How to Write and Give A Speech

How to Write and Give
A Speech
How should a speech be structured?
 Body
 Conclusion
What is the purpose of your speech?
Decide on the message that you want to
give to this group. Do you what to
congratulate them on their
accomplishments, advise on the road
ahead or…
Choose A Theme
The key to writing good speeches lies in
using a theme. If you always refer back to
this theme, the audience will respond
positively and remember your words. This
means that inspirational quotes,
anecdotes and jokes should be integrated
into your speech in a way that makes
Get Their Attention
Nobody likes to be bored. So put yourself
in your audience's shoes. Find an
interesting way to start your speech.
First, you must decide who will make up
your audience. In a promotion speech,
you are addressing your fellow
classmates. However, parents,
grandparents, teachers and administrators
will also be present.
While you will be focusing on people your
age, what you say must be in line with the
dignity of the ceremony itself.
Remembering that, think of the ONE
thought with which you want to leave
your audience.
What’s your message?
Write your main message in one sentence
and in plain language.
 Think about your main message and write
your closing statement
 One technique, which ties everything
together, is to open and close with the
same statement.
Why only one idea? Mainly because if you
reinforce a single point instead of focusing on
entirely different ideas, your audience will have
a greater tendency to remember it. A speech
does not lend itself to having many themes.
Stick with one really good theme, and use each
point you make, your theme reinforcers, to bring
that idea home.
 Remember, you only have two - three minutes
for your speech!
End With a Bang!
End your speech with a rousing
conclusion. Leave people feeling excited
and that's what they'll remember about
Remember that you're writing a speech,
not an essay. People will hear the speech,
not read it. The more conversational you
can make it sound, the better. So try
these tips:
Write Like You Talk
Always read your speech aloud while
you're writing it. You'll hear right away if
you sound like a book or a real person
Use short sentences. It’s better to write
two simple sentences than one long
complicated sentence.
Use contractions. Say "I'm" instead of "I
am" "we're" instead of "we are."
Don't use big words that you wouldn't use
when talking to someone.
You don't have to follow all the rules of
written English grammar.
"Like this. See? Got it? Hope so." People
don't always talk in complete sentences
with verbs and nouns. So try to write like
people talk.
Step 2: Say It
After you've written your speech, it's time
to practice saying it.
Never underestimate the power of the
pause. Pauses provide both you and your
audience with a moment to think and
reflect upon what was just said. Pauses
are also important ways to underscore
humor or new facts or information.
Mark Up Your Script
Practice your speech with someone else
and ask for input.
Make (and maintain) eye contact with
individual members of your audience.
Seek out smiling, friendly faces and speak
directly to those people. Be sure to make
eye contact with several different
audience members and work your eyes
(and smiles) around the room.
As a rule of thumb, a single-spaced, typed
page should take 3 to 4 minutes to read
through at the correct pace. If it takes
less, you're going too fast.
Your speech is due Thursday!
 Do your best. Be prepared to present
your speech in class.