WORD ADJECTIVE/Noun/Verb DEFINITION Accommodation Acquaintance Noun Noun Acronym Noun Actually Addition Adequate Adhesive Adjudicate Adverb Noun Adjective Adjective Verb Advertisement Noun Aggravate Verb Alibi Noun Alliteration Noun Allowed Although Adjective Conjunction Somewhere to live. A person you know slightly. A word or name that is formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word in its own right. Truly or really. The process of adding. Enough or good enough Sticky; causing things to stick together. Act as a judge in a competition. A public notice or announcement, especially one promoting goods or services. Make a thing worse or even more serious. Evidence that an accused person was elsewhere when a crime was committed. The repetition of the same sound at the beginning of several words in succession. Permitted. In spite of the fact that. Amend Verb To correct or alter. Analysis Noun Apostrophe Noun Aquatic Adjective Arachnid Noun Argumentative Assessment Atmosphere Audible Adjective Noun Noun Adjective Audience Noun Detailed examination of something. The punctuation mark used to show that letters have been missed out. To do with water. A member of the animal group that includes spiders and scorpions. Fond of arguing. Estimation of the value of a person or thing. The air around the earth. Loud enough to be heard. People who have gathered to watch or listen to something. The season between summer and winter. A long curved fruit with a yellow or green skin. Attractive to the senses or mind. The start of something. To think that something is true or someone is telling the truth. Autumn Banana Beautiful Beginning Noun Noun Adjective Noun Believe Verb Beneath Adverb and Preposition Below. Braking Noun Break Verb Business Buttress Calamity Noun Noun Noun Calumny Noun Using a brake. To divide or fall into pieces as a result of a blow, shock or strain. Commercial activity. A structure built against a wall to support it. Disaster. An untrue statement that damages someone's reputation. Camouflage Noun and Verb Cantankerous Adjective Cappuccino Noun Capriciousness Noun Capsize Captious Verb Adjective Carafe Noun Carboniferous Caribbean Caricature Carnivorous Cartilage Catafalque Adjective (Proper) Noun Noun Adjective Noun Noun Catalyst Noun Catechism Noun Caucus Noun Caught Celestial Cemetery Centenary Centennial Part of a Verb Adjective Noun Noun Noun Centipede Noun Ceramic Adjective Chaperone Noun Chief Chiffon Noun Noun Chintz Noun Chiropody Noun Chivalrous Adjective Chorus Noun Chromium Chronological Chrysanthemum Noun Adjective Noun Chute Noun Cinnamon Circuitous Noun Adjective Circumference Noun Circumnavigate Verb A way of hiding things, by making them look part of the surroundings, or to hide in this way. Bad tempered. Milky coffee made frothy by pressurized steam. Unaccountable and sudden changes of mood or behaviour. Overturn. Pointing out small mistakes or faults. A glass bottle holding wine or water used at the table. Producing coal. A sea in the western Atlantic Ocean. An amusing or exaggerated portrait. Meat-eating. Tough white flexible tissue attached to bone. A decorated platform for a coffin. Something that speeds up a chemical reaction but is itself unchanged by it. A set of questions and answers that give the basic beliefs of a religion. A small group in a political party influencing decisions and policy. Seized or taken hold of. To do with the sky or with heaven. A place where people are buried. A 100th anniversary. A 100th anniversary. A creep-crawly with a long body and many legs. To do with or made of pottery. An older person in charge of a young one on social and other occasions. A leader or ruler of a people. Thin, almost transparent, fabric. Shiny cotton cloth used for making curtains etc. Medical treatment of the feet. Being considerate and helpful towards people less strong than yourself. The words repeated after each verse of a song. A shiny silvery metal. Arranged in the order of time. A garden flower that blooms in autumn. A steep channel for people or things to slide down. A yellowish brown spice. Going a long way round, not direct. The boundary line of a closed curve such as a circle. To sail completely round something. Circumstantial Adjective Cistern Noun Citrus Noun Clairvoyant Noun Claustrophobia Cleanliness Clientele Noun Noun Noun Climb Verb Clique Noun Coalition Noun Coarse Codicil Coerce Adjective Noun Verb Colloquial Adjective Colonialism Column Combustible Noun Noun Adjective Commemorate Verb Commiserate Verb Commissionaire Noun Communicative Compendious Competitive Conceivable Adjective Adjective Adjective Adjective Concentration Noun Concerto Noun Concession Noun Conciliate Verb Conclusion Noun Conscience Conscientious Conscious Consecutive Noun Adjective Adjective Adjective Consequence Noun Continuous Contraption Controversial Adjective Noun Adjective A word used to describe evidence that strongly suggests something but does not actually prove it. A tank for storing water. A lemon, orange, grapefruit or other sharptasting fruit. A person who is able to see things not visible to the senses. A morbid dread of confined spaces. Being clean. Customers. To go up or over or down something, or to go higher. A small exclusive group of people. A temporary alliance, especially of two or more political parties. Rough or the opposite of 'fine'. An addition to a will. To compel by using threats or force. Used in conversation but not in formal speech or writing. The policy of acquiring and keeping colonies. A pillar, or a regular article in a newspaper. Able to be set on fire and burnt. To preserve or celebrate the memory of some past event or person. To sympathise. An attendant in uniform at the entrance of a theatre or other building used by the public. Willing to talk. Giving much information concisely. Full of rivalry in games, races or contests. Able to be imagined or thought of. Keeping the mind fixed on something, or the strength of a solution. A piece of music for solo instrument and orchestra. The act of conceding, or a reduction in price for a certain category of person. To win over a hostile person with friendliness, or to help people who disagree to come to an agreement. An ending, or a judgement formed by reasoning. Moral sense with regard to one's own actions. Careful and honest about doing work properly. Awake and knowing what is happening. Following one after another. Something that happens as the result of an event or action. Going on and on without a break. A strange-looking device or machine. Causing controversy. Convalesce Convenient Verb Adjective Convention Noun Coronation Corroborate Noun Verb Creation Noun Creosote Noun Croquet Noun Dairy Noun Daughter Debris Decide Deciduous Decisive Decontamination Definite Delete Noun Noun Verb Adjective Adjective Noun Adjective Verb Delicatessen Noun Delinquent Noun Demagogue Noun Democracy Noun Denunciation Deprecate Desert Desiccated Noun Verb Noun Adjective Design Noun Designate Verb Dessert Noun Development Noun Deviate Verb Diagram Noun Diamond Noun Diaphragm Noun Diarrhoea Noun Diary Noun Didactic Adjective Be recovering from an illness. Easy to use or deal with. Accepted way of doing things or a formal assembly. The crowning of a king or queen. To confirm a statement. The act or process of creating, or something that has been made. An oily brown liquid used to prevent wood from rotting. A game played with balls and mallets. A place where milk, butter etc are produced or sold. A girl or woman in relation to her parents. Scattered fragments or wreckage. To make up your mind or settle an argument. Said of a tree that loses its leaves in autumn. Final or positive. Getting rid of poisonous chemicals. Clearly stated, exact. To cross out or erase text from a document. A shop that sells cooked meats, cheeses and unusual and foreign foods. A person who breaks the law. A leader who wins support by making emotional speeches rather than by careful reasoning. Government of a country by representatives elected by the whole people. Speaking strongly against something. To express extreme disapproval of something. A large area of dry often sandy land. Dried A drawing that shows how something is to be made. To nominate or specify. Fruit or a sweet food served as the last course of a meal. The process of developing. To turn aside from a certain course or from a standard. A kind of drawing or picture used to explain something rather than represent appearance. A very hard precious stone, consisting of pure carbon, or a playing card suit. The muscular layer inside the body that separates the chest from the abdomen and is used in breathing. Too frequent and too watery emptying of the bowels. A book either for appointments or for a record of the day's events. Having the manner of a teacher. Diesel Noun Digital Adjective Diphthong Noun Diplomacy Noun Directory Noun Disappear Disappoint Discipline Discreet Discrete Disproportionate Dissatisfied Disseminate Distinguished Diversify Verb Verb Noun Adjective Adjective Adjective Adjective Verb Adjective Verb Domesticated Adjective Drought Dubious Dulcet Duplicity Ebullient Ecclesiastical Noun Adjective Adjective Noun Adjective Adjective Eclipse Noun Ecstasy Edifice Effervesce Efficacious Noun Noun Verb Adjective Eiderdown Noun Elapse Elegiac Verb Adjective Elicit Verb Eliminate Elliptical Elocution Elucidate Embarrassment Verb Adjective Noun Verb Noun Embezzle Verb Embryo Noun Emetic Engagement Enormous Enthusiastic Entrails Noun Noun Adjective Adjective Plural Noun An internal-combustion engine in which fuel is ignited by highly compressed air. To do with or using digits. Two vowel sounds pronounced as one syllable. The business of an ambassador, or skill in dealing with people tactfully and persuasively. A book containing a list of people with their telephone numbers, addresses etc. To vanish from sight. To fail to live up to expectations. Orderly and obedient behaviour. Not giving away secrets. Separate and distinct from each other. Out of proportion. Not satisfied. To spread ideas etc. widely. Illustrious, or dignified in appearance. To give variety or diversity to something. Tame, and trained to live with and be kept by humans. A long period of dry weather. Doubtful. Sweet-sounding. Deceitfulness or double-dealing. Bubbly and enthusiastic. Relating to the Church. The disappearance of the sun or moon when the moon or the earth is in the way. A feeling of great delight. A building, especially a large one. To give off bubbles of gas, fizz. Able to produce the result desired. A quilt stuffed with the soft feathers of the eider-duck. To pass, often said about time. Expressing sadness or sorrow. To draw out information by reasoning or questioning. To get rid of something. Shaped like an ellipse. The art of speaking clearly and correctly. To make something clear by explaining it. The state of feeling embarrassed. To steal money with which one has been entrusted. A baby or young animal as it starts to grow in the womb. A medicine used to make a person vomit. A betrothal or appointment. Very large. Keen. The intestines. Enumerate Envelope Environment Verb Noun Noun Environmentalist Noun Envisage Ephemeral Epitaph Verb Adjective Noun Epitome Noun Epoch Equatorial Equerry Equestrian Equilateral Equivalent Erratic Escalator Escarpment Essential Establishment Etiquette Noun Adjective Noun Adjective Adjective Adjective Adjective Noun Noun Adjective Noun Noun Euphemism Noun Evaluation Noun Evidence Noun Evolutionary Ewe Exacerbate Adjective Noun Verb Exaggerate Verb Exasperate Excerpt Excitable Excitement Excrement Excruciating Excursion Verb Noun Adjective Noun Noun Adjective Noun Executioner Noun Exemplary Exercise Exeunt Exfoliate Exhibitionist Exhilarate Adjective Verb Part of a Verb Verb Noun Verb Exonerate Verb Exorbitant Expedient Expedite Expedition Adjective Adjective Verb Noun To count, or list one by one. A folded cover for a letter. Surroundings, or the natural world. A person who wishes to protect or improve the environment. To picture in the mind. Short-lived. An inscription on a tombstone. A short summary or a perfect example of something. An era. To do with or near the equator. An officer of the royal household. To do with horse-riding. Having all its sides equal. Of equal importance or meaning. Irregular. A moving staircase. A steep face of a rock or hill. Absolutely necessary. A business or institution of some kind. The rules of correct behaviour. A mild word or phrase used instead of an offensive or frank one. Estimation of the value of something. The means of proving a fact, especially in court. Pertaining to evolution. A female sheep. To make a disease or other problem worse. To represent something as greater than it really is. To annoy someone greatly. An extract from a book or other work. Easily excited. A strong feeling of eagerness or agitation. Waste matter excreted from the bowels. Extremely painful. A short trip made for pleasure. An official who carries out a sentence of death. Serving as a model or example to others. Do exercises. They leave the stage. To remove dead skin. A show-off. To make someone very happy or excited. To declare or prove that someone is not to blame for something. Excessive. Suitable or politic. To make something happen more quickly. A journey made for some definite purpose. Expeditious Adjective Experiment Noun Explanation Exploratory Expostulate Expulsion Exterminate Extortionate Extraneous Extravaganza Extricate Exuberant Fabulous Facetious Facile Facilitate Faeces Fallacy Fallible Fanciful Fascinate Fascinating Noun Adjective Verb Noun Verb Adjective Adjective Noun Verb Adjective Adjective Adjective Adjective Verb Plural Noun Noun Adjective Adjective Verb Adjective Fascist Noun Fashionable Fastidious Adjective Adjective Fathom Noun Fatigue Noun Fatuous Adjective Fauna Noun Feasible February Feminine Ferocious Festivity Adjective Proper Noun Adjective Adjective Noun Feudal Adjective Fibrous Fictitious Fierce Figurative Filthy Fissure Flamboyant Flamingo Flaunt Flawless Florist Flummox Adjective Adjective Adjective Adjective Adjective Noun Adjective Noun Verb Adjective Noun Verb Quick and efficient. Something done to test a theory or discover something unknown. The act or process of explaining. Undertaken for the sake of exploration. To make a protest. Banishment. To destroy utterly. Charging or demanding far too much. Added from the outside. A very spectacular show. To free from a difficult position. Very lively and cheerful. Wonderful. Trying to be funny and failing. Done or produced easily or with little effort. To make something easy or easier to do. Solid waste matter passed out of the body. A false or mistaken idea or belief. Liable to make mistakes. Whimsical, or imaginary. To bewitch or enchant. Irresistibly attractive or charming. An extreme right-winger, especially in Italy between the world wars. Stylish or trendy. Fussy, squeamish or hard to please. A unit used to measure the depth of water, equal to six feet. Tiredness, or weakness in metals caused by stress. Silly or foolish. The animals of a certain area or period of time. Practicable. The second month of the year. To do with women. Fierce or savage. A festive occasion or celebration. To do with the medieval social system based on the tenure of land. Consisting of or characterized by fibres. Imagined or untrue. Angry, violent or intense. Metaphorical. Disgustingly dirty. A long, narrow opening created by a split. Very showy in appearance or manner. A pink wading bird with long legs and neck. To display something ostentatiously. Without a flaw, perfect. A shopkeeper who sells flowers. To baffle or perplex. Forecast Foreigner Forensic Foreseeable Forfeit Formidable Noun Noun Adjective Adjective Verb Adjective Fortification Noun Fortuitous Forty Foul Fowl Fracture Fragmentation Fraudulent Freight Frequency Frugal Fulfil Fumigate Function Furl Furniture Furore Furthermore Furtive Fuselage Fusion Adjective Noun and Adjective Noun Noun Verb Noun Adjective Noun Noun Adjective Verb Verb Noun Verb Noun Noun Adverb Adjective Noun Noun Futuristic Adjective Gaelic Noun Gaiter Noun Gallant Gallantry Galling Gallivant Gangrene Gargantuan Adjective Noun Adjective Verb Noun Adjective Gargoyle Noun Garish Garrulous Gaseous Gastronomy Adjective Adjective Adjective Noun Gauntlet Noun Gelignite Noun Genealogy Noun Generator Generic Noun Adjective A prediction. A person from another country. To do with or used in courts of law. Able to be foreseen. To pay or give something up as a penalty. Difficult to deal with. A wall or building constructed to make a place strong against attack. Happening by chance. The number after 39. A breach in the rules of a game. A bird, especially one kept on a farm. To break, especially a bone. A breaking into small pieces. Deceitful or dishonest. Goods transported as cargo. How often something happens. Thrifty. To accomplish or carry out. To disinfect using fumes. What somebody or something is there to do. To roll up a sail or an umbrella. Tables, chairs and other household articles. An excited or angry uproar. Moreover. Stealthy or secret. The body of an aircraft. Melting or blending together. Very modern, as if belonging to the future rather than the present. The Celtic language of Scotland. A leather or cloth covering for the lower part of the leg. Brave or heroic. Courageous behaviour, especially in battle. Annoying or humiliating. To gad about. Decay of body tissue in a living person. Gigantic. A grotesque water spout projecting from the gutter of a building. Gaudy or vulgarly bright in colour. Talkative. In the form of a gas. The art or science of good eating. A glove with wide cuff, traditionally thrown down as a challenge. A powerful explosive. A list or diagram showing how people are descended from an ancestor. An apparatus for producing electricity. General, applicable to a whole group or class. Genius Genuine Geranium Noun Adjective Noun Geriatric Adjective Germinate Verb Gesticulate Verb Gherkin Giblets Gigantic Giggle Gilt Noun Plural Noun Adjective Noun Adjective Gimmick Noun Glacial Glacier Glisten Gloaming Adjective Noun Verb Noun Gloat Verb Globular Glorious Glutinous Gnarled Gnash Adjective Adjective Adjective Adjective Verb Gnaw Verb Gnome Noun Gondolier Gorgeous Gorilla Gourmet Government Governor Gracious Graduate Grammatical Granulated Graphically Grateful Gratify Gratuitous Gravitate Gravitational Gravy Grease Gregarious Grief Noun Adjective Noun Noun Noun Noun Adjective Noun Adjective Adjective Adverb Adjective Verb Adjective Verb Adjective Noun Noun Adjective Noun Grievance Noun An unusually clever or creative person. Real and not faked. A garden plant with red, pink or white flowers. To do with the care of old people and their health. What a seed does when it begins to sprout and grow. To make expressive movements with the hands and arms. A small cucumber used for pickling. The internal eatable parts of a bird. Extremely large. A silly laugh. Gilded or gold-coloured. Something tricky or silly done to attract people's attention. Made from or produced by ice. A mass of ice that moves very slowly. To shine like something wet or oily. The evening twilight. Be pleased in an unkind way, especially over someone else's misfortune. Shaped like a globe. Splendid or noble. Gluey or sticky. Twisted and knobbly, like an old tree. To grind your teeth together. To keep on biting at something so that it wears away. A kind of dwarf in fairy tales, usually living underground. A person who rows a gondola. Magnificent or showy. A large powerful African ape. A connoisseur of food and drink. The group of people who rule a country. A person who governs a state or colony. Charming and elegant. Someone with a university or college degree. Following the rules of grammar. Consisting of grains. Vividly. Thankful. To please or satisfy. Done without good reason. To sink. Relating to the force of gravity. A hot sauce made from meat juices. A thick oily substance. Fond of company. Deep sorrow particularly at someone's death. Something that people are discontented about. Grievous Gristle Grizzle Grotesque Gruelling Gruesome Guarantee Guarantor Guard Guardian Guidance Adjective Noun Verb Adjective Adjective Adjective Noun Noun Verb Noun Noun Guidelines Plural Noun Guillotine Noun Guilt Noun Guilty Guinea-Pig Adjective Noun Guitar Noun Gurgle Verb Gymkhana Noun Gymnasium Noun Gymnastics Plural Noun Gyrate Verb Habit Noun Habitat Habitation Hackneyed Halal Noun Noun Adjective Noun Halcyon Adjective Hallucinate Verb Hallucination Halve Hamper Noun Verb Verb Handkerchief Noun Handle Noun Handsome Haphazard Harlequin Adjective Adjective Adjective Harmonious Adjective Haughty Haulage Adjective Noun Causing grief, or severe. Tough, rubbery tissue in meat. Whimper or whine. Fantastically or absurdly shaped. Exhausting. Horrible or grisly. A surety or warrant. A person who gives a guarantee. To watch over or take care of. Someone who guards. Direction, or advice on problems. General advice on how something should be done. A machine with a heavy blade for cutting paper or metal. The fact that you have committed an offence, or the feeling that you are to blame for something. Criminal and deserving punishment. A small furry rodent. A musical instrument played by having its strings plucked. To make a low bubbling sound. An meeting consisting of horse-riding contests. A place for gymnastics. Exercises performed to develop the muscles or to show the performer's agility. To revolve or move in a circle. Something you do without thinking because you have done it so often. Where an animal or plant lives naturally. A place to live in. Used so often that it is no longer interesting. Meat prepared according to Muslim law. Calm and peaceful, and usually applied to the word 'days'. To think you see or experience something that is not really there. An illusion. To divide something into two equal parts. To hinder. A small square of cloth used for wiping the nose or face. The part of a thing by which it is carried or controlled. Good-looking. Random. Multi-coloured. Combining together in a pleasant or attractive way. Proud and supercilious. Transporting goods. Headache Heavenly Heavy Hectare Heifer Height Heinous Heiress Heliotrope Hemisphere Henceforth Noun Adjective Adjective Noun Noun Noun Adjective Noun Noun Noun Adverb Heptathlon Noun Herbaceous Adjective Herbivorous Heroine Adjective Noun Heterogeneous Adjective Hiatus Noun Hierarchy Noun Hieroglyphics Plural Noun Hilarious Adjective Hippopotamus Noun Hirsute Honorary Hooligan Horizontal Adjective Adjective Noun Adjective Hospitality Noun Humanitarian Humorous Hyacinth Hygiene Hymn Adjective Adjective Noun Noun Noun Hyperbole Noun Hypochondriac Noun Hypocrite Noun Hypothesis Hypothetical Hysterical Identification Ideology Idiocy Noun Adjective Adjective Noun Noun Noun Idiosyncrasy Noun Idolatry Noun A pain in the head. Divine. Weighing a lot. A unit of area equal to 10,000 square metres. A young cow. How high something is. Very wicked. A female heir, especially to great wealth. A plant with small fragrant purple flowers. Half a sphere. From now on. An athletic contest consisting of seven different events. Said of a border containing many flowering plants. Plant-eating. A female hero. Composed of people or things of different kinds. A break in continuity. An organisation classified in successively subordinate grades. Symbols used in picture-writing in ancient Egypt. Very funny A very large African animal that lives near water. Hairy. Given or received as an honour. A rough and violent young person. Level, so as to be parallel to the horizon. Friendly welcome and entertainment of guests. Concerned with people's welfare. Full of humour; amusing. A fragrant flower that grows from a bulb. Cleanliness in order to prevent disease. A religious song of praise. A dramatic exaggeration that is not meant to be taken literally. A person who constantly imagines that he or she is ill. A person who pretends to be more virtuous than he or she really is. A theory to be proved. Based on an unproved theory. In a state of hysteria. A document that proves who you say you are. A set of beliefs and ideas, especially in politics. Being an idiot, stupid behaviour. A person's individual way of behaving or doing something. The worship of idols. Igneous Adjective Ignominious Ignoramus Iguana Illegal Illegible Illicit Illiterate Illuminate Illusionist Illustration Illustrious Imaginary Imaginative Imbecile Imbibe Imitate Immaculate Immediate Immigrate Imminent Immunity Impalpable Impartial Impediment Impenetrable Imperceptible Imperious Impermeable Impetuous Adjective Noun Noun Adjective Adjective Adjective Adjective Verb Noun Noun Adjective Adjective Adjective Noun Verb Verb Adjective Adjective Verb Adjective Noun Adjective Adjective Noun Adjective Adjective Adjective Adjective Adjective Impetus Noun Impinge Implement Implicate Implicit Impoverished Verb Verb Verb Adjective Adjective Impresario Noun Impressionism Noun Impunity Inadvertent Inappropriate Inaugurate Inauspicious Incendiary Incessant Incinerator Inclement Inconceivable Incongruous Noun Adjective Adjective Verb Adjective Adjective Adjective Noun Adjective Adjective Adjective Produced by a volcano when hot liquid rock solidifies. Deserving public shame. An ignorant person. A large tree-climbing tropical lizard. Against the law. Impossible to read. Unlawful or unlicensed. Unable to read or write. To light something up. A conjuror. A picture in a book. Highly distinguished. Existing only in the imagination. Having or showing imagination. An idiot. To drink or absorb. To copy or mimic something. Perfectly clean, spotless. Happening or done without delay. To come to settle in a country. About to happen at any moment. Exemption from obligation or penalty. Not perceivable by touch. Not favouring one side more than the other. A hindrance. Impossible to get through. Too small or gradual to be noticed. Haughty and tyrannical. Impassable, especially to fluids. Acting hastily without thinking. The force that makes an object start and keep moving. To strike or have an impact. To perform or carry out. To involve someone else in a crime. Implied but not stated openly. Reduced to poverty. A person who organizes public entertainments. A style of painting that gives the general effect of a scene. Freedom from punishment or injury. Unintentional. Not suitable. To initiate something important. Ill-omened. Starting or designed to start a fire. Continual. A furnace for burning rubbish. Cold, wet or stormy. Not able to be imagined. Out of place or unsuitable. Incontinence Incontrovertible Inconvenient Noun Adjective Adjective Incubator Noun Indecipherable Indefensible Indelible Indestructible Indeterminate Indict Indictment Indigenous Indigestible Indignity Indiscriminate Indispensable Adjective Adjective Adjective Adjective Adjective Verb Noun Adjective Adjective Noun Adjective Adjective Indoctrinate Verb Indomitable Inebriated Information Infuriate Ingredient Adjective Adjective Noun Verb Noun Inhibition Noun Initiative Noun Innocuous Inoculate Inquisition Insatiable Insidious Insinuate Insipid Insomnia Instantaneous Instrumentalist Insuperable Intermittent Intravenous Intrigue Invertebrate Invidious Invigorate Irreproachable Irreverent Adjective Verb Noun Adjective Adjective Verb Adjective Noun Adjective Noun Adjective Adjective Adjective Verb Noun Adjective Verb Adjective Adjective Isosceles Adjective Isthmus Itinerary Noun Noun Jacuzzi Proper Noun Inability to control the bladder. Unable to be denied. Unsuitable. An apparatus for rearing babies born prematurely. Not able to be made out. Unable to be defended or justified. Impossible to rub out or remove. Unable to be destroyed. Not fixed or decided. To charge someone with a crime. A formal charge or accusation of a crime. Growing or originating in a particular country. Difficult or impossible to digest. Humiliating treatment. Showing no discrimination. Essential. To fill someone's mind with particular ideas or beliefs. Resolute and not able to be overcome. Drunk. Facts told, heard or discovered. To make someone very angry. One of the parts of a mixture. A feeling that prevents you from doing something. The ability to act without the prompting of others. Harmless. To inject or treat someone with a vaccine. A detailed questioning or investigation. Impossible to satisfy. Causing harm gradually and imperceptibly. To hint something unpleasant. Lacking flavour. Sleeplessness. Happening immediately. A person who plays a musical instrument. Unable to be overcome. Happening at intervals. Introduced into a vein. To fascinate. An animal without a backbone. Causing resentment because of unfairness. To give a person a strength or courage. Blameless or faultless. Not reverent or respectful. Said of a triangle that has two sides of equal length. A neck of land. A route to be taken on a journey. Large bath in which underwater jets of water massage the body. Jamboree Jaundice Jealous Jingoism Noun Noun Adjective Noun Journalist Noun Judicial Jugular Juvenile Juxtaposition Adjective Adjective Noun Noun Kaleidoscope Noun Karaoke Noun Kayak Knave Noun Noun Knead Verb Knowledge Noun Koala Noun Laborious Labyrinth Lachrymal Lackadaisical Lacquer Laminated Languid Adjective Noun Adjective Adjective Noun Adjective Adjective Languish Verb Laryngitis Laughter Lavatory Lepidopterous Leprechaun Noun Noun Noun Adjective Noun Liability Noun Licence Liege Lieutenant Lingerie Linguistics Liqueur Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Liquidate Verb Listening Literature Lithe Llama Loathsome Lonely Longevity Loquacious Noun and Adjective Noun Adjective Noun Adjective Adjective Noun Adjective A large party or a Scout rally. A disease in which the skin becomes yellow. Envious, or suspicious of a rival or lover. Blustering patriotism or chauvinism. A person who writes for a newspaper or magazine. To do with law courts, judges or judgements. To do with the throat or neck. Childish. The placing of things side by side. An optical instrument producing brightly coloured patterns. A form of entertainment in which songs are sung with a pre-recorded backing. A small canoe with a waterproof covering. A rogue. To press and stretch something soft, especially dough in bread-making. Information, or what is known. An Australian animal that looks like a small bear. Involving a lot of hard work. A maze. To do with tears, producing tears. Lacking energy or determination. A hard glossy varnish. Made of thin layers or sheets. Listless and lacking energy. To live in miserable conditions and become weak. Inflammation of the larynx. The act of laughing. A toilet. To do with butterflies and moths. An Irish elf. The state of being legally responsible for something. An official permit. A superior in the feudal system. An officer in the army or navy. Women's underwear. The study of languages. A strong sweet alcoholic drink. To close down a business and apportion its assets. Paying attention in order to hear something. Books and other writings, especially classics. Flexible and supple. A South American animal with woolly fur. Exciting hatred and disgust. Sad because you are on your own. Long life. Talkative. Lovely Adjective Lubrication Noun Lucid Ludicrous Luminescent Luncheon Lustre Luxuriate Lyrical Machiavellian Maelstrom Maestro Magisterial Magnanimous Magnificent Malapropism Malevolent Malign Malignant Adjective Adjective Adjective Noun Noun Verb Adjective Adjective Noun Noun Adjective Adjective Adjective Noun Adjective Adjective Adjective Malingerer Noun Management Manifesto Manipulate Noun Noun Verb Manoeuvre Noun Manse Noun Manufacture Manuscript Marauding Margarine Marquee Marriage Verb Noun Noun and Adjective Noun Noun Noun Martyr Noun Masquerade Material Noun Noun Materialism Noun Mathematics Mausoleum Maxilla Noun Noun Noun Meanwhile Adverb Measurement Mechanical Megalomania Melancholy Memorandum Mendacious Mercurial Noun Adjective Noun Noun Noun Adjective Adjective Beautiful. The application of an agent, usually an oil or grease, to diminish friction. Clear and easy to understand. Ridiculous or laughable. Giving out light. The midday meal. Gloss or sheen. To live in luxury. Like a song. Very cunning or deceitful. A great whirlpool. A master, especially in music. Masterly and authoritative. Generous and not petty-minded. Imposing or superb. A ludicrous confusion of words. Wishing harm. Harmful or showing malice. Full of malice. A person who pretends to be ill in order to avoid work. The act of managing, or the people in charge. A political party's proposals at an election. To handle something skilfully. A skilful movement, or a large-scale tactical exercise. A church minister's house, especially in Scotland. To make things, usually on a large scale. A document written or typed but not printed. Going about in search of plunder. A substitute for butter. A large tent used for parties and exhibitions. A wedding, or the state of being married. A person who is killed because of his or her beliefs. A masked ball, or a pretence. Something used for making something else. A way of life stressing the importance of material possessions. Arithmetic, algebra and geometry. A magnificent tomb. The upper jawbone. In the time between two events, or while something else is happening. The process of measuring something. To do with machines or mechanics Delusions of grandeur and lust for power. Sadness or depression. A note to remind yourself of something. Telling lies. Having a volatile or restless nature. Metabolism Noun Metamorphosis Noun Metaphor Noun Meteorite Noun Metropolis Noun Militarism Noun Millionaire Noun Minestrone Noun Miniature Minuscule Mire Misanthropist Miscellaneous Mischief Misogynist Misspell Mitigate Moderation Modern Moisture Adjective Adjective Noun Noun Adjective Noun Noun Verb Verb Noun Adjective Noun Molecule Noun Monarch Noun Monogamy Noun Monolithic Monstrosity Monumental Adjective Noun Adjective Moraine Noun Moratorium Moreover Morose Noun Adverb Adjective Mosaic Noun Mosque Motif Noun Noun Mousse Noun Mucus Noun Muffler Multifarious Munificent Murmur Noun Adjective Adjective Verb The chemical processes by which food is converted into living material or energy in a plant or animal. The radical change undergone by a caterpillar when it becomes a butterfly. The use of a word or phrase in a way that is not literal. The remains of a meteor that have landed on the earth. The capital or chief city of a country or region. Belief in the use of military power and methods. A person who has at least a million pounds. An Italian soup containing vegetables and pasta. Very small. Extremely small. A swamp, or deep mud. A hater of mankind. Mixed, or consisting of several kinds. Naughty or troublesome behaviour. A person who hates women. To spell incorrectly. To make a thing less intense or severe. Freedom from excess. Belonging to the present or recent times. Water in tiny drops in the air or on a surface. The smallest part into which a substance can be divided without changing its chemical nature. A hereditary head of state. The custom of being married to only one person at a time. Formed from a single block of stone. A monstrous thing. Very large, or built as a monument. A mass of stones and other debris carried down by a glacier. A temporary ban. Furthermore. Sour-tempered and miserable. A picture or design made from small coloured pieces of glass or stone. A building where Muslims worship. A repeated design or theme. A frothy creamy pudding flavoured with fruit or chocolate. A slimy substance produced in the body by special membranes. A warm scarf. Very varied. Extremely generous. To make a low, indistinct sound. Muscle Noun Mutation Noun Myriad Adjective Myrrh Noun Mysterious Mystify Mythology Narcissus Adjective Verb Noun Noun Nasturtium Noun Nativity Naughty Nausea Nautical Necessary Nectarine Nefarious Negotiable Noun Adjective Noun Adjective Adjective Noun Adjective Adjective A band or bundle of fibrous tissue that contracts and relaxes to produce movement in the body. A change in the form of a living creature because of changes in its genetic material. Very many, countless. A resin used in perfume, incense and medicine. Full of mystery or puzzling. To puzzle or bewilder. Myths or the study of myths. A garden flower like a daffodil. A garden plant with red, yellow or orange flowers. A birth. Badly behaved. A feeling of sickness or disgust. To do with ships or sailors. Essential. A kind of peach with a smooth skin. Wicked. Able to be changed after discussion. Neither Adjective and Pronoun Not one thing and not the other. Nepotism Noun Nervous Nervousness Neurotic Nightingale Nobility Noisome Adjective Noun Adjective Noun Noun Adjective Nominate Verb Nonchalant Nonentity Nonsense Nosegay Noticeable Notifiable Adjective Noun Noun Noun Adjective Adjective Nougat Noun Nourish Verb Novelist Novelty Nuance Nuisance Numismatics Nursery Nutrients Nutritious Nymph Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Adjective Noun Showing favouritism to relatives, especially in giving them jobs. Easily upset or agitated. Agitation or anxiety. Excessively anxious or tense. A small brown bird that sings sweetly. The aristocracy, or the state of being noble. Smelling disgusting. To propose someone in an election or for a post. Calm and casual. An unimportant person. Words that do not mean anything. A small bunch of fragrant flowers. Easily seen or noticed. Said of a disease that must reported. A chewy sweet made from nuts, sugar, honey and egg white. To keep a person or animal alive and well by means of food. A writer of fiction. Newness and originality. A slight difference in shade or meaning. An annoying person or thing. The study of coins. A place where young children are looked after. Nourishing substances. Nourishing. A young goddess living in the sea, rivers or Obedient Obeisance Obelisk Adjective Noun Noun Obituary Noun Objectionable Obligatory Oblique Adjective Adjective Adjective Obliterate Verb Oblivious Obnoxious Obsequious Observant Obsessive Obsolescent Obstreperous Adjective Adjective Adjective Adjective Adjective Adjective Adjective Occasional Adjective Occurrence Ocean Noun Noun Ocelot Noun Octogenarian Officious Ointment Omnipotent Noun Adjective Noun Adjective Onomatopoeia Noun Onslaught Noun Onyx Noun Operator Noun Opportunist Oppressive Noun Adjective Orchestrate Verb Ordination Noun Orientate Verb Orifice Original Ostrich Ought Outrageous Overwhelm Pacifist Paean Noun Adjective Noun Auxiliary Verb Adjective Verb Noun Noun Pageant Noun woods. Doing what you are told. A deep bow or curtsy showing respect. A tall pillar set up as a monument. A brief biography in a newspaper of a recently deceased person. Unpleasant or nasty. Compulsory. Slanting, or indirectly expressed. To blot out and remove all traces of something. Completely unaware of something. Very unpleasant and objectionable. Sycophantic and fawning. Quick at observing or noticing things. Compulsively preoccupied. Becoming obsolete. Noisy and unruly. Happening from time to time, but not regularly or frequently. An incident or event. A vast expanse of sea. A leopard-like animal of Central and South America. A person aged between 80 and 89. Bossy and too ready to give orders. A medicinal cream applied to the skin. All-powerful. The formation of a word in imitation of the sound of what it means. A fierce attack. A semi-precious stone with different coloured layers. A person who works something, especially a telephone switchboard. A person who is quick to seize opportunities. Harsh and tyrannical. To compose or arrange music for an orchestra. The act of being ordained. To place something or to face in a certain direction. An opening in the body. Existing from the start. A large flightless African bird. Expressing duty. Shocking or atrocious. Bury or drown beneath a huge mass. A person opposed to war. A song of praise or triumph. A play or entertainment about historical events and people. Palindrome Noun Palpitation Panacea Panache Papyrus Noun Noun Noun Noun Parachute Noun Parallel Adjective Parallelogram Noun Paraphernalia Parliament Partial Participation Passionate Patience Noun Noun Adjective Noun Adjective Noun Pattern Noun Peaceful Peccadillo Peculiar Pecuniary Adjective Noun Adjective Adjective Pedagogue Noun Pedestrian Pejorative Penalty Noun Adjective Noun Pendulum Noun Pentameter People Perambulator Perceptible Noun Noun Noun Adjective Percussion Noun Perfectionist Noun Perfidious Performance Peripheral Permanent Pernicious Perpetuity Perquisite Adjective Noun Adjective Adjective Adjective Noun Noun Personification Noun Persuade Verb Persuasion Pertinacious Pessimist Noun Adjective Noun A word or phrase that reads the same backwards as forwards. The violent and rapid beating of the heart. A cure for all diseases or troubles. Swagger or verve. A kind of paper used in Ancient Egypt. An umbrella-like device on which people can slowly descend from an aircraft. Said of lines lying side by side and always at the same distance apart. A quadrilateral with its opposite sides equal and parallel. Miscellaneous objects. The assembly that makes a country's laws. Not complete or total. Taking part in something. Full of passion. Being patient. A repeated arrangement of lines, shapes or colours. Quiet and calm. A small and unimportant fault or offence. Strange or unusual. To do with money. A teacher, especially one who teaches in a pedantic way. A walker. Disparaging or derogatory. A punishment. A weight hung so that it can swing to and fro, especially in the workings of a clock. A line of verse with five rhythmic beats. Human beings. A baby's pram. Able to be seen or noticed. The group of musical instruments played by being struck. A person who is only satisfied if something is done perfectly. Treacherous. Something done in front of an audience. Marginal, or on the edge. Lasting indefinitely. Very harmful. An indefinite period. Something extra given to a worker, a perk. Representation of a quality or idea as a person. To make someone believe or agree to something. The act of persuading. Persistent and determined. A person who expects things to turn out Pesticide Noun Pestilential Philosophical Adjective Adjective Phlegm Noun Phoenix Noun Phonetic Phosphorus Photography Adjective Noun Noun Physical Adjective Physiotherapy Noun Pirouette Noun Pistachio Noun Pizzicato Adjective and Adverb Plaque Pleasurable Noun Adjective Plenipotentiary Adjective Plethora Plough Poignant Noun Noun Adjective Poltergeist Noun Polyanthus Noun Polystyrene Noun Pomegranate Porpoise Possession Noun Noun Noun Potato Noun Potential Adjective Poultice Noun Practice Noun Preparation Noun Process Verb Professional Pronunciation Proportion Proposition Quadrilateral Adjective Noun Noun Noun Noun badly. A substance for killing harmful insects and other pests. Noxious and destructive. To do with philosophy. Thick mucus that forms in the throat when you have a bad cold. A mythical bird that was said to burn itself to death in a fire and be born again from the ashes. To do with speech sounds. A chemical substance that glows in the dark. Taking photographs. To do with the body rather than the mind or feelings. The treatment of disease or weakness by massage and exercises. In ballet, a spinning movement of the whole body while balanced on one foot. A nut with an edible green kernel. Played by plucking the strings of a musical instrument. A film of saliva and bacteria on the teeth. Giving pleasure. Having full authority to make decisions on behalf of the government. Too large a quantity of something. A farming implement for turning the soil over. Touching and painful. A ghost or spirit that throws things about noisily. A kind of cultivated primrose. A kind of plastic used for insulating or packing things. A tropical fruit with many seeds. A sea mammal similar to a dolphin. Something you own. A starchy tuber grown underground, used as a vegetable. Capable of happening or being used or developed. A soft hot dressing put on a sore or inflamed area of the skin. The professional business of a doctor or dentist. Getting something ready. To put something through a manufacturing or other process. To do with a profession. The way a word is pronounced. A part or a share of a whole thing. A suggestion or offer. A flat geometric shape with four sides. Quay Querulous Questionable Noun Adjective Adjective Questionnaire Noun Queue Noun Quotient Rakish Noun Adjective Reaction Noun Reams Plural Noun Receipt Noun Receive Verb Receiver Recipe Recipient Noun Noun Noun Recommend Verb Reconciliation Recuperate Reference Noun Verb Noun Refrigeration Noun Regurgitate Verb Rehabilitation Noun Reincarnation Noun Relief Noun Relinquish Remember Reminisce Verb Verb Verb Reprieve Noun Research Resign Noun Verb Resolution Noun Resources Plural Noun Resurrection Rhapsody Noun Noun Rhetoric Noun Rheumatism Noun Rhinoceros Noun A landing place where ships can be tied up. Complaining or peevish. Doubtful, or open to suspicion. A written set of questions asked to provide information for a survey. A line of people or vehicles waiting for something. The result of dividing one number by another. Debauched or dissolute. The action of one chemical compound on another. A large quantity of paper, especially if it has writing on. A written statement that money has been paid or something has been received. To take possession of something that is given or sent to you. A person or thing that receives something. Instructions for preparing or cooking food. A person who receives something. To promote someone or something as suitable. The restoration of friendly relations. To get better after an illness. The act of referring, or a testimonial. Making a thing extremely cold, especially in order to preserve it. To bring swallowed food back into the mouth. Restoring a person to a normal life after imprisonment or illness. Being born again into a new body. The ending or lessening of pain, trouble, boredom or stress. To give something up. To retain something in your mind. To think or talk about past experiences. Postponement or cancellation of a punishment. Careful study or investigation of something. To give up your job or position. A promise made to yourself at New Year, or a formal decision made by a committee. Reserves upon which one can draw when necessary. Coming back to life after death. An ecstatic utterance. The act of using words persuasively, especially in public speaking. A disease that causes pain and stiffness in joints and muscles. A large heavy animal with one or two horns on its nose. Rhododendron Noun Rhubarb Noun Rhythm Noun Ribald Ricochet Roughage Adjective Verb Noun Sabbatical Noun Saccharine Sacred Adjective Adjective Sacrilegious Adjective Safety Sagacious Saturday Sauce Noun Adjective Noun Noun Scenario Noun Scene Noun Scythe Secondary Separate Sequence Noun Adjective Adjective Noun Sequestrate Verb Serendipity Noun Serene Shoal Adjective Noun Shoulder Noun Shovel Shrewd Sincerely Skilful Soldier Soliloquy Sonorous Soporific Sorcerer Source Noun Adjective Adverb Adjective Noun Noun Adjective Adjective Noun Noun Sovereignty Noun Spaghetti Spasmodic Noun Adjective Spatula Noun Stationary Stationery Adjective Noun An evergreen shrub with large trumpet shaped flowers. A plant with thick reddish stalks used as fruit. A regular pattern of beats, sounds or movements. Scurrilous and irreverent. To bounce off something glancingly. Fibre in food that aids digestion. A period of leave granted to a university teacher for study or travel. Sickly sweet. Holy. Disrespectful or damaging to something people regard as sacred. The condition of being safe. Shrewd and wise. The day of the week after Friday. A liquid served with food to add flavour. A film script, or a hypothetical series of events. A subdivision of an act of a play, or a section of a film. A tool with a long curved blade for cutting grass or corn. Of lesser importance. Distinct. The following of one thing after another. To confiscate property until the owner pays a debt or obeys a court order. The faculty of making pleasant or interesting discoveries by accident. Calm and peaceful. A large number of fish swimming together. The part of the human body between the neck and the arm. A tool like a spade. Having common sense and good judgement. Truly felt or meant. Having or showing great skill. A member of an army. Talking to oneself. Giving a loud deep sound. Causing sleep or drowsiness. A wizard or magician. The starting point of a river. The power a country has to govern itself and make its own laws Pasta made in long thin strings. Scattered, or happening at irregular intervals. A tool like a knife with a broad blunt flexible blade. Not moving. Paper, envelopes and other articles used for Statistician Stomach Straight Strategy Strength Subordinate Subsidiary Subterranean Noun Noun Adjective Noun Noun Noun Adjective Adjective Success Noun Successive Succinct Supersede Adjective Adjective Verb Superstition Noun Surely Surprise Survey Adverb Noun Noun Synonym Noun Tabloid Technique Noun Noun Technology Noun Tenacious Texture Adjective Noun Thesaurus Noun Thoroughfare Noun Threw Part of a Verb Through Adjective Tomato Noun Tomorrow Noun. Tongue Noun Torrential Adjective Trajectory Noun Transmission Noun Trough Truncheon Unanimous Unfortunately Uninhabitable Veterinary Noun Noun Adjective Adverb Adjective Adjective Vicarious Adjective Vicissitude Noun writing. An expert in statistics. An important organ in the digestive system. Not crooked or curved. A plan or policy to achieve something. How strong a person or thing is. Someone of a lower rank. Less important or secondary. Underground. Doing or getting what you wanted or intended. Following one after another. Concise. Take the place of something. A belief or action that is not based on reason or evidence. Certainly or securely. Something unexpected. A general look at something. A word that means the same or almost the same as another word. A newspaper in a small format. A method of doing something skilfully. The study of machinery, engineering and how things work. Holding fast to something. The way the surface of something feels. A kind of dictionary containing words grouped according to their meaning. A public road or path that is open at both ends. Flung through the air. Said of a train going all the way to a destination. A soft round red or yellow fruit eaten as a vegetable. The day after today. The soft muscular organ that moves about inside the mouth. Pouring down violently. The path taken by a moving object such as a rocket. The act of transmitting something. A long narrow container holding food or water for animals. A short thick stick carried as a weapon. With everyone agreeing. Unluckily or regrettably. Unfit to live in. To do with the medical treatment of animals. Not experienced personally but imagined through the experience of others. A change of circumstances or fortune. Vindicate Virulent Visionary Vocabulary Volition Voluminous Vowel Wassail Wear Verb Adjective Noun Noun Noun Adjective Noun Verb Verb Weather Noun Wednesday Noun To clear someone of blame or suspicion. Strongly poisonous or harmful. A person with extremely imaginative ideas. A list of words. Using your will in choosing to do something. Bulky. Any of the letters a, e, i, o, u. To make merry with much drinking of alcohol. Have clothes on your body. The state of the atmosphere with reference to sunshine, rain, wind, etc. The day of the week following Tuesday. Weigh Verb To measure the weight of something. Weight Noun Weir Noun Weird Adjective How heavy something is. A small dam across a river or canal to control the flow of water. Very strange or uncanny. Where Adverb & Conjunction In, at or to what place. Whether Whinny Conjunction Verb Whistle Verb Wholly Adverb Wicker Noun Winsome Women Wrangle Wriggle Wrinkle Writhe Adjective Plural Noun Verb Verb Noun Verb Yawn Verb Yearling Yeoman Yield Noun Noun Noun Yoke Noun Yolk Youthfulness Zany Zealot Zephyr Noun Noun Adjective Noun Noun Zodiac Noun Zoology Noun If. To neigh. To make a shrill or musical sound by blowing through your lips. Completely or entirely. Thin canes or osiers woven together to make baskets or furniture. Charming and attractive. Grown up female human beings. To have a noisy argument or quarrel. To twist to and fro. A small furrow or ridge in fabric or in the skin. To twist your body in pain. To open the mouth wide from drowsiness or fatigue. An animal between one and two years old. A small farmer. The amount produced. A curved piece of wood put across the necks of animals pulling a cart or plough. The yellow part of an egg. Being young. Crazily funny. A fanatic. A soft gentle wind. The imaginary band in the sky through which the sun, moon and planets appear to move. The scientific study of animals.