Course: - Tulsa Community College

Tulsa Community College, Glenpool Campus
Course Syllabus – CSYS 2073
Microsoft Office
Spring, 2015
Call #
Subject &
Course #
Section #
CSYS 2073
GP 1032
3/11 – 5/6
Reatha Blackburn
6:00 pm - 8:50 am (W)
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday: 10am – 5pm
Office: Glenpool Front Desk
Phone: 918.595.2040
Division: Business & Information
Technology (B&IT)
Associate Dean:
Gornie T. Williams
WC L-244
Phone Number:
Director: DiAnne Cunningham, EdD
WC I-106
Phone: 918.595.8060
COURSE PREREQUISITES: CSCI 1203 - Computer Concepts & Applications or
instructor approval.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: An in-depth treatment of the Microsoft Office product. Access, Excel,
Word, and PowerPoint will be used separately and as an integrated part of Office. Emphasis will
be placed on hands-on training. Prerequisite: CSCI 1203 or instructor approval.
SimNet Access Code – can be purchased at the West Campus Bookstore or online
from SimNet with a credit card.
USB external storage device (optional)
Module and testing agendas are attached to this syllabus.
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1. Students will learn to use Word to create documents and then apply techniques to enhance
that document.
2. Students will learn to use Excel to create worksheets and books and then apply techniques
and formatting to create attractive and useful worksheets and workbooks for use in
financial manipulation.
3. Students will learn to use basic design elements in creating an Access Database.
4. Students will learn to create Presentations using PowerPoint.
5. MOS (Microsoft Office Specialist) Certification test is available at West Campus upon
completion of the CSCI 1203 and CSYS 2073 courses. It’s a 50 minute test and the test is
paid for by a grant (value $100).
A =100% - 90%
B = 89% - 80%
C = 79% - 70%
D = 69% - 60%
F = 59% - 0%
Since we are using the SimNet software, the course grade will be based on the completion of the
Modules. The more Modules you complete, the higher your grade.
Students who are interested in transferring TCC credits to a four-year institution should consult the
West Campus Counseling office, I-104 to determine transferability.
DISABILITY RESOURCES: It is the policy and practice of Tulsa Community College to create
inclusive learning environments. Accommodations for qualifying students in compliance with the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act are available. To
request accommodations, contact the Education Access Center (EAC) at or call
(918) 595-7115 (Voice). Deaf and hard of hearing students may text (918) 809-1864.
TOBACCO FREE COLLEGE: Tulsa Community College is a Tobacco Free college in accordance with
the Governor’s Executive Order 2012-01 and Title 63 of the Oklahoma Statutes, Section 1-1523
which prohibits smoking or the use of any tobacco products in all public places, in any indoor
workplace, and all vehicles owned by the State of Oklahoma and all of its agencies and
instrumentalities. This Order includes property leased, rented, or owned by TCC including, but not
limited to, all grounds, buildings, facilities, and parking lots. Tulsa Community College’s policy
includes a tobacco free environment on all campus and off-campus locations conducting TCC credit
or non-credit classes. The TCC Campus Police is responsible for ensuring compliance with the
Tobacco-Free Environment Policy. Violations of the policy may be addressed through issuance of
campus or state citations.
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Class sessions will consist of lectures, demonstrations, discussion, and lab practice. All students
will be expected to come to class and participate.
 Attendance records will be kept in accordance with the TCC policy.
 If you cannot complete the class, formal withdrawal procedures should be followed to
receive a “W” or to change to audit.
 If you do not officially withdraw, it may affect your Grade Point Average. Please check your
academic calendar for last day to withdraw.
 Note: You will receive an AW (Academic Withdrawal) for non-participation in class whether
it is on-line or on-campus.
o If you have significant absences with 30% or less of the required course activity
attempted by mid-term, you will be withdrawn. If you have earned 31-59.4%, you
will receive an F
 An “F” affects your grade point average
 An “AW” does not, but is posted just like a “W” on your transcript
o Academic Withdrawals (AW) and “Fs” both affect financial aid.
 Please follow all guidelines in the Student Code of Conduct
 Bring appropriate book and storage device to class for the day’s activities.
 There are to be no open top drinks or food in class near the computer keyboards. If you
bring a drink cup with a lid or straw it must be placed on the table at the back of the room.
 During most of the semester, your work will be completed on-line.
 If you cannot complete the class, formal withdrawal procedures should be followed to
receive a “W” or to change to audit.
 If you do not officially withdraw, it may affect your Grade Point Average. Please check your
academic calendar for last day to withdraw.
COURSE WITHDRAWAL: The deadline to withdraw from a course shall not exceed 3/4 the
duration of any class. Students who stop participating in the course and fail to withdraw may
receive a course grade of “F,” which may have financial aid consequences for the student.
Inclement Weather -- TCC rarely closes. If extreme weather conditions or emergency
situations arise, TCC always gives cancellation notices to radio and television stations. This
information is also posted on the TCC website ( You can also sign up for
TCC Alerts. On the TCC web page, search for TCC Alerts and follow the instructions to sign up
for this free service that will send an alert of a major crisis, emergency, or weather related
event to your E-mail account (TCC Office 365 [Outlook], work, home, other), your Cell Phone,
and/or Smartphone (Iphone, Android, Windows Phone, etc.).
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All TCC students receive a designated Microsoft Outlook email address
All communications to you from TCC (other than from your instructor) will be sent to
you via Outlook, and you must use your Outlook email to send email to TCC.
GENERAL EDUCATION GOALS: General Education courses at TCC ensure that our graduates
gain skills, knowledge, and abilities that comprise a common foundation for their higher education
and a backdrop for their work and personal lives. TCC’s General Education goals are: Critical
Thinking, Effective Communication, Engaged Learning, and Technological Proficiency.
 This course blends classroom, lab, and internet-based instructions.
 Cell phones should be set to vibrate and really should not be answered unless it is an
o If you have an emergency and must answer, please leave the room and handle the
situation quickly and return to class.
o Please do not text, twitter or otherwise engage in that type of activity during class
unless it is a part of the class.
 Please bring appropriate book(s) and storage device to class daily.
Access to computing resources is a privilege granted to all TCC faculty, staff and students. Use of
TCC computing resources is limited to purposes related to the College’s mission of education
research, and community services. Student use of technology is governed by the Computer
Services Acceptable Use Statements/Standards found in the TCC Student Code of Conduct Policy
Handbook. These handbooks may be obtained by contacting any Student Activities or Dean of
Student Services office.
This syllabus is a contract and the individual assignment sheets are tentative and may be subject
to change. Life just happens sometimes and the outline has to change. You know what our
weather was like the last couple of years.
CLASSROOM ETIQUETTE: Open and mutually respectful communication of varied opinions,
beliefs, and perspectives during classroom or online discussion encourages the free exchange of
ideas that is essential to higher learning and to the ability to learn from each other. Use of any
electronic device is at the discretion of the instructor.
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SYLLABUS CHANGES: Occasionally, changes to the syllabus may be necessary. Students will
be notified of any changes to the syllabus during class.
ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Academic dishonesty (cheating) is defined as the deception of
others about one’s own work or about the work of another. Academic dishonesty or misconduct is
not condoned or tolerated at campuses within the Tulsa Community College system. Tulsa
Community College adopts a policy delegating certain forms of authority for disciplinary action to
the faculty. Such disciplinary actions delegated to the faculty include, but are not limited to, the
dismissal of disrespectful or disorderly students from classes. In the case of academic dishonesty a
faculty member may:
 Require the student to redo an assignment or test, or require the student to complete a
substitute assignment or test;
 Record a "zero" for the assignment or test in question;
 Recommend to the student that the student withdraw from the class, or administratively
withdraw the student from the class;
 Record a grade of "F" for the student at the end of the semester. Faculty may request
that disciplinary action be taken against a student at the administrative level by
submitting such a request to the Dean of Student Services.
INSTITUTIONAL STATEMENT: Each student is responsible for being aware of the information
contained in the TCC Catalog, the TCC Student Policies & Resources Handbook, and semester
information listed in the class schedule. All information may be viewed on the TCC website:
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