CPSY 594-115 Substance Abuse - Texas A&M University

Texas A&M University Central Texas
Department of Psychology and Counseling
CPSY 594-115 Substance Abuse
Fall 2014
In Course: CPSY 594-115 Substance Abuse
Instructor: Mee-Gaik Lim, Ph.D
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00-2:00pm
Term Dates: Aug 25-Oct 17
Class Times: Online
Mode of instruction and course access:
This course will be conducted using a variety of instructional methods and learning activities,
including but not limited to discussion boards, exams, written activities, assigned readings,
online activities, and virtual lectures.
This course is a 100% online course and uses TAMUCT/Tarleton State University’s Blackboard
system (http://tamuct.blackboard.com). You will use your University ID (UID) and the 6-digit
University PIN to logon to this system.
Student-instructor interaction:
I generally log into Blackboard daily from Monday to Friday to respond to your posts. Feel free
to ask class related questions via the courseroom email or you can reach me at
meegaik.lim@park.edu or by phone 830.620.7142.
Check the course website at least four times per week. Students are expected to spend 6-8 hours
per week for successful completion of course requirements.
UNILERT. Emergency Warning System for Texas A&M University – Central Texas
UNILERT is an emergency notification service that gives Texas A&M University-Central
Texas the ability to communicate health and safety emergency information quickly via email,
text message, and social media. All students are automatically enrolled in UNILERT through
their myCT email account. Connect at www.TAMUCT.edu/UNILERT to change where you
receive your alerts or to opt out. By staying enrolled in UNILERT, university officials can
quickly pass on safety-related information, regardless of your location.
Course Overview and description: This course will focus on the theory and
practice of addiction treatment. The course content requires a basic knowledge of
substance abuse etiology and an understanding of counseling theories. The course will be
taught face to face and is to be experientially based.
Course Objective:
2.1 Student Learning Outcomes; on completion of the course students will,
Understand the addiction process,
Understand the effect of substance on the individual,
Understand the basic approaches to addiction treatment,
Be familiar with current issues in addiction treatment,
Understand the relationship between therapy and support groups,
Be familiar with professional literature in the addiction field,
Understand how 12 step programs can supplement or interfere with therapy.
2.2 Competency Goals Statements (certification or standards):
At the conclusion of the course, students will have been exposed to areas in the field of
addiction treatment to be covered on the Licensed Professional Counselor Exam.
Required Reading and Textbook(s):
Parkinson, Robert. R., (2012), Chemical Dependency Counseling: A Practical Guide, (4th
Ed), Sage Publications, ISBN 978-1-41297921-4.
Course Requirements:
Online Discussions (20 pts each wk; 120 pts total)
Students will complete online discussions each week. Students are expected to check the online
class at least three to four times each week and complete weekly assignments. This averages out
to be about 8-10 hrs per week of online activities, navigating and conducting research over the
web. All initial posts have to be submitted by noon each Friday and responses to other students
be submitted by noon each Sunday.
Note: Students will receive 7 pts for their initial response and 3 pts for responding to another
student (10 pts). There will be two weekly discussion posts and students can accumulate a total
of 20 pts each week.
Recovery Meeting (50 points)
Attend one AA or NA or ACOA or ALANON or Gamblers Anonymous or Overeaters
Anonymous meeting and write a detailed report on observations, thoughts, and feelings of
the meeting.
Abstinence Experience (50 points)
Think about an activity that you enjoy or engage in frequently and commit to discontinuing this
activity for the entire semester. Write a two-page paper reflecting your experience and what you
learned from this exercise.
Movie Review (50 points)
Watch a video that is directly related to material presented in class (ie. Traffic, 28 Days, When a
Man Loves a Woman, Clean and Sober, Basketball Diaries, Playing God, Girl Interrupted,
Philadelphia, etc.). Thereafter, write a two- to three-page paper reflecting on the content of the
video and what you learned from this movie as it relates to the impact of substance abuse on:
Emotional growth
Couple and Family Interaction
Job Performance
Social Relationships
Power Point or Prezi Presentation (50 points)
Select a topic of interest from the list below. Put together a power point or Prezi presentation that
will help educate a community group or non-profit organization or high school students on the
selected topic. Ensure that there are at least 15 slides in the power point. Remember to give
credit to sources used.
(Note: You are not required to present the ppt to any group unless you want to do so)
Topic List: (addictions include: substance, foods, sex, shopping, etc)
Building blocks to healthy addictions recovery
Raising socially responsible teens
Empowering vs enabling
ABCs to effectively handle self-regulation of emotions
Relapse prevention strategies
Effective ways to handle pressure to substance use during adolescent years
Self-care in recovery
Family and recovery
Healthy spiritual practices in recovery
Creating a healthy substance-free workplace
Grading Criteria Rubric and Conversion:
Weekly online discussion board assignments
100 pts
Recovery Meeting
50 pts
Abstinence experience
50 pts
Movie review
50 pts
Community Education Power Point
100 pts
350 pts
A = 315-350 = 90-100 pts
B = 280-314 = 80-89 pts
C = 245-279 = 70-79 pts
D = 244 and below
Poor (0-80)
Good (80-90)
Excellent (90-100)
Presentation of the
Structuring of text;
Follows requirements
of length, font and
Fails to follow
requirements related
to format and layout.
Somewhat follows the
requirements related
to format and layout.
Some requirements
are not followed.
Closely follows all the
requirements related
to format and layout.
All elements of the
topics are addressed.
The essay is not
objective and fails to
address the issues
The essay is objective
and for the most part
addresses with an in
The essay is objective
and addresses an indepth analysis of all
referred in the
proposed topic.
Information provided
is not sufficient to
discuss these issues.
Quality of Writing
Clarity of sentences
and paragraphs;
Accurate spelling and
Logical and coherent
flow of ideas.
References and use
of references
Scholarly level of
Effective use of
references and/or
correctly cited
according to
APA format.
depth analysis most of
the issues referred in
the proposed topic.
The provided
information is, for the
most part, sufficient to
discuss these issues.
The essay is not well
The essay is well
written, and contains
written for the most
many spelling errors
part, with minimal
and/or grammar
spelling and/or
errors. Essay lacks
grammar errors. Essay
organization, clarity,
is somewhat
and ideas are not
organized, clear and
presented in a
ideas are presented in
coherent manner.
a coherent manner.
Fails to use scholarly
Most of the references
references. References used are scholarly
are not effectively
references. Most of
used and/or correctly
the references are
cited according to
effectively used
APA format.
and/or correctly cited
according to APA
the issues.
Information provided
is sufficient to discuss
these issues.
The essay is well
written without
spelling and/or
grammar errors. The
essay is well
organized, clear and
ideas are presented in
a coherent manner.
All the references
used are scholarly
references. All the
references are
effectively used
and/or correctly cited
according to APA
6.0 Posting of Grades:
Grade book will be updated each Monday morning. Grades for weekly assignments and papers
will be posted the Monday following the due date
7.0 Technology Requirements
The course will be taught as an online course, using Blackboard learning management system
(http://tamuct.blackboard.com) as the main delivery technology and Centra
(http://www.ct.tamus.edu/centra) webconferencing software for the synchronous sessions
(e.g. virtual office hours) if/when needed.
7.1 Technology Support
For technology issues, students should contact Help Desk Central. 24 hours a day, 7 days a
Email: helpdesk@tamu.edu
Phone: (254) 519-5466
Web Chat: http://hdc.tamu.edu
When calling for support please let your support technician know you are a TAMUCT student.
For issues related to course content and requirements, contact your instructor.
8.0 Course Outline
Content Discussions
Assignments Due
1 Aug 25-31
Ch 1 The First Contact
Ch 2 The Drugs
2 Sept 1-7
Ch 3 The First Hours of Treatment
Ch 4 The Biopsychosocial Interview
3 Sept 8-14
Ch 5 The Treatment Plan
Ch 15 The Discharge Summary and Continuing
Recovery Meeting
4 Sept 15-21
Ch 6 Individual Treatment
Ch 7 Group Therapy
Abstinence Experience
5 Sept 22-28
Ch 8 Recovery Skills
Ch 9 The Steps
6 Sept 29-Oct 5
Movie Review
7 Oct 6-12
Ch 13 The Family Program
Ch 14 The Clinical Staff
Ch 16 The Good Counselor
8 Oct 13-17
Community Education Power Point or Prezi
Movie Review
PPT or Prezi
Drop Policy
If you discover that you need to drop this class, you must go to the Records Office
and ask for the necessary paperwork. Professors cannot drop students; this is
always the responsibility of the student. The record’s office will provide a deadline
for which the form must be returned, completed and signed. Once you return the
signed form to the records office and wait 24 hours, you must go into Duck Trax and
confirm that you are no longer enrolled. Should you still be enrolled, FOLLOW-UP
with the records office immediately? You are to attend class until the procedure is
complete to avoid penalty for absence. Should you miss the deadline or fail to follow
the procedure, you will receive an F in the course.
10.0 Academic Integrity
Texas A&M University - Central Texas expects all students to maintain high
standards of honor in personal and scholarly conduct. Any deviation from this
expectation may result in a minimum of a failing grade for the assignment and
potentially a failing grade for the course. All academic dishonesty concerns will be
reported to the university's Office of Student Conduct. Academic dishonesty
includes, but is not limited to, cheating on an examination or other academic work,
plagiarism and improper citation of sources, using another student's work,
collusion, and the abuse of resource materials. When in doubt on collaboration,
citation, or any issue, please contact me before taking a course of action. More
information can be found at
11.0Disability Support Services
If you have or believe you have a disability and wish to self-identify, you can do so by
providing documentation to the Disability Support Coordinator. Students are
encouraged to seek information about accommodations to help assure success in
their courses. Please call (254) 501-5831 or visit Founder's Hall 114, Suite 114.
Additional information can be found at
12.0 Tutoring
Tutoring is available to all TAMUCT students, both on-campus and online. Subjects
tutored include Accounting, Finance, Statistics, Mathematics, and Writing. Tutors are
available at the Tutoring Center in Warrior Hall, Room 111. Visit
www.ct.tamus.edu/AcademicSupport and click "Tutoring Support" for tutor
schedules and contact info. If you have questions, need to schedule a tutoring
session, or if you're interested in becoming a tutor, contact Academic Support
Programs at 254-501-5830 or by emailing tutoring@ct.tamus.edu.
Chat live with a tutor 24/7 for almost any subject on your computer! Tutor.com is
an online tutoring platform that enables TAMU-CT students to log-in and receive
FREE online tutoring and writing support. This tool provides tutoring in
Mathematics, Writing, Career Writing, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Spanish,
Calculus, and Statistics. To access Tutor.com, log into your Blackboard account and
click "Online Tutoring."
13.0 Library Services
INFORMATION LITERACY focuses on research skills which prepare individuals to
live and work in an information-centered society. Librarians will work with
students in the development of critical reasoning, ethical use of information, and the
appropriate use of secondary research techniques. Help may include, yet is not
limited to: exploration of information resources such as library collections and
services, identification of subject databases and scholarly journals, and execution of
effective search strategies. Library Resources are outlined and accessed at.
1. Students are expected to check the online class at least 4 times each week and
complete weekly assignments. Be sure to POST YOUR RESPONSES BY NOON OF
2. Students are to complete 6-8 hrs per week of online activities, including posting
responses, sending/receiving email and navigating and conducting research over the web.
3. Student participation is critical to the success of this class. To be a successful online
student, you must be highly self-motivated. You will be graded on your meaningful
contributions to the discussion boards. The discussion board is where you and the
instructor make the class come alive, so be sure to participate early and often. . Simply “I
agree” or “I disagree” is not meaningful. Be sure to carefully read and follow the
instructions posted with each discussion. These will relate to the textbook that you will
be reading.
4. Do check your grades regularly to track your progress in class.
5. Conventions of "on-line etiquette" which include courtesy to all users will be observed.
15.0 The Operation of the Online Course and Being an Online Student
Online learning requires students to be very self-disciplined, be sure you understand and
are prepared to comply with all required class assignments and deadlines. Weekly
Discussions runs from Monday morning through Sunday midnight.
Graduation Application Deadline for Summer 2014 (Degree Only): August 7, 2014
Graduation Application Deadline for Fall 2014 (Commencement Participation): June
27, 2014