3rd Grade News Feb. 1-5, 2016

3rd Grade News: North Central Elementary
February 1 – 5, 2016
Email: mhanson@ncajets.org
** First Wednesday of each month: Box tops, labels, etc. are due.
** Thursday, January 28th: Progress Reports go home. Please sign one copy and send
it back to school on Friday. Thank you.
** Tuesday, February 9th: Moby is at the Elementary.
** Friday, February 12th: Optional Valentine exchange. Students may bring in snacks
to enjoy at the end of the day if they would like.
** Monday, February 15th: No school. Professional Development Day.
Social Studies: Students will study about Services Funded by the State Government
and Symbols of the U.S. Government in Lesson 5.
Math: Students will work on lessons that deal with money. Please continue to study
Multiplication Facts at home with your child.
English: Students will complete the unit on verbs and begin studying pronouns.
Spelling: Students have been studying contractions. A test over their words will be
given on Tuesday, February 2nd.
Reading: Students will read a biography about Louis Pasteur.
Accelerated Reading: The next test score is due by Wednesday, February 24 th.
Science: Students will study about Properties of Matter in Lesson 5.