Horizon 2020 Energy Efficiency Information Day 12 December 2014 Parallel session: 'Consumer engagement (EE10) & New ICT solutions for energy efficiency (EE11)' Agenda 14:00-14:05 Welcome and introduction Sergio Ferreira 14:05-14:15 EE10 – Policy Background Kyriakos Gialoglou 14:15-14:25 EE10 – Topic briefing Nina Klemola & Silvia Vivarelli 14:25-14:35 EE11 – Policy Background Carmen Ifrim 14:35-14:45 EE11 – Topic briefing Francesca Harris & Pau Rey Garcia 14:45-15:15 Q&A EE10 Policy background DG JUST Consumer Strategy Unit Energy & Consumers Team Kyriakos Gialoglou Energy & consumers: Opportunities & costs "Opportunities for better deals are available BUT consumers show low involvement and trust in the market." Policy objectives: Enable active market participation Protect consumers rights, especially of vulnerable ones Promote sustainable consumption Areas of improvement: provision of info, comparison of offers, switching procedures, complaint handling procedures Legislative framework • Third Energy Legislative Package • Energy Efficiency Directive • Renewables Directive • Eco-design and Energy Labelling Directives • Unfair Commercial Practices Directive • Consumer Rights Directive Energy Union & European Consumer Agenda Improve consumer safety and engagement Improve implementation step up enforcement and secure redress Energy Enhance knowledge Align rights and key policies to economic and societal changes The Energy Union Reform & reorganise EU energy policy: • Internal Energy Market, • Security of supply, • Energy efficiency, • Network investment 20-20-20 & 2030 targets consumers to contribute & benefit Evidence for policy development Consumer Scoreboards: broad screening of overall consumer conditions Market studies: in-depth analyses of problems for consumers + remedies: Second Retail Electricity Market Study (ongoing) Comparison Tools Market Study (completed) Vulnerability Market Study (ongoing) Behavioural study on energy labels for home appliances (ongoing) Energy specific policies: Implementation of EU legislation for better outcomes for consumers the Citizens' Energy Forum Improving tools for consumers: labels, comparison, bills & e-bills Evaluation of national best practices on collective & individual switching, self-generation, energy efficiency Focus on innovation & new technologies access to info & framing Special attention for those that need it most e.g. vulnerable consumers Paper bill model Correct, Clear, Concise & Comparable E-Bill model Make info fun & user-friendly Our modus operandi Go local: join national energy consumer rights awareness events; listen, learn & take stock Energy regulators & consumer authorities: cooperation with national & EU energy regulators & consumer authorities tailor interventions for better consumer conditions Capacity building: enhance capability of consumer representatives to engage with national authorities and business on an equal basis Gather evidence on markets & consumer behaviour: policy to take account of actual information on market conditions and on real rather than assumed ‘rational’ behaviour (e.g. our market studies & A-G energy labels testing) More information • • • • • • • • LATEST WG Report: E-billing & Personal Energy Data Management (6th London Forum) http://ec.europa.eu/energy/gas_electricity/doc/forum_citizen_energy/201312 19-e-billing_energy_data.pdf Energy and Consumers web – information on Bills (e- bill and paper bill templates, green energy, energy policy http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/citizen/my_rights/energy_en.htm WG Report: Transparency in EU Retail Energy Market (5th London Forum) http://ec.europa.eu/energy/gas_electricity/doc/forum_citizen_energy/201211 1314_citizen_forum_meeting_working_group_report.pdf WG Report Alternative Dispute Resolution in Energy (4th London Forum): http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/citizen/my_rights/docs/energy_adr_report_en. pdf Monitoring markets & the Consumer Markets Scoreboard (latest edition July 2013) http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/archive/consumer_research/editions/cms9_en. htm The SANCO in depth retail electricity study (3rd London Forum) http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/consumer_research/market_studies/retail_ene rgy_market_study_en.htm Report by the Working Group on Billing (2nd London Forum) http://ec.europa.eu/energy/gas_electricity/forum_citizen_energy_en.htm (click on 2nd Citizens’ Energy Forum, Reports) Consumer Classroom: http://www.consumerclassroom.eu/ EE10-2015 Consumer engagement for sustainable energy Specific Challenge: Residential use of energy is responsible for 28% of EU energy consumption. The barriers to consumer energy saving have been known for more than 30 years but are still present (e.g. split incentives, lack of information, high initial investment, habits of energy users). Type of Action: CSA (100%) EE10-2015 Consumer engagement for sustainable energy Scope: • Increasing energy efficiency/RES through changing behaviour of consumers using market segmentation and focusing on "action" A Awareness I D A Interest Desire Action • E.g. through use of social innovations and innovative technologies (e.g. smart meters/apps), educational activities or tools (supporting "action"), or RES consumer cooperatives & community-owned projects EE10-2015 Consumer engagement for sustainable energy Impact: • Significant impacts in terms of number of people changing their behaviour and taking informed investment decisions • E.g. each million € of EU support expected to deliver annual energy savings of around 10% for at least 5,000 households (around 8 GWh/year of primary energy savings) EE10-2015 Consumer engagement for sustainable energy Relevant IEE projects Vulnerable consumers: Achieve EC-linc Energy Ambassadors Reach Spirit EPEE ECOLISH FinSH RES consumers: Clear Citizenergy Rescoop 20-20-20 Co-Power Wise Power http://ec.europa.eu/energy/intelligent/projects Households: Energy neighbourhoods Eco n' Home SAVES Empowering Efficiency 2.1 PROMISE ECCC EnerCities Energy Bits USmartConsumer FIESTA ECCC EECC (offices) Product labelling and consumers: Euro-TopTen-Max Promotion 3E EE10-2015 Consumer engagement for sustainable energy Projects under Grant Agreement preparation (H2020 call 2014): • Transforming markets through informed consumer purchases, pushing manufacturers and retailers towards more EE products • Increasing energy efficiency through an effective use of smart meters and in-house displays by vulnerable consumers • Increasing energy savings in public office buildings through a competition • Achieving energy savings/increase use of RES through behavioural changes in households EE10-2015 Consumer engagement for sustainable energy Lessons learnt: • Do not replicate previous action - build on them! • Consumer action should be at the core of the proposed activities • Capacity building and awareness-raising activities may support consumer action, but would not be considered consistent with the scope of the topic on their own • Market segmentation: divide bigger target group into subgroups of consumers and implement specific actions to target them • Relevant stakeholders necessary for the successful implementation of the action should be involved (in particular consumer associations) • Impact is crucial: to be supported by clear calculations, robust assumptions and baselines (taking into account relevant data) – clear link to the proposed activities! Energy efficiency - Policy at EU level 1. March 2010: Europe 2020: A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth – COM(2010) 2020 • Confirmation of three 20% targets for 2020 2. March 2011: A Roadmap for moving to a competitive, low carbon economy in 2050 – COM(2011) 885 • Reduce GHG emissions by 80-95% by 2050 compared to 1990 • A fully decarbonised Power Sector 3. January 2014: A policy framework for climate and energy in the period from 2020 to 2030 – COM(2014) 15 • Reduce GHG emissions by 40% below the 1990 level by 2030 20 Political Guidelines for the European Commission Extract from the Opening Statement of Jean-Claude Juncker, Strasbourg, 15 July 2014 1. A new Boost for Jobs, Growth and Investment • Additional public and private investment in the real economy • Focus on infrastructure, notably broadband, energy networks, transport infrastructure in industrial centres; education, research and innovation; renewable energy 2. A Connected Digital Single Market • Generate up to 250 billion EUR of additional growth in Europe -> vibrant knowledge-based economy • Ambitious legislative steps towards a connected digital single market 3. A Resilient Energy Union with a Forward-Looking Climate Change Policy • A new European Energy Union • Significantly enhance energy efficiency beyond the 2020 objective, notably when it comes to buildings -> ambitious, binding target 21 EU GHG emissions towards an 80% reduction (100% = 1990) by 2050 100% 80% 100% Power Sector 80% Current policy 60% Residential & Tertiary 60% Industry 40% 40% Transport 20% 20% Non CO2 Agriculture Non CO2 Other Sectors 0% 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 0% 2050 22 Policy: How can ICT contribute? ICT can: ● bring about direct efficiency gains ● help drive behavioural change By: measuring, monitoring, allowing intelligent management and control providing reliable data to governments, industries, citizens about energy consumption / carbon emissions substituting physical products by virtual services 23 Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) & Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH): An Organic Approach RRI actions & SSH expertise are called for as a baseline in Excellent Science, Industrial Leadership, and Societal Challenges Baseline RRI & SSH - explicitly called for in numerous topics, including energy efficiency MainStreaming EE 11 – Mainstreaming, embedded Intensive Motivate & support change of consumers' behaviour, increase consumer understanding & engagement in energy efficiency Consumers' involvement & empowerment Socio-economic analysis/evidence for ICT investment, plans for sustainability, uptake Hub EE11-2015 New ICT solutions for energy efficiency Specific Challenge: • To motivate and support citizens' behavioural change to achieve greater energy efficiency taking advantage of ICT • while ensuring that energy savings from this new ICTenabled solutions are greater than the cost of the services. EE11-2015 New ICT solutions for energy efficiency The Scope (1/2) • Service and Applications making use of information generated by energy consumers (e.g. through social networks) or captured by sensors (smart meters, smart plugs) • From Apps for smart phones and tablets to serious games to stimulate consumer's participation into the energy market EE11-2015 New ICT solutions for energy efficiency The Scope (2/2) • The proposed solutions should be deployed and validated in real life conditions in publicly owned buildings (including administrative offices, social housing) and buildings in public use or of public interest. • Validation should provide socio-economic evidence for ICT investment in the field and include detailed plans for sustainability and large-scale uptake beyond the project's life time EE11-2015 New ICT solutions for energy efficiency The Impact • Systemic energy consumption and production and emissions reduction between 15% and 30%. • Accelerate wide deployment of innovative ICT solutions for energy efficiency. • Greater consumer understanding and engagement in energy efficiency. EE11-2015 New ICT solutions for energy efficiency Lessons learned - Focus on energy savings - Thoroughly describe pilot building energy consumption - Validation essential Check our Frequently Asked Questions available online soon EE11-2015 New ICT solutions for energy efficiency • Research & Innovation Action (RIA) • Indicative budget distribution: • 8,5 M€ in 2015 • Date of publication: 10 December 2014 • Call deadline: 04 June 2015 Questions? Thank you very much for your attention For more information: • • H2020 Participant Portal: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/home.html EASME ENERGY EASME-Energy@ec.europa.eu