Tuesday 11th November

Tuesday 11th November, 9.30am
The Thornbury Centre
Meeting Started: 9.30am
Meeting Ended: 10.50am
Shirley Brierley
Melanie Astin
Sarah Hinton
Rugare Musekiwa
Lynn Bradley
Rashida Latif
Susan Moreau
Mohammed Shaukat
Kerr Kennedy
Michaela Howell
Adele Gatley
Helen Hall
Gill Thornton
Katie Swinden
- Consultant; Public Health (Chair)
- BD4 Parent; Project Coordinator- BD4 Family
- Project Coordinator; Shine Project
- ICP Lead
- Director; SureStart BHT
- Family Support Worker; Mortimer House Children’s
- Lead Officer for Early Years; Bradford Children’s
- Community Development Officer; Karmand Centre
- Strategic Development Officer; Young Lives Bradford
- Service Development Manager; Bradford Trident
- Monitoring Officer; Better Start Bradford; Bradford
- Early Years Specialist; Better Start Bradford; Bradford
- Project Manager; Better Start Bradford; Bradford
- Administrator; Better Start Bradford; Bradford Trident
Apologies for Absence
Anita Parkin
Paul O’Hara
Simon Atkin
Karen Lee
Elana Davis
Jonathan Pickles
Wafaa Nawaz
Julie Walker
Sharon Wilkinson
Robert Maden
Lynn Bradley
Shelley Madden
Lorraine Towler
Michael Jameson
Louise Williams
Mick Binns
Rosie McEachan
Cathy Presto
Indi Elcock
Phillipa Hubbard
Ruth Hayward
1. Introductions
Shirley Brierley welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for their
2. Minutes of Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as a true and accurate record.
3. Matters Arising
3.1 Leverage Funding
Michaela Howell explained that BSB need written confirmation from all partners
who have committed leverage. BSB have received confirmation from Bradford
District Care Trust.
BSB are in the process of setting up their own bank account.
All the leverage money has been allocated to the Innovation Hub.
Shirley Brierley explained that the leverage funding had been agreed at the Public
Health Senior Management Team meeting, and that BSB could now contact Diane
Walker in Public Health.
3.2 Bradford’s Key Messages
Gill Thornton presented the ‘Better Start Bradford Key Messages’ paper. It explains
the vision and aims of the programme, to ensure that anyone discussing BSB gives
out consistent messages.
Kerr Kennedy explained that it was a very useful document to help to explain BSB
in a concise manner.
Shirley Brierley expressed the need to ensure that communications should go
through BSB.
Gill Thornton explained that if anybody needed any more information to contact
3.3 Strategic Leads Meeting
Michaela Howell explained that since reporting at the last meeting BSB had
received the notes form the meeting. BSB have made some amendments, and are
waiting from response from BLF.
ACTION: BSB to share the notes once approved by BLF.
3.4 Preventonomics
Gill Thornton explained that BSB are still waiting for a date from LSE, they have
visited 3 other sites. They will be in Lambeth, so can speak to them about their
plans there.
ACTION: Gill Thornton to chase the date for the Preventonmics Group to meet.
Lynn Bradley asked if there had been a cost worked out per capita based on
disadvantage indicators.
There has not been a cost worked out based on disadvantage indicators, but there
is a notional amount worked out on what could be spent per child per year. The
tool is to look at the savings each project could save. There has not been a
timeline given for doing this on all projects.
There will also be a health economist as part of the Innovation Hub.
3.5 Recruitment of Community Partners
The documents for the recruitment of the Community Partners have been circulate
to the BSB mailing list and the parents on the ‘Nice to Meet You’ mailing lists. This
will be done again before the closing date.
Gill Thornton is going to also do Community Briefings. The team will also text all
the parents who gave us their phone numbers at the ‘Nice to Meet You’ events.
Gill Thornton explained that the issue of Community Partners getting a fee for
their time had be raised. She explained that the BSB Partnership had been agreed
in principal, but the Bradford Trident board needs to make the final decision on
this matter. Bradford Trident has a board meeting on 20th November.
Kerr Kennedy suggested speaking to Dave Forest from Volunteering Bradford about
any implications of paying Community Partners.
Gill Thornton urged all members to advertise the documents to anyone who may
be interested in becoming a Community Partner.
3.6 Baby Buddy
The National Launch is on Wednesday 19th November in London, with a local
Bradford Launch in the morning of 19th. This will be at Tyersal Children’s Centre
with their Bump and Baby Group. The invitation for the local launch has been sent
to various people including some councillors. BSB have received support from the
Public Health Communications Team.
BSB have recruited 18 app leaders to help roll out the app after the launch.
Shirley Brierley asked if these were district-wide app leaders and if the Maternity
Network have been involved.
Some of them work on district wide basis.
ACTION: Discussion on who takes the lead on the district-wide roll out of the app.
4. Updates
4.1 Finance Update
Michaela Howell presented the Development Phase final return that was sent to
BLF, this covers the period of August 2013- End of September 2014. This funding
has gone over-budget and Bradford Trident have picked up the over-spend.
She explained that BSB have received the £209,000 for the period 1st October- 31st
ACTION: Bring the breakdown of spend for £209,000 to the next Partnership
4.2 Staffing
Michaela Howell explained that BSB have four staff with a confirmed start date:
- Finance Manager; Shaista Ahmed; 15th December
- Learning and Development Coordinator; Joanne Bird; 2nd December
- Communications and Events Coordinator; Khalil Ahmed; 17th November
- Volunteer Coordinator; Zakra Yasin; 5th January
She explained that the team were currently interviewing for 3 Family and
Community Engagement Workers.
The team have also had permission to second a Midwife to the team. This will be to
help to engage Midwifery in BSB to do some of the delivery. This will need to be
agreed with Midwifery and will require some budget re-working.
The team had planned to recruit 7 Better Start Facilitators, one in each Children’s
Centre, in January. However, in light of the Children’s Centre review outcome this
may need to be halted.
ACTION: BSB bring a report to the next meeting about how the Children’s Centre
Review could affect the Better Start Bradford Programme, in collaboration with
Susan Moreau.
Rugare Musekiwa explained that there the Children’s Centres will be merged into
Clusters. However, a lot of areas are already working in clusters including the
Health Visitors and Midwives as part of the Integrated Care Pathway. Practitioners
are already in the mind-set of cluster working.
Shirley Brierley explained that Public Health training in Yorkshire and Humber will
be funding a full-time Public Health registrar too work with the Better Start Team
for 12 months. This post will start in February 2015.
4.3 Capital
Gill Thornton explained that the Project Management of the Year 1 had gone out
to tender and had received 4 bids back. A team including Sarah Hinton, Darren
Starkey (BSBs Capital lead) and Gill Thornton have shortlisted two companies.
Darren Starkey has asked for more information regarding the finances, and
decision should be made at the end of the week.
5. Commissioning
Gill Thornton explained that a sub-group had met to discuss the Service
Specification for the Doula project. This is based on specification used by the NHS
and would sit with Commissioning Framework, Bradford Trident’s Procurement
policy, details of the proposal and a process brief. There will be workshops to
support organisations with the process.
It was expressed that any application form used needed to be user friendly, and
would require the framework for guidance. Additional documents may also be
required to assist with the process depending on the project.
Shirley Brierley asked if BSB were getting assistance from the Council on
BSB have not managed to get assistance form the Council, but would appreciate
any support they could offer.
ACTION: Shirley Brierley to chase support from the Council on Commissioning.
It was asked if there would be project specific expertise assisting with each
projects commissioning requirements.
This would come from the Multi-Agency Reference group which is part of the BSB
It was thought that the commissioning documents should include the reporting
requirements in order to allow organisations to fully budget to be able to deal with
the reporting requirements.
There will be commissioning workshops to emphasise the importance of each
document and to support organisations through the commissioning process.
ACTION: Bradford CVS to support with the commissioning workshops.
Sarah Hinton expressed the need for documents to be proportional in terms of the
amount of funding being required, as this will attract the grassroots organisations
to bid for tender.
The commissioning sub-group will meet on 14th November.
6. Evaluation
Gill Thornton explained that members of the Innovation Hub had been to visit Jane
Barlow from the Warwick Consortium to discuss the plans for the Innovation Hub.
There were a few concessions made, which had to be discussed with the rest of the
Innovation Hub. These have been agreed and Jane Barlow has signed off BSB’s
evaluation plans.
She explained that BSB had meet with Geoff Lindsay, who is leading the
implementation evaluation for Warwick. This was an inductor meeting.
The BSB team have also had a telephone meeting with Jane Barlow to discuss ways
that the Warwick Consortium can assist BSB. She will also be in Lambeth, so the
team will met her then as well.
Lynn Bradley asked how we were going to ensure all the different bits of the
evaluation were able to work sufficiently together.
A member of the Warwick Consortium will sit on the Innovation Hub advisory
board. However, there will need to be work done to ensure secure relationships
between all the organisations, this will be part of BSB’s internal communication
7. AOB
Shirley Brierley explained that she and the Better Start team had been involved in
the sub-group, for the first of Bradford Council’s for key priorities- ‘A Great Start
in Life’. This group will learn from the lessons of BSB and include the ICP and the
Integrated Early Years Strategy.
Mohammed Shaukat asked what information Community Representatives were
allowed to share from the Partnership Meetings.
There are no confidential documents within the Partnership, all minutes are on the
Bradford Trident Website. Once the Communications and Events Officer starts
there will be wider messages going out about BSB.
Once the new Partnership is in place Community Representatives will be expected
to report back to their Communities, support will be given from BSB.
8. Next Meeting
The Next meeting is 9th December at 9.30am, venue to be decided. This meeting
will be attended by Strategic Leads from the Big Lottery Fund, and will be followed
by a meeting with Bradford’s Strategic Leads.