Bibliography Periodicals Australian Government AusAID. "Food Security Though Rural Development." AusAID, August 2009. PDF. This source outlines the global hunger crisis and has a description of what Australia has done to help, especially with rural development. Christian Science Monitor. "Readers Write: More Advocates Needed for Foster Children; Empower Women with Family Planning to End World Hunger." October 15, 2012. #db=mih&AN=82532533. Good article on what should be done to end world hunger and what will happen in the future if it doesn’t end or get changed. Cooper, Richard N. "One Billion Hungry: Can We Feed the World?" Foreign Affairs, January/February 2013. db=ulh&AN=84474075. Short article on how there isn't enough food supply for the world, especially for poor people & growing populations. Talks about possible solutions Cowen, Tyler. "World Hunger: The Problem Left Behind." The New York Times (New York, NY), September 15, 2012. Good information on how world hunger is still a problem today and how it is effecting different areas in the world. Also talks about economic reasons and agriculture. Environmental Health Perspectives. "Climate Change and Food Security: Health Impacts in Developed Countries." November 2012. Accessed January 23, 2013. d#db=hxh&AN=83647780. Long article with good detail & info on food security and what it is being caused by and food safety. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. "Food Security and Agricultural Mitigation in Developing Countries: Options for Capturing Synergies." Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1-82. PDF. Very good statistics, facts, tables, and information about what food security is and how we can mitigate the issue. Giraldo, Diana P., Manuel J. Betancur, and Santiago Arango. "Food Security in Development Countries: A Systemic Perspective." Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 1-15. PDF. Nice Information on the Millenium Development Goals. Also the article gives input on best solutions to fix the crisis and has very nice diagrams and tables. Halweil, Brian. "The Price of Hunger." World Watch. Accessed January 8, 2013. R5&resultListType=RESULT_LIST&contentSegment=&searchType=AdvancedSearchF orm&currentPosition=6&contentSet=GALE%7CA130057624&&docId=GALE|A13005 7624&docType=GALE&role=SP00. Very brief article on hunger and how investment to help the problem is effecting the people who affected by hunger as well as the hunger crisis. International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development. "Developing Countries Table Food Security Proposal at WTO." Bridges Weekly Trade News Digest 16, no. 39 (November 14, 2012). Accessed January 13, 2013. The website outlines a policy brought forth at the World Trade Organization. Melvin, Don. "Summit Aims to Stimulate the Fight against World Hunger; Since Last Meeting in 1996, Number of Hungry Has Fallen—but Not Enough." Austin American Statesman. Accessed January 8, 2013. 27. A very good newspaper article about food insecurity and how it affects the numbers of the people who are suffering from hunger. Mwaniki, Angela. "Achieving Food Security in Africa: Challenges and Issues." United Nations, 1-12. PDF. Tells how food insecurity is effecting Africa, which is one of the places with some of the highest levels of food insecurity and what are the causes and solutions. Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology. "Food Security in Developing Countries." POST 284 (December 2006): 1-4. PDF. This PDF file has a lot of nice facts on food security. It explains food security and insecurity and what are causes of the problem. The PDF also said what parliament has been doing to reduce the number of food insecure people. Position of the World Dietetic Association: Addressing World Hunger, Malnutrition, and Food Insecurity, August 2003. Accessed January 23, 2013. 27. Good facts on what hunger/malnutrition is and how it effects people and regions today. School Feeding Programs in Developing Countries: Impact on Children's Health and Educational Outcomes, February 2011. Accessed January 23, 2013. Good facts and info on how hunger has and still is affecting people. Also how it effects health/education. Also talks about programs and solutions United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. "The State of Food Security in the World." Executive Summarry, 2012. PDF. Nice document that overviews food insecurity/security in the world in 2012 and what progress we have made to eradicate hunger. Yu, Bingxin, Liangzhi You, and Shenggen Fan. "Toward a Typology of Food Security in Developing Countries." Development Strategy and Governance Division of the International Food Policy Research Institute, 1-23. PDF. The article has nice facts on how agriculture can help places become food secure. The article also has nice facts about how people become food insecure. Nonperiodicals Barker, Geoff. Hunger. N.p.: n.p., 2010. Good facts and information on how hunger is affecting the world and its people harshly. Connolly, Sean. Global Organizations UNICEF. Edited by Mary-Jane Wilkins. Illustrated by Su Alexander. Hong Kong, China: Black Rabbits Books, 2009. Whole book is about how UNICEF helps children, where it’s done, and who contributes. Hunnicutt, Susan C., ed. World Hunger. At Issue. Farmington Hills, MI: GreenHaven Press, 2007. A nice book on how different solutions will make a dent in the food security issue. The book gives many different points of view on the issue. Audiovisual Green Your Diet - Hunger. Image. Accessed February 5, 2013. Picture of poor children holding out bowls wanting more food. The photograph is of Norman Borlaug, who lead the green revolution. The Liberty Papers. September 13, 2009. Accessed February 6, 2013. I used the website to get the photograph of Norman Borlaug. Soldier examines patient during medical civil action project in Djibouti. Photograph. NDU Press. Accessed February 11, 2013. This is a photograph of a child being examined by a soldier during a project in Djibouti. Web sites, e-sources American Psychological Association. "Effects of Poverty, Hunger and Homelessness on Children and Youth." Apa. Accessed December 17, 2012. Eight pages of facts about the effects of poverty. Includes statistics and realities of what's happening. Very detailed and lots of information about different topics on a page. Includes additional resources about poverty and the website's references. Andre, Claire, and Manuel Velasquez. "World Hunger: A Moral Response." Santa Clara University The Jesuit university in Silicon Valley. Accessed December 18, 2012. Lots of information about the effects of food aid and economic aid to developing countries. Gives many different points of views. Briney, Amanda. "Green Revolution History and Overview of the Green Revolution." Last modified October 23, 2008. Accessed January 23, 2013. Explains who Norman Borlaug is, the green revolution, impact of the green revolution, and criticism of the green revolution. Cowen, Tyler. "World Hunger: The Problem Left Behind." The New York Times. Last modified September 15, 2012. Accessed December 18, 2012. All information about what is happening in Arica. The problems that contribute to world hunger, climbing deft, and the problems Africa is facing. May be the same situation other countries are in. European Public Health Alliance. "Food Security: Tackling Hunger in Developing Countries." EPHA. Last modified April 1, 2010. Accessed January 13, 2013. The website outlines world hunger and what needs to be done to tackle the issue as well as the steps the European Union is taking to help eradicate the issue. "Fighting Hunger World Wide." World Food Programme. Last modified 2013. Good information on world hunger and other related issues. Talks about solutions. "Food Security." Australian Government AusAID. Accessed January 9, 2013. Nice overview on the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program and how Australia has played a part in it. Freedom from hunger. "Hunger Facts." Freedom from Hunger. Last modified 1995. Accessed January 18, 2013. Good bulleted facts on world hunger and how it effects the world and humans. "Global Food Security Challenges and Long-Term Perspective." Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. Accessed January 13, 2013. A very nice presentation with a lot of nice graphs and facts. "Global Hunger and Food Security Initiative: Consultation Document." U.S. Department of State. Last modified September 28, 2009. Talks about what has been done and what the challenges of world hunger are. "Hunger and World Poverty." Last modified January 2007. Accessed January 18, 2013. Gives causes of hunger and facts on who it is effecting and what it has done. "Hunger Notes." Hunger Notes Departments. Accessed January 15, 2013. Briefly describes three ways a person could help the poor. @The Hunger Project. "Know Your World: Facts About Hunger and Poverty." The Hunger Project. Accessed December 18, 2012. ty. Facts about world hunger, who is affected by world hunger, where people in hunger live, statistics, and diseases from world hunger. Hunger Solutions Minnesota. "Hunger Solutions Minnesota 2011 Annual Report." Hunger Solutions MN. Accessed January 13, 2013. How the organization has helped Minnesotans in need. How you can help feed others in Minnesota that are hungry. "Impact of Malnutrition." Mother and Child Malnutrition. Last modified December 23, 2012. Accessed January 10, 2013. Good facts on how malnutrition effects different ages and people. Talks about how it effects their health and education. "Library of Congress Summary." Accessed January 23, 2013. Government website keeping records of proposed and passed bills from Congress. List of Relief Organizations. Accessed January 16, 2013. List of different organizations that help with world hunger and links to their websites. Liu, Jack, and Kerry D'Agastino, eds. "Facts on World Hunger and Poverty." End Poverty Campaign. Facts about poverty, who’s affected, and statistics. Lynne Rienner Publishers. "Mission 2014: Feeding the World." Inadequate Food Distribution Systems. Last modified July 21, 2010. Explains what causes hunger and what can be done to stop it. Goes into detail about the problems and some solutions. "Malnutrition and Poverty." ABD Institute. Last modified January 14, 2005. Accessed January 18, 2013. Talks a lot about why malnutrition comes from poverty and what it is doing. Gives good facts/statistics on how it effects children. © 1995-2013 Freedom from Hunger. "Hunger Information." Freedom from Hunger. Accessed January 8, 2013. List the different causes of hunger and goes into detail. "Office of Global Security." U.S. Department of State. Accessed January 21, 2013. Four solutions to world hunger. One short paragraph about world hunger today. Women and Agriculture. Oxfam International. Last modified 2013. Gives a lot of information on world issues that are related to poverty, world hunger, and more. Also gives specific stories of people who deal with the issues. Rick Elizaga. "Issues: Malnutrition." The Hunger Project. Last modified 2012. Accessed January 18, 2013. Talks about how malnutrition is part of hunger and poverty and talks about how malnutrition is a cycle in families who are in developing countries. ———. "Know Your World: Facts about Hunger and Poverty." The Hunger Project. Last modified 2012. Accessed January 18, 2013. ty. Good website with a lot of facts on world hunger, poverty, agriculture, water, and diseases. Gives facts with numbers/percentages. Senate Foreign Relations. "U.S. Global Food Security Efforts." Student Research Center. Last modified November 28, 2012. Accessed January 11, 2013. #db=mih&AN=32Y1059774335. Good facts and information on what the government is trying to do to find a good solution for countries to have less hunger and malnutrition. Shah, Anup. "Population and Feeding the World." Global Issues. Last modified July 9, 2001. Talks about what causes hunger and why people are hungry. Also talks about how population effects hunger. ———. "Solving World Hunger Means Solving World Poverty." Global Issues. Last modified October 2010. Good facts on how world hunger and poverty revolve around each other. Gives good quotes on the issues. ———. "Solving World Hunger Means Solving World Poverty." Global Issues. Last modified October 24, 2010. Accessed January 24, 2013. Explains how poverty has a big impact on world hunger. Ways to get rid of poverty thus ending world hunger. "S. 384 (111th): Global Food Security Act of 2009." Accessed January 9, 2013. A very detailed summary of the Global Food Security Act of 2009 and how it was trying to help global food security. Stringer, Randy. "Food Security in Developing Countries." Social Science Research Network. Last modified August 3, 2000. Accessed December 20, 2012. The article overviews how through the years the topic has changed and what needs to happen in order to make sure food distribution is even. Turner, Paul. "Solution to World Hunger." Food for Life Global. Last modified January 1999. Accessed December 18, 2012. Explains factors that contribute to world hunger, statistics of people effected, and offers some solutions on how world hunger could be solved. Notes the UN government stating “people have the right to good nutrition. @ 2013. "Top 10 Lowest Calorie-Consuming Countries in the World: Most Starving Nations." Top 10s Top. Accessed January 18, 2013. List of the top ten countries with the lowest calorie consumption by its people. © 2013 Action Against Hunger. "Hunger." Action against Hunger. Accessed January 16, 2013. Has different tabs about what the organization does, who it helps, and its impact it has had on different countries. © 2013 American Psychological Association. "Effects of poverty, hunger, and homelessness on children and youth." American Psychological Association. Accessed December 17, 2012. Eight pages of facts and statistics on poverty, hunger, and homelessness in America. 2013 "Sometimes I don't actually want starving African children to survive." Is It Normal? Accessed January 18, 2013. A written article about what some person feels about the starving children in African how we shouldn’t help them. Comments and views from others below. ©2012 Cross-Cultural Solutions. "Volunteer in Africa." Cross-Cultural Solutions. Accessed January 13, 2013. WYATg. Travel. What a person’s trip to volunteer in Africa will be like. "2012 World Hunger and Poverty Facts and Statistics." Hunger Notes Departments. Accessed January 26, 2013. es_the_world_produce_enough_food_to_feed_everyone. Facts and information United Nations. "Increased Productivity Needed to Improve Food Security." United Nations News Centre. Last modified July 11, 2012. Accessed January 13, 2013. 23_cie6eB. An article overviewing what the UN thinks needs to happen to help solve the issue of food insecurity. United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. "Trade Reforms and Food Security Conceptualizing the Linkages." United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Last modified 2003. Accessed January 7, 2013. This website has nice background information and how through the years food security has become the issue that it is today. Vlad Molchadski. "Facts on World Hunger and Poverty." End Poverty Campaign. Last modified January 24, 2004. Accessed January 18, 2013. this website gives good facts on all topics that have to do with world hunger and poverty. World Food Programme. "Who Are the Hungry?" World Food Programme. Accessed January 13, 2013. Very nice statics on who hunger affects and where the people who are affected the most live. World Food Programme © 2013. "What Causes Hunger?" World Food Programme. Accessed December 19, 2012. Causes of world hunger, some statistics, not overflowing with information. World Health Organization. "Food Security." World Health Organization. Accessed January 13, 2013. This website briefly outlines foor security and what is means to be food secure. World Hunger Education Service. "Hunger Notes." Hunger Notes. Last modified January 4, 2013. Accessed January 10, 2013. Great facts on what world hunger, how it is affecting the worldwide, and possible solutions to world hunger. It is also recently updated on facts and information about world hunger. "The world hunger problem: Facts, figures, and statistics." Oracle ThinkQuest. Accessed January 8, 2013. Lots of facts about hunger, problems and solutions to the problem in the future, and facts about the past and different opinions.