] Bar-Soccer-Mitzvah: The Veggie Burrito Story Lights up on Atlas & 6 friends holding planets. Atlas (Blitz) 87. Hey guys, do you ever get sick of having to hold up your planet? Venus (Hollywood) Well yeah, sometimes, but then I put it down. ATLAS Put it down? Mars (Business) Yeah, you know, like... Mars drops Mars. ATLAS How'd you do that? MARS Well first I dropped it. That's about it. And now I can do stuff to it with my feet. ATLAS You can drop it? Saturn (Fox) I can do all kinds of stuff with it. I can drop it, I can stop holding it. VENUS I'm passive-aggressive to mine. "Well then, I don't know who's gonna wash the dishes!" MARS I throw mine at children on your planet. Jupiter (Rolls) Mine is made of gas, so I like to take a few hits off mine. (He does so) Jupiter (Cont’d) Then, just, you know, orbit. Jupiter starts orbiting. 88. Pluto (Pluto) Mine is a burrito. JUPITER Yeah, then I usually try to eat Pluto. MARS Wait, Atlas, you can't put your planet down? ATLAS No, of course not. Mine's covered in people. Atlas bounces the Earth. People scream. All Ew. PLUTO (said w/ mouthfull o' Pluto) They poop. ATLAS No, it's cool. They build things, they innovate, they evolve, they... Dave Matthews Band? PLUTO They poop everywhere! MARS This guy's lame. I say we drop the holding, start the dropping, and play some football. All begin to play around auditorium with planets. PLUTO On my planet we call it soccer. JUPITER On my planet we call it baseball. 89. SATURN Chanukkah. We call it Channuka. ALL Oh. MARS Then let's go play some Chanukah. ATLAS This blows. Stupid people ruining everything. God enters. God (Dutch) Now hold on a second, Atlas. ATLAS God?! GOD The one and only... that's a lie. Why so down, Atlas? ATLAS It's just that I can't put this thing down, it's covered withGOD Icky people? ATLAS Yeah, like over 6 billion of them. GOD More like 4 since you dropped them. ATLAS Oh, (to planet) sorry! GOD Ok, 3.5, you should stop doing things. ATLAS But that's just it. Every other person 90. holding a planet gets to do so many things, and I have to stay here because of all these people. GOD Now hold on, do you think they're actually having fun out there? ALL Hava nagila, soccer nagila, soccer nagila it's football. GOD Ok, ignore that. Think of it this way, they have such dumb names. You're Atlas, holder of the world. Look at their names: Scrape, Moist, Belgium, Dunktank, Steve? Awful. Just horrible words. ATLAS Didn't you name them? GOD Let's not point fingers. VENUS On my planet, Dunktank means God of Sex. GOD Hell yeah it does, Dunktank. (to Atlas) Sorry. It's just... dude's the shit. VENUS Hell yeah I am! GOD You got my back, Dunktank. You're my favorite. (to Atlas) I like Steve... and you. Okay, listen, if that doesn't convince you then consider this. That red spot that Steve keeps taking hits off of? That's totally an STD. And Moist over there, holding a veggie burrito. ATLAS Oh that's gross. 91. GOD Yeah. The point is this: those guys can put down their planets but you have something they don't. ATLAS Nickelback? GOD No, they all have that. ATLAS Oh really? I thought I suffered alone. GOD No. What you have is so much better than Nickelback. Everything you have is so much better than Nickelback. No, you have something great... dinosaurs... ATLAS What? No, you killed them. GOD Oh, again?! I need a burrito! ATLAS Wait, the sun was a burrito? GOD Yeah. ATLAS And you created the sun before you created Mexican people? GOD Yeah. ATLAS So Mexicans didn't invent the burrito? GOD No, they did. I'm Mexican. ATLAS Wait, so you are Quetzlcoatl GOD ...Yes! Lights Down. 92. Meth Rogan Lights up on an empty stage “Eye of the tiger” plays in the background. This is a slide show sketch. Two guys walk out and stage and chest bump Deryll 1 (Dutch) Hello Deryll 2 (Rolls) (At same time) Hi. I thought we agreed to say hi. Deryll 1 We did not. Deryll 2 My Mistake. Deryll 1 Hello Deryll 2 (Again at the same time) Hi-lo Deryll 1 Does this ever happen to you? Dryll enters. Dryll 1 I need a product Deryll 2 Well you’re shit out of luck. Deryll 1 No wait. Not this time Deryll 2 Oh, Right. Well you’re shit in luck. We have a product Deryll 1 93. We sure as hell have a product. And it does stuff Deryll 2 All kinds of stuff Dryll What kinds of stuff I axe. 1 ask 2 askx 1 What does it do? It turns this! Slide showing ugly person 1 Into this *Slide showing attractive person 2 This into this *Slide showing vegetables *Slide into V8 1 And this into this *Slide showing water bottle *Slide showing wine bottle 2 Are we selling Jesus? 1 No, but he’d buy it *Slide with Jesus at the grocery store 94. 1 Every time you buy our product, an angel gets its wings *Slide showing a Victoria secrets model eating chicken wings *Slide throws Vladimir Guererro at KFC Drive through 2 Let’s take a look at this graph *Slide shows a funny graph. Lol. 1 Hot damn! Deryll 1 and Deryll 2 high five Dryll Hey can you guys— 2 You betcha Dryll Awesome! Mom they said they’d do it Dryll exits 1 You might be asking this product?” yourself, 2 And we might say “shut up” 1 Deryll, No! 2 I’m sorry. I’m just so wound up. But we’ll get to that later. Let’s take another look at that graph! “what is 95. *Slide shows same graph as before 1 Yep. Still there. 2 But it is medically proven! 1 Four out of five doctors agree that I’ll kill them if they don’t endorse this product 2 My man can commit. Here’s Godzilla *Slide showing Godzilla 1 Woah. Shit got real. 2 You may be asking yourself. IS our product safe? 1 I don’t know, let’s ask an expert Dryll enters dressed as ump Dryll Safe! (on third says Cacachuates) entrance, he Dryll exits 1 and 2 (pointing at ump) Yeahhhh 1 Cause you can’t without literacy spell product *Slide showing Product – Literacy = F4 2 All aboard destination the product train, 96. 1 and 2 like a train like You Youuuuuuu 1 This product will make you happy if you’re into that. 2 Energized if you’re into that 1 Or knit if you’re into that 2 But we know you’re not *slide showing grandmother knitting and words say I hate my everything 2 I can speak Spanish 1 Prove it 2 Habló Español 1 MEGA! Have you ever product in Spanish sold a Begin from “You may be asking yourself is this product safe?” to “prove it!” in Spanish 2 I speak English. backwards. Also, I speak Spanish 1 Well then, vamanos. Begin from “You may be asking yourself is this product safe?” to “prove it!” In Spanish, but backwards and faster. 97. 2 That’s why they call me “Mr Yes!” 1 Charlie’s Angels! 2 Buffalo Style! 1 and 2 do Charlie’s Angels pose Detective Smokey the Bear Enters Detective Smokey the Bear Are you guys selling meth? 1 By the bucketful. Dryll enters with a bucket Lights Down audience is like I bet that guy got tired of writing Deryll over and over. Also Rolls spelled “Angel” as “Angle” two times. 98. I Blame Fox… Ending [LIGHTS UP on a Bear a pundit a surgeon a CIA agent God, man with 1000 masks a depression era businessman and a hogon captain.] BEAR Alright guys, everyone partnered up? [Bear + God, Surgeon + James, Pundit + CIA, Mask + FDR. = awesome] BEAR Great, well since by now you all must know each other pretty well we’re going to do a bear howard school of bear trust original activity we like to call a “trust fall.” Who’s first? PUNDIT (Yelling) ARE YOU READY? CIA (Yelling) Yeah! I’m Ready!!!! PUNDIT Why are you yelling at me?!?!?! CIA What?!?!! PUNDIT Why are you yelling at me?!?!?! CIA What?!?!! PUNDIT You’re yelling at me!!!! 99. CIA You started it! Do you not trust me?!?! PUNDIT This is just how I talk I don’t trust that masked guy! CIA Oh yeah, me either! But you trust me? PUNDIT Yeah! Falling! RAY (aka mask man) (not yelling) Why don’t you trust me? CIA Why are you yelling at him? JAMES Yeah well it’s my turn right now. Trust falls ho-gong style (gets in ho-gong position, like that’s a thing). SURGEON Wait, you think you’re more qualified to fall? JAMES As captain of the hong kong Himalayans I resent that. Besides if worse comes to worst you can operate on me. SURGEON I’m on vacation! Besides my grandfather invented falling grandpap Ahhhh!!!!! JAMES Well, I’m definitely not qualified to catch you. Did you see my 94’ game against the Nantucket necties? We were a man down and I had to fill in as a backup trustkeeper. We lost that game. You can read about it in my autobiography “A million little pieces of ho-gong. FDR guy 100. Ah, yeah I read that. Real scary didn’t trust him at all. MASK GUY Wanna know whats scary? Try snorting color changing blue raspberry gushers goo through the nose slits of a scream mask in the back of an a and w drive up without a spotter SURGEON I’m not gonna try that MASK GUY (rips off first mask and has phantom of opera mask on) to the trust fall! (stands ready to catch a fall-er) FDR Ohhhh oh, no way! I regret everything! My mom told me never to trust guys in more than 2 scary masks and no face and my dad never told me anything. I pass. BEAR Guys, ok let me just show you what it means to trust… God, ready? GOD Aw! How didi get stuck with the trust bear!? BEAR We partnered up at the beginning. GOD Listen I don’t know what I did or what I drank or who I build I’m not trusting my life in your paws. BEAR You’re omnipotent! GOD Yeah but you’re a bear. I’ll catch you. BEAR 101. No way you’re drunk. GOD You can trust me. Haven’t you ever read a penny? BEAR Ok, why don’t just do a different activity. Human knot? [Make a circle then break it then bow.] BEAR We did it. [LIGHTS DOWN.] BUTCH DUTCHMOM AND THE SUNDANCE KIDS LIGHTS UP on 3 kids playing pogs. TIMMY Yeah, my buzz-saw slammer just got seven of your pogs. CHRIS You cheated, that slammer's weighted. TIMMY It is not, I'm not a cheater, you're a cheater. BRENDA Hey guys, calm down, let's just play some more pogs. CHRIS My dad could beat up your dad. They get silent. BRENDA Come on, Chris, that was unnecessary. TIMMY 102. That's baloney, Chris. My dad could totally kick your dad's butt. CHRIS Can not. TIMMY Can too. TIMMY AND CHRIS Dad! Come here! 2 dads enter drinking beer. BUTCH Hey kids, what's going on? CHUCK (ROLLS) Mr. Stevenson and I were just having a beer and watching the game. CHRIS Dad, Timmy said his dad can beat you up. CHUCK I'm sorry? TIMMY Yeah, and Chris thinks Mr. Parker can kick your butt. BUTCH (to Chuck) Ha. These kids are pretty funny, huh Chuck? Let's go back to the game. CHUCK Whatsamatter, Stevenson? Scared? BUTCH What? No, I – CHUCK Don't want to lose a fight in front 103. of your stupid kid? BUTCH Hey, woah, now you can't call my kid stupid, Parker - he's on the Honor Roll. CHUCK We always said you were the wimpiest. BUTCH Who's we? CHUCK Come on, Stevenson, come on! BUTCH You know what? Fine! Let's do this! Butch and Chuck put beers down and take off sweaters. Fightin' music comes on. They circle and get in a hold. Chuck begins to go down. CHUCK No! No! I'm sorry, son. I … failed … you. CHRIS Noo! TIMMY Yeah, I told you! Way to go, Dad. BUTCH Well, that's enough of that. I'm going to go watch the rest of the game. BRENDA My mom could beat up both your dads. 104. CHRIS AND TIMMY What? BUTCH I'm sorry, what was that little girl? Dutch mom enters in wig and bikini top holding huge jar of protein powder. Gross, right? DUTCH MOM (DUTCH) She said, I can take both of you on. CHRIS Brenda, that's your mom? DUTCH MOM (DUTCH) Ever since my baby girl's daddy ran off six years ago, I've been determined to fill that daddy-less void. That's why everyday I lift weights, do steroids, take 3 testosterones, cook 3 meals, do the laundry and constantly eat this protein powder. (eats some) Who's first? BUTCH I refuse to fight a woman. CHUCK (gets up) Let's do this (DM beats down) I'm so sorry, son. DUTCH MOM Come on, sweater man. BUTCH I really don't want to do this - I have nothing to prove. TIMMY Come on Dad, you gotta beat that Mom. 105. DUTCH MOM Come on Dad. Dy. BUTCH Only my son calls me Daddy. Music plays. Same hold. Dutch Mom head butts him down. BRENDA Yay Mom, you did it! DUTCH MOM Come, kids. We're going home. CHRIS But we have moms. DUTCH MOM I said we're going home. CHRIS Yes, Mom. TIMMY Yes, Dad. LIGHTS DOWN.