American Lit Honors Vocabulary Unit 1 PROVINCIAL JADED APPROBATION TRANSCEND “Nice store you got there. Would be a real shame if something happened to it.” INNUENDO ELICIT Golden Opulence sundae for the low, low price of …….$1,000 First dates looking to impress or sweet-sixteens in search of something special strike gold, quite literally, at Serendipity 3, the legendary New York City eatery where celebs are often spotted. The restaurant's golden opulence sundae is covered in 23-carat edible gold leaf and is also rich in flavor thanks to Tahitian vanilla ice cream infused with Madagascar vanilla beans and chunks of rare Chuao chocolate from Venezuela. In lieu of Hershey's syrup and a maraschino cherry, this sundae is drizzled with one of the world's most expensive chocolates, from Amedei Porcelana, and then adorned with candied fruits, gold covered almonds, chocolate truffles and marzipan cherries. The dish also features a dollop of sweet Grande Passion caviar served with a mother of pearl spoon and a gilded sugar flower. The whole shebang looks as good as it tastes, served in a Baccarat crystal goblet (yours to keep) with an 18-carat gold spoon (not included). DECADENCE HACKNEYED HIATUS SIMULATE LURID INTERCEDE ASSUAGE UNCTUOUS COALITION UMBRAGE MERITORIOUS EXPOSTULATE PREROGATIVE PETULANT approbation n. the expression of approval or praise syn. approval, Commendation, sanction ant. disapproval, censure Origin—1350–1400; Middle English (< Middle French ) < Latin approbātiōn- (stem of approbātiō ). Saban gives his team another sign of approbation as they win the National Title. assuage v. to make easier or milder, to calm or to quench, to appease or satisfy syn. mitigate, alleviate ant. Intensify, aggravate, exacerbate • 1250–1300; Middle English aswagen < Old French asouagier < Vulgar Latin *assuāviāre, equivalent to Latin as- as- + -suāviāre, verbal derivative of Latin suāvis agreeable to the taste, pleasant ( compare suave; akin to sweet) • Granny can assuage your hunger with a homemade Jimmy Dean sausage and biscuit.. coalition n. a combination, union or merger syn. alliance, league, ant. splinter group • 1605–15; < Latin coalitiōn- (stem of coalitiō ), equivalent to coalit ( us ), past participle of coalēscere ( co-+ ali-, past participle stem of alere to nourish + tus past participle suffix) + -iōn • The United States created the coalition that defeated Saddam Hussein in the Gulf War. decadence n. decline and decay; a period of decline and decay; excessive self indulgence syn. Degeneration ant. rise, growth, development 1540–50; < Middle French < Medieval Latin dēcadentia, equivalent to Late Latin dēcadent- (stem of dēcadēns ), present participle of dēcadere to fall away ( de- + cad ( ere ) to fall + -ent-) + -ia noun suffix; SENTENCE Some musicians may experience a time of decadence if they only produce a one-hit wonder. elicit v. to draw forth or to bring out from some source syn. Call forth, evoke, extract, Educe ant. Repress, quash, stifle SENTENCE A teacher’s question may elicit several responses from the class. 1635–45; < Latin ēlicitus drawn out (past participle of ēlicere ), equivalent to ē- e- + lici- draw, lure + -tus past participle suffix expostulate v. to attempt to dissuade someone from course or decision by earnest reasoning syn. Protest, remonstrate, complain ORIGIN—1525–35; < Latin expostulātus demanded urgently, required (past participle of expostulāre ). Postulate— To demand Though it was a scorching 98 degrees outside, Bernie dressed in the chicken outfit in an attempt to expostulate eating fast food. hackneyed adj. Used so often as to lack freshness or originality syn. banal, trite, common place, corny ant. new, fresh, novel, original • Origin: 1740–50; hackney + -ed2 “to be honest” “actually” “don’t just talk the talk; you got to walk the walk” “when I get around to it” “the fact of the matter is” “in conclusion” “first of all” Mrs. League said I must “hack” hackneyed away the phrases in my essay if I expected to earn an A. hiatus n. a gap, an opening, or a break syn. pause, lacuna ant. continuity, continuation ORIGIN 1555–65; < Latin hiātus opening, gap, equivalent to hiā ( re ) to gape, open + tus suffix of v. action Joe’s doctor informed him that he would need to take a hiatus from table tennis for about ten weeks since he broke his arm while trying to carry his girlfriend’s purse. innuendo n. A hint or indirect suggestion or reference (often in a derogatory sense) syn. Insinuation or intimation ant. direct statement ORIGIN— 1555–65; < Latin: a hint, literally, by signaling, ablative of innuendum, gerund of innuere to signal, equivalent to in- in-2 + nuere to nod The gangster’s innuendo, “Nice store you got there. Would be a real shame if something happened to it,” made me cringe. intercede v. To plead on behalf of someone else; to serve as a third party or go-between in a disagreement syn. intervene, mediate 1570–80; < Latin intercēdere. Since Hailey and Casey could not get a long, my brother-in-law decided to intercede and tape the two of them together! jaded Adj. wearied, worn-out, dulled syn. Sated, surfeited, cloyed ant. Unspoiled, uncloyed • Origin: 1585–95; jade2 + -ed2 • The jaded Aerosmith fan had seen the show fifty times. adj. causing shock, horror, or revulsion; pale in color; lack of restraint lurid syn. gruesome, gory, grisly, ghastly ant. pleasant, attractive, appealing, wholesome Origin: 1650–60; < Latin lūridus sallow, ghastly The clown’s lurid appearance frightened Jesse so much that he could not sleep alone at night for three solid days. meritorious adj. worthy, deserving recognition, or praise syn. praiseworthy, laudable, commendable ant. blameworthy, reprehensible, discreditable In recognition of all her ORIGIN— 1375–1425; late Middle English meritorious efforts in the relief < Latin meritōrius on hire. work, Dresden received a certificate. petulant adj. peevish, annoyed by trifles, easily irritated and upset syn. Irritable, testy, waspish ant. even-tempered, placid, serene, amiable ORIGIN: 1590–1600; < Latin petulant- (stem of petulāns ) impudent, akin to petere to seek, head for Acting like a petulant tortoise, Tommy decided to crawl home rather than make amends with the red globidydook. prerogative n. a special right or privilege; a special quality showing excellence syn. perk, perquisite 1350–1400; Middle English < Latin praerogātīvus (adj.) voting first, praerogātīva (noun use of feminine of adj.) tribe or century with right to vote first. Brittany Spears thinks she has a prerogative to change her mind about going on tour, despite the fact that thousands of fans have already bought their tickets. provincial adj. pertaining to an outlying area, local, narrow in mind or outlook, countrified in the sense of being limited and backward n. A person with a narrow point of view syn. narrow-minded, parochial, insular, naïve Ant. cosmopolitan, broad-minded 1300–50; Middle English (noun and adj.) < Latin prōvinciālis. The Puritans cast their provincial eyes on Hester Prynne as she tightly holds Pearl. simulate v. to make a pretense of; to imitate, to show the outer signs of syn. feign, pretend, affect Origin: 1400–50; late Middle English (adj.) < Latin simulātus (past participle of simulāre ), equivalent to simul(variant of simil-, base of similis The video game SIMS simulates similar) + -ātus -ate1 real life. Even the settings are realistic! transcend v. to rise above or beyond; exceed syn. surpass, outstrip ORIGIN— 1300–50; Middle English < Latin trānscendere to surmount, equivalent to trāns- trans- + scendere, combining form of scandere to climb • Sister Madonna Buder transcended everyone’s expectations. As the oldest triathlete, Sister Madonna has competed in more than 300 races and is 78 years young! umbrage n. shade cast by trees; foliage giving shade; an overshadowing influence or power; offense, resentment; a vague suspicion syn. irritation, pique, annoyance ant. Pleasure, delight, satisfaction 1400–50; late Middle English < Old French; see umbra (shadow) –age (quality of) One of my fondest childhood memories is when all of my family would gather underneath the umbrage of a Mimosa tree to shell peas and listen to my grandparents’ storytelling. unctuous adj. excessively smooth or smug; trying too and to give an impression of earnestness, sincerity or piety; fatty, oily, pliable syn. mealymouthed, servile, fawning, greasy ant. Gruff, blunt1350–1400; Middle English < Medieval Latin ūnctuōsus, equivalent to Latin ūnctu ( s ) act of anointing ( ung ( uere ) to smear, anoint + -tus suffix of v. action) + -ōsus -ous Being naïve, I looked past his unctuous behavior and said yes when he asked me out. • Puritan Plain Style –composed of short words, direct statements, references to everyday or ordinary objects/subjects • -conceit—elaborate comparison between two different subjects • -apostrophe—is a figure of speech in which someone absent or dead or something nonhuman is addressed as if it were alive and present and was able to reply • -paraphrase—to restate in your own words, line by line • -style-• -syntax –sentence structure • -inversion—the placing of words out of order traditional subject + verb “…let’s so persevere in love” inversion—”in love let’s so persevere” How is Puritan literature a reflection of the time period? How can the student evaluate the thematic and stylistic characteristics of the period? AGENDA January 27, 2011 • Begin DGP 1/Day 3 • Vocab. Unit 1/Day 3 1.) Close Reading—Cuckoo’s Nest – Conceit—poem/passage DUE TUESDAY 2.) “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” pg. 84 EQ: How can the student understand, acquire, and use new vocabulary in reading and writing? [ELAAMLRL3] EQ: How can the student demonstrate and understanding of what he/she reads? [ELAAMLRL1] Tuesday, Jan. 24th 1. Unit 1 Vocab. (COLLECT $$$ FOR BOOKS) “Choosing the Right Word” pg. 17 DGP #1—Tuesday, Sentence Parts 2. Sticky-note novel assessment. Homework: • Vocabulary “Completing the Sentence” pg. 19 • Imitation sentences using 10 different vocab. words. due Friday. TOPICS 2nd—Valentine’s Day 3rd—Pie How is Puritan literature a reflection of the time period? How can the student evaluate the thematic and stylistic characteristics of the period? AGENDA August, 30th • Vocab. Unit 1/Day 2 • Begin DGP 1/Day 2 1.) Discuss 3rd Block Access Code: 4233312 4th Block Access Code: 4233313 5th Block Access Code: 4233315 Password— hoyas How is Puritan literature a reflection of the time period? How can the student evaluate the thematic and stylistic characteristics of the period? How does the student understand and acquire new vocabulary and uses it correctly in reading and writing? Agenda August 30th • 1.) Finish Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor—Puritan Poetry—compare/contrast poems • 2.) Conceit Poem/Paragraph—see a few, write one—Due Thursday • 3.) Begin reading Jonathan Edwards’ “Sinners In the Hands of an Angry God” EQ: How can the student understand, acquire, and use new vocabulary in reading and writing? [ELAAMLRL3] EQ: How can the student demonstrate and understanding of what he/she reads? [ELAAMLRL1] Monday, Jan. 23rd 1. Unit 1 Vocab./DGP #1 • Introduce vocab unit 1 (complete synonyms and antonyms during the introduction) 2. Introduce Imitation Sentence Assignment TOPIC _______________ 3. Argument essay pre-assessment MISSING PROJECTS: 2ND-Rationalism, Romanticism, Postmodern 3rd- Transcendentalism, Naturalism/Regionalism, Postmodern Homework: 1. Vocabulary “Choosing the Right Word” vocabulary sentences DUE Tues. 2. Imitation sentences using 10 different vocab. words. DUE Friday How does the student use close reading strategies to understand the writer’s craft, especially in relation to theme, character development, theme, and other literary devices? [ELAAMLRL1] Agenda August 31st 1.) Vocab. #3/ DGP #3 2.) –Focus Assignment—Check MLA, title, first person pronouns, contractions 2.) Gather with your “Home” group 3.) 2 question test—independent 4.) Collaboration with “Home” group—sharing of focus reading assignment 5.) Whole-class discussion HW—Complete the conceit poem/prose. Don’t forget to write a paragraph explaining how you have used the conceit. HW—Remember, you should have responded to another student’s discussion post in Schoology if you haven’t done so already. EQ: How can the student understand, acquire, and use new vocabulary in reading and writing? [ELAAMLRL3] EQ: How can the student demonstrate and understanding of what he/she reads? [ELAAMLRL1] Friday, January 27th 1. DGP/Unit 1 Diagramming 2. Collect Sentence Imitations 3. Unit 1 Vocab—Quiz 4. The Scarlet Letter independent reading Homework: 1. Continue reading TSL. Pay close attention to details and complete your focused reading assignment. IMAGERY Appeals to the five senses 1.) sight—visual 2.) sound—auditory 3.) smell—olfactory 4.) taste—gustatory 5.) touch—concrete EQ: How can the student understand, acquire, and use new vocabulary in reading and writing? [ELAAMLRL3] EQ: How can the student demonstrate and understanding of what he/she reads? [ELAAMLRL1] • Wednesday, Jan. 25th *Extended homeroom; adjusted schedule* 1. Unit 1 Vocab/DGP #1 Go over vocabulary—Completing the Sentences 2. Finish the Sticky Note Assessment– 20 mins. 3. Go to media center and pick up The Scarlet Letter. 4. Introduce essential question: What is worth risking everything for? “Risky Behavior” activity. • Tomorrow we will begin our close reading of The Scarlet Letter. Homework: ALL PROJECTS SHOULD BE COMPLETE & SAVED. 1.) Colonial group presentation. Tomorrow 2.) Vocab. Sentence Imitations—Due Friday EQ: How can the student understand, acquire, and use new vocabulary in reading and writing? [ELAAMLRL3] EQ: How can the student demonstrate and understanding of what he/she reads? [ELAAMLRL1] Thursday, January 26th 1. Unit 1 Vocab/DGP #1—Vocab. in Context pg. 21 2. The Puritan Period Presentations 3. Go over The Scarlet Letter reading assignments and group activities/projects. 4. Begin close reading of Chapter 1 “The Prison Door” Homework: 1. Sentence Imitations due tomorrow. 2. Vocab. Unit 1 Quiz —definitions, synonyms & antonyms and Completing the Sentences 3. Continue reading TSL. Pay close attention to details and complete your focused reading assignment. 1. Unit 1 Vocab./DGP #1 2. Vocab. Resources Please use the online resources for vocab. review. • • • 3. Share your conceit poems. 4. The Scarlet Letter quiz/discussion 5. Watch The Crucible Homework--Students will write 10 imitation sentences using 10 different vocab. words. DUE Friday. Vocab. 1 Quiz